Breaking News: Chris Brown Under Investigation For Assault; Brown & Rihanna To Miss Grammys

^^ I respect your opinion Roxanne :flowers: She could be telling the truth, but I am NOT going to judge him yet!! thats just who i am.. i TRY not to judge people..Its ok if i wanna hear Brown's side of the story, maybe you feel like you have heard everything you need to know, but i am still neatural about this. YES i def. agree that beating people is NOT ok and if Chris has done this than i think its pathedic. Like i said, i am def. not taking anyones side. Its pretty sad it all ended like this they are soo young!I have no clue what went on, its all based on what we have read, so yeah im not assuming yet, maybe im wrong for saying my opinion.
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ok tamara i see where u coming from. just one question: when the trial comes and u hear all the evidence and if the evidence is against chris and the verdict is guilty. are u going to judge him then and take rihannas side or still be neutral and non-judgemental ?
i still wanna know more...

So your asking me , if CB is guilty then how will i react? Well i dont care for those two( CB or Ri ri), but if he is guilty my reaction would be, that CB should be punished for what he has done, of course, beating someone is uncalled for, its serious!! Its very sad, and iF true, then CB needs help. But i still want to hear more. And then i'd move on with life.
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while i do like ur post and basically agree with ur point here, allow me to say that i think ur pretty naive to think this way. ppl dont change that fast and easy. imo hes sorry that his reputation got ruined. hes sorry about his image and career being stigmatized by what he did. what he did was not simply a mistake. it reflects many aspects of his personality. for a man to physically and emotionally abuse a woman is a very very serious thing. rihanna said she was in an ongoing abusing relationship with him. she had serious injuries all over her face and body and they had to take her to the hospital. so all im saying is dont take it so lightly and dont be so gullible and naive. he needs to be punished for what he did. ppl like him never change imo. do u think he now "learnt" that its wrong to hit a woman ? do u think he wouldnt do it again ? think twice. hes no better than ike turner who was beating the hell out of his wife everyday. also we do know that he beat her (according to rihannas statements there was no such case of self-defense) and dont compare common everyday mistakes that we all make with this one. this is about a serious felony. he needs to go to prison for a long time.
hes just sad that his fans look down to him now along with everyone else. hes not sorry and even if he is that doesnt mean he changed at all.

i do have to ask you ever believe that a female can abuse a male?
i do have to ask you ever believe that a female can abuse a male?

only emotionally in some rare cases and physically when the man is handicapped. but i dont think females have the abusive attitude in them. females are delicate and sensitive by nature.
I don't think its right for anyone to beat another person at all. I think females have beat their boyfriends or husbands before.. They can be capable of it too. Imo!

but yeah females are senstive, well not all..
only emotionally in some rare cases and physically when the man is handicapped. but i dont think females have the abusive attitude in them. females are delicate and sensitive by nature.

do you think that of Will Smith, whom you have pictured? do you think he is an insensitive male? do you think it's not in his nature to be sensitive? because i have found that it's really a case by case basis. you never know till you actually see the evidence. it's like saying a woman who weighs a certain amount cannot be beautiful, then you come along and see such woman, and find out you were wrong.
while i do like ur post and basically agree with ur point here, allow me to say that i think ur pretty naive to think this way. ppl dont change that fast and easy. imo hes sorry that his reputation got ruined. hes sorry about his image and career being stigmatized by what he did. what he did was not simply a mistake. it reflects many aspects of his personality. for a man to physically and emotionally abuse a woman is a very very serious thing. rihanna said she was in an ongoing abusing relationship with him. she had serious injuries all over her face and body and they had to take her to the hospital. so all im saying is dont take it so lightly and dont be so gullible and naive. he needs to be punished for what he did. ppl like him never change imo. do u think he now "learnt" that its wrong to hit a woman ? do u think he wouldnt do it again ? think twice. hes no better than ike turner who was beating the hell out of his wife everyday. also we do know that he beat her (according to rihannas statements there was no such case of self-defense) and dont compare common everyday mistakes that we all make with this one. this is about a serious felony. he needs to go to prison for a long time.
hes just sad that his fans look down to him now along with everyone else. hes not sorry and even if he is that doesnt mean he changed at all.

