Bury the Never Ending Myth of Jackson as Child Molester

This is true. The media can be very effective for good things and bringing light to many important issues, but they also do a disservice to themselves and the public when they report things that are false and slanderous.

And pretty much no one has suffered from this more than Michael. Since the late 80's, they have constantly harassed and lied on this man and it makes me sick! I'm not saying MJ didn't add fuel to the fire at times, but they've told so many disgusting, horrible lies about him. Even when MJ was just being quiet and keeping to himself, they still made up stupid and hurtful stories about him. They just never gave Michael a break and they still wont to this day. If they're not calling him a pedophille, then they're calling him a drug addict. I am so tired of it.

Unfortunately, many people are influenced by the media and do not question things they say. They believe if they read it in print or hear it on tv, then it must be true. The media has really done on a number on MJ. They've done their best to portray him as some kind of sicko and weirdo and unfortunately, many people have bought into it.

I wish people would think for themselves instead of believing everything the media tells them, but I don't think that will ever be the case, but I hurt for Michael all the time.

I can't imagine all the pain and suffering he went through. God bless his soul :cry:.
Seriously, I sometimes wonder how all these people out there who say that they "know" Michael was guilty would react if they were accused of something like that. Yes, they all say things like "I would never put myself in a position in the first place for anyone to say I did anything wrong". But in some cases, people don't have to do something wrong to be accused of it. If somebody hated them enough to lie on them, especially about something so serious, then maybe then they'd know how Michael felt. Add to that the fact that Michael was treated like a criminal even after he was found "Not Guilty". These people who proclaim that Michael was guilty like they know it for sure, wouldn't be able to stand being treated like that if they were accused and ultimately acquitted. They would be the same ones crying about how others were still talking about them like they were dirt, how they were still getting hateful remarks and crap from other people to their face, how they were proven innocent and how that should be the end of it. Too bad people never wanted to extend that same courtesy to Michael. They always use the celebrity factor as an excuse to keep from admitting that they jumped the gun and then got caught out there when all was said and done. It makes me sick. They say anything to avoid the truth. The Highest forbid any of the haters should have to deal with the same kind of garbage that Michael had to deal with. It wouldn't be pretty.
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I think fans care too much about these fools.

Of course we will always defend MJ. We will do this because it is the right thing to do and because of his children. But these people are pathetic.

Sorry, but I do not care about these people or their opinion. They are nothing.

I'm have to say the same, It is very unheathy to me. To get my blood pressure up on those idiots.

It will never go away. Period. It is a shame that it won't but it is something that some people will always associate with him. Time heals all so perhaps people will just forget about it as time goes on and remember him just for his music...it is what I think will eventually happen. I can't remember the last time someone mentioned the case of Kobe Bryant for example or even Ben Roethlisberger (at least his first case). No, the cases are not the same as what MJ went through but I'm more so referring to how people just forgot about it eventually and stopped talking about it. Kobe Bryant will be remembered for his great NBA talent, not for what he ended being proven not guilty for.

Kinda off-topic but I have also always been amazed at something. People will jump up and down and have a fit if someone says anything negative about MJ and people will defend him as if they really did know it. Yet often times, these exact same people will jump on any other singer or celebrity and believe most of the rumors written about them. This does not apply to anyone in particular here, just an observation I have noticed over the years. It is hypercritical. You either believe all the stories about everyone, or none of the stories about anyone. Special rules do not apply to Michael Jackson. Everyone is human and deserves to be treated as such. And everyone is innocent until proven otherwise.

Yep, the media forgot that Kobe was accused of rape from that time. I'm hoping that time will heal. I have a positive attitude about it now. 50 or 60 years from now, he would be rememebered for his music and art.

And also I find it hyprocrital to belive gossip about other people and MJ fans are the ones who should have this lession that we should'nt judge anyone guilty until facts come out.
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I just got to let it out - the myth will NEVER end no matter WHAT. I've tried telling so many people over the past about the fact, but they won't LISTEN.

