Brooke Shields hoped for Michael Jackson's resurrection!

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Did she not call Michael asexual a few days before he died? Her tears at his death were sadness and guilt. And seeing how she is still going on about Michael means the guilt is still festering
Brooke, Brooke, Brooke. :smilerolleyes: I honestly don't know what to say about her. I mean she left him the time that he needed friends the most, which was when the first allegations came...

For what it's worth, according to Andre Agassi's autobiography, they were still in contact then. There's mention of Michael checking in on Brooke [via phone call] after she'd gotten out of foot? surgery. Which prompted Andre to question their continued friendship, given the allegations. Apparently, she defended him.
For what it's worth, according to Andre Agassi's autobiography, they were still in contact then. There's mention of Michael checking in on Brooke [via phone call] after she'd gotten out of foot? surgery. Which prompted Andre to question their continued friendship, given the allegations. Apparently, she defended him.

Just curious, how did she defend him? Do you happen to remember what Agassi wrote? I know Michael reached out whenever she needed help but I've never read anywhere that she did the same for him. It seems she just disappeared from his side when the allegation started. Would be nice to see that she was there for him.
I never agreed someone said that Michael isolated himself. it was his "friends" left him when he needs them most. when you are in the hard time, the most thing you want is having friends understand you, comfort you and support you. that's not mean you have to take initiative to call your friends and asked them to comfort you. The true friends should have supported him and stood beside him during the trial and after the trial. Randy was with Michael during/after the trial, we have seen how much Michael appreciated him( later messed up Michael's business). Michael wanted someone to support/comfort/love him, he always wanted to be loved. Unfortunately, most of his friends are not true friends.

I agree with you. Good friends usually call and ask if you need help. Brook din't talk to him for 20 years like she said. It is very sad.
Yeah, Brooke was their for him just like all the others, it was Michael who distanced himself from so called ''friends'' when he needed them the most.
I wish some fans ( not necessarily you) would give Michael that much benefit of doubt as you guys give others. But I guess it's the norm to judge Michael but give others the benefit of a doubt. Carry on. I guess Michael told her to make that ridiculous statement about him, chimps, and child stars too, during the trial.

It's not ''hate'' it's just that it's just a general dislike I have for people who turned their backs on Michael in either 1993 or 2003 only to remember him again after his death, that's all.

Agree and Agree.
No one is forced to "love" someone who says how much they love Michael or someone Michael happened to love so much. Some of us simply don't like Brook, that's fine. When I think of MJ's real friends, I am sorry, but her name is not the first in my mind. That simple. But I don't hate the woman, why would I? I think people have also the right to voice their opions on this kind of things, as long as they (WE) do it with respect. That's how things are going here. As another MJ fan said yesterday on other thread, "We can agree to disagree" :)

Now her hopes of MJ jumping out of the coffin..... honestly, that is not nice to read, I mean, the wording is a bit harsh for me, but I see her point is in no way disrespect to Michael, but other: it's denial, it's the difficulty of believing he was there, actually unable to do do anything. As someone said here, that was the secret hope of some of us on that dark day. Seeing the coffin was such a slap on my face, a slap of reality, the confirmation of the worst rumor ever. Horrible.

Naaaa, this is not good, I think I am leaving the thread :cry:
Now her hopes of MJ jumping out of the coffin..... honestly, that is not nice to read, I mean, the wording is a bit harsh for me, but I see her point is in no way disrespect to Michael, but other: it's denial, it's the difficulty of believing he was there, actually unable to do do anything. As someone said here, that was the secret hope of some of us on that dark day. Seeing the coffin was such a slap on my face, a slap of reality, the confirmation of the worst rumor ever. Horrible.

Naaaa, this is not good, I think I am leaving the thread :cry:

I feel the same. I was a very strange thing to say. I understand what she meant but still she could find better words to show more respect.
Just curious, how did she defend him? Do you happen to remember what Agassi wrote? I know Michael reached out whenever she needed help but I've never read anywhere that she did the same for him. It seems she just disappeared from his side when the allegation started. Would be nice to see that she was there for him.

I haven't heard about Agassi's book and would like to read what he wrote about Brooke and Michael. If anyone has a copy or a trascript can you post this part?
I haven't heard about Agassi's book and would like to read what he wrote about Brooke and Michael. If anyone has a copy or a trascript can you post this part?

Brooke said she hadn't spoken to Michael in twenty years and she did not know why. She just answered your question for you. The press and some family members said Michael would push you away. To some extent he might have just as we push negative people away out of our lives.

To answer your question Brooke after the allegations you did not want to associate yourself with him like many others. Oprah liked him so much during the interview but after the allegations it was as if Mike had a contagious disease. This was standard in 1993 and especially in 2003-2005. MJ said it himself during his Geraldo interview. I can count my true friends on one hand. Me too.

