Bury the Never Ending Myth of Jackson as Child Molester

they were threatened by Frank with a gun , mj threatened them he was going to send them to Brazil in a hot air balloon , MJ held them hostages in a 4 stars resort with full access to everything , they escaped in a rolls Royce in the middle of the night THREE times and CAME BACK everytime. that;s how they expalined it

And dumbass haters believe this story.:bugeyed And I myself still can't believe how these folks (the accusers) have supporters. Their story is ludicrous as heck.
As fans of MJ we all know he was innocent. But a lady called Diana Cooper was channelled by Lord Kumeka (you may have to look him up if you do not know who he is. He was one of the ascended masters) and he told her that MJ did not do anything to boys. This was in her newsletter back in July 2009. Just thought i oughta share this with.
Any messages channelled by the divine is usually always true.
This is why I say Jordan is going to pay for this. he is a grown man and he needs to clear MJ's name. I do not care if anyone beleives him or not, the point of the matter Jordan needs to speak the truth and leave it at that. This is also with the Garvin.
And dumbass haters believe this story.:bugeyed And I myself still can't believe how these folks (the accusers) have supporters. Their story is ludicrous as heck.
There is always going to be a guible idoit. However I think Most people do not believe this mess although I feel Jordan and this Garvin jerk still need to come out and say "I lied' especially Jordan. I think Garvin was not believe my hardley anyone even though the media wanted you all to think otherwise.
Unfortunately, it will be mentioned in any biography about him down through the centuries. He was the subject of two major investigations, the first of which was only dismissed after an enormous settlement and the second of which resulted in one of the most scrutinized trials ever of a famous person. Just as proponents of his innocence will work tirelessly to advance this view so, too, will will a section of the public always remain convinced, and work to convince others, of his guilt, particularly of the Chandlers' charge.
the first of which was only dismissed after an enormous settlement.

It was not dimissed simply because of the settlement. The payout did not prevent any charges from happening and the case going to criminal court! The greedy Chandlers got their money (that was what they wanted from the start) yet they did not want to persue any charges against Michael? Oh and the small matter of fact that the DA, LAPD and the FBI found no evidence!!!! Michael was not even arrested!
There is always going to be a guible idoit. However I think Most people do not believe this mess although I feel Jordan and this Garvin jerk still need to come out and say "I lied' especially Jordan. I think Garvin was not believe my hardley anyone even though the media wanted you all to think otherwise.

The wonderful thing about the internet is that the truth will come out eventually. I mean don't they have social networking sites. More importantly we can go after their friends
Jordan Chandler will never come forward and say a thing. He is in hiding and I am sure he will keep it that way.

As far as people knowing or not knowing, I do believe most think he is innocent and I don't think even if Jordan Chandler and Gavin Arviso came out and said they lied it would change the few who still believe he is guilty. They would simply say the two were now lying so YOU CAN'T WIN there.
they were threatened by Frank with a gun , mj threatened them he was going to send them to Brazil in a hot air balloon , MJ held them hostages in a 4 stars resort with full access to everything , they escaped in a rolls Royce in the middle of the night THREE times and CAME BACK everytime. that;s how they expalined it
this quote is golden.
The media is at present engaged in a deliberate, overt campaign to justify its 16 year 'monsterdom' of Michael Jackson.

We must all daily challenge, rebut and deny their negative narrative whenever we see it evident.

The combination of stresses in Michael's life killed Michael's joy and depleted his vitality, and the media was - and is, a major part of that pressure.

We will not allow them to destroy Michael's memory too.

This latest outrage on Access Hollywood tells me the media is nowhere near done with its overt agenda.

Please can all continue to support British journalist Charles Thomson, by making people aware of the article at Huffington Post and encouraging people overseas to comment there with legitmate names. You can also leave more than one comment, include interesting links - and dialogue with Mr Thomson there.

If we all do this, the editorial of HP will recognize that fact-based, truthful articles about Michael are appreciated and demanded.

Well done to everybody who raised their voices about Access Hollywood.

We have many more years of this to come. Let us be ready.

The fight continues....

Thanks for this, I really wish I could wake up tomorrow morning with 6 billion people knowing the truth about Michael.
Thanks for this, I really wish I could wake up tomorrow morning with 6 billion people knowing the truth about Michael.

IMHO..I think 6 Billion people DO know the truth about Michael..I think they are just to ignorant to admit it!!!
IMHO..I think 6 Billion people DO know the truth about Michael..I think they are just to ignorant to admit it!!!

