Breaking News: Chris Brown Under Investigation For Assault; Brown & Rihanna To Miss Grammys

There was a recent study done in England where it said something like 1 in 5 men in their early 20's have suffered mental or physical abuse in a relationship from a women.

you should do some research, then you wouldn't make such crazy comments like that.

err for ur info i have done my research. i do my research every single day when i hear cases like this and even worse. give me a break! we must live in a completely different world u and i.
i dont know whats ur gender and how old u are and whats ur personal experiences in life that u came to the point to call my comments "crazy". my comments are not crazy at all. they're as objective and real as they can be. as i've stated already i do acknowledge the fact that theere are women out there who can abuse their boyfriends/husbands but in rare are stronger than women. that is a scientific fact. so when a woman starts beating a man the man wont sit there doing nothing. he will fight back. its like saying that kids can beat up their parents just like their parents beat them up. thats crazy. kids are weaker than grown ups just like women are weaker than men.

Ri Ri wants Chris to know that his apology is totally worthless in her eyes:

Singer Rihanna’s camp has declined to officially comment on Chris Brown’s apology statement, but sources say that the “Umbrella” crooner is “appalled” by Brown’s statement.

“All of us, including Rihanna, don’t understand how he can say he’s sorry on the one hand, but still… does not admit any guilt,” a Barbados pal of Rihanna tells the Chicago Sun-Times. “He should have expressed more contrition.”

After a week of negative press for Chris subsequent to the alleged abuse of Rihanna, Brown released a statement saying he was “sorry and saddened… over what transpired,” but did not go into detail about the altercation.

A source close to the Rihanna told the newspaper that RiRi is “royally pissed off” at what she calls Brown’s “cavalier and arrogant statement.”

Both singers are currently keeping a low profile. Chris is due in court March 5.
Wait a minute, isn't another tabloid type site? And they went and used that pesky "sources said" reference throughout the article.

I just checked out the link and on the left hand side of the page you see a list of their other "breaking news" tidbits, one being that Rihanna started the fight. Funny how sites like this use whatever headline grabbing lead-in they can.

Rhi has not released a statement. But "sources" sure have been busy again. To me it's no different than "sources" talking about Michael's health, financial status, etc.

listen..first they say there is no official statement, then they give a statement. what does that mean?
listen..first they say there is no official statement, then they give a statement. what does that mean?

"They" in the second context are "sources" and a "pal" close to Rhi; not Rhi herself nor her official "camp". That's why it's so irritating to me that people take any article like this and run with it, be it about Rhi, Michael, anyone. grrrr-
well, most of those people are reserving judgement.
as for Rhianna...i really don't know how a person in her position thinks. i know she has a right to silence. i think, if she wanted to, she could have personally made a statement to bury Chris Brown, by now, if he did, indeed, beat her, but, to this point, she, personally has not made a statement. whether or not it's fair to hear from her, personally, it is really hard for me to make a judgement call. like MJ, i need to hear from the source themselves, before i say anything, i've heard a little from Chris, now i need to hear from Rhianna. that's just my personal opinion. even then, i don't know what to say, because relationships are sooo complicated. and i have no right to judge. i certainly don't codone violence. but i still don't know what happened. something happened..Chris said so..but, it's not clear what..but it's a sad situation, that is clear. Chris, with whatever he admitted, made that much clear.

February 18, 2009. was the FIRST news source in the world to tell you about the Chris Brown assault incident. And since the news broke we’ve been the LEAD SOURCE of information on the case.

But now the rest of the press is catching up. This week. 5 US gossip magazines are claiming that Chris and Rihanna are either GETTING BACK TOGETHER or NEVER ACTUALLY broke up.

