Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

^ Yes, you are right. I guess there really are two MJ's in that sense - one in the public eye and one in private. Maybe that's what I was picking up on after all. Well, I hope one day he finds all that he is looking for.

I think that is probably exactly the reason why it seems like it's "two different people" sometimes. Michael lives his WHOLE life in the public eye. His private AND his professional life...where as a normal person just goes to work and has their "professional persona" seen there and those at work won't see the private person (unless they are friends and interact with that person during their private time as well). Everyone has the mature "I mean business" side in them as adults and then the relaxed "I just wanna have fun" side. But it's just that MJ can't get away from the public eye, so all those "personas" every human being has...will be seen in the public eye with MJ.

I knew there was a post waaaaayyyyy back that I wanted to respond to :lol:

I think we can love many things/people for various reasons, I know I do, but I do agree with the words "I love you" being used very randomly by many people. Seemingly it appears to me out of neediness. Especially in the context of romance and intimate relationships. It's as if the true intimacy meaning of the words "I love you" have become nonexistant at times.

Yeah, people say "I love you" a lot without really meaning it. Or...let me refrase it...without meaning it the way those three words would deserve to be meant. I know I am "guilty" of saying "I love you" pretty loosely too. But it is usually clear from the context that I don't mean "I LOOOOVE YOU!!!". I say "I love ya "to friends sometimes, and it just means I care about them AS FRIENDS. But anyways...BECAUSE people use it like that...my first reaction would be "he means it AS FRIENDS"....because it has happened to me before...I thought he meant more when he said "i love you"...and he just meant he cares about me AS A FRIEND....So that's why if that were ever to happen again I'd be like "Be specific". -_- :lol:

I dunno about you MP - but If I ever caught MJ casually strolling down the street, hand in hand with his family to buy OUST, I think I'd lose it. Big time.

LINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: Girl, you're too much!!! You ALWAYS crack me up!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I think that is probably exactly the reason why it seems like it's "two different people" sometimes. Michael lives his WHOLE life in the public eye. His private AND his professional life...where as a normal person just goes to work and has their "professional persona" seen there and those at work won't see the private person (unless they are friends and interact with that person during their private time as well). Everyone has the mature "I mean business" side in them as adults and then the relaxed "I just wanna have fun" side. But it's just that MJ can't get away from the public eye, so all those "personas" every human being has...will be seen in the public eye with MJ.

Yeah, people say "I love you" a lot without really meaning it. Or...let me refrase it...without meaning it the way those three words would deserve to be meant. I know I am "guilty" of saying "I love you" pretty loosely too. But it is usually clear from the context that I don't mean "I LOOOOVE YOU!!!". I say "I love ya "to friends sometimes, and it just means I care about them AS FRIENDS. But anyways...BECAUSE people use it like that...my first reaction would be "he means it AS FRIENDS"....because it has happened to me before...I thought he meant more when he said "i love you"...and he just meant he cares about me AS A FRIEND....So that's why if that were ever to happen again I'd be like "Be specific". -_- :lol:

LINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: Girl, you're too much!!! You ALWAYS crack me up!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Do you think MJ ever let one rip?? I mean, really let one loose, like in a 5.0 on the Richter scale??
I also wanted to know if he had professional skid-mark-on-the-underwear handlers too..you know, when you do your husbands laundry for him, and you have to pick up the underwear with forceps? I think I got too much time on my hands...either that or I've been working as a nurses aide for too long already....had enough crap to deal with on a day to day basis...lol
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It's funny that the question about if MJ could end up with a fan came up today as I was watching a biography about the Coreys today in which one of them actually admitted that his wife was a fan when she first met him. So yes, it's possible.

