Brooke Shields hoped for Michael Jackson's resurrection!

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Being agressive towards someone over the internet is so pointless and makes you look lame.

I think she was talking about Michael's so called friends. It wasn't directed at you!
That's enough in here! Absolutely no need to be getting aggressive with each other.
Well I am lame then. You can continue to kiss everyone elses ass that disses Mike I want. I will probably get banned for typing this but I have had a glass full of people defending everyone but Michael Jackson on a Michae Jackson fansite. You can call me what ever you like Brooke Shields acted like MJ was contagious.

Oohhh, fair enough then if it wasnt directed at me. It was just hard to understand.

What do you mean defending everyone BUT Michael Jackson? Your BOUND to not see us defending him on here, because we have no reason to defend him on here as everyone else here is also a Mchael Jackson fan :S

Im not kissing there ass either, im just being fair to them and giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Oohhh, fair enough then if it wasnt directed at me. It was just hard to understand.

What do you mean defending everyone BUT Michael Jackson? Your BOUND to not see us defending him on here, because we have no reason to defend him on here as everyone else here is also a Mchael Jackson fan :S

Im not kissing there ass either, im just being fair to them and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I think it's clear what is meant. It has been happening around here in more than one thread recently and it needs to stop.
From Brooke's account, Michael contacted her during her difficult times but there is no proof that she did the same for Michael.

Michael always did that with people I was always surprised at how patient and thoughtful he was but while he did that for her but she didn't do that for him
he also called Lisa Marie after that joke of a marriage to Nicholas Cage to ask her how is she handling the divorce and she practically told him to fuck off - see Diane Sawyer interview
Michael was way to nice to people in my so patient
I think...the problem with Brooke....MJ refused her advances.....I've read somewhere that there was a point that Brooke wanted to be intimate but MJ was not ready.....LOL!

I think that ended it all back then.....
Michael always did that with people I was always surprised at how patient and thoughtful he was but while he did that for her but she didn't do that for him
he also called Lisa Marie after that joke of a marriage to Nicholas Cage to ask her how is she handling the divorce and she practically told him to fuck off - see Diane Sawyer interview
Michael was way to nice to people in my so patient

You are so right about this, Michael was too nice too too nice to people who didn't deserve it at all.
Not at all. I'm gonna take this to PM, like I would recommend you do if you have a problem in future.

I dont have a problem :\ I didnt bring the so called 'problems in the forum' up. I was just giving my opinion in this thread. Like I allways do.

I really think people are being unfair. Theres no evidence that Brooke didnt contact MJ, but theres no evidence she didnt either. So why would people rather lean towards the more negative side of things?

We dont know what went on because we werent in the same room as MJ and Brooke during interactions they may have had.
I dont have a problem :\ I didnt bring the so called 'problems in the forum' up. I was just giving my opinion in this thread. Like I allways do.

I really think people are being unfair. Theres no evidence that Brooke didnt contact MJ, but theres no evidence she didnt either. So why would people rather lean towards the more negative side of things?

We dont know what went on because we werent in the same room as MJ and Brooke during interactions they may have had.

Fair enough, I PM'd you anyway, it's up to you whether you read it or not.
Back on topic now please.
Because she said she did not contact him.

When did she say this? Can you find me a quote?

You said above that she said she hadnt contacted him in 20 years. But MJ said he was dating her in 1993.
I'm not trying to start a conversation because I'm leaving this thread after this, but I just have to say:

Goodness, you guys! Michael would not approve of this behavior and probably would not appreciate tearing down a friend he never had anything bad to say about. Some of you act like you were physically there to witness everything that didn't (but should have?) happened. Your knowledge of their friendship, relationship is from what you've gathered from the media and what Mike and Brooke wanted everyone to know. We have no idea what happened behind closed doors or why it happened. We are not Brooke and we are certainly not Michael. Let's not pretend to know what we can't possibly.

Also - insulting, ripping into, tearing down other people (for his sake? in his name?) does not make you more loyal, more caring, or a bigger fan to Michael. Just something we all should think about on this board. If you really want to help, then join The Legacy Project or go to Enough is Enough - they represent, protect and defend him when it's needed. :2cents:

L.O.V.E., L.O.V.E.
I'm not trying to start a conversation because I'm leaving this thread after this, but I just have to say:

Goodness, you guys! Michael would not approve of this behavior and probably would not appreciate tearing down a friend he never had anything bad to say about. Some of you act like you were physically there to witness everything that didn't (but should have?) happened. Your knowledge of their friendship, relationship is from what you've gathered from the media and what Mike and Brooke wanted everyone to know. We have no idea what happened behind closed doors or why it happened. We are not Brooke and we are certainly not Michael. Let's not pretend to know what we can't possibly.

