Brooke Shields hoped for Michael Jackson's resurrection!

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Geraldo: " I think this is a nice event that they're staging here, but where were
all of these famous people in the period between 2003 and 2005? I didn't see
Brooke Shields...I didn't see...., and I thought she was adorable ,and sincere, and
loving during the performance. I didn't see any of these religious people; I didn't see
any of these performers. Michael Jackson was essentially in exile after he was acussed.
People wouldn't go near him with a stick. He was alone; he was frightened; he was
frail; he was anorexic; he was underweight...."

Al Sharpton said something similar like "where were these people yesterday?" I remember during the trial it really felt like the only people who beleived in him were his family, his fans and few close friends. It really felt like the whole world was against him. Maybe that isn't true but it sure felt that way.
^^^it's interesting that MJ was the vortex of all these people..then he was the one from whom was their exodus.

now Madonna said, so much, the same thing, in her mtv speech, and it seemed more acceptable for some people on here, but it seems less acceptable when people on here, say it.

Indeed, I am truly amazed.
Al Sharpton said something similar like "where were these people yesterday?" I remember during the trial it really felt like the only people who beleived in him were his family, his fans and few close friends. It really felt like the whole world was against him. Maybe that isn't true but it sure felt that way.

You're not wrong there, hun. I remember it like it was yesterday.
And it seems that the ones that are crying the loudest now were the ones that abandoned him when he needed them the most.

(This is not just about Brooke, but many many others. And to answer someone's question - no, we are not gonna burn her or anyone at stake. We're just not gonna fall for it, is all.)
it is true, that no matter what the arguments, no matter what the threads on this forum...the ratio of others associated with MJ, getting the benefit of the doubt vs. MJ getting the benefit of the doubt, is at least 3 to 1, in favor of the others. and i think i'm being modest. and it doesn't matter whether the others are family, non family, friends, non friends, the media, the courts, or complete strangers, business associates..etc. yet, he had all the goods, and his star shone the brightest. and still does shine the brightest.

there will be more so called friends came out later and claimed Michael isolated himself during/after the trial. Do you think those people would say they turned their back when Michael needed their supports the most. Those hypocritical "friends" have to save their face and the best excuse is " Michael isolated himself". Then they will say how close they were, how important Michael means to them. well, they can talk to the media and complain that Michael distanced them now, but they cannot defend and support Michael in front of the media during the trial. I am so surprised some fans here still believed their craps.
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Brooke, Brooke, Brooke. :smilerolleyes: I honestly don't know what to say about her. I mean she left him the time that he needed friends the most, which was when the first allegations came and she wasn't there when the second ones came either. w.e :doh: If she was his true friend she wouldn't have left him in the cold like that. She would have stopped worrying about herself and her "career" at that time and been there for Michael. Thinking and Doing are two different things. So she could have "thought" about calling Michael to "help" him but she didn't. She can go on back to her eyelash commercial now. :)

I think it's alittle too easy to just say that...we can never know for sure if she wasn't there at all for him during those times. Maybe she did call him and visit him, how are we to know? I don't know if she was asked to help him in the courtroom...but if they hadn't seen eachother for a long time, than she probably wouldn't be of any use for the defense at that time.

All i'm saying is..let's not jump to conclusions, Brooke shield's emotion during the memorial was very real and heartfelt, anyone can see that. And we will never know if Brooke did or did not lend her support. Unless you know more than me....which is very possible :)
there will be more so called friends came out later and claimed Michael isolated himself during/after the trial. Do you think those people would say they turned their back when Michael needed their supports the most. Those hypocritical "friends" have to save their face and the best excuse is " Michael isolated himself". Then they will say how close they were, how important Michael means to them. I am so surprised some fans here still believed their craps.