I'm sorry to say it, the myth will never end.
I know, I know.. It's just that no matter where I go, everyone seems to know MJ as a chilmolester, a person who made him self white and all that stuff. I just wish everyone knew how the man, the king really was.. I feel so sad for these people. They are missing out so much.
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I know, I know.. It's just that no matter where I go, everyone seems to know MJ as a chilmolester, a person who made him self white and all that stuff. I just wish everyone knew how the man, the king really was.. I fell so sad for these people. They are missing out so much.

i have experienced this also and I tell them the truth with he facts but they seem to ignore what I say and believe all that they read in the papers. Its impossible to get through to some people at times :smilerolleyes:
I know. Just WHY can't they listen? I just don't get it, are they jealous becasue he is so famous?

You know, I just don't get it.
I honestly don't even care anymore what these clueless people say about the accusations. I simply laugh at their ignorance and feel sorry for them then move on with my life.
I just got to let it out - the myth will NEVER end no matter WHAT. I've tried telling so many people over the past about the fact, but they won't LISTEN.

I'm sorry to say it, the myth will never end.

As time goes on the truth will come out. Maybe not now, but as time will go on all of these haters will die, but his legacy will continue on. Think about all other famous people who have had issues, but their legacy and work came out on top?

Marquis De Sade and Mozart? All of them had issues, but very few even remember or know unless you do the research. It takes time, but it will happen. It's too soon right now.
Seriously, I sometimes wonder how all these people out there who say that they "know" Michael was guilty would react if they were accused of something like that. Yes, they all say things like "I would never put myself in a position in the first place for anyone to say I did anything wrong". But in some cases, people don't have to do something wrong to be accused of it. If somebody hated them enough to lie on them, especially about something so serious, then maybe then they'd know how Michael felt. Add to that the fact that Michael was treated like a criminal even after he was found "Not Guilty". These people who proclaim that Michael was guilty like they know it for sure, wouldn't be able to stand being treated like that if they were accused and ultimately acquitted. They would be the same ones crying about how others were still talking about them like they were dirt, how they were still getting hateful remarks and crap from other people to their face, how they were proven innocent and how that should be the end of it. Too bad people never wanted to extend that same courtesy to Michael. They always use the celebrity factor as an excuse to keep from admitting that they jumped the gun and then got caught out there when all was said and done. It makes me sick. They say anything to avoid the truth. The Highest forbid any of the haters should have to deal with the same kind of garbage that Michael had to deal with. It wouldn't be pretty.

This is so true. It only takes someone with a little bit of hatered for you to attempt to ruion you and your reputation.

I'm about to get a little personal but it makes a point. I dated a girl for almost three years before I called it off for many reasons. Well two months ago (almost two years after breaking up) we started at least communicating with one another again. I never had any intentions of dating her again but we were at least friendly.

Out of no where she goes on to tell people that I hit her, and I can not tell you how it effected me. I could not understand how someone could be so cruel to make up such harsh and serious lies about someone. It got to the point that her current bf threatened to "beat my ass" if I ever do that in front of him. It was just 24hrs before she made up these lies that I was talking to her about her relationship and trying to comfort her on their problems.

She claimed this happened the last time she was at my house...October. That very night that this supposedly happened she invited me to a party with her. Two days later we went to the movies together....yeah so you tell me how well you think her story holds up.

Point is, it does not take much to start a rumor and to start to damage someone's reputation. Luckily she never went to the police (she had no evidence anyway) and everyone I talked to backed me up completely and believed me but I was quite afraid of who would believe her. I started to shake and literally cry at the thought of it all. It is so easy to destroy someone's reputation.
If people still want to believe the lies then I pity them. Pity their inability to look at things clearly and not be so clouded by jealousy and hate.
I know. Just WHY can't they listen? I just don't get it, are they jealous becasue he is so famous?

You know, I just don't get it.

Dear Pentum,

Please do not fret;

As God is our witness, the "TRUTH" will be revealed..!

I like to think of it like a one of a kind undiscovered Michaelangelo...just waiting for it to be revealed throughout the world..!

As Always

they were out to get Michael so openly, i hate they got the perfect LIE to destroy him... JELOUSY is the key to all this..... it all came like a real big gift to the ones feeling jelosy.... FUCK THEM!!!!!! I HATE THEM
I think the word child mol*ster is a bad word and i dont want to read or hear that NEVER AGAIN. So i will only say i already knew this was a lie to TRASH Michael and to make money OUT OF HIM, and this whole thing needs to stop.
You know there is this whole part of human nature regard to child molestation. We did about it in Law at college. People always go with innocent until proven guilty for most crimes. But it's quiet the opposite with child molestation as opposed to any other crime. People go with guilty until proven innocent. But the reality is it's just like any charge, people can be set up, people can be falsely accused. And people think cause it's michael jackson, a global superstar, it has to be true, infact, it's more reason to believe the contrary..............shame people can't put the awfullness of the acuasations aside, and actually look at the case, and they will see the light.

