Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much

Last summer, I saw her amaging tribute performance in SummerSonic09.
she looked like'The prayer of the hole body and soul'
It shocked my heart than anyoneelse...
I wanted to watch it once again in Grammy Awards, but she didn't.
I was disappointed a lil bit...
Oh my goodness! I just saw the videos posted on page 1. WOW. I had no idea. That woman has absolutely no substance in her work. See? That's why I said earlier, I just don't feel any of these new mainstream acts. Something never clicked right. Like energy wise. It always felt insincere.
And I just can't seem to debate the videos I saw. They're quite shocking and revealing. And she always claimed that everything she did came from within her and not anyone else. Clearly thats a false statement.
She even did the Kylie "Metropolis" act. Thats just wow.
Get your own material girl and show some respect. Doing tributes is one thing. But those weren't tributes. Those were straight rips. lol. damn... You don't deserve those grammys. Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh but it really loses meaning when you just hand out grammys to anyone for anything. Back in the days, those things were EARNED.
Pity how times changed everything. :-(

Oh well. Welcome to the 2000's folks.

lol u said it better than me ;)
I was through when she made that comment about Erykah, Jill, etc. Clearly she's one of those ppl who think neo-soul artists make "real music" and are "real artists" (as if there's any concrete definition as to what "real music" is). I don't have time to argue with her kind. :sleep:

Ur childish LOL but hell you can think what you want to think. I proved a point by bringing some artists in a discussion and you run with it with "her kind"
"neo soul" or watever bullish you were on. Why dont u try backing up ur posts intelligently instead of making accusations that has nothing to do with the discussion and from out of the air.

That was on purpose. They were the outfits.

mjscarousal - its obvious you don't like beyonce, you don't need to trash her in every thread. It gets tiring.

This is a FORUM and in forums debates and discussions occur. LOL I can reply to whatever thread I want. If its tiring to you or to anyone else just dont read my responces really that simple.
Ok would you rather artist not pay tribute to MJ ever and ignore him. Because Beyonce, Usher, Alicia Keys, Justin and others don't really have to pay any tribute to Mj if they don't want to. Its not like there fans really care or it would affect there sales.

Fans get upset when MJ gets a tribute from other stars and upset when they dont. Makes no sense.
If i was a artist and kept getting accused of this id just stop all MJ tributes period and urge others stars to do the same.
i think that success bothers, Michael's success was unacceptable for MANY, still is for many, hate leads to nowhere and the ones hating make the hated ones BIGGER.
Beyonce is a great artist and is loved by some and hated by others, but thats how it works and she KNOWS it, she has the perfect example: Michael Jackson, she wont stop cause of some haters... she's smart and talented, and she knows Michael admired her, and this is not a rumour like the one about Lady Gaga, which we will never know if it was true.
Beyonce is a great artist and is loved by some and hated by others, but thats how it works and she KNOWS it, she has the perfect example: Michael Jackson, she wont stop cause of some haters... she's smart and talented, and she knows Michael admired her, and this is not a rumour like the one about Lady Gaga, which we will never know if it was true.

If ur referring to me as the hater, then ur wrong, Im just saying she doesnt rely on herself enough, she relies on other peoples creativity waaay too much. As I stated in my original post.
If ur referring to me as the hater, then ur wrong, Im just saying she doesnt rely on herself enough, she relies on other peoples creativity waaay too much. As I stated in my original post.
No, no, no, no way, was not refrring to you at all, i was talking about haters in general,

i dont consider you a hater.
wow i didnt know that an 18 year old girl had writen "if i were a boy", why is that those news are never said.... i mean, i had no clue of it.... that was NOT NICE of her, i hope the girl is getting the money she deserves.

^ ^^now that im thinking it deeper, is this a sure thing??? or just a made up thing....