Here’s the National Enquirer:

”Even after what Chris did to her, Rihanna is crazy about him and she’s forgiven him … They’ve been talking on the phone, and they’ve agreed that once the legal problems are ironed out, they’ll be together.”​
Here’s Star Magazine:

”[Rihanna] has reached out to [Chris] on numerous occasions, both calling and texting him with the message: Miss you, Love, peace and hope u r ok’ … She keeps saying she wants to make sure that he’s okay. She thinks this will all blow over and they can go back to how they were.”​
Here’s Life & Style:

”[Rihanna] loves Chris but she wants to send the right message to fans by what she says publicly and how she handles the relationship … But she loves him – and may want to work things out.”​
In Touch claims that they’re speaking and still in love, but not back together yet:

”She hates Chris but still loves him at the same time … [they] spoke a few times since the incident, and they’ve relayed messages back and forth through a friend.”​
Here’s US Weekly:

Rihanna seems surprisingly torn, to the exasperation of many. “I mean damn, her eye’s black and the sides of her face are all f_cked up, “says a friend. “But she keeps saying she loves him … [and] she’s telling everyone that she’s sorry, though it’s not her fault … She’s actually worried about HIS life? What prison will do to him? Come On!”​
We don’t know how true all this is … but unfortunately’s sources are saying the same thing.

unfortunately, if chris beat her..whether any of those reports are true or not..too many relationships operate just like that..they do enable the abuse to go on..and many are baffled(including me) as to why the woman defends the man. and usually, the woman says that she loves the man..which is even more baffling. so, if those reports are not true..the media sources know they can sell papers cus too many people can relate to that trend in relationships, and others would buy the papers cus they are curious, due to being baffled.

and no..i am not buying the paper, but i know there are people that will.
this has just gotten waaaay too big. There was a show on mtvU completely dedicated to a discussion over Chris Brown and Rhianna. It's just too much. It reminds me of something they would do if something were to happen to Michael again.

"This sucks."
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this has just gotten waaaay too big. There was a show on mtvU completely dedicated to a discussion over Chris Brown and Rhianna. It's just too much. It reminds me of something they would do if something were to happen to Michael again.

I agree, it's silly really. While I think Chris Browns career is essentially in tatters right now because of this, it's important to remember that we should wait to see what really happened when he goes to court. I think a lot of what's been reported is over exagerated bull. The media is using their silence as a license to go mental about what really happened. It's wrong.

Police Details Released in Chris Brown Case; District Attorney Initiates Felony Investigation

February 19, 2009

Reports State that Chris Brown Allegedly Choked Girlfriend Rihanna Until She Passed Out; Threatened to Kill Her

The Chris Brown investigation could be taking a negative turn for the 19-year-old singer, as the Los Angeles District Attorney presses for felony evidence in the case. The Los Angeles D.A.'s office had been furthering the investigation into Chris Brown, with the possible felonies including domestic violence, assault resulting in great bodily harm, and even attempted murder. As more evidence comes out in regards to the case, things are looking worse for the singer, and though this is still only from the preliminary investigation, his public image is really taking a hit.

More information has bee coming out about the charges that Chris Brown could be facing, as well as more information about what allegedly took place between Chris Brown and his then girlfriend Rihanna early Sunday morning before the Grammy Awards. According to Rihanna, and reported by E! Entertainment, she told police that the two were fighting in his rented Lamborghini, and that Brown said "I'm going to kill you," while having his hands around her neck. She went on to say that she was choked by Brown until she lost consciousness during the altercation.

Brown ended up being booked on suspicion of making criminal threats originally, but the case progressed even further when the District Attorney asked that the investigation continue to find any possible evidence linked to the altercation. The singer was released on $50,000 bail, and it immediately became a media frenzy has hazy details about what took place in the car started to become public. At first details were very sketchy and far between, but the facts are that Rihanna was treated at the hospital and discharged the following night for injuries, and then canceled several public appearances while recuperating with her family in Barbados.

If these charges turn out to all be true, and if a judge or jury believes the report that Rihanna has given, this could be instant jail time for Chris Brown. The problem with the investigation seems to be the lack of witnesses on hand to actually see what took place, and that leaves it as a he-said-she-said type of case, with only the testimony of Brown and Rihanna for the D.A. to go from. That could be an issue when it comes to actually prosecuting the case, and could become even more difficult to actually prove. Either way this case goes, for all of the things that Chris Brown is being accused of doing, his public credibility is completely shot. It will become much more difficult for him to retain public endorsements, but if the crimes he has allegedly committed turn out to be true, than that is the least of his problems.
yes..sigh...again, they say he said she said..and that is difficult to prove...but people don't usually talk about consulting their pastor, unless they feel they are in a situation they cannot escape.

i know i don't hear much Chris Brown on the radio anymore...
i hear a lot of guess public support is least, media support...for chris brown.
That picture is real. No matter what happened no one deserves to be beaten like this.