Breaking News: Chris Brown Under Investigation For Assault; Brown & Rihanna To Miss Grammys

Rihanna's 'ongoing abusive' relationship

2 hours 17 mins ago

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Rihanna has reportedly told police she was in an "ongoing and escalating abusive relationship" with Chris Brown. Skip related content
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Rihanna's 'ongoing abusive' relationship Enlarge photo

The 'Umbrella' singer - who is believed to have suffered a bloody nose, facial bruising and a split lip after Chris allegedly attacked her in his car on Sunday (08.02.09) - is said to have opened up to the police about the nature of her violent relationship with the 19-year-old singer.

According to gossip website TMZ, Rihanna has confirmed Sunday's argument started when Chris - who has been charged with making criminal threats and released on $50,000 bail - received a text message from another girl.

As the row escalated Chris began hitting her. She then ordered him to drive her home before "faking" a call to a friend, during which she said things like: "He's dropping me off. Make sure the cops are there."

The singer claims the call make Chris even angrier, causing him to shout: "You are really f***ed up now. I'm going to kill you."

He then began beating her with his fists.

Police are now said to be investigating whether Chris previously hurt Rihanna.

Officers are also allegedly looking into whether Chris caused Rihanna's scratched cornea - which forced her to wear an eye patch - last year.

A police source said: "We're investigating if her eye injury could have been caused by Brown.

"There could be an innocent explanation - but police believe Rihanna has previously refused to make a complaint against Brown. She is now being asked about her previous injuries and is beginning to open up about incidents in their relationship."

A Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) source added: "We're talking to her friends and management, who say she's appeared with mysterious marks or injuries before, but always refused to explained what happened."

Chris Brown's cousin has spoken out in support of the star, insisting he must have been "provoked" into the alleged attack.

Phylicia Thompson said: "Chris was not brought up to beat on a woman. So it had to be something to provoke him for Chris to do it. He wouldn't have done it just to be having fun...But what happens behind closed doors, nobody ever knows.

"He might feel down right now because his fans are looking down on him, like he's done something wrong. Of course, yes, he's done something wrong because he put his hands on her, but like I said, you don't know what happened."

(C) BANG Media International

apparently that wasnt the first time he beat her up. :puke:

"Conjecture" is a good description of this entire article.

Whenever I read an article that makes use of these words and lead-in's, my radar goes up. Surely we've learned to avoid treating "reports" as if they were gospel from the long history of the media and Michael.

Bangshowbiz and TMZ. enough said right there

"has reportedly---"

"is believed to---"

"a police source said---" (no name or position given)


I don't know what happened, but to make a decision based on an article containing info/lead-ins like the above doesn't fly with me, sorry. If he did it, then punishment is warranted. If he was attacked physically while driving the car and things escalated, then there's more to the whole story. When there is an OFFICIAL statement made by either side, the LAPD, etc., that's when it may be possible for me to make any sort of personal judgement call.
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making seems that chris should come out and say 'i didn't do it, and i have confidence i will be vindicated'..someting along the lines of what michael said when he was being accused, if chris feels confident that he didn't do it. also, it seems that chris brown should pick a more winning attorney, rather than this attorney with a losing record. i hope chris brown is not picking him cus of the spectre of having worked with mj, cus remember, MJ fired Geragos. it just makes me wonder if a winning attorney is confident enough to take his case.
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#1- that facebook of Chris's wasn't really his facebook.

#2- how come that "Rihanna's "ongoing abusive' relationship" article doesn't mention how Rihanna 'said' she threw his keys out the window??
It's really funny that I've read that story before, and it used to say how Rihanna 'said' that she threw his keys out the window after she made the fake call. All I know is, if I want to go homeand i'm making 'fake calls', I'm not throwing anybody's keys out the window

AS of now, I can't take a true side. I'm just really trying to use the innocent until guilty thing.....Plus, from the police reports that we've heard of Rihanna's statement, she just says he got a text from a girl, got mad, and beat me up. I think we are missing alot of the story.

and the main point is:
It's all rumors at the moment
Roxanne, can you ever explain your posts instead of just posting stuff like Wow? I just posted a reasonable question, and searching for a reasonable answer, cause I seriously don't see why the man's music should be avoided if he is a "woman-beater" ? People don't listen to Michael because he was accused of we know what. Do you think that it is fair?

