Breaking News: Chris Brown Under Investigation For Assault; Brown & Rihanna To Miss Grammys

Anyone else think it's weird, them pulling out of the awards? I mean, if neither of them think that they're in the wrong, why would they do that? Unless they've been told they have to...any thoughts?
TMZ has obtained photos of Chris Brown's rented Lamborghini at the police impound yesterday -- and it appears to have been dusted for fingerprints.


We're told the black dirt all over the car is residue from when the cops searched it for fingerprints. Brown reportedly abandoned the Lamborghini after his alleged altercation with Rihanna on Sunday morning.
yeaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaa geragos! lol and if she was so battered and bruised she couldn't go to the grammy's.....

looks like he's gonna fight this cuz usually celebs issue a mea culpa right about now begging for forgiveness......

and more popularity? b/c she was 'beaten'? sad that this is theboost her career needs....

but let us all forget about remaining objective and not believing the actual media about what's going on...cuz they always tell the truth. matter of fact, ima keep my tv on fox just so i can hear bill o rielly's reaction to this! can't wait
I believe all of us should wait and allow this story to unfold, although it’s easy to have opinions given how scandalous this entire situation is. I hope for the best, I know we may find out the worst and ultimately whatever the truth is, there is no disputing the fact that two of the music industries biggest stars were involved in something that will forever impact their lives however way this turns out.
justthefacts prolly banged up if she was in an accident that she caused....his lambo was towed from the scene

and i doubt he thought she'd call the police, and she didnt, cuz she fought w/ him like that all the time hitting him etc....

It was towed because there were no keys. And she did call the cops. And the car clearly was not in an accident
If you Guys could listen to the Top R&B radio station in your city, you may get a better take on the actual facts instead of the rumors and gossip that find its way on the internet.

Top DJ''s across america are all talking about this, every morning this week. They have people whose job it is, is to go out and find the facts weed out the crap and come back and report it.
This is just a helpful option I offered, not an attack.

This is all very sad for both of them, my kids love both of these artist.
It was towed because there were no keys. And she did call the cops. And the car clearly was not in an accident

So many different stories, but it has been reported in many places that it was someone living in the neighborhood that called the police after hearing the screams, not Rihanna calling the police.

Like others, I'm not making any judgement calls, too many conflicting versions of what happened. Being a woman myself, no I don't believe a man should beat the cr*p out of a woman. But, at the same time, I also do not think it's okay for a woman to antagonize or physically attack a man either. It goes both ways, imo.
Too many reports conflict with each other so until more is released from a more reliable source I am not judging those involved. IMO I don't think it is right for others to jump and pick sides until we find out more.
Unfair. He deserves the presumption of innocence and if people were doing this to some of the beloved artists on here (not just MJ), then we would speak out.
I believe all of us should wait and allow this story to unfold, although it’s easy to have opinions given how scandalous this entire situation is. I hope for the best, I know we may find out the worst and ultimately whatever the truth is, there is no disputing the fact that two of the music industries biggest stars were involved in something that will forever impact their lives however way this turns out.

I completely agree with you. When I first heard about this my initial thought was just...damn. :bugeyed But everyday this story seems to change as more details and/or facts come out. I think the fact that the prosecutor sent the case back to the police to do more investigating was very telling. This may not be as open and shut as a lot of ppl think...or rather thought in the beginning. Violence against anyone is wrong whether it's woman against man or man against woman. But there's always that shade of gray that sometimes make you go Hmmm..... Lots of things are bad and wrong depending on the circumstances. Murder is wrong...period....but you get a pass if you commit it in self-defense. There's always room for things that should be automatically wrong to somehow be justified and/or forgiveable...depending on the circumstances. Time will tell what really went on here.

Innocent until proven guilty matter how bad it looks. It's not always what it appears from the outset. If it is, I just hope justice is served and all involved get the help they need. I agree the whole thing is unfortunate and kinda sad for both of them. Just...damn! :(
He deserves the presumption of innocence and if people were doing this to some of the beloved artists on here (not just MJ), then we would speak out.

You're absolutely right.
So if the radio stations choose not to play his music, then it's only fair that they choose not play Rhianna's either.
Thats what I meant.

The radios are saying its because of listeners
out rage. (
Hmmm. I guess it's only fair, huh?