No you're wrong. 5 billion 999 million 990 thousand people know the truth about Michael. The rest work in media.
Thanks a lot for this! Yesterday, on another forum I frequent, some girl was being rather ignorant about Michael even thought the discussion was on another topic. I felt really upset because no one should be mean to Michael. He was such an amazing human being and he certainly did not deserve it. :(

I wish people would stop being retarded and mean. This is just something that one cannot change, I suppose. I think the FBI files already prove that they couldn't find anything, and we all know how violently Tom Sneddon pursued the whole affair.

Sometimes I really despair because people are just infinitely stupid... T__T"
This is so true and well-written.

Indeed, the cross Michael bore goes back to the Chandlers. Although I believe time is on Mike's side, and although he is now dead and it will not bring him back, I believe Jordy coming out and confessing what did (not) happen back then is the only thing that will clear MJ's reputation in the public for good. And you will see then an overwhelm of guilt by the people that believed and perpetuated these stories for so long..

It is my wish, but I don't think he's gonna do it. I found out after searching a little that he and his family have had an incredibly luxurious life style after 93 which they would otherwise never dream of, and which I'm sure they would never give back -with houses across the country, luxurious vacations, no need to work etc-, all built on the money they got from MJ. They will NEVER risk losing it -which I'm sure they fear-, and they won't even risk having other people come and telling them that they're cursed because their good lives are all built on lies, which eventually led to the death of a man..

You know what? I think the unconfirmed story that circulated on the web after Michael's death about Jordy retracting his story and apologizing is legit.. I think it's the closest he will come to clearing Michael's name.. He'll always remain short of a full retraction, and will 'compensate' implicitly by spreading stories of apology like this one.. that's what I believe

Hate to admit it, but even if Jordy came out and said it all was a lie AND was even willing to give up his expensive lifestyle and risk everything else he's been through thanks to his father, there will STILL be people who believe the accusations are true.

These people will justify their belief however need be. They'll say that Jordy feels bad Mike died and is trying to cover it up to be nice. Or they'll say that the estate has paid him even more money to retract what he's said in the past.

Guys, I hate to tell you this, but even before the 93 charges, Michael was being tarnished by the press. There is a need in some people to tear down that which they are unfamiliar; that which they don't understand; that which they will never be. Michael was an enigma - a talent beyond measure - and to many people the only reaction is to hate it and tear it down. They do not want to believe that one person could contain so much talent. Well, at least we know the truth. We'll always know we have that and we have each other with which to share this truth. Let people believe what they want. Idiots abound and it's not your fault.
Hate to admit it, but even if Jordy came out and said it all was a lie AND was even willing to give up his expensive lifestyle and risk everything else he's been through thanks to his father, there will STILL be people who believe the accusations are true.

These people will justify their belief however need be. They'll say that Jordy feels bad Mike died and is trying to cover it up to be nice. Or they'll say that the estate has paid him even more money to retract what he's said in the past.

Guys, I hate to tell you this, but even before the 93 charges, Michael was being tarnished by the press. There is a need in some people to tear down that which they are unfamiliar; that which they don't understand; that which they will never be. Michael was an enigma - a talent beyond measure - and to many people the only reaction is to hate it and tear it down. They do not want to believe that one person could contain so much talent. Well, at least we know the truth. We'll always know we have that and we have each other with which to share this truth. Let people believe what they want. Idiots abound and it's not your fault.

It's true that even if Jordie admitted they lied there would still be people believing Michael did it, just for the sake of bashing him and justify their hatred. Much like people and the media still question whether Michael's and Lisa Marie's marriage was real, whether they had sex, despite of Lisa repeatedly saying it was real and yes, they did have sex. People like Diane Diamond simply ignore that and keep going on about their own agenda still saying they never had sex (how does she know, BTW?).

But then the fact even the accuser admitted he lied could be held against them! And it would be a very important trump! I know there would still be retarded people saying he was a child molester, but I believe there are a lot of honest people out there who are only confused about it and who would only need a confession from Jordie to make up their mind in favour of Michael! In fact, I think the majority of people are like that and there would only be a tiny minority still believing he did it if Jordie confessed.
They do not want to believe that one person could contain so much talent.

