Bury the Never Ending Myth of Jackson as Child Molester

Argh.. Got in a big argue today with some of my friends about MJ.. Of course they say he is pedo, bla, bla bla, he slept with children, he is gay for crotch grabbing, turned white, all that shit. I TRY to tell them the truth, what do I get? Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance.

Some day, I will end up in a real fight for defending Michael. I don't tolerate people talking shit about him when they know NOTHING.

Sound to me like these fools say this because they know it will get to you. Believe me, if Mj was alive and he would walk in the door, these would be the first fools in line to see him. heck, they will beat you to him (and you are the one who love him and been loyal). Pay them no mind.
I am kind of ashamed to say this,but for a while I did not know what to believe. My mom was never a Michael Jackson fan and believed the lies (she still does even though I try and tell her the truth all the time) so when I was little and used to sing his song she would always say things like "he makes good songs but he is a sick man." So I pretty much grew up with that thought in my head.

I do remember watching Living with Michael Jackson and actually thinking that he didnt seem like someone who was sick, he seemed like someone really nice caring. I remember telling people that I didnt think he was a pedophile because he seemed way to sweet to do anything like that. But people just laughed at me so after that I kind of kept it to myself. The way the media and others talked about him it definitely made me question his innocence, but I blame the naivety on being 13 or 14 at the time. Now I am older and have actually looked into the case and realize how clear it is that he is NOT a pedophile. I feel so dumb but ever thinking otherwise and hate the fact that I wasnt there for Micahel :(
T me, this is ok. But at least you learn better and was willing to listen and change your view.
My brother still believes it's all true, yet he doesn't know any facts, just what he's heard in the media. I tried to get him to do some more research on the subject, but he refuses and says "I believe in what I believe, let it go" or "I have proof, he's a freak of course he did it". I simply can't let it go. The reason is bc if I thought for a second he did any of those horrible things, I would've burned all his cds I have. It bothers me that he thinks I am a fan of someone who he thinks has molested children, yet he has no problem with my niece who's 6 being a big fan (thanks to me). If everyone looked more closely at the stone cold facts,and not all this he said/she said hearsay, they'd realize all he was guilty of is having a pure heart full of love. I love hanging out with kids myself, I babysit a fair share and love it. I even end up sleeping next to them when they have a bad dream for comfort when I babysit overnight sometimes. Does that make me a child molester? I really hope not. I'm tired of defending Michael with facts everyone should know anyway. People just tend to believe what they hear, most have no opinions of their own, that's why this myth will always be hanging over his name unfortunately.
What proof does your brother have on Mj? See, right there shows your brother is a nut (sorry but no offense). Again, when I hear stuff like that, to me, it shows the stupidity of that person and I would break them down. Once, I break you down, I am finished with it. Like is said, often times, these kinds of people say it in order to get to you because they know you love Michael. It like the someone who want to be difficult. If you say blue, they will say it is green just because they think it will tick you off.
To call me a blind delusional fan is a typical excuse for those who can NOT (because they really cannot see through their dirty thoughts) see through their own crazy and typical driven sexual thoughts...(which is very sick cause there is nothing, yet they use their imagination, disgusting imagination in this case...)

I became a fan back in 2001 and i had no idea of those allegations, so i had to find out by MYSELF whether they were true or not, SO I SEARCHED AND RESEARCHED for a long time, even reading the most crazy sexually driven "information" and i realize that the allegations were made by a VERY SMART MAN CALLED EVAN CHANDLER (who now is dead because he commited suicide even though i dont know why) this man Evan Chandler made a lie, better said he created A PLAN, and he was extremely SMART, he got what he wanted, he did, he prepared everything very well so f+cking well, and you know an accusation like that is one of those many just cant see through, they just cant..., BUT he got the money and then he went away (remember this man was extremely smart he WANTED TO BE FILM DIRECTOR, he did many scripts, he was SMART, and he created an script here too, he was very intelligent, so was /is his son...). But that man Evan was SMART and he used that intelligence in the way he could, in a bad way he gained a lot..., i hate him even though he is dead now ( he commited suicide, so, he wanted to die, he even got that chance...)

If there is one thing sure is that i didnt went all blind....

