Brooke Shields hoped for Michael Jackson's resurrection!

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Brooke is only two years older than myself. I loved Brooke; I don't dislike her now. I even watched he sitcoms and thoroughly enjoyed them but when she denied affiliation with him it took a long time for me to watch her again because MJ and Brooke had known each other a long time. Well when I saw her on the Memorial I cried with her I felt her pain but knowing what I know now from this article well it speaks volumes. Some say remember Michaels teachings. Okay. Michael forgave but it did not stop him from mentioning people that had wronged him. What is wrong with that? Nothing because that is reality and not fairytale land.
Thats great thats great. When it comes to Michael, its all. People didnt even know him! They judge him but they dont even know him.

But its fine to do the same with other celebrities.....hmm-_-

How can you compare how wrongly and badly Michael was jugded to other celebrities? Especially the likes of Brooke Shields who hasn't done much since the 80's and who no one really bothers with?

Is it so wrong of us fans questioning her intentions and where she was after 1993?

No one here is calling her names or getting personal about Brooke. Saying she was not there for Michael is not judging her. We are commenting on what she has said (Michael would ring her but she never rang him like they used 20 years ago - this is from Brooke herself).

What a boring place this would be if we are all the same, had the same opinions and acted the same.
I remember most people that wronged me. So what? I'll keep remembering as "people who wronged me before, let's keep the hatred inside my heart" just because it's "reality and not fantasy"?

The other day, I saw a guy who broke my nose a few years ago. For no reason at all but to make him look "good" to girls and... well, you get the picture. I actually said "hello" to him and he looked me strange like "why the hell are you saying hello to a guy that broke your nose?". That's because I don't keep the memory of that day inside my heart. I don't keep feeding bad feelings and you won't see me trash-talking him for something that happened years ago.

He may not even feel bad about it today... But can we say the same about Brooke Shields, for example? I just don't see the point of keep talking bad things about her in this topic and even going as far as warning someone (L.T.D.) because he's just expressing his opinion on the matter and "this is a Michael Jackson forum". This is almost the same as the "so called media". It's bias.

What a boring place this would be if we are all the same, had the same opinions and acted the same.
And what a wonderful place this world would be if everyone acted like some people in this topic (not you, before you misunderstand my words) towards everything. Oh, wait, we're already living in a world like that. With ignorance, hatred and wars. Yeah, keep up the nice work, guys. Because we just can't get over bad things.
I remember most people that wronged me. So what? I'll keep remembering as "people who wronged me before, let's keep the hatred inside my heart"?

The other day, I saw a guy who broke my nose a few years ago. For no reason at all but to make him look "good" to girls and... well, you get the picture. I actually said "hello" to him and he looked me strange like "why the hell are you saying hello to a guy that broke your nose?". That's because I don't keep the memory of that day inside my heart. I don't keep feeding bad feelings and you won't see me trash-talking him for something that happened years ago.

He may not even feel bad about it today... But can we say the same about Brooke Shields, for example? I just don't see the point of keep talking bad things about her in this topic and even going as far as warning someone (L.T.D.) because he's just expressing his opinion on the matter and "this is a Michael Jackson forum". This is almost the same as the "so called media". It's bias.

And what a wonderful place this world would be if everyone acted like some people in this topic (not you, before you misunderstand my words) towards everything. Oh, wait, we're already living in a world like that. With ignorance, hatred and wars. Yeah, keep up the nice work, guys.

Just to clarify, I wasn't warning L.T.D. In fact my initial post in this thread wasn't even aimed at him, I just answered a question he asked to which my answer wasn't directly related to this thread. Sorry for any misunderstanding, and for acting too hastily. :flowers:
Just to clarify, I wasn't warning L.T.D. In fact my initial post in this thread wasn't even aimed at him, I just answered a question he asked to which my answer wasn't directly related to this thread. Sorry for any misunderstanding, and for acting too hastily. :flowers:

Thanks for clearing that up and sorry for anything! :)
We need to stop bashing everyone. Michael was all about love and that is not what we are showing here. I have tried to read through this thread but you are blaming her for having a life. I have friends i barely see because of one reason or another. You cant expect celebrity friends to stay as close as they were when their careers pick up. Things happen and they drifted apart.

