Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

It translates into...

There is only one key to that lock. Only one person has the key.


Awwwww :wub:

I just had this visual of Cinderella in my head, only instead of the glass slipper that fits I could just see females lining up for miles to see if they have the key that fits the lock.....:swoon: LOL :lol:
Well... couldn't they just take his shirt off? :ninja: Maybe the certain special one would do that instead of jabbing a key into a shirt..LOL.
Well... couldn't they just take his shirt off? :ninja: Maybe the certain special one would do that instead of jabbing a key into a shirt..LOL.

probably :lol:
I love these metaphors though!

bleh.. I'm going to bed.. my brain needs to SLEEP!
godnight folks :baby:
So ... do you think ... MJ ... blames his "lady friend" for them being apart for so long? In other words, do you get the sense that he thinks it's somehow her fault?:(

But if his lady friend is truly a shy person, it isn't her fault! She just didn't know what to do....and still doesn't. Could you imagine, being placed in that position of having one of the most famous musical entertainers in the world interested in you romantically?? Wow. Think about it...could you imagine, being sung to and serenaded by Michael Jackson?
But if his lady friend is truly a shy person, it isn't her fault! She just didn't know what to do....and still doesn't. Could you imagine, being placed in that position of having one of the most famous musical entertainers in the world interested in you romantically?? Wow. Think about it...could you imagine, being sung to and serenaded by Michael Jackson?

Yes, and in addition to that, adverse circumstances can also keep two people apart.
^ interesting ... maybe that is the main problem for "her" :yes: - Linda, what you said makes sense too (and thanks for busting me out btw ! I was trying to be all discreet LOL!!! j/k of course lol thanks for makiing the corrections ... google lyrics 'bug' me sometimes 'cause they're so often wrong)
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I don't think he would blame her but perhaps...maybe.. well..a thought came to mind about it. If they aren't physically together, then maybe he was waiting for what felt like the right time. Maybe he felt that when things came between them getting together that it was Gods plan and he'd bring them together when the time was right, but maybe, like what had been said earlier on about the devil coming in the way of any plan of God's, maybe each time they were to be together, something got in their way and tried to stop that from happening. (I don't know..I should be asleep so I'm just saying things that probably sound pretty out there and fairy talish. Magical thinking.) Maybe he finally sees that it's possibly not always God who comes between them. The thing is, God makes all things work to the good of those who love him right? So even if the devil were trying to get in their way and the way of God's plan, it can still work to the best because of this promise He's given us.

Alright, night night. Sleep well everyone. Was just a thought that I thought I'd share.
Yes, and in addition to that, adverse circumstances can also keep two people apart.

:scratch: Hmmm... "adverse conditions can also keep two separate people?" I do not see that. If there is true love, pure and honest between the two that go beyond any barrier that arises in the path. But it is God who causes everything in our life, if they are not together physically is that God sees that it is not the right time for that to happen. In life everything has time and time to happen. Remember: everything is the hand of God. "He" is that guide everything in our lives for more than try to follow other paths and change the course of things. God is always in control. :yes:​
I think if he truly loves her, he'd understand her shyness. Especially being who he is....that and the pure fact that it may be geographically impossible for them to be together right now..
I think if he truly loves her, he'd understand her shyness. Especially being who he is....that and the pure fact that it may be geographically impossible for them to be together right now..

You're right, she has every reason to be shy. In love with Michael Jackson? How so? lol! She should ask if the time for the simple fact that Michael is a celebrity. But do not worry. All love stories have a happy end of the Michael and will not be different. I have no doubt that God will help his push for this great meeting Michael with his beloved mysterious. lol! :yes::D
You're right, she has every reason to be shy. In love with Michael Jackson? How so? lol! She should ask if the time for the simple fact that Michael is a celebrity. But do not worry. All love stories have a happy end of the Michael and will not be different. I have no doubt that God will help his push for this great meeting Michael with his beloved mysterious. lol! :yes::D

Also, if she ever told anyone, who would believe her? But then again, they are both spiritually and physically in tune with each other...in another dimension altogether...so she knew it was him from the start...unlike the fairy tale mentioned previously...he could have tried to use a disguise, but deep down, she knew it was him..
The clouds parted, the sun shone through when they found each other....each one dreaming of the other for so long...that when it actually happened, both couldn't believe it...

Also, if she ever told anyone, who would believe her? But then again, they are both spiritually and physically in tune with each other...in another dimension altogether...so she knew it was him from the start...unlike the fairy tale mentioned previously...he could have tried to use a disguise, but deep down, she knew it was him..