Im getting tired of those "haters" which is a NICE NAME after all, cause i could call them in a thousand more explicative ways, for them is very easy to get all BLIND, see, their heads are TOO dirty, and makes me wonder why they are like that..., its their IMAGINATION, they see all sexual... i mean that is quite sick.... they see a boy and they think sexual realted, that is SICK.... really sick, and they may have a problem they dont even know...
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MJ's innocent but he could've done a lot to bury the myth by stopping the sleepovers after '93. I am a father of 3 girls and would never let them sleep over with a 45 year old man let alone one accused of child molestation. Just can't risk it. Bottom line: MJ should've nipped this in the bud but he let it go on for 10 years and now we have to bury the myth (it's futile, it'll always be mentioned just like the excessive surgeries).
MJ's innocent but he could've done a lot to bury the myth by stopping the sleepovers after '93. I am a father of 3 girls and would never let them sleep over with a 45 year old man let alone one accused of child molestation. Just can't risk it. Bottom line: MJ should've nipped this in the bud but he let it go on for 10 years and now we have to bury the myth (it's futile, it'll always be mentioned just like the excessive surgeries).

I do agree that at times he did not help the situation. Reading things he said in interviews I find myself wanting to hit him on the head and just shut him up because he was naive enough to think that because he was telling the truth that everyone would believe him. But the media pretty much ripped him to shreds and were very unfair about the whole thing.
^^^^ Michael had a completely different point of view, as he was not so much into the "REAL world", he had the idea that what he was doing was perfectly fine, as he was innocent he thought that way, and he was stuborn, as he was dooing absolutely nothing wrong he said to himslef, "·why should i stop something that is fine?", I KNOW i wouldnt approve this to any other person, noone, but researching MICHAEL'S PARTICULAR LIFE, i understand him, he was NOT like common people , he was NOT, letting the sleepover continue may have not been the best for his image, but he acted FOR HIS HEART cause he was INNOCENT, i do agree it would have been better for his image but it was not for his heart. BUT I DONT APPROVE THIS ON ANOTHER PERSON, i dont. Michael was special, that is FACT
But a lot of people incorrectly believe that Michael was continuing to sleep alone in his bedroom with children after 93 which he didn't. He had one of his security guards sleep in the room as well after 1993 so there was always another adult in the room as he didn't want to be accused of it again. Michael's view of the world is completely different to that of society's. Michael's view of love and innocence is unfortunately not shared by the rest of the world. I agree that at times he didn't help the situation like what he said on LWMJ but his take on the world was so different. As a fan of his me watching the programme I never thought anything of it as that's Michael-he's so sweet and loving and I couldn't understand the furore the next day. These lies about him being a child molester need to stop. Less people do it now which is good but there are still unfortunately too many people who believe it, and then resort to childish insults when you give them the links to court transcripts. I even had one person even say to me 'the FBI didn't do anything as they don't investigate child abuse cases.' After I gave this person the link to the FBI's child abuse page I got the whole 'you're blind, you're just a stan' remark. I find it so sad how some people cannot process their brain's correctly that they still believe this crap. I pity them really.
You know there is this whole part of human nature regard to child molestation. We did about it in Law at college. People always go with innocent until proven guilty for most crimes. But it's quiet the opposite with child molestation as opposed to any other crime. People go with guilty until proven innocent.

That's why it's so convenient for some evil people to falsely accuse others of this crime. I have once read an article on how it's usual for mothers to accuse fathers of child molestation in bitter custody fights! It's because in that case society immediately gives support and sympathy to the mother and immediately condemns the father and the stigma sticks. It's also because even if the father manages to prove he isn't a molester it's basically impossible to prove that the mother acted in bad faith when she accused him, so she won't be held responsible for her claims!
i don't think the media gave a shit about children, until their furor over Michael, came along.(which is why i don't believe the media gives a shit about children, now..or ever did, or ever will give a shit about them). in the late eighties, when MJ was just hitting his second stride, (before the media got wind of MJ buying the catalogue), there was a rash of children getting raped and murdered, and it was all reduced to back burner news stories.

