Brooke Shields hoped for Michael Jackson's resurrection!

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Geraldo: " I think this is a nice event that they're staging here, but where were
all of these famous people in the period between 2003 and 2005? I didn't see
Brooke Shields...I didn't see...., and I thought she was adorable ,and sincere, and
loving during the performance. I didn't see any of these religious people; I didn't see
any of these performers. Michael Jackson was essentially in exile after he was acussed.
People wouldn't go near him with a stick. He was alone; he was frightened; he was
frail; he was anorexic; he was underweight...."

And this is why I will always love Geraldo. He was in Michael's corner when no one else was. He said it like it WAS in that video clip!

As for Brooke, to me, she falls under the same category as Lisa Marie; Two beautiful women who are living a very guilty life. After abandoning Michael then talking smack about him to sell your mediocre CD's (Looking at you Lisa) and completely forgetting he excisted (Brooke) now everyone is breaking down and crying for him. The only one who should have spoken in that memorial is Geraldo, Liz Taylor and Rev Al Sharpton - all 3 who stood and defended Michael til his death.
As great as Geraldo was during the trial with his coverage, and really going against the idiots with his facts. I do recall that he said some questionable things about the 93 allegations. That he wasn't sure of it or whatsoever....DO correct me if i'm wrong, but i recall Geraldo not always having been positive about MJ.
He's always been positive as far as I know. You must be thinking of another interviewer or journalist. Geraldo has known Michael since the 70's and was the only reporter to defend him in 1993 and the 2005 allegations. Michael chose him to do an interview with him in 2005.
Hard to grasp that he was actually gone at that moment and even now. I too along with others and Shield hoped he would jump right out of his casket. And i was hopeful all the way until the very end when the brothers started to take him away. But now 6/7 months later, i feel guilty for thinking that way. Because it felt selfish that i wanted him get up and start performing. Even though he was gone people expected him to get up and start dancing. RIP MJ :cry:
And this is why I will always love Geraldo. He was in Michael's corner when no one else was. He said it like it WAS in that video clip!

As for Brooke, to me, she falls under the same category as Lisa Marie; Two beautiful women who are living a very guilty life. After abandoning Michael then talking smack about him to sell your mediocre CD's (Looking at you Lisa) and completely forgetting he excisted (Brooke) now everyone is breaking down and crying for him. The only one who should have spoken in that memorial is Geraldo, Liz Taylor and Rev Al Sharpton - all 3 who stood and defended Michael til his death.

Geraldo is a very honest person.All those ppl who suddenly “love” Michael are double-faced individuals.
I still feel as Brooke felt...every time I look through the doors at Forest Lawn I expect to see him walking down that hall toward us. :( I don't think it will ever go away.

I don't think Michael would want anyone talking bad about Brooke so I will refrain from doing so. I will just say that I wish she had been there for him.
I think to say that someone is not a true fan of MJ just because we want to give people the benefit of the doubt I think is not fair. What I am gathering, and maybe I am wrong, is that both simply said that they had not spoken for years, some 20 years. I am seeing that some are mentioning Andre Agassi, but I am not sure of that context. So from what I can see, they both said they had not spoken but have never really given a real reason?

From my point of view, knowing just this I say we don't know all that went in behind the scenes in her life that may have prevented her from contacting him.

I do believe that she is racked with guilt as she should be. Knowing that you turned your back on someone and didn't overcome whatever difficulties you had to make yourself available to them can be very painful esp when the situation becomes something that is unfixable.

I am not saying give her the benefit of the doubt because she may have reached out to him, I say give her the benefit because we don't know what factors behind the scenes contributed to theis eventual actions.

Also, I am not saying all should give her the benefit of the doubt. People will always view things in different ways and we respond to betrayal differently. For me, people who were not there for him and are not remorseful in any way are to be viewed more harshly than those who were not there for him and honestly regret it.

I think from her words she shows that the blame was largely on her so no one is downing MJ in any way. Or trying to condemn him. It is trying to be a little more open towards other people. I just wish I knew her mindset at the time. I really wish she would also just be honest about it. I don't know. I am just not at the point where I dislike her. I am more indifferent to her. I feel pity for her. She is sad. The whole situation she is in is sad.
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Well, I like to think I'm open minded and I was only trying to be that way with Brooke but of course, now I'm having second thoughts. You guys always do that to me, lol. Sometimes it's just hard to accept that so many people could really turn their backs on someone who seemed so gentle and kind and when he really needed them most. It's very sad.