I think anything is possible and MOST people in this world are "fans" of MJ anyways...If not die-hard fans who know everything about his every move, at least fans of his music. Even most of the haters can't deny loving his music. I just think if he were to get involved with a fan, they would both need to work extra hard on the whole thing. Why? Because a lot of fans LOVE Michael without knowing him. They have their own ideas of what he must be like and they love him because he is "perfect" in their mind because he fits their idea of a "perfect man". And all that simply because they just THINK they know what he is like and who he is...when they in reality don't. I guess same would go with MJ's idea of a fan....He may see some fan and think she's cute and sweet and all that...but he doesn't know the fan in reality. So if MJ had a crush on some fan, they'd really need to spend a LOT of time just getting to know each other before it going anywhere near a relationship. Because the fan would already be "in love" with MJ because of her IDEA of MJ...so she'd think she's in love already...but then with time...when she'd get to know MJ and what he is like....what if she'd realize they have nothing in common in reality? Or that he drives her crazy? Or there is no chemistry after all? Or there'd be some other qualities she could absolutely not deal with? And same with MJ. He could think the fan is so sweet and cute in the beginning, but what if he could never talk to her because she wouldn't understand him? I guess it's the same thing as when people who have a crush on each other move too fast. You may have a crush on someone and then have some fabulous idea of who they are, but then with time, when you get to know them, you realize it won't work. Anyone know what I mean? Then again, who's to say it wouldn't work? It could. But they'd both need to be careful and allow time to get to know each other, I guess? Just like in any relationship.
Summer you seem to be saying will all dimensions come together to match the "psychic connection" that is the theme of this thread, and I feel that if they are both equally open people, realizing going in, that they don't know eachother in the physical sense (eg., his song says, "it doesn't matter how you touch etc. and I'd imagine "she" may feel the same) but two people have to be open to realizing there's much to discover .. and personally, if I were "her", I'd go into it expecting the absolute worse surprises I could imagine so that way there would be few as possible unpleasant surprises and I would feel he ought to do the same because if you overmanage your expectations you at least can probably still have a quality friendship, if that's what its meant to be on any level that is, I mean whether "romantic" or "forever" or whatever. Plenty of people meet over the phone, over the internet, and different ways so I would think it would be a similiar process...sort of.

For some reason I get the feeling the most unpleasant possible "surprise" might be the numbers of people around him (especially females) who on a very internal level, could maybe have been working their own agenda for a long time...I mean if the "house cleaning" has been so obvious to the public over the years involving people the public can see, there seems to me to be just no telling how many people are pulling at him in a more immediately proximate sense. Maybe its just my own concept or over-active imagination at work.

oh - about famous couples as MP had brought up before ..I was thinking of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith. I hope they will last like another great couple in the spotlight - Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.
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Summer you seem to be saying will all dimensions come together to match the "psychic connection" that is the theme of this thread, and I feel that if they are both equally open people, realizing going in, that they don't know eachother in the physical sense (eg., his song says, "it doesn't matter how you touch etc. and I'd imagine "she" may feel the same) but two people have to be open to realizing there's much to discover .. and personally, if I were "her", I'd go into it expecting the absolute worse surprises I could imagine so that way there would be few as possible unpleasant surprises and I would feel he ought to do the same because if you overmanage your expectations you at least can probably still be friends, if that's what its meant to be on any level that is, I mean whether "romantic" or "forever" or whatever.

For some reason I get the feeling the most unpleasant possible "surprise" might be the numbers of people around him (especially) females who on a very internal level, have been working their own agenda for a long time...I mean if the "house cleaning" has been so obvious to the public over the years involving people the public can see, there seems to me to be just no telling how many people are pulling at him in a more immediately proximate sense. Maybe its just my own concept or over-active imagination at work.

oh - about famous couples as MP had brought up before ..I was thinking of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett. I hope they will last like another great couple in the spotlight - Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.

Yeah, both males and females alike...all with their agendas. Who would most likely try to come to her as a way to get to Michael. You know, try to convince her of some idea so that she'd sell it to MJ. Like people have done with Katherine. Bet there are a lot of people like that. Or females who wanna be "MJ's girl" themselves...doing whatever they can to get rid of her. Can't imagine it all being easy. Who to trust?

