Big Australian TV Alert: Rage: Michael Jackson

I lurve the Bad outfit....

something about all that black and shiny buckles and belts.... oh my
WTF at the feuding with Janet thing? Lol that Molly bit was uncalled for.
The way you make me feel Michael! :wub: You really turn me on.:wub:
I love it when he thrusts ontop of the car.:wild:
And those moves in the end dance...phwoar!:D
I had to laugh at Molly calling the J5 greatest hits record "tacky". This is coming from.. Molly? :lol:

I'm getting quite sick of him now.

The show's starting to look like my number ones DVD :( I wonder if there's anymore new footage..
ahhh the perils of recording on dvd. i had the second disc inserted and laid back on the lounge and what did i do?! i accidentally switched the dvd recorder off - way to go! not! so i missed the long promo for bad. i actually thought i hadnt seen it before but i have. must have been a few years ago cause i remembered some of the stuff before the color video starts and i remembered the end.

so i missed bad. i dont mind too much cause while i love the song the video makes me giggle every time i watch it because mj is trying to be bad in an outfit diana ross would love, with a perm and with black eyeliner and to convince the thug hes serious what does he say: you're butt is mine! hehehe.
and didnt you love the bit about michaels mental stability that molly said in the 87 clip - way to go molly! not! youre supposed to clear up rumors - not add to them!
it was very cool seeing the jacksons 'torture' i really love that song. the video is a bit cheesy - like most 80s stuff and whats up with the pink fingernails? i love the maxi for that one and rockwell's somebody watching me was awesome - cool chorus sung by mj
love dirty diana! thankfully the 2nd disc is recording just fine. who else is recording on dvd?

also about we are the world - over the years people have questioned why madonna wasnt included in the lineup. basically cyndi lauper was the one they asked and the thinking at the time was that cyndi was the one with the longevity and talent. madonna was very much thought of as pop fluff and not to be taken seriously. obviously someone judged her wrong cause shes been laughing to the bank ever since.
yeah another part of me is soooooooo cool. im starting to get really tired too - ill probably stop recording around 4am just after the dangerous tv special.
what's really cool is being able to share this tv special with other aussie fans! and thank god they didnt use the speeded up version of smooth criminal. i noticed some other things too - on the preview earlier on abc2 they aired thriller in widescreen and yet it was the regular pan and scan on the marathon tonight.
what's really cool is being able to share this tv special with other aussie fans! and thank god they didnt use the speeded up version of smooth criminal. i noticed some other things too - on the preview earlier on abc2 they aired thriller in widescreen and yet it was the regular pan and scan on the marathon tonight.

It is freaking awesome! :D
Only Michael can bring people together like this.:)