Anyway, in case anyone wants to see Brooke in this Access Hollywood interview (where the quotes in the article posted in this thread came from):

And to make some of you feel a little better, here's a reminder of Joan River's thoughts about Brooke's memorial speech:

Joan told TMZ, "I'd love to roast Brooke Shields. Michael's dearest friend. She hasn't seen him since 1993."

Actually, it's more like 1991 according to Brooke in this Rolling Stone interview:

Brooke also reveals the last time she was with Michael, saying, "The last time I saw him in person was at Elizabeth Taylor's wedding in 1991. He seemed like his own funny self. We snuck in and took pictures of ourselves next to her dress. We always seemed to revert to being little kids. It was a sanctuary for him, because he knew I never wanted anything from him but his happiness."
Actually, it's more like 1991 according to Brooke in this Rolling Stone interview:

Brooke also reveals the last time she was with Michael, saying, "The last time I saw him in person was at Elizabeth Taylor's wedding in 1991."

Her memory seems to be faulty. They were sitting together at the '93 Grammys, when Janet presented Michael with his Legend Award.
He's always been positive as far as I know. You must be thinking of another interviewer or journalist. Geraldo has known Michael since the 70's and was the only reporter to defend him in 1993 and the 2005 allegations. Michael chose him to do an interview with him in 2005.

Wow...since the 70's? I didn't know that, that's cool. Yeah i really apreciated it alot what Geraldo did during the 2005 trial...he was so supportive , he was really fighting the other reports with words and facts, so good.
Actually, it's more like 1991 according to Brooke in this Rolling Stone interview:

Brooke also reveals the last time she was with Michael, saying, "The last time I saw him in person was at Elizabeth Taylor's wedding in 1991. He seemed like his own funny self. We snuck in and took pictures of ourselves next to her dress. We always seemed to revert to being little kids. It was a sanctuary for him, because he knew I never wanted anything from him but his happiness."

ahh she saw him at liz taylor's wedding? lucky, he looked soo fine that day..:wub: off topic I know but yea... I love the pics from her wedding of him. hahaha
Michael is not here to defend himself so some fans jump on the bandwagon of everyone else but him. I am flabbergasted.

Or maybe we're just giving the so called "benefit of doubt" to everyone? That's the problem: if you give it just to Michael, it's okay. You're a loyal fan, blah blah blah. You give it to Michael AND someone else, you're "jumping on the bandwagon of everyone else but him"?

You truly think I would be *against* Michael? I'm just giving the benefit of doubt to BOTH sides. I even said that maybe she left Michael and is regreting the decision now. But all the time, all I see here is that if you just give a tiny little bit of doubt to anyone else but Michael, you're not a fan, you're this, you're that, you're giving credit to "anyone but Michael". C'mon. YES, THIS IS NOT A FAIRY WORLD. But you don't need to live in a eff'n "fairy world" to have more than one side and perspective of the story. The world is not made of black or white, it has it's shades of gray. All I want is to understand both sides and not just Michael's because I'm a fan. Say whatever you want to say, but that's how I am, be it with Michael, Elvis or any person in my life, including myself. There's a reason why Michael's image with the public is so bad and it's exactly because of showing things without his side of what happened. The same can be said of others.
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Her memory seems to be faulty. They were sitting together at the '93 Grammys, when Janet presented Michael with his Legend Award.

Maybe she just didn't want to say she abandoned Michael after 93 allegation.
Maybe she just didn't want to say she abandoned Michael after 93 allegation.
As far as I know this was the reason why they stopped seeing each other - the 1993 allegations...maybe she thought such a friendship will ruin her "extraordinary" career.

And I don't think Brooke can be put in the same category as least Lisa stood by him and defended him at that time on TV and stuff.
Or maybe we're just giving the so called "benefit of doubt" to everyone? That's the problem: if you give it just to Michael, it's okay. You're a loyal fan, blah blah blah. You give it to Michael AND someone else, you're "jumping on the bandwagon of everyone else but him"?