ur post is so wrong in so many ways so i aint even gonna bother to reply.
and now a rhetorical question : will u ever stop bringing michael into any discussion u take part in ? no matter how irrelevant it is to him ? (no)
We haven't heard the full story of the what's happened between Rihanna and Chris Brown, just media rumors and nothing else but that at present. So I won't pass judgment on Chris Brown yet, regardless of the fact I hate his music etc.
ur post is so wrong in so many ways so i aint even gonna bother to reply.
and now a rhetorical question : will u ever stop bringing michael into any discussion u take part in ? no matter how irrelevant it is to him ? (no)

a rhetorical question doesn't demand an answer. having answered it on your own, you obviously have no dignity to even discuss this topic normally. the most important thing is that you are so ironic, and i just asked the question cause in no way did i support beating women or any similar crime.

if i listen to Chris Brown's music I don't respect him as a person, I respect his music. I don't listen to him, but just giving an example.

and of course I had to bring Michael up to this cuz people like you who base things on prejudice are the exact same people who stopped looking Michael as an artist, and even though he was found innocent they still don't wanna open up their eyes. i'd pose an IF question here now but i don't wanna be banned.
getting back on topic here...

The following is from
Chris Brown's biological father is opening up about his son's arrest, and revealing how Chris feels about Rihanna.
"He's reflecting on this situation," Clinton Brown tells of his son. "He's very remorseful. He's very concerned about the situation and he wants to make sure that [Rihanna's] okay.
"This is unfortunate, this stumble, this situation," adds the 44-year-old corrections officer. "Hopefully, he will get past it. We all have our shortcomings. We all trip."
Clinton tells he flew out to L.A. to attend the Grammy Awards with his 19-year-old son, whose performance was notoriously canceled after his arrest for suspicion of domestic violence; a woman had accused Chris of assaulting her the night before.
Clinton says he thinks Chris will "take from this situation and learn from it."

aww well if hes remorseful then it makes everything ok.... I dont care if Rihanna started it herself. A man if hes a man does not hit a woman. Simple. Just because hes remoresful doesnt make what he did right or ok. We all know that with some girls they go back to the beater. In this case it seems to be true. IF Rihanna and Chris have an abusive relationship she needs to leave him now.
theyre saying that brown could be put on trial for attempted murder !
Ummmm, it's not whether he did or didn't do anything, cause we knew from the beginning that he did something. It's more of, we don't know the whole story.
tell that to the firemen who actually believe that u return fire with water so that u can put the fire out :yes:
which you exactly did lol

whatever let's stop here. i didn't even ask for fire from the start. you failed to answer to my question, or you didn't understand so... it's pointless...
it actually sounds like his dad is apologetically saying..' i taught you well, son.'

that's what feels so painful about this. either chris brown did it, or his dad is throwing him under the bus. or people magazine is causing unnecessary pain for the sake of a fast and terrible buck by using their 'sources' to invent chris brown's dad and the comments.
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NEW YORK, New York -- Rihanna 's father, Ronald Fenty, has spoken out about the alleged attack on his daughter by boyfriend Chris Brown last weekend.

"You think you know somebody, but you really don't," he told People.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Rihanna: Music's Style Superstar

Brown allegedly bit and hit the "Disturbia" singer last Saturday night, hours after the two were spotted together at a pre-Grammy party honoring Clive Davis in Beverly Hills.

"There is some bruising," Fenty said of Rihanna 's current status.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: 2009 Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party

According to People, he saw his daughter in Barbados on Thursday, though according to an interview with Us Magazine on Saturday, he denied contact.

"No, I haven't seen her," Fenty told Us. "I haven't seen her bruises."

In both interviews, he hopes that she'll use the experience to do good.


"She will be alright," he told People. "At some point, she will speak out. I hope she will stand up for women all over the world."

While he didn't shed light on what happened that night, the events seemed to come as a surprise to Fenty.

"They seemed pretty happy," he said. "I don't know what went wrong."

And as for the future of Rihanna 's relationship with Brown, he has one piece of fatherly advice.

"If it were me, I'd move on," he said.
Here is CB statement:
“Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God’s help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writings under my name are frauds.”