What a mess.

correction. i'm listening to a sports broadcast..a basketball game, and they are playing over the soundsystem in the arena...'please don't stop the music'. apparently Utah supports Rihanna. there was cheering after the song finished.
Unfair. He deserves the presumption of innocence and if people were doing this to some of the beloved artists on here (not just MJ), then we would speak out.

and even IF he is proven innocent in the end, he will be hated and still suspicious... EXACTLY like Michael. Kill me. I don't care.
yall may be considering this crass, but Elizabeth Taylor once said, 'as long as you spell my name right'. any publicity is good publicity. so..those who are afraid for Michael, or for Chris Brown, or it was for Elizabeth, there will always be a cult following that will stand for them for reasons that others hate the same celeb for. that's the way of the world. so..the media has been known to call producers of the past, legends, tho they were known for abusing women, drugs, multiple affairs..

and as for Michael...nobody really has anything on him..and for those who hate, another big group of fans love him JUSt because others hate him. so, there grows a legend. this is the way of the world. so, you who keep comparing to Michael, you don't have to worry about MJ...his fanbase will always be secure for many reasons, including ying yang ones. MJ, of all these, is the one you have to worry least about. as for Chris and Rihanna...they are going to have their fans, en masse..and their cloud is already darker than Michael's could ever be, without the case being finished. R. Kelly has HIS fans..and his cloud is dark. you can't stop the fanship, even if you don't like the reason.

So there's no use comparing these people to Michael, because he still shines above all of them, and has the biggest fanbase who sees the more positive atmosphere around him.

so since you can't stop Chris or Rihanna from having their big fanbase, how much more you will Not have to worry about MIchael keeping his fanbase despite any hate. so i wish people would stop worrying about Michael, when they see situations like Chris Brown and Rihanna.
I don't prejudge him, since I don't know him. I'm not interested in CB as a star or as a person. All I know is people (independent from each other) who worked with him said they would never ever work with him again, cos he is extremely arrogant, rude and quick gets very infurious. For that reason i am not unhappy he never got the chance to work with the master.
I hope its not true. Even tho' all traces suggest that Chris did it.
But, lets wait and see what everything turns out to be. Remember how the media and everyone else made Michael look guilty?
In case its true, I hope Chris will get some help.
Innocent until proven guilty! I'll reserve my judgment for now & wait for the facts.I've not been following this story because thus far it's all speculation & rumour.I hate the gossip style reporting that goes hand in hand with this type of story.It's a case of 'He Said,She Said' & 'She Said,He Said'!
I do like Rihanna as an Artist & my girlfriend is a big Chris Brown fan & i must say he does not strike me as a violent type of person.
The gossip style of the way this story is being reported or should i say "Dramatised" can cloud ones judgment.So will have to see the facts & hear the entire story.
I LOL'd at how much people care.

Anyway, I think it's faulty to criticize one or the other without all of the info. On one hand, abusing women is awful, but on the other hand I'm of the opinion that if a woman insists on striking and physically humiliating you, you reserve the right to hit her back so she doesn't continue taking advantage of the fact that you're not "supposed" to hit her. It does depend on the extent of what she did and what the man did, of course.

But I'm not saying that Rihanna did anything to deserve this at all, nor am I saying that Chris Brown is an unprovoked evil woman-beater. I'm saying I have no idea what happened.
and even IF he is proven innocent in the end, he will be hated and still suspicious... EXACTLY like Michael. Kill me. I don't care.
not to much of a drama queen today are we. why ppl always have to bring mj into it i dont know and most ppl outside of the usa dont even know who chris brown is, hes just another r&b singer/dancer who sounds the same as all the others and wont even be remebered in 5 years
Popularity and/or talent has nothing to do with it. That's no reason to brand him as guilty or a woman-beater without the facts coming out. My first post in this thread was a bit harsh, because I like Rihanna a bit (not so much as an artist if you get my drift), but the cooler head :))) prevailed and the guy should be seen as innocent until proven guilty, or at least until the facts come out.
Unfair. He deserves the presumption of innocence and if people were doing this to some of the beloved artists on here (not just MJ), then we would speak out.

hes guilty alright. anyone can see that. its so damn obvious. i bet his plea is gonna be guilty anyway. too bad coz i kinda used to like him.