Yes, I also believe that nobody in it, but I think this was kept secret to preserve that great love, because only then it could work. And as you said they are connected physically and spiritually in tune so strong. I think the "love mystery" would be a sort of female version of Michael Jackson. A person who thinks and feels things as him so I think they are intensely connected to each other, to realize that love is only missing the great meeting of these two hearts.​

Wow! :wild: I think I traveled a lot in the words. Sorry! Hey, this topic is very romantic.... :yes: So just have to say that love is in the air! lol! :wub: :D

Linda thanks for the video, which was missing to make this topic even more romantic. lol! :wub:​
I just can't imagine MJ blaming the girl for her shyness. He wouldn't be like that, would he...he being one who can be shy himself?

But maybe he is blaming her for the barrier. It makes me think of the little "B" verse tucked away in the middle of the song, "This Is It," which goes like this,

No one can tell you what you know
Who makes the choice of how it goes
It's not up to me this time

Maybe in his mind he thinks the ball is in her court.

Maybe she doesn't exactly see it that way.

Hmmm. Impasse?

Takes us right back to God. Circumstances in life usually do. Especially adverse circumstances.

And maybe she's afraid...afraid of letting him into her heart, cause it's been broken before....
I don't think he would blame her but perhaps...maybe.. well..a thought came to mind about it. If they aren't physically together, then maybe he was waiting for what felt like the right time. Maybe he felt that when things came between them getting together that it was Gods plan and he'd bring them together when the time was right, but maybe, like what had been said earlier on about the devil coming in the way of any plan of God's, maybe each time they were to be together, something got in their way and tried to stop that from happening. (I don't know..I should be asleep so I'm just saying things that probably sound pretty out there and fairy talish. Magical thinking.) Maybe he finally sees that it's possibly not always God who comes between them. The thing is, God makes all things work to the good of those who love him right? So even if the devil were trying to get in their way and the way of God's plan, it can still work to the best because of this promise He's given us.

Hey, Ape, you posted this before I got a chance to add something to my previous post that I forgot to add. I was going to add that along with "circumstances" (on both sides), I think it is also about timing - God's perfect timing. "She" may have even been thinking this way. She may have figured that if they were really meant to be together like she suspected in her heart, then God would bring them together and in His own time. She may have thought letting it happen this way would confirm her feelings to be true rather than trying to "force" something to happen that she was unsure was even supposed to happen. She may have needed this confirmation of her feelings.

Even though we all have our own time table for things to happen in our lives, I think we forget that God has His own time table and ours may not always coincide with His. However, He knows things that we don't and there are reasons for everything He does and He may not do things early, or when we want Him to, but He is never late either. He is always right on time. His timing for things in our lives is always perfect.

(I was gonna add this the other night, and I know some of you have already talked about timing, but I guess that just "confirms" that I was supposed to write about it!)

p.s. Sorry for taking this thread in a "spiritual" direction once again, but as you all probably already know, when the "Spirit" hits you, you gotta go with Him, lol!
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Hey, Ape, you posted this before I got a chance to add something to my previous post that I forgot to add. I was going to add that along with "circumstances" I think it is also about timing - God's perfect timing. Even though we all have our own time table for things to happen in our lives, I think we forget that God has His own time table and ours may not always coincide with His. However, He knows things that we don't and there are reasons for everything He does and He may not do things early, or when we want Him to, but He is never late either. He is always right on time. His timing for things in our lives is always perfect.

I was gonna add this the other night, but I think you said it all better than I would've, lol!

p.s. Sorry for taking this thread in a "spiritual" direction once again, but as you all probably already know, when the "Spirit" hits you, you gotta go with Him, lol!

Whenever you talk about Michael, you need to talk spiritually. The man is a gift from God.
oh maan, you all's thoughts have really got my wheels turning, the only problem - I feel another 'book' coming on lol and OMG I have said no more posts too darn long to read, but wow what thoughts are stimulated.

queen_g, the This is It song?? Did I miss something? :doh:

Michael did a This is It song :unsure: where is it?

(everybody knows about his but me? :unsure: )

*goes off to find a way to come back and be concise*

EDIT - I will say this about the last comments though. Anyone can be afraid of anything at any time, however, "perfect love casts fear out". If there is fear it would have to be of something that has nothing to do with "her" love of Michael. I just wanted to say that because fear and love do not co-exist.

If there is something she may be afraid of ... its not love ... and its not Michael.
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oh brutherrr :giggle:

well thanks for clearing that up

*also All, see my edit to my post above*
oh maan, you all's thoughts have really got my wheels turning, the only problem - I feel another 'book' coming on lol and OMG I have said no more posts too darn long to read, but wow what thoughts are stimulated.

queen_g, the This is It song?? Did I miss something? :doh:

Michael did a This is It song :unsure: where is it?

(everybody knows about his but me? :unsure: )

*goes off to find a way to come back and be concise*

EDIT - I will say this about the last comments though. Anyone can be afraid of anything at any time, however, "perfect love casts fear out". If there is fear it would have to be of something that has nothing to do with "her" love of Michael. I just wanted to say that because fear and love do not co-exist.

If there is something she may be afraid of ... its not love ... and its not Michael.

It may be fear of God Himself. It may be that she gave her vows to another, but all the while loving Michael...and if God ever found out, He would incur His wrath on her for being unfaithful...
But... we have choice right? God has his perfect timing, but we also have choice so we can get in the way if we aren't trusting God. That's how I always saw it. The devil tries to tempt us away or distract, and if we let ourselves get distracted from God's plan for each of us, then we can end up postponing things right? Didn't something about Moses postpone them from finding the promised land or am I getting messed up?

So it is in God's hands when we place our lives in His hands. But if we go off on a tangent, then we can't blame God for that. He'd always make things right, once we are back to his path, but if we go against him, he won't force us into his will.

That's what I was getting at.

BTW, how did we come to the conclusion that they are not together?

(I was wondering about "this is it" too? I heard MJ wrote a song titled that, but didn't know that the lyrics were out for it)
But... we have choice right? God has his perfect timing, but we also have choice so we can get in the way if we aren't trusting God. That's how I always saw it. The devil tries to tempt us away or distract, and if we let ourselves get distracted from God's plan for each of us, then we can end up postponing things right? Didn't something about Moses postpone them from finding the promised land or am I getting messed up?

So it is in God's hands when we place our lives in His hands. But if we go off on a tangent, then we can't blame God for that. He'd always make things right, once we are back to his path, but if we go against him, he won't force us into his will.

That's what I was getting at.

Yes, funny you wrote this. I was just thinking that what I wrote was probably kind of confusing, but this is what I meant when I said I believe it's a combination of both circumstances and God's timing.

I think God looks at all circumstances involved like people's mistakes, the devil's attacks, etc. and tabulates a timing taking all of these things into consideration, because like you said, we do have a free will and we are going to use it sometimes and make mistakes with it and everything, and the people around us are going to make mistakes, and the devil's gonna get in there somewhere, and then there are the things that happen to us for no other reason than just because we live in an imperfect world, etc. I think God allows these things to happen - including our mistakes, because He thinks these experiences will make us better people somehow, but all these experiences take time to get through and then when we place it in His hands He has to "clean house" so to speak, and when two people are involved, He's gotta clean his house and He's gotta clean her house and this also takes more time and He's gotta take all these things into consideration when coming up with His "perfect" time.

Whew! It could take two people a while to come together, even though I'm sure they would not want to wait any time at all, but God wants things to be perfect.
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MP, I'm glad someone likes books LOL ... because I'm working on abbreviating these thoughts as best I can! and its so not easy! lol

It may be fear of God Himself. It may be that she gave her vows to another, but all the while loving Michael...and if God ever found out, He would incur His wrath on her for being unfaithful...
hmm ... I don't know if you're serious, and I don't mean to be too serious and I realize this won't be a popular thought as there are many married women who are attracted to MJ but I do not believe anyone who is spiritually in alignment with God's purpose would be in this type of predicament. "Fear of God" is a "fear" that causes people to love, honor and cherish and at the very least, keep His commandments, especially the one of "adultery" because his law about adultery is the one thing that serves God's purpose of keeping the "bride", the "church", pure of spot or blemish, which is the analogy I feel God uses for adultery, eg., he says if you even look at a person with adultery in one's heart, one has committed adultery - why - because it is just that serious to God that his "bride" (the church) is without even a "hint of sexual sin" within it

:giggle: Sorry to be getting all serious its just that the equation of fear + God is the same as the equation of fear + Love. It does not "compute' imho.

I feel that a married woman attracted to anyone, imho would have to test her feelings for any man after she is no longer married - not 'while' she is - otherwise things are out of "divine order" and doomed for lack of "fear" of God imho

"Love Never Fails"

*goes to work on making book one chapter instead of 10* lol bbl