Bury the Never Ending Myth of Jackson as Child Molester

I think now he is gone, the fascination with knowing the REAL michael, the interest in the REAL man, is causing people to start to dig below the surface. I hope more and more of this happens and people find the truth. We as fans need to make sure the FACTS are available. On our websites, blogs, myspace, facebook, twitter pages - whatever we can. Not to post our opinions all the time but many many many facts to be found by those who seek it.

Excellent blog, thanks for posting!
...or Elvis Presley (he met and started a relationship with Pricsilla when she was 14, he 24)
...or Errol Flynn ( two under-age girls accused him for rape)
.. or Jerry Lee Lewis.. (who married his 13 year old cousin)
...or Gary Glitter (who is planning on recording an album despite being convicted)
...or James Wood (who started a relationsship with his friends daughter when she were under 18).

Don't forget Roman Polanksi!!!!!


In 1977, he was arrested in Los Angeles and pleaded guilty to "unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor", a 13-year-old girl.[3] Released after a 42-day psychiatric evaluation, Polanski fled to France. He is considered by U.S. authorities to be a fugitive from justice and cannot return to the United States without risking arrest and imprisonment. Polanski has since avoided visits to countries that were likely to extradite him, such as the United Kingdom. As a French citizen, he is protected by France's limited extradition with the United States, and Poland is also unlikely to extradite him. He travels mostly between France, where he resides, and Poland.

They pick and choose, don't they?!!!!!!!!!!
:angel:psalm 37

Keep Helping To Heal The World...Education IS the Key~~~
As long as gullibility exists, so too will this myth exist; in the eyes of the gullible, proof isn't required, just suggestions and statements from people claiming to be credible.

The truth is on Michael's side. That's all I care about.

Great point.

It's true, people still ask me, "Well, if he wasn't guilty in '93, why did he settle?" I always tell them, "He didn't want to settle. In fact, he tried to fight the decision on his defence team, yet his insurance company kept on pushing the settlement, telling him it would have costed him (and them) more time and money...possibly 5 more years of court appearances etc. And, it wasn't a criminal case, it was a civil case. The Chandlers never charged Mike with molesting their son, they just simply wanted to sue the man. They wanted money for their child not justice. Since they weren't willing to charge Michael....they knew that his team would eventually decide on a settlement. See, now you know how scum feeds on the innocent."

Believe me, I wish the world would read Geraldine Huges' book 'Redemption,' it would open people's eyes to what really happened. If you don't educate yourself, yet just assume what everyone else does...you may have well have never been born with a brain...let alone make decisions for yourself.

The truth lies in learning, not just accepting what the pack says. Accepting what others say doesn't make it true, and the easy way out doesn't make it easier.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is the GQ article? I would be interested to read it.
...or Elvis Presley (he met and started a relationship with Pricsilla when she was 14, he 24)
...or Errol Flynn ( two under-age girls accused him for rape)
.. or Jerry Lee Lewis.. (who married his 13 year old cousin)
...or Gary Glitter (who is planning on recording an album despite being convicted)
...or James Wood (who started a relationsship with his friends daughter when she were under 18).

ooo, chil' don't git me started on the media's selectivity. It just grinds my gears like you wouldn't believe.
Dang, I've read about a quarter of it or less, and already it sounds like a total set up against Michael Jackson. Damn, its just disgusting the people totally willing and ready to take total advantage. Just reading about the lawyer he picked out, just to destroy Michael Jackson at any cost. Damn.
It was Nen. If you read Geraldine Hughes book, 'Redemption,' you'll literally be in shock. I met the woman in Vegas a few years ago. She was the secretary of one of the lawyers who worked on the extortion. Sick...just wish we could go back in time and stop things like this from happening.
Many people dont care about the truth. They just want to believe the worse of someone. In our society myth can be just as compelling or powerful, for some, as truth. Its weird and I dont understand why people arent interested in the truth and finding out the facts for themselves but I guess some people just dont care and want to talk trash.
Why do people never mention the 1108 motion? In the 05 trial, all evidence from 93 was allowed to show a pattern of abuse. Michael was completely vindicated.

Really annoys me that more people do not mention this when defending MJ.
Of all these journalists, I have the most respect for Mary Fischer who investigated the case and wasn't afraid to write about the truth when the drama was at its peak...when everybody else was too afraid to support Michael.
Thanks for posting this article, Cinnamon.
yea~~it's so true!!!
It can really take for people changing their mind and it also could let some people know more who are didn't know real about him~~~
Thanks for posting. Something I have been thinking of is that I think the media completely bought Larry Fieldmans campaign that critizicing the Chandlers in any way was to "bully the victim" and also the most sensational story which would sell best was to make it looke like MJ was guilty. But according to Geraldine Hughes Evan Chandler had threatend to kill the whole Chandler family and that was the reason the stepfather recorded the phone coversation it the first place. He thought he woudl threaten them again but he said this.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlaVZw5h6YE
After that he assulted the stepfather twice quite seriously. After that Jordan has to get legal emancipation from his parents and then a restraining order. Really a lot of suffering may have been avoided if somebody investigated the Chandlers. They shouldn´t just have let it go. Now he is a 29 year old and can take care of him self but he can´t have had it easy. Evan Chandler sounds to me like a really dangerous person and it really should have been properly investigated.
Evan Chandler sounds to me like a really dangerous person and it really should have been properly investigated.

i reckon the reason he wasnt investigated , was coz sneddon didnt care.
He knew this was the most easiet way to get michael down pronto!
He knew most of the public already thought mike was werid...and what easier way to make mike look more werider.....MAKE FALSE CHILD SEX ABUSE ON HIM!!!.
i reckon the reason he wasnt investigated , was coz sneddon didnt care.
He knew this was the most easiet way to get michael down pronto!
He knew most of the public already thought mike was werid...and what easier way to make mike look more werider.....MAKE FALSE CHILD SEX ABUSE ON HIM!!!.
I agree but still if all of this is true it is serious. God, I wish it had been a different person who was the DA in Santa Barbara!
Has a lawyer ever been taken to court for being crooked and for seeking out and bribing/threatening people to lie for the prosecution?
There's so much evidence against Sneddon and against Evan Chandler. That's the ironic thing.
The law lets these 'supporting actors' get away when in fact, they're the ones with blood on their hands.
More people should read it...though by the looks of some of the comments it probably wouldnt do much to shutup the haters..

A question since it's bought up in the comments of the article and i've always wondered, Did mj always say he slept on the floor while the children slept in his bed? Cause i remember an interview, and its either The mid-90's one he Does with lisa-marie or the bashir one, where he clearly says a couple of times 'i slept on the floor' , but he gets so stuck on making the point that even if he had slept in the bed with the kid it wouldn't matter, that the comment kinda gets lost. So basically i can't remember if mj has ever said he's slept with kids in his bed or only that kids have slept in his bed while he was on the floor...
More people should read it...though by the looks of some of the comments it probably wouldnt do much to shutup the haters..

A question since it's bought up in the comments of the article and i've always wondered, Did mj always say he slept on the floor while the children slept in his bed? Cause i remember an interview, and its either The mid-90's one he Does with lisa-marie or the bashir one, where he clearly says a couple of times 'i slept on the floor' , but he gets so stuck on making the point that even if he had slept in the bed with the kid it wouldn't matter, that the comment kinda gets lost. So basically i can't remember if mj has ever said he's slept with kids in his bed or only that kids have slept in his bed while he was on the floor...

I remember Michael saying he slept on the floor, but they didn't wwant top hear that, they focused on him bbeiong in the same room with the children. They don't care to get the real facts all they care to repeat is "Michael slept in his bedrooms with young boys".

Know what I can attest to is Michaels bedroom was the size of two of my houses with a loft. I truly believe that Michael was just a kid inside and playing that out as an adult due to him havingb his childhood snuffed out since he was slaving for Joe to crank out that music. :(
More people should read it...though by the looks of some of the comments it probably wouldnt do much to shutup the haters..

A question since it's bought up in the comments of the article and i've always wondered, Did mj always say he slept on the floor while the children slept in his bed? Cause i remember an interview, and its either The mid-90's one he Does with lisa-marie or the bashir one, where he clearly says a couple of times 'i slept on the floor' , but he gets so stuck on making the point that even if he had slept in the bed with the kid it wouldn't matter, that the comment kinda gets lost. So basically i can't remember if mj has ever said he's slept with kids in his bed or only that kids have slept in his bed while he was on the floor...

I am 100% sure Michael said he slept on the floor and gave his bed to the children. Michael never ever said he slept with children in bed, but the media reported that way and misled the audience. by the way, the kids asked Michael to share his room, and michael agreed. In Martin Bashir's interview, Michael said that he never invited the children to sleep in his room unless the kids asked. Michael had the pure, caring, loving heart (child's heart), kids love him so much and want to stay with him always. children and animals had always been his close friends.
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The article was Great. But the truth is, No matter how we wanna bury this Myth, there are still gonna be people with Twisted minds, who dont wanna listen to the truth. Since we know the truth about Mike, We must continue to try to set the truth straight! Thanx for the article. :D

everybody knows the truth, that MJ is not a child molester. there are just those who refuse to acknowledge it. they just call fans nasty names.
If I had one shred of doubt about Michael's innocence I would not listen to a song of his again. But I do not. I have never doubted Michael's innocence because he is innocent. I just pity the people that keep supporting this myth. I even had someone making up facts to me when they were trying to 'prove' that MJ was a child molester. They magically did not reply back when I posted a court transcript disproving that right away. Thank you Mr Hutchinson.
I am very happy with this article :) I hope many people read it but, not just they need to read about all the facts that point to MJ innocence, that has been out their since the very beginning, THE VERY BEGINNING!
Thanks for posting this!
My heart breaks for what michael went through today it seems everyone is guilty even if there is no evidence, now we have to fight for our innocence - guilty until proved innocent or sadly in michaels case the media and certain twisted individuals will ignore the fact he is innocent, ignore the truth and will play only with myth. Its a sad world we live in that this is the case.