Also - insulting, ripping into, tearing down other people (for his sake? in his name?) does not make you more loyal, more caring, or a bigger fan to Michael. Just something we all should think about on this board. If you really want to help, then join The Legacy Project or go to Enough is Enough - they represent, protect and defend him when it's needed. :2cents:

L.O.V.E., L.O.V.E.

THANK YOU. I agree with everything you said.
When did she say this? Can you find me a quote?

You said above that she said she hadnt contacted him in 20 years. But MJ said he was dating her in 1993.

Reread the article and another thread on this main page. I just got through from looking at it. I believe our contact with one another is about to escalate therefore I will end it now. YOu have a good day and I truly mean that.
They're jealous. :mello:

Oh God not the old, boring jealous comment!

So is it wrong of fans wanting to know why she was not there for Michael during his darkest hours?? I get annoyed when certain fans come in threads, with their halos on, saying Michael would be ashamed of our behaviour blah blah. Let's pretend everything is nice & lovely and that trees are made of candy and water tastes of chocolate; and all of Michael's friends & associates where great people who were there for Michael at all times!
Michael relayed his distate for some people. He did in a gracious way but he did. So how do we know he would be disappointed in us. By the way, I don't always agree with MJ 100% of the time but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt 100% of the time.

It is not about being jealous. I take friendship a little more serious than some. If he would have married or been with Brooke and that made him happy that would have been great. MJ was a good person and I am not just saying that but many people that came in contact with him said the same thing. Why wouldn't you want to be a friend to someone who is real, kind and loving. So many times we let the outside world influence us and it stops us from finding the innocence in love in community. So you can call it jealousy I call it friendship. I never new MJ on a personal level but I admired him and I feel a closeness to what he was about like many others on here. So when someone like Brooke pretended their relationship was more of an associate and not a friendship when he was alive and after the first allegations now they are friends again now that Michael is dead. I do have a problem with that. It is a hard pill to swallow. Some say where is the proof of this well she stated it also back in the nineties I saw her response and it hurt my feelings. I have followed Michael 95% of my life so I was there to witness a lot of things with my own eyes and ears. So can I go back and find the exact newscast it is probably out there somewhere I'm am sure but to produce the response from 93 no I cannot at this time but like many others such as my self they saw the same thing I saw.
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We are MJ fans here and we are here to defend Michael, not Brook S. and not LMP. Myself I do not give a damn about Brook, Lisa and others . Now they all feel guilty when Mike is not here. I do not care about what they feel. It is their own problem and I am not giving them any credits for anything. It just good to know a correct information without any rumors involved. Thanks Brook for telling us what a good “friend” she was.
We are MJ fans here and we are here to defend Michael, not Brook S. and not LMP. Myself I do not give a damn about Brook, Lisa and others . Now they all feel guilty when Mike is not here. I do not care about what they feel. It is their own problem and I am not giving them any credits for anything. It just good to know a correct information without any rumors involved. Thanks Brook for telling us what a good “friend” she was.

Awww man. We are here to show our appreciation for Michael Jackson. Why would we need to defend him on our own board?

The fact is, fans have just come in here and our speaking badly about Brooke Shields when they dont even know the full story.

Michael said in PHM. 'Many people have opinions about me, and they havent even met me, they dont even know me'.

So lets follow his teachings and not judge those we dont know or havent even met. Or lets not judge a situation when we dont even know anything about it.
From Brooke's account, Michael contacted her during her difficult times but there is no proof that she did the same for Michael. Friendship is a 2 way thing! Brooke enjoyed her friendship with Michael when it was cool to be seen with him. Is it just coincidence that she was never seen out together with Michael after the 1993 allegations? Especially when both of them liked to go out on many dinner dates, attend cermonies and hang out at Neverland prior to the allegations? Brooke is a hypocrite and a fair weather friend of Michael's. Like Michael said, he could count his friends on one hand.