I just love it when talented, real talented artists like Beyonce pay tribute to Michael, not faked tributes like what Madonna did at her concert..., that was beyond fake and so tasteless, that impersonator was one of the WORST i have ever seen in my entire life ugh, but you know it was expected, mediocre as everything madonna....
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You know what I like that Beyonce gives MJ credit 4 his influence on her, however I do not like how she is overated too much. maybe if she can be a little humble I will be able to tolerate her.
^^^ i think its her husband the one telling her to be all that egocentric, i cant stand that jay z or whatever his name is... she use to be so adorable before.... she could be bigger, shame she is not able to recognize it... i guess she doesnt have that much of charisma to even understand it...
Don't know if anyone here mentioned that Timor one of MJs this is it dancers was one of the soldiers dancing with beyonce at the grammys! He tweeted about it! So yea at the thread title! lol :)
Don't know if anyone here mentioned that Timor one of MJs this is it dancers was one of the soldiers dancing with beyonce at the grammys! He tweeted about it! So yea at the thread title! lol :)

seeeeeeeeeeee!!! get ur own dance moves and dancers and everything! lol stop recycling other people's ideas! her next tour is gonna mirror TII lol i bet u anything!!
Please,who are you..tina..mj's stuff.bored with it.not workin
Beyonce has been paying "tribute" to MJ for a long time now, and I think shes now juss simply looking for attention out of it. After seeing her performance at the Grammys on Sunday, I about just had enough. I mean come on, it just now popped into her head to perform with an Army Drill? Not to even mention it didnt go with the song she sang "If I were a boy". Sorry if you're a Beyonce fan, but seriously thats enough. I youtubed her and saw that she has actually been copying A LOT of people, esp MJ with his army style (clothing and dance) and the one that really pissed me off was the angel shes been using on tour that comes down and hugs her, copying the Will You Be There performances from the Dangerous tour. She says its a tribute, but come on!!!! Enough! Come up with your own ideas! hey I guess it's like husband like wife, because J's big break out song "Big Pimpin" was stolen from a very famous Arabic singer from back in the day (Proof Below). Here are the youtube vids im talking about, Let me know what you think!!

(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part III)

Jay Z's Proof at (2:55) Mark :

I never cared for her music, so thanks for the proof that she is a HACK! who steals! No, it's not 'pay tribute' -- that would involve her having the talent to evolve it into her own -- it's step for step plagiarism! Then she says she challenges herself, blah blah blah, but her biggest hits belong to older acts! WHAT A PHONY!!!!
Cant argue with those videos.........Thought I might be able to but I cant.

There is being influenced and being inspired by someone, then there is flat out just taking ideas from other artists and using them. The angel thing was the worst.

As for 'copying' other songs. Its called sampling. Lots of artists do it and its still creative because its what you do with the sample that counts.

"Copying"/"Sampling," "Po-tato/Po-toto." Two different ways of saying the same thing in my book. Granted an 'artist' has to do something w/ the sample, but the overall lack of innovation appalls me. And even though the artist 'does something,' the sampled part is still pretty much a copy. . . . I guess it's a difference of opinion if you find sampling creative, but I don't.
Anyone mind showing me exactly where Beyonce does the Drill? Because I watched the Grammys, and never saw anything like the Drill.
Mystic, people are saying that the soldiers' costumes resemble those MJ's soldiers wore in TII. That she ripped off that idea from the movie even though it didn't fit her song. That's what some think.
Do not know if this was mentioned, but BEYONCE is currently in BRAZIL with ALICIA KEYS shooting a music video. Guess where? In the same slum MJ made famous for his music video THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US.
Mystic, people are saying that the soldiers' costumes resemble those MJ's soldiers wore in TII. That she ripped off that idea from the movie even though it didn't fit her song. That's what some think.


Beyoncé has been using military outfits since the days with Destiny's Child. TII has nothing to do with her use of military outfits.
Do not know if this was mentioned, but BEYONCE is currently in BRAZIL with ALICIA KEYS shooting a music video. Guess where? In the same slum MJ made famous for his music video THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US.

ya someone mentioned on that in the previous page, i think it sums up my point pretty well :p
lol Copycat?

Do you think James Brown,Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly etc called MJ a copycat to?
Imo its called dance/music evolution.
lol Copycat?

Do you think James Brown,Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly etc called MJ a copycat to?
Imo its called dance/music evolution.

no MJ wouldnt be considered a copycat, because he knew what he was doing, what he did is use INSPIRATION to evolve himself into something greater than the greats. what beyonce is doing is flat out copying people left and right. watch the videos i posted up on the first page, proof doesnt lie my friend.