We want so much to give everyone else the benefit of the doubt except MJ even when the person says it themselves and the evidence is there. I choose to follow actions on this one.
I can see what she was meaning. It's the shock and denial. :(
I didn't realize they hadn't spoken in years. Why?

first of all she moved on and got married the same thing MJ did then u know he had the kids year later so things change. At the hardest times in his life a lot of his friend in my opinion did they own thing. the only thing I am not feeling is the that she was like she help him and that was 20 years ago well any way her ex husband has a book out he was really obsessive so i can imagine if she did try to reach out to MJ and her husband was lurking
= This was standard in 1993 and especially in 2003-2005. MJ said it himself during his Geraldo interview. I can count my true friends on one hand. Me too.


wow i did remember that interview and that statement Mikey really went through some trails and tribulations
She did not have to reach out to him if she did not want to, but when asked about him to pretend you all didn't have that close friendship. She acted as if he was contagious back then. Just say a hollywood comment. I have no comment. Or I don't know enough to comment on that. Sometimes your words come back and bite you in the bottom.
The trouble is we had so many celebrities come out and say how sad they are about Michael when he passed and how amazing he is, yet during the allegations very few celebrities actually supported him and this is what angers a lot of people. Its hypocrisy at its finest.
For what it's worth, according to Andre Agassi's autobiography, they were still in contact then. There's mention of Michael checking in on Brooke [via phone call] after she'd gotten out of foot? surgery. Which prompted Andre to question their continued friendship, given the allegations. Apparently, she defended him.

furthermore there are rumors that MJ sent Brooke Shields flowers to congraluate her when her first child born in 2000 or 2001.

You must also remember that Brooke Shields starting dating Andre Agassi in 1993 (married at 1997). That could simply be the reason why Brooke and Mj stopped the contact.
furthermore there are rumors that MJ sent Brooke Shields flowers to congraluate her when her first child born in 2000 or 2001.

You must also remember that Brooke Shields starting dating Andre Agassi in 1993 (married at 1997). That could simply be the reason why Brooke and Mj stopped the contact.

The point is she denied him three times. She just told us she did not know why she did not call him. I was back there watching t.v. back in the day where she pretended they were just associates. MIke may have sent her flowers but where does it say she responded to him because she said she had not spoken to him in twenty years. Mike was 30 then.
The trouble is we had so many celebrities come out and say how sad they are about Michael when he passed and how amazing he is, yet during the allegations very few celebrities actually supported him and this is what angers a lot of people. Its hypocrisy at its finest.

Thats because there lives dont revolve around Michael Jackson. Its not as if celebrities were going to be giving statements during his trial. When someone highly famous dies, then you do generally hear lots of statements from celebrities. A death is a lot different that someone going through a trial.

There were many celebrites supporting him during his trial, all ones that we know were close friends of Michaels. But you cant expect everyone to be speaking out about it. It was to be expected when he died.
Thats because there lives dont revolve around Michael Jackson. Its not as if celebrities were going to be giving statements during his trial. When someone highly famous dies, then you do generally hear lots of statements from celebrities. A death is a lot different that someone going through a trial.

There were many celebrites supporting him during his trial, all ones that we know were close friends of Michaels. But you cant expect everyone to be speaking out about it. It was to be expected when he died.

No one ever said none did not support him but the ones he were extremely close to at some point in his life; the ones expected to be there left him hanging.
That is fact not fiction.
Thats because there lives dont revolve around Michael Jackson. Its not as if celebrities were going to be giving statements during his trial. When someone highly famous dies, then you do generally hear lots of statements from celebrities. A death is a lot different that someone going through a trial.

There were many celebrites supporting him during his trial, all ones that we know were close friends of Michaels. But you cant expect everyone to be speaking out about it. It was to be expected when he died.

Well just like you kept your damn mouths closed then. Shut the hell up now because I don't want to here from your asses.(period)
Well just like you kept your damn mouths closed then. Shut the hell up now because I don't want to here from your asses.(period)


Being agressive towards someone over the internet is so pointless and makes you look lame.

Being agressive towards someone over the internet is so pointless and makes you look lame.

Well I am lame then. You can continue to kiss everyone elses ass that disses Mike I want. I will probably get banned for typing this but I have had a glass full of people defending everyone but Michael Jackson on a Michae Jackson fansite. You can call me what ever you like Brooke Shields acted like MJ was contagious.
Thats because there lives dont revolve around Michael Jackson. Its not as if celebrities were going to be giving statements during his trial. When someone highly famous dies, then you do generally hear lots of statements from celebrities. A death is a lot different that someone going through a trial.

There were many celebrites supporting him during his trial, all ones that we know were close friends of Michaels. But you cant expect everyone to be speaking out about it. It was to be expected when he died.

From Brooke's account, Michael contacted her during her difficult times but there is no proof that she did the same for Michael. Friendship is a 2 way thing! Brooke enjoyed her friendship with Michael when it was cool to be seen with him. Is it just coincidence that she was never seen out together with Michael after the 1993 allegations? Especially when both of them liked to go out on many dinner dates, attend cermonies and hang out at Neverland prior to the allegations? Brooke is a hypocrite and a fair weather friend of Michael's. Like Michael said, he could count his friends on one hand.

Also, one little phonecall during the trial to him wouldn't have hurt her. And she is using a poor excuse of saying she was unable to contact him....whatever! Even a public statement around the trial saying i am there for Michael. But there was NOTHING!

Yet she shows up at the memorial after not having seen him in years and years!

People like Brooke Shields do my head in!!! Now that it is cool to like Michael again, she is showing her face on TV to promote herself whilst talking about her friend Michael.

I might be sounding harsh but i do not have time for those who showed no support to Michael when he needed it the most!
Well I am lame then. You can continue to kiss everyone elses ass that disses Mike I want. I will probably get banned for typing this but I have had a glass full of people defending everyone but Michael Jackson on a Michae Jackson fansite. You can call me what ever you like Brooke Shields acted like MJ was contagious.
I agree completely with you.