Did anybody receive emails about the pre-sale codes already? (Update on Post #170!)

so we've got a code, so should we buy tix on mjlive or ticket master tomorrow?
Re: Did anybody receive emails about the pre-sale codes already?

Indeed you must be dreaming or insane because I have never ever said such a thing. Please do yourself a favour. Stop bugging me because I'm not in the greatest condition I can be don't push it please....

sorry , i must of got mixed up , it was someone who had a signature picture that looks identical to yours . Sorry ....
only yextmessages are sent?
at uk people.
so.. the mails will come later i think.
tx messaging is easer and fatser. and of course the uk fans will receive that faster.....
we have to sit and wait people..... only four more hours and then we,ll know....


I got my code!! :)

Now Im excited hehe.

Good luck to everyone.
They must be giving it out to alot of people if I got one...lol...Im normally unlucky lol.
i am pissed off :(

THRILLER PACKAGE - these arent the £75 tickets, might go into hundreds (its on the ticketmaster website)

Choose Premium Floor Seats in A Blocks or Premium Level 1 Seats.

Champagne on arrival
Pre-show party in private facility
DJ and entertainment
Red carpet VIP check-in and fast track entry
Goody bag
Souvenir tour laminate
After-show party
Parking/Thames Clipper ticket
Dont worry hilliver, I was feeling the same, and then....da da, my mobile just vibrated. It can still happen.
i am pissed off :(

THRILLER PACKAGE - these arent the £75 tickets, might go into hundreds (its on the ticketmaster website)

Choose Premium Floor Seats in A Blocks or Premium Level 1 Seats.

Champagne on arrival
Pre-show party in private facility
DJ and entertainment
Red carpet VIP check-in and fast track entry
Goody bag
Souvenir tour laminate
After-show party
Parking/Thames Clipper ticket

Okay, what the BEEP?! They didn't say what the price is for this or are we supposed to find this out when we try to buy tickets? 75 isn't too bad. I was expecting tix to be a lot more and budgeted for more so I'm curious about this package. Level 1 seating is what I was looking at last night. If they're reserving that for the premium packages then, darnit! Price? Price? Price? Anyone with the scoop on this?
I dont get it why all ppl from UK get a code... is there any chance we, from other countries will get a code? Dont get me wrong, Im happy that true, wonderful fans gets the code.. But I dont get it why some ppl get 2 codes? Isnt that a little unfair?
i am pissed off :(

THRILLER PACKAGE - these arent the £75 tickets, might go into hundreds (its on the ticketmaster website)

Choose Premium Floor Seats in A Blocks or Premium Level 1 Seats.

Champagne on arrival
Pre-show party in private facility
DJ and entertainment
Red carpet VIP check-in and fast track entry
Goody bag
Souvenir tour laminate
After-show party
Parking/Thames Clipper ticket

Where did you find this? Im browsing the Ticketmaster website but the only thing it is telling me is that there are no tickets for sale yet?
I've had nothing,not even a confirmation of registration. So I am worried, but not paniking - yet!

I think you should start checking your spam mail and whatnot for the confirmation email. If you've done it days ago, there may have been a glitch. I think most ppl got theirs no more than 24 hours after registering.

Be sure to add the email of the site to your contacts. That's what helped me. Once I did that, I registered again, and my confirmation came through. Gmail addys work well. I think certain addys may be having problems. I worry for ppl who do not have an email confirmation at this time, especially if you registered days ago. I registered late, too, but it only took a few hours for the confirmation to arrive.
I've got a code, but at the minute I'm not even sure if it will be any use to me.
I had a vip arrangement once, for the concert in Prague. But let me tell you... they were the WORST tickets to have. All the way to the back. And yes, a cocktail and barbecue are nice, but not what I'm there for. I thought I made sure to have the best tickets, but I sure had to regret it.

Now, of course I don't know what VIP means when you get them for the O2, but I don't think you have to worry much about not getting in front if you don't have them.
I've got a code, but at the minute I'm not even sure if it will be any use to me.

Lol, i know what you mean. I'm also pretty confused about the whole situation!
Where did you find this? Im browsing the Ticketmaster website but the only thing it is telling me is that there are no tickets for sale yet?
Also wondering... I can only see the 10 dates added when i type Michael Jackson and then click under "Event" on the left column.
Lots of British people receiving codes atm, Im starting to get worried lol
It is either going to be VERY busy at the MJLive website tomorrow at 0700 am OR something went wrong and everybody got a code and they will cancel the whole thing *uh-oh*
Ok, I have 2 codes.

But where do I use them?

On o2 to book.. or on ticketmaster or Michaeljacksonlive?

So confusing. :bugeyed