Breaking News: Chris Brown Under Investigation For Assault; Brown & Rihanna To Miss Grammys

Hopefully, he will get some treatment and Rihanna find herself another man.

1st i hear rhianna was the jealous controlling bitch in the relationship now chis clown is the abusive boyfriend. either way they both suck and i hope chris clown goes to jail so sum1 can pound in his face like he did rhianna. as much as i dislike the both of them hitting a female is just wrong
Sheesh, what drama! I can't imagine what the people at the Grammy's thought when the two of them canceled. Eh, it was probably for the best they didn't perform. It's not like they would have helped the show, lol!

Reminds me of when I was in high school and there was a brawl in the halls before class between a whacked out couple.
Jesus Christ, he's just a kid. What is he.. 20? 21? Nice world we're living in...
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^^ i think he's ninteen much for innocent until proven guilty......or innocent until we at least learn something......
Another Wanna Be bites the dust. Another wanna be bites the dust.

...Where Oh Where will they find a half A** replacement to replace his UNTALENTED A** on the PH-Ony label? Hmmmmmm.

Another flash in the pan artist who rode Mike's coat tails goes bye bye.

The sad thing about it is, these young bucks who look up to Michael never understand that when Mike was growing up, he held himself above all the bullsh**. Michael IS a role model. CHRIS BROWN IS NOT. That's why you can't go comparing Chris to Mike. THE END
This is a shocker to me. I have mixed feelings about this. I am not gonna call Chris a "thug" or anything else until I hear the whole story. If Chris beat Rihanna, he is a fool and his career is practically ruined. You have to understand, majority of his fanbase is female. So for him to hit a female, does not look good for him at all.

I would not believe anything about the herpes situation. Anything coming from I take with a grain of salt.

I am very distrubed by all of this and I just wanna slap Chris because he has his whole career ahead of him. Why do this?!

Welp...tbere goes the Wrigley's ads and anything else he would have endorsed.
He may be able to salvage his career but he's gonna catch hell in the process.

The whole situation is really quite sad.
Either way, it's wrong to hit a chick or someone weaker then you. Everyone's acting so surprised, but Chris always came across as a bit of a thug to me.