so, i just think it's a matter of hating on MJ, out of envy..and it has nothing to do with children.
TO VNCWILLIAM, I agree even though i wasnt born until december 1987, but i've seen many documentals and that shit happened/happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME, specially on churches and stuff, and those accusations ARE TRUE, but priests are PROTECTED, and is SO DISGUSTING NO ONE DOES THEM NOTHING, and we are talking about real child molesters, we're talking RAPISTS, yet noone does nothing to them...im talking about the priests but there are also thousand REAL pedophiles out there, yet no one does nothing, what about schools???, they are on EVERYWHRE, and they ARE GUILTY.
Now with Michael it was like a complete crazyness, everybody was out saying any kind of crazy story, tabloids would turn everything on their own ways to make UP LIES, Michael was so innocent, things were so clear... if you look at them now... so sad this happened to him.. just accusing him without even trying to figure things out, Michael sensibility was SPECIAL, even the perception of his own image, he felt it different, you can see the man was extremely sensitive and he had a complete DIFFERENT perception of the world, like the boy in the bubble, and he believed in the GOODNESS of human nature no matter what (not so much in his lasts years though, he was dessapointed, it was clear), he, for some reason felt his mother was a saint, he thought children were saints too, his mind was, and i hate to say this, he was wrong, nor his mother nor the children are saints... but he was stubborn (but i can see why he would make things that way, who would he trust???, he turn into what he thought was pure, the children) and he refused to see things as they were, but i completely understand him, i cannot judge him, and he is gone now, so i think we should give an end, its getting so frustating, just to know he could have been alive, because that trial completely broke his soul, that trial was just the real desillusion, that showed him finally how the REAL WORLD WORKS and he found out it was not a fairytale, Michael was too sensitive, but that was him, and im happy noone can bother him anymore now, with those lies that ruined his world, im happy cause he's finally at peace. But Im angry at how it all ended, I am really angry at how things ended...INJUSTICE ALL THE WAY, and it keeps on, and it will keep on sadly. INJUSTICE RUNS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN.
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That's why it's so convenient for some evil people to falsely accuse others of this crime. I have once read an article on how it's usual for mothers to accuse fathers of child molestation in bitter custody fights! It's because in that case society immediately gives support and sympathy to the mother and immediately condemns the father and the stigma sticks. It's also because even if the father manages to prove he isn't a molester it's basically impossible to prove that the mother acted in bad faith when she accused him, so she won't be held responsible for her claims!

Exactly, they knew it was a win win situation. Flippin haters always bang on about 1993, they say why settle out of court when you could just go to trial, win and clear your name. Look what happend in 2003-2005 when he did that, he got loads more people hatin on him and a media frenzy, and he knew the same thing would happen/or his insurers did should the case go to court in 1993. That all there was too it, but they keep coming up with a load of sensationalist rubbish in response.
Thank god my family doesn't think like this. Even my non-MJ fan sis doesn't care. She's 14. And I also think goodness that I haven't ran into hardcore MJ haters In real life yet.
Thank god my family doesn't think like this. Even my non-MJ fan sis doesn't care. She's 14. And I also think goodness that I haven't ran into hardcore MJ haters In real life yet.
My case too, even in the trial times common people, i would hear what they would say if i was alone at times ( at public places :ph34r:) when i was at one place many people would discuse the trail and i was just happy people would think it was all for the money, people would end up saying, sadly he changed his skin (WRONG!) they would end up talking about him, his life, not the allegations, but on the net and media it was a different story

On 2003 I remember exactly howhappy the day Michael was returnig to music with a new single, when he Launched the song "ONE MORE CHANCE", but then THE SAME DAY, like if it was ON PURPOSE (cause it WAS on purpose...), the news of the police riding Neverland ( i was back from school and the news were there, i wanted to die, it was a nightmare... so aweful, THEY RUINED IT ALL!!!) Michael was coming back!!!!! i was waiting for new Music since 2001, i thought Michael was about to return then with a complete NEW album which im sure he would have done in 2004 or 2005, but things completely changed... THAT TRIAL, all the people, invloved there, they killed him, they slowly killed him, i would be happy if they are living a nightmare now, but im sure they are just fine.... because life is like that, and if you look out the world is like that, noone cares about anything.
Im having this huge argument with this hater on YT. He knows a hell of a lot about the case, but he has got it all wrong sadly............. he keeps banging on about the settlemet, he always says mj fans always back out cause they know i am right, and run off and cry. But im a hardcore fan, i know absolutely everything about that case, ive explained and answered every single question he has, he's running out i can tell. He keeps going back to the settlement.
MJ's innocent but he could've done a lot to bury the myth by stopping the sleepovers after '93.

