Big Australian TV Alert: Rage: Michael Jackson

Lol fluffy

i wish i had plenty of sleep last nite lol
Is anybody by any chance recording this to dvd?
If so, I would be sooo greatful if I could buy a copy of it.
I'm going to try my hardest to watch it...I'll be staying on the laptop and probably bawling my eyes out most of the time.:(:cry:
But I really would love a copy of it to keep, and of all times our dvd recorder is broken.:doh:
Gah, this is so bittersweet...I'm excited, sad, happy...every emotion under the sun right now.
I'm sooo happy Rage are doing this though.
this interview with Molly I haven't seen before.... that smile... DAMN

and he's sharp in this interview too even at that age
Wow I've never seen that phone interview before. These clips are great!

L.J.. you know someone was off camera yelling "smile more Tito! MORE! WIDER!" :lol:
LOL! this is back when he had hair :rofl:

I met Molly years ago... the man doesn't stop talking :lol:

That phone interview was good, Michael was super excited about the next Jackson's album (Triumph).

Rock With You!! I wannnnnnaaaa rooock with you!!! Yay more Michaels again! :yahoo:
its a good special huh? rock with you just finished. theres been a few laughs. a few tears seeing all these wonderful old clips. im recording on dvd in 2 hour mode so ill break around we are the world which should give me a chance to put in another dvd while diana ross has her single if my fingers can move fast enough.
yeah the ballads do me in too. i was blubbering all the way through ben and that was about a rat. his voice is so pure when he does these ballads. just makes me weep....