Big Australian TV Alert: Rage: Michael Jackson

am I the only one who finds the "Can You Feel it" video clip corny as hell :rofl:

I don't like the LOUD sound effects over this awesome song :no:
rage is always quality imo

no talking heads giving us their inflated opinions on things... just quality work from the artists.

A thankyou email would be a positive plus for them I might write into The Age's Green Guide and thank Rage that way.
A.... peacock feather.


oh but yes! you see that peacock feather is gonna save the world.. but only after the old dude gets to shove the kid out of the way and then hold his hand :lol:

there's so many moments in that clip where I ask... "what is going on?" oh and "should I be on something?" :lol:

I hadn't seen One day in your life in YEARS!
*dances around trying to copy the moves on Billie Jean*

his mother always told him to be careful who he loves but probably shoulda told him something about little red bow ties instead... :lol: I jokes...

and there you have it... when Mike gets into bed with someone the bed glows! hot damn!

when I was a kid I thought the dude in the white jacket in Beat It was Prince :rofl:
Every time I see that guy pulling the girl's hair and kissing her on the beat it video, I think "that girl needs to get a better man". :bugeyed

Every. Time.

L.J.. when they started holding hands, I was getting flashbacks of cry :lol: Now we know where he got the idea from!
I aint ever seen this Wanna be startin somethin clip... and I don't think I want to again :lol:

Me too Cozzie... I wait for her to slap but NOOO she just lets him pull her hair!

I love the Say, Say, Say Clip!

Mac and Jack's wonder potion!!
lol cozzie is up past her bedtime she's seeing things :rofl:

I always love Michael's smile in Thriller... cheeky bugger :p
I like the fat zombie with the blue bald head :lol: and the one that looks like he's just done a big burp :lol:

the Michael zombie look was so damn COOL!
damn... I hadn't seen this clip for Torture! ... very S&M :lol:

I LOVE this song :heart: the brothers look cool in this :wild:
I love We are the world

I love that they go from MJ to Diana Ross to Dionne Warwick :heart:

Diana Ross is being dirty in Eaten Alive oh my!