Some are blaming her for abandoning Michael. We don't know if that's what happened. You don't know every detail about Michael or his life. You cant sit there and bash a woman for not being there for him when he didn't want people around. People push people away when they are under intense stress. Michael was going through HELL and it more then likely embarrassed him that someone would say he done such horrible things to them. Its hard to help someone who wants to be left alone.

It's All For Love. L.O.V.E. Lets all try and remember that shall we.
How can you compare how wrongly and badly Michael was jugded to other celebrities? Especially the likes of Brooke Shields who hasn't done much since the 80's and who no one really bothers with?

Well. Im simply not.

Im just saying that rule shouldnt just apply to Michael, and it should apply to all celebrities.
We need to stop bashing everyone. Michael was all about love and that is not what we are showing here. I have tried to read through this thread but you are blaming her for having a life. I have friends i barely see because of one reason or another. You cant expect celebrity friends to stay as close as they were when their careers pick up. Things happen and they drifted apart.

Some are blaming her for abandoning Michael. We don't know if that's what happened. You don't know every detail about Michael or his life. You cant sit there and bash a woman for not being there for him when he didn't want people around. People push people away when they are under intense stress. Michael was going through HELL and it more then likely embarrassed him that someone would say he done such horrible things to them. Its hard to help someone who wants to be left alone.

It's All For Love. L.O.V.E. Lets all try and remember that shall we.

Why would Michael want to be alone going through hard times like that? Someone going through hard times would want support from people who love and care about them. Brooke's career was not "picking up" in the 90s it was at its height in the 80s but yea not gonna comment about that, because I don't know her that well. I'm just judging her off of what came out of her own mouth. She said she hasn't spoken to Michael in 20 years. I mean could she really not take the time, like 5 minutes, out of her "hectic" life to call him and say "I'm here for you." Something? No, doesn't look like she could. I don't hate her, I'm just sayin' she didn't give Michael an ounce of support the time that he needed it the most. And "bashing" and disagreeing with someone's actions are two different things.
Why would Michael want to be alone going through hard times like that? Someone going through hard times would want support from people who love and care about them. Brooke's career was not "picking up" in the 90s it was at its height in the 80s but yea not gonna comment about that, because I don't know her that well. I'm just judging her off of what came out of her own mouth. She said she hasn't spoken to Michael in 20 years. I mean could she really not take the time, like 5 minutes, out of her "hectic" life to call him and say "I'm here for you." Something? No, doesn't look like she could. I don't hate her, I'm just sayin' she didn't give Michael an ounce of support the time that he needed it the most. And "bashing" and disagreeing with someone's actions are two different things.

Do you realize that people deal with things differently? When im depressed i dont want to be near anyone because i might break their arm off and beat them with it if they comfront me or try to assist me in anyway. Temper is a funny thing.

We don't know what happened is the point i tried to make but no one picked up on as usual. People need to STOP and think before they post such things that they dont know about.

And up there in bold thats not what im seeing here. Not disagreeing i see bashing of Brooke and all those who say different.
Do you realize that people deal with things differently? When im depressed i dont want to be near anyone because i might break their arm off and beat them with it if they comfront me or try to assist me in anyway. Temper is a funny thing.

We don't know what happened is the point i tried to make but no one picked up on as usual. People need to STOP and think before they post such things that they dont know about.

Do realize you don't know Michael either? You keep sayin' that "we" don't know Michael. But you don't either. You seem to be forgetting that Michael was on the phone with Lisa a lot of that time period because she was the only one who would actually listen to him vent about it. So, I think that he did want some type of support, or just him knowing that he has people behind him, who have got his back and support him all the way. That's what I'm talkin' about, and that's something that Brooke didn't do.

edit: I'm on the phone with MicHil and she said, her words not mine, that bashing is saying Brooke looks like a man with bushy unibrow. Now, that
Why would Michael want to be alone going through hard times like that? Someone going through hard times would want support from people who love and care about them.

I'm interested in knowing about your time close to Michael. You know that you could share some interesting perspectives with us from that time you lived so close to him.

