Breaking News: Chris Brown Under Investigation For Assault; Brown & Rihanna To Miss Grammys

Anyone able to help me out?

Yes, the police has stated that the picture is in fact authentic and they will "hunt down" whoever inside the police force that sold that picture to TMZ since this clearly is illegal.

Sometimes I can understand when people claim that they hate the police, even though the positive outcome of the leak of this picture is that people can visualize that it was more than just a "bitch slap" Chris gave Rihanna.

However, none of us know what really happened. Like what lead up to Rihanna getting this beat down?!
We have not yet heard both sides of the story, heck we have still not even heard 1 side of the story.
I really wanna know what made Chris loose his fucking mind like that, even though that dude clearly has some issues I still have hard to believe that he was chillin in his crib, eating some chips playing PS3 and just out of the blue went ape shit crazy on her.
We're kind of brain washed for sitting here and guessing, and we don't know if Rihanna beat the shit out of Chris or stomped on his balls or something also.

That's why I feel like... it's messed up that he did what he did, no sane person can't deny that. But there's definitely more to this story, but if that could justify how he did her, I don't think so. But just let's chill, feel bad for her, and wait to hear both sides of the story, and maybe the truth will be somewhere in between. We don't know.

EDIT: And here's the LAPD press release about the leaked picture:
If you dont mind me askin...

Is there a link or anythin to prove that her father has said its her.
Im talkin to a CB fan and hes tellin me that:

1.Brown has not layed a finger on her.
2.That, her in the picture is not Rihanna.
3.And that Rihanna is just after publicity.

Hes pissed me off.

Rihanna's Dad Upset with LAPD over Photo Leak:,,20260340,00.html

well..the slammed into the object part could take us back to when someone said there was a car accident.

No car accident. The LAPD impounded the vehicle and there's not a scratch on it.


Rihanna's Dad Upset with LAPD over Photo Leak:,,20260340,00.html

No car accident. The LAPD impounded the vehicle and there's not a scratch on it.



Yes, the police has stated that the picture is in fact authentic and they will "hunt down" whoever inside the police force that sold that picture to TMZ since this clearly is illegal.

Sometimes I can understand when people claim that they hate the police, even though the positive outcome of the leak of this picture is that people can visualize that it was more than just a "bitch slap" Chris gave Rihanna.

However, none of us know what really happened. Like what lead up to Rihanna getting this beat down?!
We have not yet heard both sides of the story, heck we have still not even heard 1 side of the story.
I really wanna know what made Chris loose his fucking mind like that, even though that dude clearly has some issues I still have hard to believe that he was chillin in his crib, eating some chips playing PS3 and just out of the blue went ape shit crazy on her.
We're kind of brain washed for sitting here and guessing, and we don't know if Rihanna beat the shit out of Chris or stomped on his balls or something also.

That's why I feel like... it's messed up that he did what he did, no sane person can't deny that. But there's definitely more to this story, but if that could justify how he did her, I don't think so. But just let's chill, feel bad for her, and wait to hear both sides of the story, and maybe the truth will be somewhere in between. We don't know.

EDIT: And here's the LAPD press release about the leaked picture:

Thank you. :)
If you dont mind me askin...

Is there a link or anythin to prove that her father has said its her.
Im talkin to a CB fan and hes tellin me that:

1.Brown has not layed a finger on her.
2.That, her in the picture is not Rihanna.
3.And that Rihanna is just after publicity.

Hes pissed me off.

Lots of CB fans are in complete denial that the picture is legit, despite all of the evidence indicating otherwise.
If you dont mind me askin...

Is there a link or anythin to prove that her father has said its her.
Im talkin to a CB fan and hes tellin me that:

1.Brown has not layed a finger on her.
2.That, her in the picture is not Rihanna.
3.And that Rihanna is just after publicity.