Ummmm, I'm not gullible or naive about this situation. I just DON'T KNOW BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY. All I've heard from Rihanna is from "sources"...and considering nobody is even supposed to know what she said in her police report- I'm gonna wait for official statements.

I would think that we all know that there are two sides to a story besides believing everything the media prints... And I just want to hear both before making my decision.

"people like that don't change"???
If I can recall, I think I've hit one of my former boyfriends when I was angry- and I don't go around beating people up for fun.

I never said I was comparing "common everyday mistakes" to this. I never said it was like, "oops, I dropped my pencil". People make mistakes that aren't "common everyday" mistakes all the time.

According to Rihanna's "statement", he got a text, they argued...and then beat her up. So I think there may be more that we are missing.

If we were gonna talk about rumors(which we are), I heard about an argument that they were involved in, and neither one was innocent.

And actually, I don't even think I have much more to say on this issue until something else official comes out, cause now it's a bunch of speculation and I don't feel like being called naive or gullible for wanting to hear two sides to a story, lol.
only emotionally in some rare cases and physically when the man is handicapped. But i dont think females have the abusive attitude in them. Females are delicate and sensitive by nature.

... Hahahahahahahaha!

Only emotionally in RARE cases! That's too cute!
Both sides of the story don't matter when the end result is him hitting her. He handled it wrong. I don't care if she cursed his Mama he handled it wrong
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only emotionally in some rare cases and physically when the man is handicapped. but i dont think females have the abusive attitude in them. females are delicate and sensitive by nature.

I'm sorry, but that is absolutely not true.
Trust me, there are some really abusive girls out there (both mentally and physically).
I've met my share of psycho bitches in my life, lol.
only emotionally in some rare cases and physically when the man is handicapped. but i dont think females have the abusive attitude in them. females are delicate and sensitive by nature.

Quite frankly I am shocked, dismayed, and puzzled by this statement, and I'm a female (and 59 yrs old). Dang, I work with strong and aggressive women everyday in my profession and personal friendships outside of the workplace. There ARE manipulative, lying, emotionally abusive, AND physically abusive women out there, alot of them. I know them and have witnessed it first hand at get-togethers, in a family setting, in a drug/alcohol environment, in the marketplace, in virtually every setting imaginable.

Jealousy, immaturity, aggressiveness, lying, abuse (emotionally and physically) is not limited to men exclusively by a far cry, and that is well documented and factual by case studies and gathered info from the medical, psychological, and law/legal community. I won't even go into things I've witnessed by interaction and friendship with people of both sexes in my personal/professional life.

I'm not saying Rhi is innocent or guilty, nor could I deduce that is Chris automatically guilty or innocent of anything. It could go either way in this scenario or most other scenarios. It takes 2 to tango, and depending upon other factors like jealousy/drugs/alcohol/insecurity/personality, anything is possible.

Ultimately, I hope that there can be resolution, healing, and that oft overused cliche "growth" from whatever happened between these two.

(and let me tell you, when someone is on steroids intermittently for medical reasons such as asthma, and 2 of my best female friends are amongst these, it ain't pretty. Then there is the obvious hormonal rages readily seen in some menstrual cycles; and the cocaine/meth/crack induced hyper-irritability/aggression in both sexes. It's really just not black or white in any given scenario.)
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But we haven't heard Chris' story yet... Im not a big fan of Chris, but i still want to hear his side of the story before i judge him. Yeah its comepletely uncalled for when a man beats the hell out of a women, or for anyone to be beat. But we haven't heard the whole story yet.. we don't know what fully happend yet. If he did beat Rihanna, then of course he needs help.. but other than that, im not gonna jump on anyone's side yet.

We haven't heard Rihanna's either!