And can you imagine that when Michael died he was on the cover of SPIEGEL magazine, a firmly established and highly respected German political magazine comparable to the TIMES, and in the accompanying article they wrote that Michael had been overrated during his lifetime and had had no real impact on music history and the music industry unlike the Beatles and/or Elvis Presley.

The SPIEGEL magazine writers of this article even suggested in it that he really was a pedophile, completely ignoring that he had been found not guilty of ALL charges on June 13th 2005!

In my 20 years of being in love with Michael Jackson and constantly fighting because of my adoration of him I have learned that people are indeed ignorant and stupid and ugly, even the ones that I believed to be intelligent. And I have excepted this and have somewhat learned to live with this.

What I cannot live with are things like these: people who believe themselves to be intellectual, educated, elitist, who are supposed to find and spread the truth and who therefore hold a responsibility to their readers, the masses, who can write articles like the one I mentioned above, lacking respect, humanity, fact, truth, decency.

These things make me despair.
There's just too much hate in the world these days.

And 99.9% of it is probably generated by the "News" outlets (Papers, Websites and TV Channels). What they really do is just spread lies and stir-up conflict between nations, ethnicities and religions.

At its very best we only get half a story and only one point of view. At their worst, they ruin the lives of anybody talented and has become famous for it. They make money from printing pictures of dying children but do nothing to help those children.

They went for Michael in the same way and lost him hundreds of millions of dollars (in legal bills due to the accusations) and made him so ill and depressed that he might of died over 15 years ago. As it is, Michael's re-occurrences poor health from the 90's onwards was largely due to the vile that these people published. If it wasn't for them, Sneddon would of never stood a chance of even taking Michael to court. It is from these outlets that the MJ Haters stem from.

If the papers aren't to blame for Michael's death, I don't know who is.
This is why I hold Jordan Chandler responiable for MOST of this due to that @##% settlement. Yes, I understand what Jordon signed and blah, blah. To me, WHO CARES. HE LIED. He is a grown man now and now God will hold him to tell the truth. Look at it, Jordan go the money but he is alway running away from this. This will follow him until the day he die (and then he will have to answer to God). Yes, he was child back then but he is a man now and is still going along with the lie (I do not care about him telling a few friends that it is not true, he needs to tell the world. And no I do not care if there are some people who may not believe him, that will be their problem and really show they are dealing with something in thier own lives.). I will always despise this punk for what he did to Michael.
There's just too much hate in the world these days.

And 99.9% of it is probably generated by the "News" outlets (Papers, Websites and TV Channels). What they really do is just spread lies and stir-up conflict between nations, ethnicities and religions.

At its very best we only get half a story and only one point of view. At their worst, they ruin the lives of anybody talented and has become famous for it. They make money from printing pictures of dying children but do nothing to help those children.

They went for Michael in the same way and lost him hundreds of millions of dollars (in legal bills due to the accusations) and made him so ill and depressed that he might of died over 15 years ago. As it is, Michael's re-occurrences poor health from the 90's onwards was largely due to the vile that these people published. If it wasn't for them, Sneddon would of never stood a chance of even taking Michael to court. It is from these outlets that the MJ Haters stem from.

If the papers aren't to blame for Michael's death, I don't know who is.
I agree.
And can you imagine that when Michael died he was on the cover of SPIEGEL magazine, a firmly established and highly respected German political magazine comparable to the TIMES, and in the accompanying article they wrote that Michael had been overrated during his lifetime and had had no real impact on music history and the music industry unlike the Beatles and/or Elvis Presley.

The SPIEGEL magazine writers of this article even suggested in it that he really was a pedophile, completely ignoring that he had been found not guilty of ALL charges on June 13th 2005!

In my 20 years of being in love with Michael Jackson and constantly fighting because of my adoration of him I have learned that people are indeed ignorant and stupid and ugly, even the ones that I believed to be intelligent. And I have excepted this and have somewhat learned to live with this.

What I cannot live with are things like these: people who believe themselves to be intellectual, educated, elitist, who are supposed to find and spread the truth and who therefore hold a responsibility to their readers, the masses, who can write articles like the one I mentioned above, lacking respect, humanity, fact, truth, decency.

These things make me despair.
To me, those writers seem to be racist and lovers of the beatles and Elvis and can not face that a black man OVERPOWED their love. BY them saying "overrated" showed that lost "crediablity". Just because they say it does NOT make it so. Michael's history speak for itself, NOT from some racist no name writers who no one outside of their rim will every know. WHen they are dead and gone, no one will know them or what they said; however Michael will ALWAYS be label in the HISTORY BOOKS as "the greatest entertainer to ever live".
Hate to admit it, but even if Jordy came out and said it all was a lie AND was even willing to give up his expensive lifestyle and risk everything else he's been through thanks to his father, there will STILL be people who believe the accusations are true.