Michael is not here to defend himself so some fans jump on the bandwagon of everyone else but him. I am flabbergasted.
Brooke, Brooke, Brooke. :smilerolleyes: I honestly don't know what to say about her. I mean she left him the time that he needed friends the most, which was when the first allegations came and she wasn't there when the second ones came either. w.e :doh: If she was his true friend she wouldn't have left him in the cold like that. She would have stopped worrying about herself and her "career" at that time and been there for Michael. Thinking and Doing are two different things. So she could have "thought" about calling Michael to "help" him but she didn't. She can go on back to her eyelash commercial now. :)

Yes, well said. I don't like her.
I think it's alittle too easy to just say that...we can never know for sure if she wasn't there at all for him during those times. Maybe she did call him and visit him, how are we to know? I don't know if she was asked to help him in the courtroom...but if they hadn't seen eachother for a long time, than she probably wouldn't be of any use for the defense at that time.

All i'm saying is..let's not jump to conclusions, Brooke shield's emotion during the memorial was very real and heartfelt, anyone can see that. And we will never know if Brooke did or did not lend her support. Unless you know more than me....which is very possible :)

Read back a few post. She said and Mike said it. We are not making anything up. We are commenting on what Brooke said and Michael. People are overlooking their own words and jumping on the fans that is in disagreement with Brooke even though she said she did not speak with him.

Everyone keeps saying give her the benefit of the doubt. So you all are telling us to doubt her own words and doubt Mikes on words? I don't understand.
Read back a few post. She said and Mike said it. We are not making anything up. We are commenting on what Brooke said and Michael. People are overlooking their own words and jumping on the fans that is in disagreement with Brooke even though she said she did not speak with him.

My bad then, entirely :). I had not read through all the pages. I just did, and i saw that Brooke apparently made a statement about Michael awhile ago..about chimps and child stars? Exactly what was it?
My bad then, entirely :). I had not read through all the pages. I just did, and i saw that Brooke apparently made a statement about Michael awhile ago..about chimps and child stars? Exactly what was it?

I am talking about the interview with Geraldo when he talked about friends went missing now that he was on trial and they made reference to Brooke. That tells you did not speak with him. She also said she hadn't spoken to him in 20 years. I'll give her 15 years. So we are saying MJ was a social leper. No one wanted to associate with him including her but now she is cool with him again now that he is not alive anymore. IN a nutshell that is the problem many of us fans have with her.

The article you are referring to I think is extremely old and probably take some digging up to get. Unless someone else have it readily available. During the first allegations she backed away from him and it had nothing to do With Andre Agassi. Don't be fooled.
You can never make MJ fans happy.

Frank was there for the trial and yet there are still fans who think he was just after MJ for his Sony music catalog.
You can't win
You can't win
No way if your story stays the same
You ain't winnin'
But it's nice to see you
I'm awfully glad you came
Better cool it
'Cause it ain't about losin'
Then the world has got no shame
You can never make MJ fans happy.

Frank was there for the trial and yet there are still fans who think he was just after MJ for his Sony music catalog.
You can't win
You can't win
No way if your story stays the same
You ain't winnin'
But it's nice to see you
I'm awfully glad you came
Better cool it
'Cause it ain't about losin'
Then the world has got no shame

Aren't you a fan also? I guess not you separated yourself from us. We are MJ's fans. Psft.
You can never make MJ fans happy.

Frank was there for the trial and yet there are still fans who think he was just after MJ for his Sony music catalog.
You can't win
You can't win
No way if your story stays the same
You ain't winnin'
But it's nice to see you
I'm awfully glad you came
Better cool it
'Cause it ain't about losin'
Then the world has got no shame

Not sure how his being there for the trial means he wasn't after the catalog? Isn't that what someone would do who was after the catalog? Whatever. . . . . . Frank's on the Sony board, now.
You can never make MJ fans happy.