I agree, he could have and should have and I think the reason why he didn't was his stubbornness. He wanted to show they can't tell him what to do, what not to do and if people think it's sexual it's their dirty minds. But he lost this game, he should have been less stubborn and see why he exposes himself to unneccesary attacks that way. :(
Im having this huge argument with this hater on YT. He knows a hell of a lot about the case, but he has got it all wrong sadly............. he keeps banging on about the settlemet, he always says mj fans always back out cause they know i am right, and run off and cry. But im a hardcore fan, i know absolutely everything about that case, ive explained and answered every single question he has, he's running out i can tell. He keeps going back to the settlement.
The thing is Michael had to go on with his life, that whole lie was already a BIG scandal and it was not good for him (his body) nor his image, he had a tour, he had the musical life, and he did RIGHT, that was a lie, and Chandler was a super smart man, he woulndt stop with his lie until he got what he wanted which was MONEY, i dont know what part of this statement the "hater" doent understand ( i think that person you are arguing is on COMPLETE DENIAL...), Michael settled, he had to go on, and it was all done this way, he settled, Michael realize this man Evan Chandler wouldnt back off with his lie, with his plan, i mean Evan did everything with a purpose he would not back off, that man was just a great opportunist and as if that was not enough he was smart as hell, and he did what he needed to do, he had his beloved MONEY, ( and to be real Michael could have all this hidden if he (Michael) would have agreed EARLIER TO THAT SETTLEMENT, but as we all know, Michaal was stubborn and he at first DIDNT wanted to pay, but of course he did then) it was not that much money i you realize you are talking Michael Jackson in 1993..., but an insurance company paid that anyway... and it was that or a trial which would have done what it did to him in 2004, Michael would have died in the 1990... im sure, he was too sensitive, he would have ended bad earlier... we wouldnt have HIStory or Blood On The Dancefloor or Invincible.
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Im having this huge argument with this hater on YT. He knows a hell of a lot about the case, but he has got it all wrong sadly............. he keeps banging on about the settlemet, he always says mj fans always back out cause they know i am right, and run off and cry. But im a hardcore fan, i know absolutely everything about that case, ive explained and answered every single question he has, he's running out i can tell. He keeps going back to the settlement.

Noone can really win the argument of the settlement because blame can always go to Jordy's father...

But... the settlement only affected the Civil case and not the Criminal case. If the Chandlers wanted to put Michael away in prison, they could have gone to a criminal trial even after settling the civil suit.

What those who are uninformed usually come back with is

"that simply means Jordy's parents are ass-holes and wanted money, but it doesn't mean Jordy was not abused".

Fact is they got what they wanted (the money) and ran. They really didn't want to go through with the criminal case because it was never about putting MJ in prison for them.
I agree, he could have and should have and I think the reason why he didn't was his stubbornness. He wanted to show they can't tell him what to do, what not to do and if people think it's sexual it's their dirty minds. But he lost this game, he should have been less stubborn and see why he exposes himself to unneccesary attacks that way. :(
MJ did stop with the sleepovers after 1993. There is no one after the '93 allegations that claim they slept in his bed with him. According to Frank Cascio, he made sure he was never in the room alone with any of the Arvizo children. The Arvizos say the same thing in the DCFS memo.

But the sleepovers weren't really the problem. The problem was him being too nice and allowing so many strangers into his home. He was way too trustworthy and did not find out about the true motives of some people in his life until it was too late.
Noone can really win the argument of the settlement because blame can always go to Jordy's father...

But... the settlement only affected the Civil case and not the Criminal case. If the Chandlers wanted to put Michael away in prison, they could have gone to a criminal trial even after settling the civil suit.

What those who are uninformed usually come back with is

"that simply means Jordy's parents are ass-holes and wanted money, but it doesn't mean Jordy was not abused".

Fact is they got what they wanted (the money) and ran. They really didn't want to go through with the criminal case because it was never about putting MJ in prison for them.
EXACTLY, they could have done the criminal trial BUT THEY DIDNT, so they just got what they wanted in an easier way. F*ck them! they are and will always be leeches liars, and that would never change.
Noone can really win the argument of the settlement because blame can always go to Jordy's father...

But... the settlement only affected the Civil case and not the Criminal case. If the Chandlers wanted to put Michael away in prison, they could have gone to a criminal trial even after settling the civil suit.

What those who are uninformed usually come back with is

"that simply means Jordy's parents are ass-holes and wanted money, but it doesn't mean Jordy was not abused".

Fact is they got what they wanted (the money) and ran. They really didn't want to go through with the criminal case because it was never about putting MJ in prison for them.

Don't worry, i said all this to them, but they just don't understand, when set up is staring them in the face, they still ignore.
^^^^ no its not that they dont understand is that they DONT WANT TO understand, its call DENIAL... if i was you i would just let them be.... why waste your time anyway, denial works that way...
MJ did stop with the sleepovers after 1993. There is no one after the '93 allegations that claim they slept in his bed with him. According to Frank Cascio, he made sure he was never in the room alone with any of the Arvizo children. The Arvizos say the same thing in the DCFS memo.

