Big Australian TV Alert: Rage: Michael Jackson

Black or White panther sequence is on now. MJ's on top of the car smashing windows :cheeky: I love that part!
BTW, the bit where Molly said Michael was "mentally disturbed" is just retarded. I have no idea why this guy got to interview Michael so many times. He just didn't deserve it.

lucky Iman.
Well, I've always found it a bit consoling that their lips barely touched. ;)

Uh oh, if you hated Iman...I feel sorry for Naomi. lol

That's true lol it eases the pain slightly!

Ughhh, I know...words can't describe how insanely jealous I am of Naomi Campbell.:evil:

And then I saw the unedited behind the scenes of ITC...
My laptop's running out of battery and I can't be bothered finding the plug.
See ya tomorrow! I'll be staying up for the whole thing though. :)
I have to tape the Weird Al parodies which I haven't got a copy of yet!
If I don't have to wake up early tommorow, I will stayed up the whole night till the daylight to watch him and dance and sing along! I'm so enjoying it! But I had promised my friend to go to church in the morning! lol!! I have to go to sleep now! I have the DVDs to most of his short films anyway!

Ahhh, I love Michael!! He is soooooooo charming!
where'd everyone go? did they all go to bed!? im surprised im up actually but im still recording the marathon - on disc 3 (which will take me through to the end of the marathon). only missed a few songs - the diana ross eaten alive, bad (cause i accidentally switched the dvd recorder off!) and scream. oh and i only got 3/4 of the dangerous tour special clip but that okay cause i have that on the bad tour around the world disc thank goodness!
its surprising how emotional the marathon has been. clips like heal the world pack a punch even after all these years. and gone too soon the clip and song had me weeping throughout it. such a beautiful song!
its gonna be nice seeing the weird al yankovic parodies after so many years! he's got a wicked sense of humor and i've liked most of his parodies. i think my favorite is the fat one but i loved his sendup of like a surgeon!
Just switched tv off after Cry because i possibly cannot take watching I'll be there, it was already such an intense night for me, im so glad i stayed up to watch the entire thing. I miss him forever.

PS: To those who watched it, how stupid were those clips where they just played Michael in the background or flashed photos of him in montage style? aka Wanna be startin' something ( tack 80s extreme ) and HIStory, which should never of been made if he wasn't a part of it, it just looked try hard and kitsch
PPS: Massive thankyou to rage as well, they really stayed true to playing all the FULL versions and not just shoddy shortened ones. I loved seeing the full version of Black or White and the interviews were so awesome.
I'm still here! About to go to bed...hopefully lol.
That was one rollercoaster of emotions.
I get caught up and instantly I'm awe-inspired, excited (in many ways lol) and filled with joy whenever I see or hear Michael...and then there's the moments where it just hits me what's happened. Especially with the slow songs. Or when I see the fans acting hysterical and fainting.
Its' been great to share this with you guys though.
I think Rage deserve a big thankyou for doing this!

Haha I'm loving Weird Al's Eat It film-clip, I had never seen it in full before.
I see or hear Michael...and then there's the moments where it just hits me what's happened. Especially with the slow songs. Or when I see the fans acting hysterical and fainting.

This was too much for me. I just had imagery of all those colossal stadiums empty with the echoes of hollow wind. Those were the days when he was still with us, when he ruled the world. I miss him so much it hurts
yeah it was a rather intense marathon. lots of emotions - man in the mirror, heal the world and gone too soon are more powerful than ever. some of the other clips havent fared too well - particularly the second clip by the jacksons and wanna be startin' something! sheesh! weird al's parodies was a nice way to end the marathon - the clip for fat is hilarious. its amazing how much he was able to mirror the real clips.

overall many of the clips have fared pretty well. i was able to record most of it but missed about 6-7 songs due to stuffing up the dvd recorder at one stage. was able to record it over 3 discs all up so alot better than i was expecting. i was very keyed up after the marathon too which was surprising - didnt get to bed until 10am and then was awake by 2pm so im incredibly tired right now. hopefully ill be able to get 6-8 hours of sleep tonight.