Hes pissed me off.

well of course a CB fan is going to say that. and after the hate that i saw,directed at rihanna, broadcast on the tmz comments section with that photo..(first time i truly felt the palpable taste of hate in this world, on a board..even moreso than the hate against MJ), i wouldn't be surprised at anything a CB fan would who was not a witness to the event, as police have said there are no witnesses. that 'above the hairline' comment is the scariest thing i have ever read on the internet. and that is saying a lot. all i could think, when i saw that comment depths of evil in man. you gotta believe there is a God, just to keep your sanity, after seeing something like that.
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Lots of CB fans are in complete denial that the picture is legit, despite all of the evidence indicating otherwise.

There will always be people that only see what they want to believe, kind of like those ignorant people that still in 2009 believe that the holocaust was a hoax.
Yes, the police has stated that the picture is in fact authentic and they will "hunt down" whoever inside the police force that sold that picture to TMZ since this clearly is illegal.

Sometimes I can understand when people claim that they hate the police, even though the positive outcome of the leak of this picture is that people can visualize that it was more than just a "bitch slap" Chris gave Rihanna.

However, none of us know what really happened. Like what lead up to Rihanna getting this beat down?!
We have not yet heard both sides of the story, heck we have still not even heard 1 side of the story.
I really wanna know what made Chris loose his fucking mind like that, even though that dude clearly has some issues I still have hard to believe that he was chillin in his crib, eating some chips playing PS3 and just out of the blue went ape shit crazy on her.
We're kind of brain washed for sitting here and guessing, and we don't know if Rihanna beat the shit out of Chris or stomped on his balls or something also.

That's why I feel like... it's messed up that he did what he did, no sane person can't deny that. But there's definitely more to this story, but if that could justify how he did her, I don't think so. But just let's chill, feel bad for her, and wait to hear both sides of the story, and maybe the truth will be somewhere in between. We don't know.

EDIT: And here's the LAPD press release about the leaked picture:

that is a fair statement.
well of course a CB fan is going to say that. and after the hate that i saw,directed at rihanna, broadcast on the tmz comments section with that photo..(first time i truly felt the palpable taste of hate in this world, on a board..even moreso than the hate against MJ), i wouldn't be surprised at anything a CB fan would who was not a witness to the event, as police have said there are no witnesses. that 'above the hairline' comment is the scariest thing i have ever read on the internet. and that is saying a lot. all i could think, when i saw that comment depths of evil in man. you gotta believe there is a God, just to keep your sanity, after seeing something like that.

"Above the hairline" comment?
All right, so it's not a case where Brown in a moment of rage took a swing at her. It was a deliberate continued assault according to the pic. There's no excuse for that, but I'll still reserve judgment about the guy's character for reasons BruceWayne already mentioned, although he was wrong no matter what and should probably get help. Whoever gave the picture up is trash, though, and I feel for how embarrassed Rihanna's gotta be over it. Also...

Rihanna has seen an increase in US sales of her Good Girl Gone Bad album following the recent press coverage of her alleged altercation with Chris Brown.

Sales of the 20-year-old star's third LP have surged by 31% amid allegations that she was attacked by Brown.

People are fucking idiots, and I mean that.

Los Angeles - Thursday posted a photo of Rihanna following her altercation with Chris Brown. The LAPD is now investigating who leaked the photo and plans to take strict action. TMZ may face a felony case and the individual that leaked the photo may spend three years in jail.

The cuts and bruises on the victims cheeks, mouth and forehead make it hard to recognize the woman as Rihanna. However, the roman numeral tattoo on her shoulder gives her identity away.

Since the February 8th incident, Chris Brown has released a statement saying, “I’m sorry and saddened…and am seeking counsel from my pastor, my mother and other loved one’s. I am committed, with God’s help, to emerge a better person.”

There is no telling what further information may emerge; yet, at this point Chris Brown is being charged with making criminal threats and Rihanna has release a statement letting her fans know that she is okay.
All right, so it's not a case where Brown in a moment of rage took a swing at her. It was a deliberate continued assault according to the pic. There's no excuse for that, but I'll still reserve judgment about the guy's character for reasons BruceWayne already mentioned, although he was wrong no matter what and should probably get help. Whoever gave the picture up is trash, though, and I feel for how embarrassed Rihanna's gotta be over it. Also...

People are fucking idiots, and I mean that.

well...whatever one may think of the album sales, and the people buying the albums..we all knew it would result in that.

Los Angeles - Thursday posted a photo of Rihanna following her altercation with Chris Brown. The LAPD is now investigating who leaked the photo and plans to take strict action. TMZ may face a felony case and the individual that leaked the photo may spend three years in jail.

The cuts and bruises on the victims cheeks, mouth and forehead make it hard to recognize the woman as Rihanna. However, the roman numeral tattoo on her shoulder gives her identity away.

Since the February 8th incident, Chris Brown has released a statement saying, “I’m sorry and saddened…and am seeking counsel from my pastor, my mother and other loved one’s. I am committed, with God’s help, to emerge a better person.”

There is no telling what further information may emerge; yet, at this point Chris Brown is being charged with making criminal threats and Rihanna has release a statement letting her fans know that she is okay.

it would be interesting to see how the media would handle this..i'm sure the media thinks they are teflon, but now the police say they are going after tmz? well i don't know if the police mean it, but the media tends to think they are god, so, we'll see what happens.
^^ Tragedy results in sales. It is ridiculous.
or more simply, celeb "tragedy" results in interest.

interest way outside of the fanbase (followed by such and such, sales, etc.).

it certainly got you lot talking, lol. (and i can't think of bigger Brown haters!)

now that's ridiculous.....
in the music world, do things blow over quickly? whether or not this case is solved fully in everyone's eyes...a new radio station has has replaced a talk radio station that was on fm...and it's called amp radio..ten thousand songs in a row without commercial...among the things that seem inconceivable...and to hear this station, you'd think it was 2008. it's rihanna and chris brown city, musically. there seems to be a market for all sides, no matter what the outcome..and, it LOOKS as if the bottom line is the great healer...both artists are being paid for the rotations. and people are calling in and not protesting. in fact they are beaming over the station. the only thing they are talking about is being happy that there don't seem to be any commercials.
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^^ I honestly don't know. R. Kelly's songs were banned for a while during his trial, but they're back on the radio now and he's still selling albums. I think it's really up to how the general public recieves him from now on. If he states publically that he's sorry, and that he's seeking help, I think people would forgive him. However, what he's doing right now is a bad idea; he's not admitting to it, even in his recent statement. That's a really bad career move, and if he keeps that up, his career is toast.
i dont get why people have trashed rihanna even from the beginning before we had anything but a statement saying something happened, and we didnt really know what, people already started trashing her. now we know she was the woman who was assaulted, but not cause she said it. she didnt call attention to this and has remained very quiet. idk why cb fans or anyone are saying things against her. it makes no sense.
^^ I honestly don't know. R. Kelly's songs were banned for a while during his trial, but they're back on the radio now and he's still selling albums. I think it's really up to how the general public recieves him from now on. If he states publically that he's sorry, and that he's seeking help, I think people would forgive him. However, what he's doing right now is a bad idea; he's not admitting to it, even in his recent statement. That's a really bad career move, and if he keeps that up, his career is toast.

Maybe I missed something else, but Chris has said he is sorry and that he is seeking help/counseling from different sources. Or were those not officially made by him?

Also, his legal counsel, and I would assume Rhi's as well, have requested that they make no detailed statements to the public. I'm no legal eagle, but surely someone facing charges for something wouldn't admit to anything prior to the hearings or court case, would they?
Maybe I missed something else, but Chris has said he is sorry and that he is seeking help/counseling from different sources. Or were those not officially made by him?

Also, his legal counsel, and I would assume Rhi's as well, have requested that they make no detailed statements to the public. I'm no legal eagle, but surely someone facing charges for something wouldn't admit to anything prior to the hearings or court case, would they?

I'm sorry, I reread his statement, and he did say he was sorry. Retract my last post.
well peeps..whatever we were thinking..forget about it, cus..

Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together.,,20262240,00.html
I just say I wish them the best. Can't judge on anythin cuz I'm one of those outside their relationship. I guess their relationship was that solid before the disaster. It's totally up to them to go back to where things were, no matter what we or their respective friends and family think and say.