My point being: you'll hardly know the problems I face (let's just keep it quiet, okay? some things are too personal to share) and yes, sometimes it's just good to be alone with my own thoughts. Michael was a human, after all, so who's to say he didn't enjoy time alone with his thoughts than to be sharing them with someone that maybe, just maybe wouldn't be worth the trust or wouldn't understand them better than... well, better than himself. No one's saying that he wouldn't like to find someone that would TRULY understand him and not be alone. But as someone who HAS problems, I can say that this is hard. I can say that, in my personal experience, I feel close to Michael because of things like that. I wish I could be near him to try to help him because that's all we could EVER do as friends and not the person herself: TRY. MAYBE (see? not saying it is like that) he enjoyed some time alone SOMETIMES.

PS.: And let me explain what I've said before about keeping it respectful because maybe someone around here enjoy Shield's work or whatever: about 3 years ago I was a member of a brazilian forum called "Elvis Collectors Brazil". I was one of the first members to join them back in 2004 or 2005 or something and I was a very active member there. In their first year or so, they didn't have an "off-topic" board. Then they made one. For the first years it was kinda nice... Until 2007, if I remember correctly. There were some very disrespectful things over there to other artists and they were offending other people's tastes. I was already a respected member then and had my share of contributions to the forum. One day they did dare to offend Michael. Rather than discuss with them, I contacted the "owner" of the forum and he spoke with the people offending Michael. It worked... for a month or so. Long story short: I got tired of it and left the forum. Gave up my status with them. Never looked back. And it all started the same way: "this is an Elvis forum, people disrespect him too, we're just defending him, you're giving credit to everyone but Elvis, etc, etc".

My point being: I don't want to MJJC to turn into something like that. This is a great forum and I love the people here. I don't want to see other artists being disrespected just for the sake of "this is a Michael Jackson forum". I really hope you understand my point here...
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lol if you dont agree with someones opinions then you are automatically an outcast.

I am right along with the "We" i speak of. I dont want to know all the details of Michael's private life. Does that make me a bad fan because my nose isnt stuck in his biz 24/7? No. It doesn't but i'll be damned if i aint gunna stick up for him. Brooke did her thing and he did his end of. but you all go on and "Disagree" with brooke and one another and lets see where this thread ends up.
Hollywood actress Brooke Shields says she really hoped that late pop legend Michael Jackson would jump out of his coffin while she spoke during his memorial service.

The actress fought hard to contain her grief when she gave an emotional speech at the public event held at the Los Angeles Staples Center to commemorate the King of Pop's life following his death from acute propofol intoxication last June and hoped he'd come out alive of the box.

"Did you see me shaking? Well, they didn't tell us that the coffin was going to be there. I thought - because there was a fantasy moment in my head - that he was going to jump out and start the concert," she said.

Shields, 44, who befriended Jackson when she was 13 also revealed that she hadn't been in touch with the "Thriller" hitmaker for a long time before his death, but often wanted to call him and offer her help.

"I had not only not spoken to him, I hadn't seen him in years," she said.

Asked if she had wanted to call him to offer her help, she said: "I did that, you know, 20 years ago. I mean the rhetoric didn't change, you know, I did that way back when, but anyway, I did my best."

The star was asked by Jackson's mother Katherine to give a speech at the service, but she ignored the words she was asked to deliver in favour of giving a more personal account of their friendship during her seven-minute address.

"They had written me out something. But I wrote my own thing and just had to do my own thing. I felt honoured to be a part of it," she said.

This was taken from her Access Hollywood interview with Billy Bush the other night which I watched. Anyway...

I wonder why they didn't tell people at the memorial that the casket would be there front and center. Unless there was a reasonable explanation, it just seems like a cruel thing to do to the people who were to speak or perform. Mariah Carey said that is why she was so shaken when she began to perform "I'll Be There" - they didn't tell her the casket would be there. I can't imagine how upsetting that could be. I mean, it upset me and I wasn't there!

Anyway, I can't explain why Brooke didn't try harder to reach out to Michael during those years. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt that they were just busy with their own lives. She did seem pretty busy in the mid-90's to 2000 what with having her own sit-com (Suddenly Susan), getting married and having children. Maybe that Agossi ex-husband of hers was just too possessive and jealous and that stopped her. I don't know. Also, she had a serious case of post partum depression after having her first baby in 2003.
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I remember the media saying the casket would not be there. I remember watching it I was shaken too seeing it right there. Maybe it was a last minute decision or they wanted to do it quietly.