Also, one little phonecall during the trial to him wouldn't have hurt her. And she is using a poor excuse of saying she was unable to contact him....whatever! Even a public statement around the trial saying i am there for Michael. But there was NOTHING!

Yet she shows up at the memorial after not having seen him in years and years!

People like Brooke Shields do my head in!!! Now that it is cool to like Michael again, she is showing her face on TV to promote herself whilst talking about her friend Michael.

I might be sounding harsh but i do not have time for those who showed no support to Michael when he needed it the most!

mhmm preach it! You speak the truth. :clapping:
Asedore I get what you are saying. We are responding to Brookes own admissions and her actions. Her actions were just explained by her admissions. Brooke do I hate you? NO. I just lost a little respect for you.
Thats great thats great. When it comes to Michael, its all. People didnt even know him! They judge him but they dont even know him.

But its fine to do the same with other celebrities.....hmm-_-
Asedore I get what you are saying. We are responding to Brookes own admissions and her actions. Her actions were just explained by her admissions. Brooke do I hate you? NO. I just lost a little respect for you.

Michael needed help before and maybe he could be alive still? When she was staying in the front of the coffin with his dead body inside and talking with tears and emotions it was NOTHING. Because nothing was done before. It looks like she wanted to spend time with him when in was cool.
I feel the same, I lost my respect to her. I was thinking that Brook was supporting him at least by personal contacts, phone conversations during his hard time. Now we see she even didn’t do simple thing what normally friends do. Poor Michael there were just a few people who helped him. Thanks God that he always was feeling a support from his fans.
Thats great thats great. When it comes to Michael, its all. People didnt even know him! They judge him but they dont even know him.

But its fine to do the same with other celebrities.....hmm-_-

I think everything has skewed off a large tangent here which was inevitable really given the nature of the thread. Emotions have boiled over but as you said people need to remember Michael's teachings.
I was quite honestly surprised that Brooke Shields spoke at the memorial. I thought they didn't talk anymore and I didn't see her supporting him during the trial. Since his mother asked her I guess she decided to do it. I wish Elizabeth Taylor spoke but she wasn't strong enough. She knew the suffering and pain Michael had to deal with. Brooke had no idea and it's too bad they didn't stay in touch like before. She could have sent him letter, call or email to say hang in there but she didn't feel the need to.

I don't know what happened but I remember things too and there have been "friends" who say good things about Michael when it was popular but when it felt like the world was agaisnt him there were people who stayed strong and still said good things about Michael and then there were those who did a complete 180 and made their time with Michael seem not important. I wanted to hear from those people then about how good Michael was. Now that he is gone it's too late and I don't want or need to hear from them now. That's how I feel anyways and maybe others too. It's too late now.
I don't know L.T.D., I don't think I ever even did quote a post of him... But I'll have to take sides with him now.

Look, I love Michael. I respect him. I miss him. And I'll defend him when it comes to wrongful judgement. But the matter here is, in my PERSONAL opinion, ridiculous. You people are so full of bad feelings that it's disgusting, just like when that Chandler killed himself and a lot of people were almost celebrating.
YOU talk about Michael? Michael himself wouldn't act like that. Not the great-hearted Michael I'm a fan of.

What if she didn't have contact and regrets? What if she's feeling bad now (and back at the memorial) and wish she was there for him when he needed her? I mean, WTF, this is how the world will go forward? With so much hate and judgement? Michael himself was a victim of things like that! And then YOU speak in Michael's name with such bad feelings? This is disgusting.

YES, we ARE in a Michael Jackson forum. But this is an open space. You talk about the media and want people around here to be biased? I'd rather express my own personal opinion (and see people doing the same) than "express gratitude and love" towards Michael with all this hatred deep inside of your hearts. Michael himself, wherever he is, knows that I love him, as L.T.D. and others do.

We have the right to express what we think, this is a MJ forum but not a dictatorship. No one here is disrespecting Michael. Quite the contrary, I see people disrespecting other members because they're just expressing their own opinion. And then they talk in Michael's name? Sheesh.
And just one thing... I don't even know 2% of Brooke Shield's work, but... What if someone around here enjoy her work or something? As much as this is a Michael Jackson forum, I don't think you should trash talk other artists "because we're here to defend Michael". Heck, show some respect. I me myself had hard times with Elvis haters here "because this is a MJ forum". I love both, so what? Now I need to disrespect one of my two biggest heroes because this is no Elvis forum? I hope you get my point here.
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