Frank was there for the trial and yet there are still fans who think he was just after MJ for his Sony music catalog.
You can't win
You can't win
No way if your story stays the same
You ain't winnin'
But it's nice to see you
I'm awfully glad you came
Better cool it
'Cause it ain't about losin'
Then the world has got no shame

it's interesting that MJ sang that song. and it's interesting that MJ always said, that he sings what he means, and means what he sings.
I think I get it. There are several different levels and meanings of fan. Some are a fan of the art and some are a fan of the man(die-hard). Some are a little of both. I was confused to think most people were the same kind of fan such as myself. That is why I have a hard time with people that have wrong and continue to wrong MIke such as Brooke and many others. Yeah, you are exactly right. My expectations are high, I am a perfectionist fan so it is hard to please me.
Not sure how his being there for the trial means he wasn't after the catalog? Isn't that what someone would do who was after the catalog? Whatever. . . . . . Frank's on the Sony board, now.

Thats because Mike put him on the Sony board.

Yes, I am a fan. I was making a point that just because someone was or wasn't there during the trial doesn't mean they were AGAINST him.

It seems that some of you on this board love to jump on my posts and then tell me they won't respond to me. Its confusing me.
You can never make MJ fans happy.

Frank was there for the trial and yet there are still fans who think he was just after MJ for his Sony music catalog.
You can't win
You can't win
No way if your story stays the same
You ain't winnin'
But it's nice to see you
I'm awfully glad you came
Better cool it
'Cause it ain't about losin'
Then the world has got no shame

So no one has a right to have an opinion and voice it? Discuss things, disagree respectfully?
Should we all then just gush over Brooke for doing a 360 turn after Michael's death? Is that it?
With L.O.V.E - but I don't get your stance on this.

Edit: Just read your above post, so just to clarify - I'm not jumping on your post, I actually enjoy reading your posts most of the time. :)
Thats because Mike put him on the Sony board.

Yes, I am a fan. I was making a point that just because someone was or wasn't there during the trial doesn't mean they were AGAINST him.

It seems that some of you on this board love to jump on my posts and then tell me they won't respond to me. Its confusing me.

Sorry, that's right forgot who you were. Some people on here are never in defense to MJ. They are always giving the other point of view or playing the devils advocate. That is another way to say provaction.
I think I get it. There are several different levels and meanings of fan. Some are a fan of the art and some are a fan of the man(die-hard). Some are a little of both. I was confused to think most people were the same kind of fan such as myself. That is why I have a hard time with people that have wrong and continue to wrong MIke such as Brooke and many others. Yeah, you are exactly right. My expectations are high, I am a perfectionist fan so it is hard to please me.

I completely understand and appreciate your true love for all of him. I love his music, his videos, and even the man himself. I have been so torn since this all happened. Words can not express how sad I felt that day and continue to feel. There are still times when just listening to him breaks me up.

Let me just explain. I am his age and have been a fan since he was a Jackson 5 early on. I watched him grow and when he was filming The Wiz I lived near there and saw him from a distance (not intended....I happened to be in Flushing Meadow Park) and felt this power surge of WOW!!!!!!

But.....there have been things that he has said and done over the years that I may not have agreed with. I have not always thought his choices were the best but its not my life. It was his life. So, I still love him, flaws and all. I just accept those 'oddities' and let him be who he is. I am not judging him but I am not going to be blind and think he is god either. I believe he was human and made mistakes like the rest of us.

That doesn't mean I don't 'feel' for him. It just means that I accept him for who and what he was and not a super human person.
So no one has a right to have an opinion and voice it? Discuss things, disagree respectfully?
Should we all then just gush over Brooke for doing a 360 turn after Michael's death? Is that it?
With L.O.V.E - but I don't get your stance on this.

Edit: Just read your above post, so just to clarify - I'm not jumping on your post, I actually enjoy reading your posts most of the time. :)

Oh no. I'm not 'gushing' over Brooke. I never knew what he ever saw in her in the first place but the woman obviously did have feelings of some sort. I don't think she was being insincere.