You truly think I would be *against* Michael? I'm just giving the benefit of doubt to BOTH sides. I even said that maybe she left Michael and is regreting the decision now. But all the time, all I see here is that if you just give a tiny little bit of doubt to anyone else but Michael, you're not a fan, you're this, you're that, you're giving credit to "anyone but Michael". C'mon. YES, THIS IS NOT A FAIRY WORLD. But you don't need to live in a eff'n "fairy world" to have more than one side and perspective of the story. The world is not made of black or white, it has it's shades of gray. All I want is to understand both sides and not just Michael's because I'm a fan. Say whatever you want to say, but that's how I am, be it with Michael, Elvis or any person in my life, including myself. There's a reason why Michael's image with the public is so bad and it's exactly because of showing things without his side of what happened. The same can be said of others.

Let's just agree to disagree.
As far as I know this was the reason why they stopped seeing each other - the 1993 allegations...maybe she thought such a friendship will ruin her "extraordinary" career.

And I don't think Brooke can be put in the same category as least Lisa stood by him and defended him at that time on TV and stuff.
Not just that but it seems to me as if Lisa is geeling guilty for the way she behaved in the past 6/7 years. She seems to feel guilty Brooke on the other hand thinks ''she did everything 20 years ago'' .
Well earth to Brooke, Michael Jackson was at the top 20 years ago. And where exactly was she?
Anyhow Lisa is not any less.
As far as I know this was the reason why they stopped seeing each other - the 1993 allegations...maybe she thought such a friendship will ruin her "extraordinary" career.

And I don't think Brooke can be put in the same category as least Lisa stood by him and defended him at that time on TV and stuff.

Well... Not really. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, I wil chalk it off as a scorned lover.
the rhetoric never changed."

What rhetoric? From Michael? About what? When people who speak on Michael to media and purposely are vague about what they are speaking about, it only creates more innuendo...not very helpful I think.
What rhetoric? From Michael? About what? When people who speak on Michael to media and purposely are vague about what they are speaking about, it only creates more innuendo...not very helpful I think.

They don't have the guts like MJ to say what is really on their minds. People don't jump all over me I am not referring to precious Brooke or any one else on the opposing side of MJ. I mean Hollywood types.
I would like to give people the benefit of the doubt but they don't give me a reason to. I have been a fan most of my life and saw how Michael was treated in the 80s, 90s and the 00's. It got really bad and the truth is that people didn't want to be associated with him anymore. Other entertainers, musicians would make fun of him. People would take pot shots at him and belittle him for what? When Michael said he could only count on one hand his true friends were I believed him. If Michael was still alive would these people be praising him or keep ignoring him? They would keep ignoring him.

I know when someone dies people speak up more but it would have been nice to have seen that when he was alive. Not just during but after the trial when he was found innocent. Michael was in the business since he was a child. People knew him. Even his own mother said why anyone wasn't speaking up to defend him so she was going to do it. People do lose touch with each other that happens but when someone asks you about that person why would you act like it wasn't a close relationship or for some act embarassed they were even with Michael? Because supporting Michael at one time was not a popular thing to do. That's what some did and now they act another way because loving Michael is popular again.

I loved Michael always even when it felt like the whole world was against him. I never knew or talked to him but my support never changed. Yet there were people who did know him very well and turned their backs on him. Now he is gone and they were "so close and they loved him". Maybe Brooke wasn't one of those people but the truth is that there were people who did that and a lot of us haven't forgotten that.

It's easy to say Michael distanced himself from people and maybe he did that. Whitney Houston said she did talk to him during the trial but he didn't want to see anyone. But it's also fair to say that people distanced themselves from Michael because it wouldn't look good to be around him. I am not going to pretend that didn't happen because it was obvious it happened. I am always Michael's side not Brooke's, Lisa or anyone else. Maybe they are sincere now but it doesn't mean what they meant and acted before wasn't how they really felt either.
I would like to give people the benefit of the doubt but they don't give me a reason to. I have been a fan most of my life and saw how Michael was treated in the 80s, 90s and the 00's. It got really bad and the truth is that people didn't want to be associated with him anymore. Other entertainers, musicians would make fun of him. People would take pot shots at him and belittle him for what? When Michael said he could only count on one hand his true friends were I believed him. If Michael was still alive would these people be praising him or keep ignoring him? They would keep ignoring him.

I know when someone dies people speak up more but it would have been nice to have seen that when he was alive. Not just during but after the trial when he was found innocent. Michael was in the business since he was a child. People knew him. Even his own mother said why anyone wasn't speaking up to defend him so she was going to do it. People do lose touch with each other that happens but when someone asks you about that person why would you act like it wasn't a close relationship or for some act embarassed they were even with Michael? Because supporting Michael at one time was not a popular thing to do. That's what some did and now they act another way because loving Michael is popular again.

I loved Michael always even when it felt like the whole world was against him. I never knew or talked to him but my support never changed. Yet there were people who did know him very well and turned their backs on him. Now he is gone and they were "so close and they loved him". Maybe Brooke wasn't one of those people but the truth is that there were people who did that and a lot of us haven't forgotten that.

It's easy to say Michael distanced himself from people and maybe he did that. Whitney Houston said she did talk to him during the trial but he didn't want to see anyone. But it's also fair to say that people distanced themselves from Michael because it wouldn't look good to be around him. I am not going to pretend that didn't happen because it was obvious it happened. I am always Michael's side not Brooke's, Lisa or anyone else. Maybe they are sincere now but it doesn't mean what they meant and acted before wasn't how they really felt either.

i have to agree with you. some people don't want to see it, but it's obvious. the majority of people like doing the COOL thing. let's admit it. and brooke comes across as one of those people. so does Lisa did hollywood. the truth is usually not cool.

and i'm not into doing the cool thing. you know in your heart when something is not right. and i can only give MJ the benefit of the doubt in all of the situations. if someone was really genuine with MJ, and could understand him, he would have let them in. the reality is..i don't believe whitney either. how do i know this? because we all have that wiring.

if someone is genuine with me, and understands me, in my most dire situation..u bet i will let them in. otherwise...i can see them from a mile away..and i'd be afraid of them.

Michael reached out to people, and they constantly burned him. he reached out, more than anybody. so don't you think, that by now, if someone was trustworthy, and acted trustworthy, he would let them in? but, if the people that left him, reminded him of those who burned him, he would be afraid? i think so.
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Oh Michael...I wish I could have been there for you. You were always in our hearts. I pray you felt that.:angel:
As far as I know this was the reason why they stopped seeing each other - the 1993 allegations...maybe she thought such a friendship will ruin her "extraordinary" career.

And I don't think Brooke can be put in the same category as least Lisa stood by him and defended him at that time on TV and stuff.

Well, didn't she already stop seeing him after he talked about her in the Oprah interview? I remember a quote of her, right after it, kinda refuting what he said about her and distancing herself from him, stating that she is not not dating Michael and thus kinda made him look like a fool!?

Anyway... I think her speech at the memorial was great, but having read that RS interview just the day before the memorial, I couldn't help myself than to get the impression of her being very twofaced!
Well, didn't she already stop seeing him after he talked about her in the Oprah interview? I remember a quote of her, right after it, kinda refuting what he said about her and distancing herself from him, stating that she is not not dating Michael and thus kinda made him look like a fool!?

Was the Oprah interview before or after the 1993 grammy awards?
Oops.... my bad... the Grammys were after Oprah... I think I mixed something up... still remember that quote though... but then again, back then there was no internet... so maybe the quote was erroneous!
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i'm wondering the same... why they hadn't spoken and met for so long.....they were so close in the past....
i'm thinking Michael was isolating himself...... i don't think she didn't want to help him... she so sweet and careful....

I don't think Michael isolating himself, I think he was surrounded by individuals who may have manipulated him which caused him to be isolated.
I remember reading that Michael also tried to contact Brooke when she was going through post-partum depression. I know the example of Whitney was used; when she said Michael didn't want her to see him during the trial period but he still took her calls. As far as I remember they talked on the phone a lot. So Brooke could have still picked up the phone and called Mike. He kept on calling her.

it is true, that no matter what the arguments, no matter what the threads on this forum...the ratio of others associated with MJ, getting the benefit of the doubt vs. MJ getting the benefit of the doubt, is at least 3 to 1, in favor of the others. and i think i'm being modest. and it doesn't matter whether the others are family, non family, friends, non friends, the media, the courts, or complete strangers, business associates..etc. yet, he had all the goods, and his star shone the brightest. and still does shine the brightest.


I want you all to be aware that there are media people on this site to divide. Just be aware.

Back on topic. Brooke Brooke Brooke.

Oops.... my bad... the Grammys were after Oprah... I think I mixed something up... still remember that quote though... but then again, back then there was no internet... so maybe the quote was erroneous!

The allegations came to light after the Oprah interview. It was done in the early part of the year and the allegations came out mid-year maybe yearending.