But some people are just silly lonely people anyway, who don't even believe it themseleves deep down, they are just attention seeking.
I was talking to my friend today and one of them said, "I don't care if he was a pedophile, he was an AMAZING performer". It brought me down....I didn't wanna hear any more, so I silently went, "He wasn't a pedophile".
Then, another friend said something along the lines that "well if he was or wasn't..." and it made me speechless. I didn't want to seem defensive and say how much there IS proof he never did any of that...so I was just speechless. I was so lost, you know how can you think of him like that, when he's so talented and artistic? He's so pure. The media has made so many people assume he is a pedophile, to the point that people can go, "I can accept him as one, but he's still really talented". What the heck?

I hope new generations will wipe out such assumptions about him. He was far from such evil.

I don't know how we can make this change, but we fans will. We got to.

Now playing: Marvin Gaye - How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)
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Now playing: Michael Jackson - Workin' Day And Night (Original Demo Recording From 1978)
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I am kind of ashamed to say this,but for a while I did not know what to believe. My mom was never a Michael Jackson fan and believed the lies (she still does even though I try and tell her the truth all the time) so when I was little and used to sing his song she would always say things like "he makes good songs but he is a sick man." So I pretty much grew up with that thought in my head.

I do remember watching Living with Michael Jackson and actually thinking that he didnt seem like someone who was sick, he seemed like someone really nice caring. I remember telling people that I didnt think he was a pedophile because he seemed way to sweet to do anything like that. But people just laughed at me so after that I kind of kept it to myself. The way the media and others talked about him it definitely made me question his innocence, but I blame the naivety on being 13 or 14 at the time. Now I am older and have actually looked into the case and realize how clear it is that he is NOT a pedophile. I feel so dumb but ever thinking otherwise and hate the fact that I wasnt there for Micahel :(
some folks will think what they will, i never believed the lies and garbage, he was only guilty of being a humble cat who truly took in what the world around him projected. he was a human being, however he touched so many lives and that scared alot of people and still does.
This is so true. It only takes someone with a little bit of hatered for you to attempt to ruion you and your reputation.

I'm about to get a little personal but it makes a point. I dated a girl for almost three years before I called it off for many reasons. Well two months ago (almost two years after breaking up) we started at least communicating with one another again. I never had any intentions of dating her again but we were at least friendly.

Out of no where she goes on to tell people that I hit her, and I can not tell you how it effected me. I could not understand how someone could be so cruel to make up such harsh and serious lies about someone. It got to the point that her current bf threatened to "beat my ass" if I ever do that in front of him. It was just 24hrs before she made up these lies that I was talking to her about her relationship and trying to comfort her on their problems.

She claimed this happened the last time she was at my house...October. That very night that this supposedly happened she invited me to a party with her. Two days later we went to the movies together....yeah so you tell me how well you think her story holds up.

Point is, it does not take much to start a rumor and to start to damage someone's reputation. Luckily she never went to the police (she had no evidence anyway) and everyone I talked to backed me up completely and believed me but I was quite afraid of who would believe her. I started to shake and literally cry at the thought of it all. It is so easy to destroy someone's reputation.

A very good point, well made. I'm really sorry that this happened to you. I hope you are ok now.

It plays into the 'no smoke without fire' mentality which is so dangerous as it is effectively implying not proof but suggestion alone is enough to assume guilt. It was disastrous for Michael and the misinformation around the 1993 episode simply laid the foundation for his persecution in 2003-5. Suppression of the truth in both cases (not only of the strong evidence in Michael's favour but also of MJs character, philanthropy and humanitarian efforts) allowed the media to construct an image of Michael Jackson based on their agenda of portraying him as a twisted, predatory criminal and, almost without opposition, feed this to the public at large.