I don't see anyone bashing Brooke. I think for me anyways I wish they had stayed in touch. Michael cared for her and who knows what difference it could have made if any. If I didn't talk to someone for 20 years I don't know if I could speak at their memorial.
I think it was due to security reasons, I remember those stupid CNN anchors saying ''We can now confirm there won't be a casket there'' and then 10 mins later saying ''there will be one'' and then denying it again. People had no idea till the very last minute. The casket being there.. I don't still don't know if it was ''bad'' or ''good'' all I know is that I'm glad, it wasn't open casket.
Brooke, Brooke, Brooke. :smilerolleyes: I honestly don't know what to say about her. I mean she left him the time that he needed friends the most, which was when the first allegations came and she wasn't there when the second ones came either. w.e :doh: If she was his true friend she wouldn't have left him in the cold like that. She would have stopped worrying about herself and her "career" at that time and been there for Michael. Thinking and Doing are two different things. So she could have "thought" about calling Michael to "help" him but she didn't. She can go on back to her eyelash commercial now. :)

Im sorry but I completely agree with you. Inhis darkest hours which included his 2005 trial, i think Michael really could count on his one hand who his real friends manyof his so called friends went into hiding. That is so tragic. I bet thats why he loved his fans so much cause we really stood by him every day didnt we. Im so glad we were there for him.
Well, I have to say that it was said that during the 2005 trial Mj was shutting people out of his life. Whitney said she would call and he wouldn't want to see him. Granted, he did talk to her on the phone. But he was shutting people out. Also, we don't know the condition that they left off in 1993. I can just feel sympathetic to her because I may do something similar. Maybe you're friends with someone and you start to go in different directions. You call each other less and less often. then one day you tell them I'll call you later. And you don't call. Then every new day, you say I'll do it tomorrow. Then you say maybe on the weekend. Then so long goes by.

Even when something tragic happens, you may reason with yourself that you should call. But you think, maybe they don't want to hear from me anyway. Maybe it would be best if I just left them alone. We don't know what happened between them. In hindsight, do we say she should have called? Definitely. But hindsight is 20/20. And regret is powerful. And I am sure she regrets her decision very much esp since it is impossible to rectify.

MJ was going through something ver difficult. But who knows what she was going through as well. I guess what I am saying is that we have to maybe try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe??
Well, I have to say that it was said that during the 2005 trial Mj was shutting people out of his life. Whitney said she would call and he wouldn't want to see him. Granted, he did talk to her on the phone. But he was shutting people out. Also, we don't know the condition that they left off in 1993. I can just feel sympathetic to her because I may do something similar. Maybe you're friends with someone and you start to go in different directions. You call each other less and less often. then one day you tell them I'll call you later. And you don't call. Then every new day, you say I'll do it tomorrow. Then you say maybe on the weekend. Then so long goes by.

Even when something tragic happens, you may reason with yourself that you should call. But you think, maybe they don't want to hear from me anyway. Maybe it would be best if I just left them alone. We don't know what happened between them. In hindsight, do we say she should have called? Definitely. But hindsight is 20/20. And regret is powerful. And I am sure she regrets her decision very much esp since it is impossible to rectify.

MJ was going through something ver difficult. But who knows what she was going through as well. I guess what I am saying is that we have to maybe try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe??

isn't that the worst process to be going through? it's like a person is out of touch with the cosmos, and, when it's all said and done, that person envies all the rest of animals and nature.
Geraldo: " I think this is a nice event that they're staging here, but where were
all of these famous people in the period between 2003 and 2005? I didn't see
Brooke Shields...I didn't see...., and I thought she was adorable ,and sincere, and
loving during the performance. I didn't see any of these religious people; I didn't see
any of these performers. Michael Jackson was essentially in exile after he was acussed.
People wouldn't go near him with a stick. He was alone; he was frightened; he was
frail; he was anorexic; he was underweight...."
Geraldo: " I think this is a nice event that they're staging here, but where were
all of these famous people in the period between 2003 and 2005? I didn't see
Brooke Shields...I didn't see...., and I thought she was adorable ,and sincere, and
loving during the performance. I didn't see any of these religious people; I didn't see
any of these performers. Michael Jackson was essentially in exile after he was acussed.
People wouldn't go near him with a stick. He was alone; he was frightened; he was
frail; he was anorexic; he was underweight...."
Sums it pretty much up .. huh? Tho Geraldo shouldn't be the one talking.
Reading this made me cry.. poor baby had to go thru so much.:no:
i notice that the only thing left for people to 'rally cry' against Michael, was..'would you leave your child in the company of Michael Jackson, or any adult?'