Both sides of the story don't matter when the end result is him hitting her. He handled it wrong. I don't care if she caused his Mama he handled it wrong
Yes. Very well said.

In the end what Chris Brown did was illegal. Assaulting someone is illegal.
We haven't heard Rihanna's either!

Yes. Very well said.

In the end what Chris Brown did was illegal. Assaulting someone is illegal.

Bottom line: does anyone really know the whole story? Could Rhihanna have "assaulted" Chris first in the car? It goes both ways. We are just spectators, none of us know the whole story. We're going by tidbits here and there about what could have happened. Maybe there was a phone/text message on Chris' phone from someone that irked Rhi? Could she have lashed out at him? Would that not be considered "assault" and also be "illegal"?

There's so many possibilities we are not privy to. He may be guilty as hell, she could be guilty of going ape-sh*t if he did receive a phone call/text message. We don't know. He is now speaking on contrition for things that happened. So it's possible he just went beserk and beat the living daylights out of her for no reason? Possibly. So it's possible she went berserk and lashed out at him while he was driving because he got a text message from someone? Possibly.

Is either scenario okay? Umm, probably not. Not being a fan of either of them, I can't jump on either band wagon. If he's guilty of unprovoked assault, so be it. If she's guilty of jealous rage, so be it. I just don't understand how any of us can sit in the seat of judgement without having been in the car with them. We don't know who's taking "the high road" here. We weren't in the car with them. There's stories about her jealousy in the past, there's others stories about him as well on that night. Who the h*ll knows. You do? I do? If he had received injuries, that would have been okay because he's "a man"? Hopefully justice will prevail, the whole truth will come out, be it for or against either one of them. If Chris hurt her without due provocation, then he should suffer the results. But what if she went off physically against him first? That should be overlooked as okay? Seems like a blind judgement by us as jury. jmo.
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Bottom line: does anyone really know the whole story? Could Rhihanna have "assaulted" Chris first in the car? It goes both ways. We are just spectators, none of us know the whole story. We're going by tidbits here and there about what could have happened. Maybe there was a phone/text message on Chris' phone from someone that irked Rhi? Could she have lashed out at him? Would that not be considered "assault" and also be "illegal"?

There's so many possibilities we are not privy to. He may be guilty as hell, she could be guilty of going ape-sh*t if he did receive a phone call/text message. We don't know. He is now speaking on contrition for things that happened. So it's possible he just went beserk and beat the living daylights out of her for no reason? Possibly. So it's possible she went berserk and lashed out at him while he was driving because he got a text message from someone? Possibly.
Yes, that's a possibility. And yes it would be illegal. Of course it would be. But has anyone laid charges against Rihanna / the woman? Not that we know of. If he was provoked with violence, then I'd expect charges to be laid against the other assaulting party. :unsure:

You're right, neither scenario is ok, and assault is a crime. No matter who it comes from and how it happens.
... Hahahahahahahaha!

Only emotionally in RARE cases! That's too cute!

glad i made u laugh

I'm sorry, but that is absolutely not true.
Trust me, there are some really abusive girls out there (both mentally and physically).
I've met my share of psycho bitches in my life, lol.

yes i know i was talking in general about the average man and the average woman. of course there are exceptions. statistically every year how many cases are there of a woman beating up a man and how many of a man beating up a woman ? see and compare.

do you think that of Will Smith, whom you have pictured? do you think he is an insensitive male? do you think it's not in his nature to be sensitive? because i have found that it's really a case by case basis. you never know till you actually see the evidence. it's like saying a woman who weighs a certain amount cannot be beautiful, then you come along and see such woman, and find out you were wrong.

err that was a pretty general statement. of course there are men out there who are incredibly sensitive and women who are total aggressive abusive phychos. i was talking about the average man and woman. like the statement "men are stronger than women" is totally general. there are many exceptions in that.
only emotionally in some rare cases and physically when the man is handicapped. but i dont think females have the abusive attitude in them. females are delicate and sensitive by nature.

There was a recent study done in England where it said something like 1 in 5 men in their early 20's have suffered mental or physical abuse in a relationship from a women.

you should do some research, then you wouldn't make such crazy comments like that.
I want to nominate bgz to the "real talk award" of the day! :)

It's like, we speculate so much and we are so ready to judge when we don't even know what happened, we don't even know if Chris also got assaulted nor how assaulted Rihanna got.

I don't wanna defend no one, but there's just as a big of possibility that Rihanna started to lose her mind with punches and scratching Chris' face or whatever while he was driving, so some freakishly shit like his elbow hit her face while he protected himself and her from crashing. Weird shit happens all the time.

I'm quite frankly scared how some people read shit of blogs like it was factual and go like "this is what happened, I don't care about nothing else".
I swear to God, if Perez Hilton would write "Yo this just got in, the earth is in fact not round, it's flat. Just watch this ("not photoshopped") picture Nasa just released" there will be some people that will go "OH REALLY?!!?! I'M SHOCKED!!!".
I witness that all the time because my mother is just like that, she's naive for always believing what the tabloids and TV are saying.

I don't defend Rihanna, I don't defend Chris, because I don't know shit, and neither do you guys.
All I know is that if it comes to knowledge when this process is over that Rihanna didn't assault Chris physically, then I'm done with Chris forever because he could have just stopped the car and told her to get the fuck out instead of punching her. Because making that first punch no matter if it was Chris or Rihanna who gave it, is absolutely wrong and me as a man are disgusted how you as a man could hit a girl in any way except self defense for your own life.
And what's most important is that Rihanna with time will go out and talk about this so she can inspire other girls in the same situation to break lose from abusive relationships.

This is my 2 cents.
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i just don't know of many relationships that are not extremly stormy..especially when they start out early..from both i do gotta see what's up when all the info is out, cus..i tell u..usually, nothing more stormy..nothing more of enmity, than that between two people in love..which is where the term love/hate came from. they find the worst and best in each other, and exploit it. they seek to destroy each other, more than two enemies who never met. it is ironic that the greatest storms come between people in love, more than say, two political leaders from opposite sides of the world, who are enemies. so..we really don't know what's up...waiting for info..complete info is the best thing.
he beat the shit out of her as a man he should be ashamed of fact he is ashamed. I believe him when he says he's sorry for what he did but he still remains a brute I myself I wouldn't want to be around him you can't trust a man like him

Rihanna back at home; “None of this is as bad as everyone makes it sound.”

Yvonne Fenty, a cousin of Rihanna’s, claimed that the “Umbrella” singer is currently on the island of Barbados — recovering from last Sunday’s violent attack by boyfriend-R&B star Chris Brown — with friends and family, and told exclusively that “Rihanna is holding up well.
“Everyone is looking after her–she is just trying to catch herself and get her life back on track. None of this is as bad as everyone makes it sound. Her injuries weren’t near as bad as people make them sound. Yes, she is going through a rough time and is upset, but she is thinking positive and resting. She will be fine.”

at least she's ok. I DEFINITELY know that she could be really emotionally hurt right now (I'm a girl!!!)

I just saw the most overdramatized shit on MTV. It was a half hour special detailing the Chris Brown/Rihanna relationship like they're the ****ing Kennedys, followed by a sitdown with young people discussing this tragic event and how it impacts them. God I hate teenagers. And I'm 20 years old.
^^^^ I feel the same way. Honestly I really really could care less.. I mean dont get me wrong I hope both sides are okay and everybody goes home safe and all that jazz BUT I really could care less about the why, how, when and why's. They just POP singers there nobody to important. Their regular people just like you and me. People put these celebrities to to much on a pedestal that they will never live up to because their REAL people not robots.
^^^^ I feel the same way. Honestly I really really could care less.. I mean dont get me wrong I hope both sides are okay and everybody goes home safe and all that jazz BUT I really could care less about the why, how, when and why's. They just POP singers there nobody to important. Their regular people just like you and me. People put these celebrities to to much on a pedestal that they will never live up to because their REAL people not robots.

I agree