Just switched tv off after Cry because i possibly cannot take watching I'll be there, it was already such an intense night for me, im so glad i stayed up to watch the entire thing. I miss him forever.

PS: To those who watched it, how stupid were those clips where they just played Michael in the background or flashed photos of him in montage style? aka Wanna be startin' something ( tack 80s extreme ) and HIStory, which should never of been made if he wasn't a part of it, it just looked try hard and kitsch
PPS: Massive thankyou to rage as well, they really stayed true to playing all the FULL versions and not just shoddy shortened ones. I loved seeing the full version of Black or White and the interviews were so awesome.
This was too much for me. I just had imagery of all those colossal stadiums empty with the echoes of hollow wind. Those were the days when he was still with us, when he ruled the world. I miss him so much it hurts

I know what you mean.
No-ones concert will ever be close to what Michael's were...words can't even explain.
And to think, we were all about to experience the magic again. It was really going to happen.
Ever since I became a fan, it's always hurt because I love him so much and wanted to meet him more than anything.
Especially when I'd watch his concerts, I'd lose my breath and just be captivated by his every move, every sound.
I'd also laugh at the fans fainting and crying coz I knew that's what I'd be like.
Now it's just the worst feeling, the worst pain ever. I get all the same emotions and reactions as I usually would, and then it's replaced by aching and dispair that he's gone. And then when a different song comes on it's all the same emotions again. I miss him more than anything in this world and always will.
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Watching this summary of his career, it's clear Michael wasn't supposed to go so soon. I hope I don't offend anyone when I say this, but the idea that God supposedly took him away from us "because he needed him more" doesn't do it for me at all. Mike had so much planned, so much he wanted to aim for and he had so much to recieve in return. He always lived and gave to the VERY fullest and it sucks that such a lover of life wasn't allowed to live a full one.

PS: To those who watched it, how stupid were those clips where they just played Michael in the background or flashed photos of him in montage style? aka Wanna be startin' something ( tack 80s extreme ) and HIStory, which should never of been made if he wasn't a part of it, it just looked try hard and kitsch
The WBSS video was hilarious and had me laughing through it. :lol: The only thing that annoyed me were how the dancers kept doing the same step over and over and over again. The pictures of Michael were the best parts.
Watching this summary of his career, it's clear Michael wasn't supposed to go so soon. I hope I don't offend anyone when I say this, but the idea that God supposedly took him away from us "because he needed him more" doesn't do it for me at all. Mike had so much planned, so much he wanted to aim for and he had so much to recieve in return. He always lived and gave to the VERY fullest and it sucks that such a lover of life wasn't allowed to live a full one.

Agreed. He still should be here with us, with his family, with everybody. Stil active and present physically. If only he knew how we all felt right now.
Can someone upload at least APOM and BOTDF (i assume it's the tv-version, not the dvd one) looks like we finally can get them without any stupid logos. And YRMW if it's the long one.
Thank you
I stayed up and watched the whole thing because I just couldn't sleep. We are so damn lucky to have a tv show like RAGE in aus. Does anybody remember on 1987 countdown when Molly was talking about "Janet moving out of the house her and michael share becuase Michael disagrees with the way she presents herself in video clips.."? I wonder what that was about.
yeah i love rage. its been going forever. its just nice to see all the videos in order. the weird al clips had me rolling around laughing on the sofa - hes so whack hes cool. wish they would have aired more mj interviews but apparently they couldnt get the rights. hope somebody makes a video cover - that would be sweet!
I stayed up and watched the whole thing because I just couldn't sleep. We are so damn lucky to have a tv show like RAGE in aus. Does anybody remember on 1987 countdown when Molly was talking about "Janet moving out of the house her and michael share becuase Michael disagrees with the way she presents herself in video clips.."? I wonder what that was about.
I reckon Molly likes making up theories and passing them on as fact. People automatically assume that infighting is the cause of everything.
As far as I know, Janet eloped in 1984 with DeBarge.