I think that whatever happened, Chris Brown is sorry about the whole situation. As we all have seen from the older pics, they were ‘in love’ and cared about each other. He (and i’m sure she did as well) made a mistake in some way, and I bet he’s really hurt about it. Plus, if it comes out that Rihanna was hitting him, would anyone have anything bad to say about her??? Probably not. I believe that he made a mistake, he knows how it is to see a woman get hit- it was just a HUGE mistake. I’ve made PLENTY of mistakes, and I would hate for someone to treat me like ppl are treating Chris, luckilly I wasn’t famous when I made my mistakes. Before you just keep repeating “but he BEAT her, are you stupid??!!!, Put yourself in somebody else’s shoes for a moment and think abou thow it would feel to make a mistake (if you guy know what that means). Plus, we dont know if he ‘beat’ her, just hit her, or defended himself. I’m sure Rihanna is hurt and I’m sure she was a part of it as well. I like them both and I think they were adorable together. I hope that they can move on and both can find happiness.
Here is CB statement:
“Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God’s help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writings under my name are frauds.”

I think that whatever happened, Chris Brown is sorry about the whole situation. As we all have seen from the older pics, they were ‘in love’ and cared about each other. He (and i’m sure she did as well) made a mistake in some way, and I bet he’s really hurt about it. Plus, if it comes out that Rihanna was hitting him, would anyone have anything bad to say about her??? Probably not. I believe that he made a mistake, he knows how it is to see a woman get hit- it was just a HUGE mistake. I’ve made PLENTY of mistakes, and I would hate for someone to treat me like ppl are treating Chris, luckilly I wasn’t famous when I made my mistakes. Before you just keep repeating “but he BEAT her, are you stupid??!!!, Put yourself in somebody else’s shoes for a moment and think abou thow it would feel to make a mistake (if you guy know what that means). Plus, we dont know if he ‘beat’ her, just hit her, or defended himself. I’m sure Rihanna is hurt and I’m sure she was a part of it as well. I like them both and I think they were adorable together. I hope that they can move on and both can find happiness.

while i do like ur post and basically agree with ur point here, allow me to say that i think ur pretty naive to think this way. ppl dont change that fast and easy. imo hes sorry that his reputation got ruined. hes sorry about his image and career being stigmatized by what he did. what he did was not simply a mistake. it reflects many aspects of his personality. for a man to physically and emotionally abuse a woman is a very very serious thing. rihanna said she was in an ongoing abusing relationship with him. she had serious injuries all over her face and body and they had to take her to the hospital. so all im saying is dont take it so lightly and dont be so gullible and naive. he needs to be punished for what he did. ppl like him never change imo. do u think he now "learnt" that its wrong to hit a woman ? do u think he wouldnt do it again ? think twice. hes no better than ike turner who was beating the hell out of his wife everyday. also we do know that he beat her (according to rihannas statements there was no such case of self-defense) and dont compare common everyday mistakes that we all make with this one. this is about a serious felony. he needs to go to prison for a long time.
hes just sad that his fans look down to him now along with everyone else. hes not sorry and even if he is that doesnt mean he changed at all.
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But we haven't heard Chris' story yet... Im not a big fan of Chris, but i still want to hear his side of the story before i judge him. Yeah its comepletely uncalled for when a man beats the hell out of a women, or for anyone to be beat. But we haven't heard the whole story yet.. we don't know what fully happend yet. If he did beat Rihanna, then of course he needs help.. but other than that, im not gonna jump on anyone's side yet.
But we haven't heard Chris' story yet... Im not a big fan of Chris, but i still want to hear his side of the story before i judge him. Yeah its comepletely uncalled for when a man beats the hell out of a women, or for anyone to be beat. But we haven't heard the whole story yet.. we don't know what fully happend yet. If he did beat Rihanna, then of course he needs help.. but other than that, im not gonna jump on anyone's side yet.

but there were evidence of the beating on rihannas face and body and rihanna has already said that chris beat her and that she was in an ongoing abusing relationship with him.
i believe we dont need to know the full story like what were they arguing about or who started the argument or did rihanna hit him first or anything. we do know that he beat her and that is all we need to know. nothing excuses that. rihanna doesnt have any reason to lie so i take everything she says as the truth.chris's dad and rihanna's dad and chris himself have already spoken out and said how horrible it was which means that chris accepts rihannas story as the truth. as the real story. as i've already said before i think his plea is gonna be guilty. i dont know what else ppl need to know to condemn that man.