These people will justify their belief however need be. They'll say that Jordy feels bad Mike died and is trying to cover it up to be nice. Or they'll say that the estate has paid him even more money to retract what he's said in the past.

Guys, I hate to tell you this, but even before the 93 charges, Michael was being tarnished by the press. There is a need in some people to tear down that which they are unfamiliar; that which they don't understand; that which they will never be. Michael was an enigma - a talent beyond measure - and to many people the only reaction is to hate it and tear it down. They do not want to believe that one person could contain so much talent. Well, at least we know the truth. We'll always know we have that and we have each other with which to share this truth. Let people believe what they want. Idiots abound and it's not your fault.
Who cares about those people who may believe (I think they are in the minority anyway. MOST people loved Michael and miss him. but the media wany you to believe otherwise which is not true). To me, Jordan needs to do this for HIMSELF, for MICHAEL. for the WORLD-I say this because it is lies like this that make REAL cases not be looked into and taken serious). And yes, I agree with your last paragraph. SOme people hate a winner. And when you are black, that makes the hate even more for some.
And can you imagine that when Michael died he was on the cover of SPIEGEL magazine, a firmly established and highly respected German political magazine comparable to the TIMES, and in the accompanying article they wrote that Michael had been overrated during his lifetime and had had no real impact on music history and the music industry unlike the Beatles and/or Elvis Presley.

Anyone who says Elvis was bigger than Michael has absolutely no clue about music, IMO.
So the author of that SPIEGEL article just gave himself away as totally clueless with that!
Elvis Presley!?

He didn't even write his own songs so how could he possibly have impacted the music industry!?

I think what he meant to say was Chuck Berry. And if he didn't mean to say Chuck Berry, he's an imbecile.
I think fans care too much about these fools.

Of course we will always defend MJ. We will do this because it is the right thing to do and because of his children. But these people are pathetic.

Sorry, but I do not care about these people or their opinion. They are nothing.
Its annoying how people ignore the trial in 2005 where he was aquitted, not guilty. I've had people say 'the jury were influenced by media thats why he got off'. What?? The media coverage was totally anti-michael! They were biased in what they were reporting and they decided he was guilty right away. They were talking about how he'd cope in jail, they were making jokes.. it was horrid.

They made him guilty, the media. After it was over and he was a free man the media weren't going to backtrack everything they'd said and it was too late anyway their biased slanted coverage and horrible words had already poisoned many people's minds.
It will never go away. Period. It is a shame that it won't but it is something that some people will always associate with him. Time heals all so perhaps people will just forget about it as time goes on and remember him just for his music...it is what I think will eventually happen. I can't remember the last time someone mentioned the case of Kobe Bryant for example or even Ben Roethlisberger (at least his first case). No, the cases are not the same as what MJ went through but I'm more so referring to how people just forgot about it eventually and stopped talking about it. Kobe Bryant will be remembered for his great NBA talent, not for what he ended being proven not guilty for.

Kinda off-topic but I have also always been amazed at something. People will jump up and down and have a fit if someone says anything negative about MJ and people will defend him as if they really did know it. Yet often times, these exact same people will jump on any other singer or celebrity and believe most of the rumors written about them. This does not apply to anyone in particular here, just an observation I have noticed over the years. It is hypercritical. You either believe all the stories about everyone, or none of the stories about anyone. Special rules do not apply to Michael Jackson. Everyone is human and deserves to be treated as such. And everyone is innocent until proven otherwise.
Its annoying how people ignore the trial in 2005 where he was aquitted, not guilty. I've had people say 'the jury were influenced by media thats why he got off'. What?? The media coverage was totally anti-michael! They were biased in what they were reporting and they decided he was guilty right away. They were talking about how he'd cope in jail, they were making jokes.. it was horrid.
I've heard people say that the entire justice system (whatever you call it, you know what I mean) was biased IN FAVOUR of Michael...lolwut?

Sure, Thomas Sneddon totally loved MJ; travelling around the world to try find people that had "been molested by him", raiding (destroying) his Neverland home with God knows how many officers and generally trying to defile him for over 20 years. Oh, and I forgot about the FBI too. :doh: