Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much

alot of ya'll are missing the point.

Why are people bringing up michael jackson in this thread? Lol it doesnt matter what inspiration michael has gotten or who has inspried him throughout his career. Every artist has inspiration or gets influence by something or someone. However, michael has shown that he can be innovative and original in his works. He has proven that despite minor cases of finding inspirations from previous works, which alot of artists do anyway it doesnt make him less of a innovator. Beyonce has not proven that and her cases of being inspried have been straight up copies of works which are different and she does it all the time. She does not create anything from her own ideas in a performance, dance hell even music but thats a different topic all together.

For example, thriller is the biggest selling video ever lol which we all know. Why? Because it was something that had not been done during the time, it was innovative it was different and it still is even today. Michael has brought so much innovation in music videos and in dance and in music which is why i find it crazy that people would even dare to compare him with beyonce. Beyonce has not and the only reason why alot of people are quick to bring this to alot of peoples attention is because the media is brainwashing the public into thinking everything that she does is innovative when it has been done countless of times. It wouldnt be a issue if she wasnt so overrated but since media and even critics are giving her to much credit, the truth has to be said.

There is no singer or artist now that is doing anything that has not been done that is commercial.

There are plenty of artists who have done things and have never copied off of anybody so people saying well "everyone recyles" is not a good arguement.

I didn't watch the whole video but it the part I did I noticed the whole detective thing and leopard print on the floor thing and the models etc. like Billie Jean?

As I said there are videos on youtube which show where Michael took some of his moves and ideas from. I didn't know about it until someone from this site posted some of them in a thread months ago. I was surprised at some things, but I don't care. Michael is more than that.

If you want to see them you can ask me to post them but I'm not going to post them without being asked because that makes it seem like I'm trying to put Michael down on his own damn forum, and I would never want to do that, I'm just being honest about what I've seen. I wasn't receptive at first when someone showed me.

Michael wasn't the first artist to wear military outfits, he wore it that stuff a lot and became assosiated with it (and looked damn hot), but he wasn't the first.

Michael said many times the names of those who influenced him, I didn't hear him say 'I took this particular move from here, I took that idea from here' etc. Its the same way Beyonce says many times she admires and is influenced by Michael. She grew up watching him as a child, she watched him perform live, like Michael did with his idols. She acknowledges it, like Michael did.

I don't think people are denying some of the things she took from Michael, just some people aren't seeing it as a big negative deal.

Beyonce loved Michael and Michael loved Beyonce. People in this thread need to calm down a bit, especially with the personal attacks.

Please post the videos because I wanna see what you're talking about..
Let me just say. It becomes a lot harder to be original over time. Its like arriving at a buffet and people have already been and eaten all the food before you.
MJ's Lightning Man comes close to what Kylie & Beyonce did. And the lights on BJ glove come close to a song "You and your hand" Pink did on her Funhouse tour 2006. She had a gloves with led's.
This thread should be closed before it gets messy!

Im sorry that was my fault. I went off topic quite a bit.

Back on topic!

Beyonce has quite clearly took a few ideas from MJ but everyone steals ideas. We know she loves Michael. There was a video posted of her dancing to TWYMMF when she was about 6. She love him and allways has loved him. Shes in the same boat as us, at least give her that.
L.T.D. is clearly a Bey fan.

I know she loves Michael but well, she shouldn't go around proclaiming everything was her idea.
L.T.D. is clearly a Bey fan.

I know she loves Michael but well, she shouldn't go around proclaiming everything was her idea.

No, your wrong.

I havent liked a song of hers for years.........Im just actually fair unlike some people here. :)
woaw i didnt know this thread would get so crazy when i started it!!

btw Beyonce was on Tyra show this week and Tyra asked her if she did see TII and Beyonce said yes..
No, your wrong.

I havent liked a song of hers for years.........Im just actually fair unlike some people here. :)

Sorry mate...

All stans get in people's face when their idol is put into question. MJ fans are not the exception. HAHA! XD We're hardcore and PASSIONATE! xD

Anyways, try to understand it'll be hard to find some objective point of view here... (since it's a MJ forum) But even non-fans will not put Bey on Mike's level but I get what you're saying. I like that at least you try to be fair.


Good on you! Mike is proud... :p
MJ has trademarks: armband, armbrace, fingertapes, glove, the 45 degree slant,
the toe stand, the leg kick, the silohuette is quickly associated with him.
how dare someone say MJ took inspiration just like beyonce ripping off other artists?
Originally Posted by mjscarousal
alot of ya'll are missing the point.

Why are people bringing up michael jackson in this thread? Lol it doesnt matter what inspiration michael has gotten or who has inspried him throughout his career. Every artist has inspiration or gets influence by something or someone. However, michael has shown that he can be innovative and original in his works. He has proven that despite minor cases of finding inspirations from previous works, which alot of artists do anyway it doesnt make him less of a innovator. Beyonce has not proven that and her cases of being inspried have been straight up copies of works which are different and she does it all the time. She does not create anything from her own ideas in a performance, dance hell even music but thats a different topic all together.

For example, thriller is the biggest selling video ever lol which we all know. Why? Because it was something that had not been done during the time, it was innovative it was different and it still is even today. Michael has brought so much innovation in music videos and in dance and in music which is why i find it crazy that people would even dare to compare him with beyonce. Beyonce has not and the only reason why alot of people are quick to bring this to alot of peoples attention is because the media is brainwashing the public into thinking everything that she does is innovative when it has been done countless of times. It wouldnt be a issue if she wasnt so overrated but since media and even critics are giving her to much credit, the truth has to be said.

There is no singer or artist now that is doing anything that has not been done that is commercial.

There are plenty of artists who have done things and have never copied off of anybody so people saying well "everyone recyles" is not a good arguement.
Originally Posted by trueiopian
I think they're referring to her Grammy performance with all those men dressed in black army gear. TBH, It reminded me more of Janet's Rhythm Nation then anything else. Also her random pauses was very Janet a la TVR tour. You may be a fan of Beyonce but you got to admit she does "borrow" many ideas from various artists, writers and designers. Beyonce stays in some legal woes for it too
The military style dance was MJ's idea. While MJ's rehearsing it for Captain EO, Janet saw it and asked him if she could used it for her 'rhythm nation', MJ agreed of course.
Beyonce won those awards because those awards were given to her, she didnt earned them. The Grammys are a joke and RECORDS dont mean ISH if there isnt anything to back them up with. Her music is garbage and she is very overrated and oveexposed.

She always copies from people and always gets credit for it. This isnt anything new.

She must be doing something right otherwise I wouldn't see you up in every Beyoncé thread on this forum.
May as well call MJ a wannabe, Would any of you do that? I don't think so. :)
isn't that what this whole thread is?

Yes but the last post before hers was from the 19th February -_- So it had slipped wayy out of sight down the forum.

So she had obviously searched through the pages of this section just to dig up this old thread, just to take a dig at Beyonce saying that she copies MJ.

Like I said in another thread, this is the only section of this board designed to talk about other artists except MJ. Yet we allways end up talking about MJ here as well. I love MJ, thats why i'm here in the first place, but I want to talk to fans here about other artists as well. WITHOUT them being bashed and compared to MJ constantly, if I want to talk about MJ then I go to the rest of the board. I come here to talk about other music. But its never possible because MJ is allways brought up while the other artists are bashed.

I understand that this is ultimately an MJ board, but to me thats just what brings us here. 90% of the sections are for Michael Jackson, rightfully so because this is a Michael Jackson board after all. So why do people have to come in here talking about MJ as well when they have the ENTIRE board. I wouldnt even mind if it meant that the other artists we are talking about wouldnt be bashed because they are being compared to MJ.
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when i was little, i thought everyone tried to copy Michael and it made me angry, but as the years went by i understood that Michael was around for so many years and has influenced lots and lots of artists, so i figured that all those artists honor him by lets say "imitating" his style. What I mean is that some of them don't imitate, it just comes out of them because of the influence and their admiration of him.
L.T.D, they comparing her with Michael because, it's the goal of the thread, if you look at the title. It's not ''I love Beyonce'' and people say '' ohhh she copies Michael''
The thread name is ''Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much'' so people compare them :)
P.S: when you read something, it may sound agressive sometimes. I swear it's not. just to avoid problems, I read this forum alot...
L.T.D, they comparing her with Michael because, it's the goal of the thread, if you look at the title. It's not ''I love Beyonce'' and people say '' ohhh she copies Michael''
The thread name is ''Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much'' so people compare them :)
P.S: when you read something, it may sound agressive sometimes. I swear it's not. just to avoid problems, I read this forum alot...

My problem is with the thread itself, and I was talking in general about a lot o the threads that pop up here. Specifically the one about Lady Gaga's facebook fans.

Suzie1 dug this thread up just to take a dig at Beyonce copying Michael. Its things like that which i'm talking about.
Beyonce is still one of best of today's bunch of artists...........

She might use Michael LOTS but she has some originality to her songs and her moves......

She just has the same problem that everyone in the music industry has...............there isn't enough new/fresh ideas and styles going around. That's also why less and less people buy music any more because the most of the new stuff is "nothing special"!!!!!!!