The advent of the internet together with Michael's passing have certainly allowed many people to seek the truth for themselves but it is amazing to me how many still believe the lies. I don't think we can really change the minds of the hard-core haters whose depth of dislike towards Michael, I think, signifies some deep problem within their own lives or psyche. I do have a gut feeling Michael's vindication WILL come, it may take time but I do believe it will happen. I hope people like Jones and Thomson keep chipping away with the truth and I think we as the fan community must do all we can to unite behind them in their efforts.
we all know,michael would slit his wrists before hurting a child.sad that some people are so evil.evil,haters,would and dont understand a gentle,tender,pure person michael is!!!
My brother still believes it's all true, yet he doesn't know any facts, just what he's heard in the media. I tried to get him to do some more research on the subject, but he refuses and says "I believe in what I believe, let it go" or "I have proof, he's a freak of course he did it". I simply can't let it go. The reason is bc if I thought for a second he did any of those horrible things, I would've burned all his cds I have. It bothers me that he thinks I am a fan of someone who he thinks has molested children, yet he has no problem with my niece who's 6 being a big fan (thanks to me). If everyone looked more closely at the stone cold facts,and not all this he said/she said hearsay, they'd realize all he was guilty of is having a pure heart full of love. I love hanging out with kids myself, I babysit a fair share and love it. I even end up sleeping next to them when they have a bad dream for comfort when I babysit overnight sometimes. Does that make me a child molester? I really hope not. I'm tired of defending Michael with facts everyone should know anyway. People just tend to believe what they hear, most have no opinions of their own, that's why this myth will always be hanging over his name unfortunately.
Argh.. Got in a big argue today with some of my friends about MJ.. Of course they say he is pedo, bla, bla bla, he slept with children, he is gay for crotch grabbing, turned white, all that shit. I TRY to tell them the truth, what do I get? Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance.

Some day, I will end up in a real fight for defending Michael. I don't tolerate people talking shit about him when they know NOTHING.

Well i must be lucky because it never happened (yet) I had to defend him or explain the whole story to someone....when the 93 scandal exploded all I remember is that at school everybody was hating hard on latoya and making fun of her because she appeard on a show for her routine at the time telling how "M was guilty and too close to bubble"..yeah i know..

We kept playing his music,smooth criminal was the shit and I swear I don't remember anyone thinking he did something wrong...even kids GOT IT.
As far as the 2005 trial....nothing,indeed everybody had enough of this persecution and said nothing minding their own business.
All the pp who got interested in him besides his music and art have been very open- minded and were actually interested in his physical transformation,(from vitiligo to plastic surgery,his hair,his looks)or his early career,some of them didn't know about the J5 or his family and discovered a whole chapter of music history.

What can I say,if someone is truly interested in knowing deeply about someone has everything he needs,if a person has certain convictions even wrong ones, but he's willing and open to a decent debate fine,otherwise,I have better things to do than dealing with devil's advocates,because that's what they are other than idiots.They couldn't care less about truth,all they want is hostility and provocations at all cost for their very own reasons so f** them and goodbye.

If MJ's trolls give the media the power to be told what to think and who to like,they don't deserve to be his fans,they don't deserve his art,they don't deserve to be blessed by his genius.
Thanks God they don't like him!I don't want to have anything in common with them losers.
I remember when the shit storm about the allegations happened and me thinking 'what's the big deal?' I watched it when it aired and thought nothing of it as that's Michael-he's so lovely and caring how on earth can anyone think he did anything. This world is still not ready for Michael's take on the world-one so loving and caring. This world just wasn't ready for Michael Jackson.
What really pisses me off is that when you defend Michael's innocence with some people they just look at us as ''deluded Jackson fans'' who are just blindly following Michael.

If you defend Michael without saying your a fan then you get more credibility for some reason.
What really pisses me off is that when you defend Michael's innocence with some people they just look at us as ''deluded Jackson fans'' who are just blindly following Michael.

If you defend Michael without saying your a fan then you get more credibility for some reason.
Well, when you find people like that, you can also view them as "hater" or "ignrant idoits" who are blinded by lies. that is what you tell them. I have been bless in this because No one around me ever believe it not on my job or even my family, friends, and community. And when I do see someone who has "question" that are really to listen and often feel relieve and say "I thought that did not make sense in what they said about Michael". really, I think most people feel like this over all; otherwise, Michael would not be loved and still selling like he is doing even in death.