Chris Brown’s Alleged Assault Charges Could Cost Him His Endorsement Deals

Posted Mon Feb 9, 2009 12:58pm PST by Billy Johnson, Jr. in Hip-Hop Media Training
No. Not Chris Brown.
He's been the squeaky clean pop R&B poster boy since he hit the scene in 2005 with his #1 debut single "Run It."
He is not Michael Jackson, but he surely lit a fire under Usher's behind.
He has not publicly feuded with another artist.
He's been dating his female counterpart Rihanna.
He even had a Doublemint commercial.
He is 19-years-old.
There are a half a dozen upcoming teen male pop R&B singers signed to major labels who wish they could achieve his success.
But if the allegations are true that Brown assaulted a woman, his career will be in jeopardy.
According to the reports from the most reputable news sources, Brown turned himself in to authorities Sunday evening in connection with a charge of making a criminal threat. After being interviewed by police, he was released on a $50,000 bond.
Brown is being accused of assaulting a woman Sunday early morning and fleeing the scene, leaving her in a car in the Hancock Park section of Los Angeles. As a result of the issue, Brown canceled his performance at Sunday's 51st Grammy Awards where he was nominated for two trophies, best pop collaboration for his song "No Air" with Jordin Sparks and best male R&B performance for his ballad "Take You Down."
It is unclear whether or not his girlfriend pop star Rihanna was the victim, however, insiders are speculating that it was the "Umbrella" singer who made the 911 call to police, complaining of being attacked.
Rihanna also withdrew from her scheduled performance from the Grammys.
The couple was last seen together Saturday night when they attended the annual pre-Grammy party hosted by music veteran Clive Davis. Reports indicate that they were happy.
On Sunday a spokesperson for Rihanna told People magazine that the singer was well, but did not confirm whether she was involved in the altercation.
I hate to speculate on matters like this until all of the facts have been revealed. But I do want to consider what the ramifications might be for Chris Brown if he is found guilty of hitting a woman.
Aside from potentially serving jail time, Chris could face a backlash from his fans and the companies that endorse him.
Wrigley said Monday that it will be suspending its Chris Brown ad campaign for Doublement gum. In a statement the company said it would delay any advertising or related marketing until the situation is resolved, AP reported. Wrigley added that Brown should be "afforded the same due process as any citizen."
Advertisers and sponsors are quick to disassociate themselves from artists with controversial histories. Ludacris lost an endorsement deal with Pepsi in 2002 when The O'Reilly Factor host Bill O'Reilly attacked the soft drink giant for supporting an artist whom O'Reilly described to have socially irresponsible lyrics. And last year, Verizon pulled the plug on its sponsorship of Gwen Stefani's tour after opening act Akon was seen on a web clip dirty dancing with an underage girl at one of his club dates.
Just last week, we saw the consequences Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps faced when photos surfaced of the 23-year-old swimmer smoking marijuana via a bong pipe.
This could potentially affect Chris' invitation to other award shows and might even prompt fans to not support his upcoming concerts.
Respected hip-hop historian and journalist Dave "Davey D" Cook said that Brown losing endorsement deals is hardly the key issue. He wants to know how the community will be affected by having role models in Brown and Rihanna entangled in a widely publicized domestic matter. "The music industry, they'll circle the wagons and protect him," Cook said via email. "They'll spin the story and even go out after the victim which is happening now with Rihanna, who is catching heat from people accusing her of snitching."
Cook adds that he would like to see both Brown and Rihanna get help, but he believes that the music business will first put emphasis on keeping Brown's career afloat. "Chris Brown is a hot commodity making money in a crumbling industry that celebrates abusive culture, i.e. pimping," Cook said. "He'll be protected and held up to high esteem just like Ike Turner, Dr. Dre and Big Pun and numerous other artists and entertainers accused of domestic violence."
Many of Chris and Rihanna's fans are already forming opinions about the allegations.
After the news reports were released, fans expressed their opinions on social networking sites.
I've read many status updates on Facebook that conveyed anger towards Chris Brown.
On Rihanna's MySpace page, some users left her encouraging words, telling her that they are praying for her, that she will be okay, and to do what's best.
Ironically, few harshly condemn Brown. Some even take his side, citing rumors that Rihanna may have provoked a fight between the couple.
The comments on Brown's MySpace page clearly support the artist. One reminded him that he is innocent until proven guilty, while another told him not to worry because everyone makes mistakes.
We will see how the reaction develops as more of the story comes to light.
Brown is scheduled to go to court on March 5.
His career ain't over, but it won't help either. He hasn't exactly been creating earthquakes as it is. I don't mean he's a thug like a real threat to society or a gang banger, I just mean he's got an attitude, it seems to me, that makes him get in to scuffles. Typical, macho bullshit.
I like 'em both and am sorry to hear this. If Chris did in fact hit her I really think he should get some kind of help. He is absolutely wrong for that, no excuse for hitting anyone but I don't think jail is the answer. Either way, this is a sad situation. I hope Rihanna is alright.
Sure, but getting in to scuffles often is being macho, and that's bullshit. I've seen what being macho does, and it causes all kinds of stupid trouble for no reason other then some loser thinking he's got to prove something. It's just a few things I've seen of Chris Brown, and heard about him, that makes me think he's the kind to get in to trouble fairly often. I'm sure something happened to cause it, of course something happened to cause it. You don't just hit someone for no reason, unless your psychotic, lol. It still isn't right.
Well it'll no doubt come out.

Being macho is emotional. You get mad, you feel like someone's making you look like a simp, and instead of walking away, you decide to start swinging. Macho, and stupid. People can get killed that way. I've seen shit like that go down many a time. There's always some asshole who provokes it, or gets up in your face, and when you've got two guys who think they need to prove they're men, bam, a fight breaks out. Unless someone attacks you physically, there's really no reason to get in to a physical scrap. And if the person attacking you is weaker then you, then there's really no excuse for hitting back.
you know, in a way this pisses me off.

so many innocent and unknown people get beaten up and abused and no one to care.

don't get me wrong...
sucks that I had to mention it or that the media has to mention it?
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yeah, Chris seems more silly to me than anything- from what I've seen, I don't know what all you guys are seeing.
And like I said, some rumors say that she is clingy and jealous. But then again, he may have been playing her.
Like it has been said, she has hit him. Sure, I get it- it's ok for a girl to hit a guy (?) BUT, sometimes when girls go off hitting ppl and acting crazy, they can get hurt in the process.

Basically, we don't know what happened yet.
Im not trna say "chris sucks and should die!" because I don't know for sure that he just decided to punch her in the face because they were arguing.
If that is true, then he need some help.

I'm just sayin!
eww how is it NOT a fair comparison? please, vick wasn't even allowed to say boo before his ass was thrown off the team and kicked out the nfl while kobe was allowed to travel from denver to his teams' games to play after court....

two men accused of doing two illegal to an animal and one to a female yet the one accused of hurting the HUMAN got nothing by way of his career except two endorsement drops.....

different situation, different sport.
It's not okay for anyone to hit anyone, but a guy hitting a girl can cause harm that generally a girl hitting a guy can't. Depending, of course, on who's the stronger of the two. I mean, if it was Daryl Hanna hitting Chris Brown, then he'd have a right to defend himself, lol.

And we can say I've heard this and I've heard that. We really don't know what happened or why. I've seen footage of Chris Brown getting in to fights and have also heard he can be a real prick to people he's worked with. That's all irrelivent, because hitting a person who can't actually defend themselves is messed up.