That is very true! People seem to not notice that especially the media & haters for their own gain of course!

I don't think MJ let any other family close to him like the Arviso's especially the children like he might have back in the 90's (minus letting them sleep on his bed with him) after 10 yrs after 93 maybe he felt more comfortable with trusting people again especially a child who was dieing when he met him! But, unfortunately what he didn't expect was they were used to getting their way when it came to money!

So I don't blame him at all! You can't live your life going around not trusting people forever, which I sure he felt was hard to do after 93 and I believe that he felt he could finally and unfortunately the Arvisos took advantage of that!
I have to disagree to some extent with the idea that Michael brought this on himself.

My thoughts are a bit disjointed but bear with me!

Michael's clear and emphatic statement that he would still have children in his bedroom meant only that it made the second accusation easier for the public to believe.

The Arvizos would have accused Michael of molestation one way or the other! Once they failed to get what they wanted from him, they knew that was their best weapon.

So it was immaterial if Michael had children around him or not. He could have proclaimed that he was done with children. The Arvizos would have accused him and people would have thought he had just gone into hiding with his nasty little habit.

But Michael remained true to himself. He also put safeguards in place - permission from parents, the presence of another adult at all times, etc.

Michael's statements did not make the accusation any easier to make (the first accusation did that). All Michael's statements did was to make it easier for people to presume his guilt, because of his perceived access to children.
Im having this huge argument with this hater on YT. He knows a hell of a lot about the case, but he has got it all wrong sadly............. he keeps banging on about the settlemet, he always says mj fans always back out cause they know i am right, and run off and cry. But im a hardcore fan, i know absolutely everything about that case, ive explained and answered every single question he has, he's running out i can tell. He keeps going back to the settlement.

He keeps bringing up the settlement here is what you do. Challenge the hater to go read the settlement. Post a link to the settlement papers and tell that person to go read it. And tell them to make sure they read the line that goes the only place he can talk about what happened is in a court of law. And when he had his chance too he did not in fact he said he would fight the DA if he tried to make him come to court
To this day there is one battle I believe should be fought the battle to remove this horrible tag from Michael's name. It was an extortion attempt and an attempt to rid him of his Credibility and Integrity. It was pure evil. Who ever is behind this will definitel have a lot to answer fro when they meet their maker.

Michael Jackson never molested anyone Child and the sooner we stop this Myth the better. I am aware what happened to Chandler. God's Judgement is swift nowadays,all the haters and all the rumour mongers and mudslingers and disloyal friends will get it very shockingly just keep watching. God loves Michael and he will ensure that all the people who worked to destroy him will be punished and know why they are being punished.

Death is the end of Life but not the end of Living, Michael has proved that, he is bigger in Death than he was in Life and will continue to be. That gift can never be taken away from him.
Noone can really win the argument of the settlement because blame can always go to Jordy's father...

But... the settlement only affected the Civil case and not the Criminal case. If the Chandlers wanted to put Michael away in prison, they could have gone to a criminal trial even after settling the civil suit.

What those who are uninformed usually come back with is

"that simply means Jordy's parents are ass-holes and wanted money, but it doesn't mean Jordy was not abused".

Fact is they got what they wanted (the money) and ran. They really didn't want to go through with the criminal case because it was never about putting MJ in prison for them.
That is a lame arguement from idoits like that. If your child was really abuse, you will fight to end. And what was worst, His daddy tried to sue MJ again and lost in 1998. See he did not mind going to court for money but not for criminal. That is what is telling more than anything and anyone who can not see that is a fool.
To this day there is one battle I believe should be fought the battle to remove this horrible tag from Michael's name. It was an extortion attempt and an attempt to rid him of his Credibility and Integrity. It was pure evil. Who ever is behind this will definitel have a lot to answer fro when they meet their maker.

Michael Jackson never molested anyone Child and the sooner we stop this Myth the better. I am aware what happened to Chandler. God's Judgement is swift nowadays,all the haters and all the rumour mongers and mudslingers and disloyal friends will get it very shockingly just keep watching. God loves Michael and he will ensure that all the people who worked to destroy him will be punished and know why they are being punished.

Death is the end of Life but not the end of Living, Michael has proved that, he is bigger in Death than he was in Life and will continue to be. That gift can never be taken away from him.
I think the way he is celebrated that most people do not believe he abused no child (even before death MJ was back popular). I think sometimes we let the media take a FEW idoits and make you think everyone is doing it. Even on the internet, often time it is the same people on board talking mess (and some are the same people who change their font).