Will Smith and Jada have an open relationship. They are free to see others. At least that's what they said in one interview. Great if it works for them. I guess everyone has to figure out what's right for them. I personally could never do the "open relationship" thing, but like I said...to each their own. Everyone's gotta figure out what's right for them. What's right for me may not be right for someone else.
Yeah, both males and females alike...all with their agendas. Who would most likely try to come to her as a way to get to Michael. You know, try to convince her of some idea so that she'd sell it to MJ. Like people have done with Katherine. Bet there are a lot of people like that. Or females who wanna be "MJ's girl" themselves...doing whatever they can to get rid of her. Can't imagine it all being easy. Who to trust?

Will Smith and Jada have an open relationship. They are free to see others. At least that's what they said in one interview. Great if it works for them. I guess everyone has to figure out what's right for them. I personally could never do the "open relationship" thing, but like I said...to each their own. Everyone's gotta figure out what's right for them. What's right for me may not be right for someone else.
Wow, I'm really surprised by that. hmm.

Yes, it might would be that way you described for "her" (or "whomever") indeed. I'm feeling that right now I wonder who-all isn't "pulling" at him this way that way.

I think of that song Streetwalker where he's wishing he could expose this person who's the subject of the song to so many things and how it shows that he wanted to share his life and success with someone he seemed to feel at the time, would appreciate it. That's why its so touching to me. Then when I think of that lyric in another song in which he says, "I thought she had to have it, since the first time she came" - it makes me feel that he may be a very accomodating person .. such as maybe trying to be "all things to all people" - all people who want "it" - lol - I guess that's why I'm feeling he may be so vulverable to "reaching", "scheming" females ... his nature may well be to "please" not necessarily in the most personal 'intimate' sense, but in the sense that his life may have "groomed" him emotionally to not ever feel he is letting anyone down ... and it scares the shhhti out of me (for him) to imagine how many people (I'll say again, especially females) could "use" that against him in favor of getting anything they "want". Again...lol maybe just my 'magination runnin' away with me ... as for "her" (I guess I'll toss in, "if there is a "her") ... I get a visual of these "scheming females" who have had "entree" into his life for a long time, coming to "her" and looking at her like she's something they'd very much like to see hanging upside down in a butcher shop.
eww SOS, that's an awful visual :( .

I had more to say about it but I'm afraid it seems to be coming across wrong so I may leave it till later.
Wow, I'm really surprised by that. hmm.

Yes, it might would be that way you described for "her" (or "whomever") indeed. I'm feeling that right now I wonder who-all isn't "pulling" at him this way that way.

I think of that song Streetwalker where he's wishing he could expose this person who's the subject of the song to so many things and how it shows that he wanted to share his life and success with someone he seemed to feel at the time, would appreciate it. That's why its so touching to me. Then when I think of that lyric in another song in which he says, "I thought she had to have it, since the first time she came" - it makes me feel that he may be a very accomodating person .. such as maybe trying to be "all things to all people" - all people who want "it" - lol - I guess that's why I'm feeling he may be so vulverable to "reaching", "scheming" females ... his nature may well be to "please" not necessarily in the most personal 'intimate' sense, but in the sense that his life may have "groomed" him emotionally to not ever feel he is letting anyone down ... and it scares the shhhti out of me (for him) to imagine how many people (I'll say again, especially females) could "use" that against him in favor of getting anything they "want". Again...lol maybe just my 'magination runnin' away with me ... as for "her" (I guess I'll toss in, "if there is a "her") ... I get a visual of these "scheming females" who have had "entree" into his life for a long time, coming to "her" and looking at her like she's something they'd very much like to see hanging upside down in a butcher shop.

That's a good point about him wanting to share everything and the part about "I thought she had to have it"....Because what I sometimes think is that maybe HE kind of "underestimates" some girls sometimes. You know, like he is so used to everyone wanting something from him and everyone wanting "the rich life" that he expects all the girls are the same so all the material things will make her happy. You know, that he maybe thinks that if he gives her all this jewelry and expensive cars and beautiful designer clothes and houses and all that, she'll be happy? That's what I mean with "underestimating" because not everyone is into all that, so what if she rather wanted time together with him and NOT all the material stuff? You know like "I thought she had to have it"....like he thought she is like all the other girls and has to have expensive jewelry and all the works, when all she wanted was to spend some time with him without any expensive gifts? Because he seems to mention that a lot in his songs. You know like how he was giving her all this STUFF...and she still left. Has any of you read teh book the Five Love Languages? That's a really good book and that pretty much deals with the same thing...You know, it all depends what is important to one, how you will be able to make them happy. To some gifts will make them happy. Some need caring words to feel truly loved. Some need time together...each person has different needs. So maybe MJ's "down fall" sometimes has been that he was showering the girl with all these gifts, thinking he is making her happy...when those things weren't important to her at all, and she much rather would have just went on a picnic with him or whatever. So when you said Michael maybe so used to pleasing everyone...it could be true. And "please" everyone not only in the sense of giving things but maybe "time wise" as well. You know, allowing everyone a piece of his time instead of saying NO...this is reserved for me and my girl. But I think now that he has kids he has maybe learned to do that. So maybe that will be a positive thing in regards of relationships too? Anyways...what do I know. I'm just speculating?! :lol: Who knows how he prioritizes his time! :lol:
That's a good point about him wanting to share everything and the part about "I thought she had to have it"....Because what I sometimes think is that maybe HE kind of "underestimates" some girls sometimes. You know, like he is so used to everyone wanting something from him and everyone wanting "the rich life" that he expects all the girls are the same so all the material things will make her happy. You know, that he maybe thinks that if he gives her all this jewelry and expensive cars and beautiful designer clothes and houses and all that, she'll be happy? That's what I mean with "underestimating" because not everyone is into all that, so what if she rather wanted time together with him and NOT all the material stuff? You know like "I thought she had to have it"....like he thought she is like all the other girls and has to have expensive jewelry and all the works, when all she wanted was to spend some time with him without any expensive gifts? Because he seems to mention that a lot in his songs. You know like how he was giving her all this STUFF...and she still left. Has any of you read teh book the Five Love Languages? That's a really good book and that pretty much deals with the same thing...You know, it all depends what is important to one, how you will be able to make them happy. To some gifts will make them happy. Some need caring words to feel truly loved. Some need time together...each person has different needs. So maybe MJ's "down fall" sometimes has been that he was showering the girl with all these gifts, thinking he is making her happy...when those things weren't important to her at all, and she much rather would have just went on a picnic with him or whatever. So when you said Michael maybe so used to pleasing everyone...it could be true. And "please" everyone not only in the sense of giving things but maybe "time wise" as well. You know, allowing everyone a piece of his time instead of saying NO...this is reserved for me and my girl. But I think now that he has kids he has maybe learned to do that. So maybe that will be a positive thing in regards of relationships too? Anyways...what do I know. I'm just speculating?! :lol: Who knows how he prioritizes his time! :lol:

You said it right there Summer. Not every woman/girl is out after material things. Some of us really love the simple things in life....walks in the park, holding hands at the beach at sunset....having picnics and watching kids fly kites in the park....not all of us are into material stuff.
eww SOS, that's an awful visual :( .

I had more to say about it but I'm afraid it seems to be coming across wrong so I may leave it till later.
:lol: I know, but y'know, when I think of all that happened in the public eye (and it was pretty awful) it makes me shudder to think what could be going on behind closed doors.

I guess the reason I say this is from my vantage point from what I've seen with my own eyes. The boss who's the "star" and the unendedness to the women around him who "want" him in every way, especially "that" way, and especially to themselves be #1 for their own sense of "status". I really have seen it and its mind boggling and I've seen what goes along with it sometimes.

Now, I feel its easily likely (and maybe should have said this already) that MJ only attracts the sweetest, innocent, loving, caring, helpful as possible because helping is their 'calling' kinds of people in the world, but I also feel that because he attracts "all kinds" of people, and he seems to be a person who 'respects' women who go for what they want, he may also easily attract the 'other' kind as well. He's a magnet for just about everything and everyone it seems.