aside from the fact that numerous Michael Jackson fans would...

have you ever heard the term 'babysitter'?

for centuries, before and since Michael, people not only leave their children in the company of an adult..but they continue to PAY that adult for the service. despite some of the horror stories associated with it. along with other stories, such as the employer sleeping with the babysitter.

gives you an idea of the cesspool minds of MJ haters. they don't even think about what they say. so they know they are lying when they say vile things about him. they have no case. they just have hate.
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I think it was due to security reasons, I remember those stupid CNN anchors saying ''We can now confirm there won't be a casket there'' and then 10 mins later saying ''there will be one'' and then denying it again. People had no idea till the very last minute. The casket being there.. I don't still don't know if it was ''bad'' or ''good'' all I know is that I'm glad, it wasn't open casket.

I kept hearing rumours about it being an open casket and I said to my friends that if it was I had to leave the room. I couldn't watch it if it was open. I want to remember Michael smiling on a stage, not lying in a coffin.
Michael isolated himself?? she turned her back on him simple as that!
why do people always give credit to his hypocritical "friends" and never to him?

Yeah, Brooke was their for him just like all the others, it was Michael who distanced himself from so called ''friends'' when he needed them the most.
I wish some fans ( not necessarily you) would give Michael that much benefit of doubt as you guys give others. But I guess it's the norm to judge Michael but give others the benefit of a doubt. Carry on. I guess Michael told her to make that ridiculous statement about him, chimps, and child stars too, during the trial.


it is true, that no matter what the arguments, no matter what the threads on this forum...the ratio of others associated with MJ, getting the benefit of the doubt vs. MJ getting the benefit of the doubt, is at least 3 to 1, in favor of the others. and i think i'm being modest. and it doesn't matter whether the others are family, non family, friends, non friends, the media, the courts, or complete strangers, business associates..etc. yet, he had all the goods, and his star shone the brightest. and still does shine the brightest.
The title is misleading. I think she was just in disbelief like we all were, or at least most of us.

I don't see anything she did as wrong. She was his friend and the grew apart. It happens ALL the time. I don't see where everyone he ever met was expected to be sitting there during his 'time of need' when we don't know what he really wanted from people.

There were some people up there talking about MJ who never even met the man.
it is true, that no matter what the arguments, no matter what the threads on this forum...the ratio of others associated with MJ, getting the benefit of the doubt vs. MJ getting the benefit of the doubt, is at least 3 to 1, in favor of the others. and i think i'm being modest. and it doesn't matter whether the others are family, non family, friends, non friends, the media, the courts, or complete strangers, business associates..etc. yet, he had all the goods, and his star shone the brightest. and still does shine the brightest.

I am so glad you said this; I feel the exact same way. The woman said this herself. MJ said it himself in an interview during the trial but we are imagining things making things up about it. THEY ARE THE TWO PEOPLE THAT SAID IT. WE ARE NOT THE ONES LIVING IN FAIRY WORLD.

This place doesn't feel like home anymore. The facts the evidence can kick us in the face and we will still deny. We have to fight MJ's own fans on his own fansite. Every fu***** day. I'm truly saddened.
it is true, that no matter what the arguments, no matter what the threads on this forum...the ratio of others associated with MJ, getting the benefit of the doubt vs. MJ getting the benefit of the doubt, is at least 3 to 1, in favor of the others. and i think i'm being modest. and it doesn't matter whether the others are family, non family, friends, non friends, the media, the courts, or complete strangers, business associates..etc. yet, he had all the goods, and his star shone the brightest. and still does shine the brightest.
I agree with you completely. You are SO RIGHT
^^^it's interesting that MJ was the vortex of all these people..then he was the one from whom was their exodus.

now Madonna said, so much, the same thing, in her mtv speech, and it seemed more acceptable for some people on here, but it seems less acceptable when people on here, say it.