Sure, you can disagree. I just think some people are hating her for not being by his side during the trial and I was just saying that even if she was....there are some people who would find something else not to like about her.

Just mention Grace the Nanny and you will get a whole bunch of posters jumping on you. I guess its all a matter of what 'we' as individuals like. :)
Sorry, that's right forgot who you were. Some people on here are never in defense to MJ. They are always giving the other point of view or playing the devils advocate. That is another way to say provaction.

Right. And so it goes. I'm outta this thread now, but first I'll say the devil shouldn't really have an "advocate," and I've never been sure why anyone would want to be in that role?

We have NO way of knowing if Michael "put" Frank on the ATV board, or not. Most boards of directors (I'm on two of them) select new members by a vote by existing members.

Whatever. Back to Brooke. I'm guess when Michael died, she realized what she'd lost? Too late. . . . .
Thats because Mike put him on the Sony board.

Yes, I am a fan. I was making a point that just because someone was or wasn't there during the trial doesn't mean they were AGAINST him.

It seems that some of you on this board love to jump on my posts and then tell me they won't respond to me. Its confusing me.

well..the massness of the exodus from him, and the timing, kinda makes it hard not to think of them as being against him. indeed, if i could give myself a license to not be somewhere, and disappear on someone, and then say..'well..that doesn't mean i'm against him', i could get away with a lot.

considering the extremeness of MJ's situation against him..and the fact that he's dead, please excuse us for being extreme in the other direction. it's kinda human nature. and more often than not, we're right. most people are, in these situations. i know of people who left me, and could easily say that that didn't mean they were against me. and i know, that if i left someone, it was because i didn't have room in my life for them. and i would hope that i wouldn't say a cop out statement, such as..'i was there for them, as much as i could be'.

as for Frank, on the Sony Board..well..MJ overreached to do a lot of nice things for a lot of people. Frank could easily leave the Sony board, if he wanted to.

and as for me running from people, and then, defending MJ against those who ran from him..well..i'll just take my imperfect ass and continue defending him, cus..he was deffo there for me. but i have to say, i never had people to run from, cus many of them thought i was eccentric. so they ran from me first.
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it's interesting that MJ sang that song. and it's interesting that MJ always said, that he sings what he means, and means what he sings.

You can't win
You can't win
You can't break even
Ain't the way
It's supposed to be
You'll be spendin'
Your little bit of money
While someone else ride free

Learn your lesson, refuel your mind
Before some turkey blows out your flame

Holy Cow!!!!! I didn't even realize just how right you are!!!!
Right. And so it goes. I'm outta this thread now, but first I'll say the devil shouldn't really have an "advocate," and I've never been sure why anyone would want to be in that role?

We have NO way of knowing if Michael "put" Frank on the ATV board, or not. Most boards of directors (I'm on two of them) select new members by a vote by existing members.

Whatever. Back to Brooke. I'm guess when Michael died, she realized what she'd lost? Too late. . . . .

LINE of the century!! makes u wonder about a lot of human motives. i don't know why that didn't occur to me, but thanks to you, it is now.
This one friend I had was so negative I just stop calling her because I couldn't take her anymore. I felt she was bringing me down but when her son died I did pay my condolences but we still don't talk because she is still to negative. I felt she was bringing me down. That is what humans do. Why can't we believe Brooke didn't do the same. Why can't we believe back in the 90's MJ wasn't hurt because she pretended they were not as close as they were.(see that is the kicker) I don't associate with my friend anymore but I never ever deny we were friends and didn't kick it together and she has done some shady things. For me it is the denial. Yuck.
MJ's memorial and Rabbi Shmuley haven't hurt Brooke's career,


Grace, as far as I know, is not in the entertainment business.
During the first allegations she backed away from him and it had nothing to do With Andre Agassi. Don't be fooled.

She had gone to college and had dated other guys while still

being friends with MJ too. I'm not buying the Andre Agassi thing.