I guess to I'm looking at the fact that Michael Jackson is an 'organization' as much as Mike Jack is also an individual performer (his own product you could say) and he needs people around him to help him with things that are not his area. That's where they begin to use 'leverage' to control a person who is already in a position where they are not trying to create 'rifts' or make anyone feel bad.

When I think of the "politics" that gets created, a lot of times "the boss" whomever it may be, a lot of times is trying to toe the line of professional results he's needing to see, while at the same time dealing with having to appease fawning, adulating, yearning, squirming females who work for him....

again...just my own vantage point and over-active imagination regarding MJ ... maybe I had too much pizza

Why would you feel you'll not come across right?

:errm: maybe that's something I should be worrying about

:dont_mention_it: nah lol - it can't hurt anything that I got it out

None of it is true I'm sure and I feel better so...all is well. :)

You make a lot of good points. I think in Corey's case with this particular woman, I don't remember her name, her being a fan helped because it meant she was open to getting to know him instead of being someone who just wrote him off & projected negativity onto him. From the things he was saying in the bio, I think he really appreciated it.

Re: Jada & Will, I'd got the impression that the open relationship rumors were false. What article did you read in which she was quoted as saying theirs is an open relationship? Where was it published?

I think anything is possible and MOST people in this world are "fans" of MJ anyways...If not die-hard fans who know everything about his every move, at least fans of his music. Even most of the haters can't deny loving his music. I just think if he were to get involved with a fan, they would both need to work extra hard on the whole thing. Why? Because a lot of fans LOVE Michael without knowing him. They have their own ideas of what he must be like and they love him because he is "perfect" in their mind because he fits their idea of a "perfect man". And all that simply because they just THINK they know what he is like and who he is...when they in reality don't. I guess same would go with MJ's idea of a fan....He may see some fan and think she's cute and sweet and all that...but he doesn't know the fan in reality. So if MJ had a crush on some fan, they'd really need to spend a LOT of time just getting to know each other before it going anywhere near a relationship. Because the fan would already be "in love" with MJ because of her IDEA of MJ...so she'd think she's in love already...but then with time...when she'd get to know MJ and what he is like....what if she'd realize they have nothing in common in reality? Or that he drives her crazy? Or there is no chemistry after all? Or there'd be some other qualities she could absolutely not deal with? And same with MJ. He could think the fan is so sweet and cute in the beginning, but what if he could never talk to her because she wouldn't understand him? I guess it's the same thing as when people who have a crush on each other move too fast. You may have a crush on someone and then have some fabulous idea of who they are, but then with time, when you get to know them, you realize it won't work. Anyone know what I mean? Then again, who's to say it wouldn't work? It could. But they'd both need to be careful and allow time to get to know each other, I guess? Just like in any relationship.
SOS, that is way too much worrying and fear over the whole thing. MJ's made it till now...age 50, that's pretty darn good. And he has an ongoing relationship with His God. He has spiritual protection, he really does. So many are praying for his protection all the time. And he is a bright guy, one that was not born yesterday. Don't give conniving females so much credit. They don't deserve the attention or energy. Just pray for MJ a little extra prayer that God would expose any that are like this in his life, then let it go. Hand it over to God.

Again, any gal that the Lord has brought into MJ's life to marry, will have a hedge of protection around her as well. And hopefully she's one who will stand strong in that knowledge. If she knows God has decided as part of His will for her life to marry MJ, then she needs to walk forward in that with confidence and with sayng, "Yes and amen, God, I will marry this man, come what may..."
Its not FEAR and I really hope to help you get my point because of that.

Of course I realize he's made it thus far and is protected and all that, and I know he's "bright" and all of that. I'm not talking about what God is doing for MJ or what MJ is capable of doing - I'm talking about what other folks could be doing behind the scenes that may be but a mirror reflection of what we saw on the outside of his life. Do you now understand what I'm saying? The question is why am I saying it.

I'm just saying that with all his astronomical success, and the challenges we know about which were in the public eye - the people who lied and schemed and did "anything for money"

(and yes, with God's help he overcame them and God will CONTINUE TO protect Michael Jackson and ALL of his loved ones, FOREVER)

... "it scares me to think" (as a figure of speech and in behalf of what may be his day to day experience) that if MJ is indeed a person who's exceptionally accomodating of those (again, especially females) who would seize advantage of that accomodating, sweet, giving, loving natture - that man who doesn't ever want anyone to feel 'let down' - especially those people in his personal world where he has so much abundance to share,

and with there being (unlike "Ms. Streetwalker" and whomever) so many women scampering for the "rich life" as Summer puts it, and with all the "plastic" people who are the types who would do anything for money no matter who they worked for ....

... I'm just saying it could be more to what "she" would have to deal with than meets the eye. . . that is all.


again ... that's from what I have seen in my life as a frame of reference that I would even say such a thing.

As for the visual :lol: sorry but I've seen that too and I can't apologize for using that example... not the meat freezer lol ... the "looks" that can come from females who would much rather some other female didn't exist. That was my point.

If it is completely off track and off base then I do apologize to Mr. Jackson and all his close associates, for speaking what I don't know at all. If its remotely true however, all I can say is "she" whomever "she" may be, will need all the prayers she can get. And yes, I know God will see "her" through.

At the same time though, some things are better left unsaid and although its too late for that now :giggle: at least I feel better ..
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Heyyyyyyyyy Everybody!

I sure did miss being here. I am sorry, we had a tragic event to occur in our neigborhood just a few dorrs down from my house and in that same time, a co-worker passed away at a very young age. My family needed me most so I couldn't be here.

I see I have several pm's but at this time I am unable to read and respond to them.

Really missed this conversation.
Heyyyyyyyyy Everybody!

I sure did miss being here. I am sorry, we had a tragic event to occur in our neigborhood just a few dorrs down from my house and in that same time, a co-worker passed away at a very young age. My family needed me most so I couldn't be here.

I see I have several pm's but at this time I am unable to read and respond to them.

Really missed this conversation.

Oh no Moddie777!! That sounds very awful. We're here for you....take care ok?
^ moddie!! :hug:

(geez i really need to read slower) Sorry what you've been through. :cry:

You know you will be blessed for all you've been giving.

Hopefully you can hang out.

If so, just jump right in ... you know the routine :lol:

:flowers: good to see you!

then again, i guess if you can't answer PMs maybe you can't hang out either :unsure:

It sure is good to see ya and yes, do take care of yourself.
^ just a figure of speech ... .. and i understand ... sorry too if I was too ...

... stark I guess
^ *shuffles feet* aw thanks :blush:
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Hummmm about love in the life of Michael (do not be afraid of love!)... and all this discussion made me remember this song... :)


Come With Me - Phil Collins

I'll try to make the sunshine brighter for you
I will even play the fool if it makes you smile
I'll try to make you laugh if there's a tear in your eye
After all is said
After all is done
I'll do anything for you.

Come with me, close your eyes
Hold my hands, it'll be alright
Do not be scared, do not be shy
Lift your head it's gonna be alright.

I'll try to make the star shine brighter for you
And I'll take you on my shoulders, hold you way up high
I'll even chase the rainbow hanging in the sky
Cos after all is said
After all is done
I'll do anything for you

Come with me, close your eyes
Hold my hand, it'll be alright
Do not be scared, do not be shy
Lift your head it's gonna be alright

Through the eyes of innocence
You will find, you will see
There come a time it all makes sense
And you will not know, but it will show inside, deep inside

Come with me, close your eyes
Hold my hand, it'll be alright
Do not be scared, do not be shy
Lift your head it's gonna be alright

I'll try to make the days last longer for you
From the Daybreak, 'til the sunset,' til the end of time
I'll keep you safe, away from the heartache
Cos when all is said
DNA when all is done
I'd do anything for you

Come with me, close your eyes
Hold my hand, it'll be alright
Do not be scared, do not be shy
Lift your head it's gonna be alright.
You said it right there Summer. Not every woman/girl is out after material things. Some of us really love the simple things in life....walks in the park, holding hands at the beach at sunset....having picnics and watching kids fly kites in the park....not all of us are into material stuff.

You got that right...:punk: