"Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland-Update pg28. Paris confirmed (threads merged)

Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Captain EO signs are up :)








Source: http://micechat.com/forums/disneyland-resort/132504-eo-signs-up-today.html
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

What is the announement that was made? Anyone heard about it?

Here it is:

Twitter Exclusive - We've created Captain EO inspired merchandise for the re-opening of the attraction. Details: http://psc.disney.go.com/eventservices/artofdisneyparks/event/dlr_captain_eo_merchandise.html

Here are the first pictures:

Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland

Oh wow! I'm buying all of it. ...lol Seriously.

At least one of each item.
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Capt. EO returns Tuesday to Disneyland


Michael Jackson’s “Captain EO” returns to Disneyland Tuesday, Disney announced this afternoon.

The first showing of the 3D film starring the late King of Pop is set for 10 a.m. It will be shown every 20 minutes in what used to be known as The Magic Eye Theater in Tomorrowland.

“It will really be interesting to see how people react,” said Michele Himmelberg, a Disney spokeswoman. “This is really our tribute to bring it back and let our fans enjoy it.”

The park opens at 10 a.m. on Tuesday. Outside the park gates, there will be a special line where movie-goers can line up.

“We do expect that there will be a good number of people that want to come out,” Himmelberg said.

Disney guests will see a new print of “Captain EO,” in which Jackson leads a crew of aliens, robots and “Fuzzball” on a journey to deliver a gift to the Witch Queen, who is played by Anjelica Huston. Disney won’t say what the film cost, but a source said the price tag was $23.7 million in 1986.

The film, panned by experts as cheesy, ran at Disneyland for 11 years. It was directed by Francis Ford Coppola; the executive producer was George Lucas. Jackson and film composer James Horner provided the soundtrack.

Disney stopped showing “Captain EO” in 1997 after its popularity faded. Starting in 1993, Jackson was facing molestation charges prompting some to question the appropriateness of showing the film inside the park.

Shortly after Jackson died in June, rumors began circulating that Disney would bring back the film. In December, Disney announced that the film would indeed return for a limited run.

The length of this run of “Captain EO” likely depends on its popularity.

“We don’t really have a time frame on it,” Himmelberg said. “We’ll see how it goes and how people receive it.”

Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Any pics of the merchandise?
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

I will assume MANY pictures from those who attend will go online this week sometime.
I want that sign :D
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

woooooo hooo!!!

i dont know if it was posted already but just in case another article.

Michael Jackson 3-D Attraction 'Captain EO' Disney Reopening Confirmed... For Tomorrow!

Posted 6 hrs ago by Adam Rosenberg in News

It's been known for awhile now that the higher powers at Disney intend to bring "Captain EO" back. The sudden passing of Michael Jackson last summer led to a renewed interest in the 3-D sci-fi movie/theme park attraction. Really, it was inevitable that it would return.
The word straight from the Mouse House is that "EO" will be back on Tuesday, February 23. Yes, that's tomorrow. The 3-D musical will screen in the theme park's Tomorrowland Theater, complete with a shiny new 70mm print and improved sound thanks to "acoustic enhancements made to the theater since the film last played there in 1997."
In case you don't remember it, "EO" is a weird sort of musical sci-fi longer-than-your-average-short short. The story follows EO (played by Jackson) on a journey to deliver a gift to the evil Witch Queen (Anjelica Huston). Thanks to the power of song and MJ magic, the Queen is transformed before she can send EO and his ship crew off to be tortured. It's all very uplifting, but then this is a Disney attraction we're talking about.
Some serious players came together in bringing "EO" to life. In addition to Jackson and Huston, you've got Francis Ford Coppola directing, a score from Oscar-winner James Horner and none other than George Lucas filling executive producer duties. It's definitely a product of it's time, but it's also a lot of fun and MJ fans should be excited about being able to check it out again.
And who knows? With 3-D TVs incoming, it might not be so long before "EO" sees a proper home video release. Stranger things have happened...

Have you see "Captain EO"? Are you going to head to Disney to check it out again? Or for the first time?


Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Prince Michael, Paris and Prince Michael ll, yes i think they will, they should, but i mean they will :)

They already got a special showing late last year. :)

On a side note, I'm SO excited that Captain EO is coming back. By the time I first went to Disneyland, Captain EO was already replaced by Honey I Shrunk the Audience. Oh God, PLEASE let it still be there over the summer! :angel:
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Yahoo news posted the announcement too!
I'm like 25 minutes away from Disneyland... And I'm soooo tempted to go tomorrow. But I cant! lol I have to work this week. But as soon as I sync up with some friends to meet up over there, I'm soooo there.
Totally rockin totally! hahaha

Can you tell I'm excited? :dancing:
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Yahoo news posted the announcement too!
I'm like 25 minutes away from Disneyland... And I'm soooo tempted to go tomorrow. But I cant! lol I have to work this week. But as soon as I sync up with some friends to meet up over there, I'm soooo there.
Totally rockin totally! hahaha

Can you tell I'm excited? :dancing:
Omg, 25 minutes away from Disneyland! I'm soooo jealous! :lol:
I'm literally craving to go there, not even only for EO but just DISNEY. Aaah. :heart:

Have fun when you go there, Nar! Enjoy!
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Is this in all Disney parks? Or just the American one?
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

Just the one in California.

I want it in Paris too!!!!!

CAnt wait to see the merchandise b.t.w.
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

awww I would love to go to Disneyland someday. Seems like a beautiful dream :)
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland

Ill post some pics tonight guys im going this afternoon and ima buy the fleece and the button.

Wonder what the jacket will look like?
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd


Live at Disneyland: Fans in line for ‘Captain EO’
February 23rd, 2010, 6:23 am · 1 Comment · posted by Sarah Tully
As of 6 a.m., about 35 people were in line to see the Michael Jackson film, “Captain EO,” on its first day back at Disneyland.

By 7, another 25 had jumped in line.

The first showing of the return of the 3-D movie is set for 10 a.m. at the Tomorrowland theater, where it played from 1986 to 1997. Although the park opens at 9:30 a.m., Disney officials are allowing Jackson fans to line up early on the west side of Disneyland’s main entrance.

First in line is Daniel Lew, 36, from Oceanside. A reporter for a horse magazine, he got here at 9 p.m. Monday.

“I’ve been waiting patiently with anticipation,” he said. “I didn’t sleep for one second. There’s been so much anticipation and buzz from the Disney fan community for “Captain EO.’ ‘

Also in line is a 24-year-old woman wearing a white jacket with sequins with a “Captain EO” logo on the back. And two other young women who started driving from San Francisco at 9:30 p.m. Monday and got here at 3:30 a.m. They wore “Captain EO” shirts and had stuffed animals of “Fuzzball,” a character in the movie, resting on their shoulders.

A mom has her 6- and 8-year-old kids with her.

Disneyland is reviving the 17-minute movie because of the renewed popularity of the singer after his June death. The movie is playing for a limited engagement, but Disney officials have yet to say how long it will stay.

Jackson stars, sings and dances in the science-fiction movie. The film features the songs “We Are Here to Change the World” and “Another Part of Me,” both written and performed by Jackson. The latter song is 0n Jackson’s “Bad” album in 1987.
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland

I will paypal someone money for a Captain EO hoodie

I want one soooooo bad!!!!! plz plz help me!!!
Re: Official Reopening Date Set for 'Captain EO' Featuring MJ - February 23rd

wish they bring it to orlando
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland (threads merged)

Merchandise! :D


Debbie Lee Carington, one half of the EO creature Odie... being interviewed by FOX



Captain Eo's return courtesy of Al Lutz :
Captain EO will of course be the big news story today, with Disneyland playing host to five hundred invited Michael Jackson fans (who will be allowed in ahead of those camping out overnight in front of the park) as well as plenty of invited media there to capture footage for countless blow-dried TV anchors to chuckle over during tonight's local newscasts up and down the West Coast.
And with that grand opening, the folks in Team Disney Anaheim (TDA) will finally breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed like such a simple plan when it was hatched last summer; return Captain EO to its original 3-D theater in Tomorrowland and put the tired old Honey I Shrunk The Audience show out of its misery. The whole thing was originally supposed to be a quick and easy 90 day turnaround, with the show opening at Disneyland by October in time for the popular HalloweenTime festivities.
But then we told you about it, the lawyers got involved once they got wind of things, and some of the executives up in Burbank got cold feet over a potential public backlash regarding Michael Jackson's death. The whole plan was nearly derailed and cancelled on several different occasions in the fall of 2009, and Walt Disney World's (WDW) management backed out of a later proposal to also bring the show to Epcot, after deciding the modest cost to transform the theater was too much money to spend on what they consider Orlando's less involved tourists. (Tokyo Disneyland's management is taking a wait and see approach, after already committing to big-buck upgrades currently under construction in both DisneySea and Tokyo Disneyland.)
And that just left TDA, bravely forcing the Captain EO proposal to completion at Disneyland, knowing that at the very least they've got just over a million local Annual Passholders who will want to see the show out of curiosity and then hopefully buy one of the EO t-shirts that TDA rushed into production just a few months ago.

The important thing here being the will NOT bring Eo to Epcot because of the cost but IT COULD return to Tokyo who are waiting to see the reaction. No word on Disneyland Paris...

Hopefully the response will be good and WDW will change their mind! Only time will tell...:timer:
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland (threads merged)

i must have 2 of each! ...lol
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland (threads merged)

any online shop that is going to see this merchandise? I want it!
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland (threads merged)

Fans see, cheer Disney's 'Capt. EO'


Captain EO fans stand in line in front of Disneyland Feb. 23. to be among the first to see the 1986 film's re-release.


Disneyland cast member Rudy Yanez hands out 3D glasses before the first official showing of the re-released Captain EO 3D movie at Disneyland Feb. 23.


Fans see, cheer Disney's 'Capt. EO'


Disneyland management and crowd control personnel escort theme park guests who camped out overnight in front of the main gate to the 3D theater in Tomorrowland before the first official showing of the re-released Captain EO film Feb. 23.


The Captain EO sign hangs atop Tomorrowland's 3D theater Feb. 23.

Last edited:
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland (threads merged)

LOL and I saw the show like 2 weeks before these punks and I diddnt even camp out (;

Im off to see EO everyone in Full MJ gear
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland (threads merged)

Does anyone know how long it will be on for? How long will Disneyland let it play?
Re: Michael Jackson's "Captain EO" Will Return to Disneyland (threads merged)

My local news did a report and 'they said' indefinitely ...