Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much

My problem is with the thread itself, and I was talking in general about a lot o the threads that pop up here. Specifically the one about Lady Gaga's facebook fans.

Suzie1 dug this thread up just to take a dig at Beyonce copying Michael. Its things like that which i'm talking about.

And you are having a dig at Suzan and going around this forum complaining. Give it a rest, it's getting annoying.
And you are having a dig at Suzan and going around this forum complaining. Give it a rest, it's getting annoying.

But I have a good reason for having a dig at Suzan. Unfortunately you being annoyed by my complaining isnt a good enough reason for me to stop, im afraid. A lot of people agree with what I say and dont find it annoying. Your just annoyed by my complaining because you dont agree with it, if you agreed with it then you wouldnt find it annoying.
Love her music...but Beyonce is a huge attention whore

End of story.

As much as I like Beyonce, I quite agree. This was proven back in the days of Destiny's Child when they could never be all equal and share the limelight, it was always about Beyonce. Kelly Rowland was always my favourite member but her and Michelle were always pushed into the background.

I also agree with what someone else posted, she should take a break for a few years, Beyonce is one of those artists who is always around releasing stuff and it gets boring. She should take a tip from Aaliyah and take a five year break so people can actually miss her then come back better than ever. This is how people never got bored of artists like Aaliyah and Michael Jackson because they knew when it was time to step away from the limelight for a while instead of constantly releasing stuff. Instead they would take their time and release amazing stuff.
Beyonce copies MJ - Is that a good or bad thing??? I don't understand!

I thought I could be good, a lot of artist copies MJ and I think the public knows it. Also it's part of keeping MJ legacy alive and ways for the artist to show his/her appreciation to MJ. Beyonce is a huge MJ fan so it's only normal that she wants to dress or dance like MJ.

I know it could be bad because there is no originality and the artist could be taking the credit for his/her outfit or dance moves when it's all inspired by MJ. Hmmmmm....

But I don't mind them copying. Most of the public could tell anyway and everyone knows MJ infuence the entertainment, music and fashion idustry in so many ways.
But I have a good reason for having a dig at Suzan. Unfortunately you being annoyed by my complaining isnt a good enough reason for me to stop, im afraid. A lot of people agree with what I say and dont find it annoying. Your just annoyed by my complaining because you dont agree with it, if you agreed with it then you wouldnt find it annoying.

I'm sorry, isn't one of MJJC's rules no personal attacks?

And you have been complaining that people mention Michael in the music forum, well, people here know music best from Michael's art. I see your point but the majority does mention Michael every now and then so majority wins.
I'm sorry, isn't one of MJJC's rules no personal attacks?

And you have been complaining that people mention Michael in the music forum, well, people here know music best from Michael's art. I see your point but the majority does mention Michael every now and then so majority wins.

I have made no personal attacks. I just had a problem with the fact she dug up this thread from deep into the board. Just to take digs at Beyonce and say she looks like a slut. Thats just low in my opinion, but of course you would rather be against me and totally ignore her saying things like that and take her side. Your right, the majority do talk about Michael here and the majority does win, but that doesnt change the fact that I have a problem with it.

Are you disagreeing that more often than not, whenever Michael is brought up in this section when talking about another artist it allways ends up in disaster and with the other artist being put down? I am not saying that is what allways happens, but more often than not it does. Mostly with todays artists.

I want to discuss artists talents and their success without Michael being a factor.

For example, I have seen a couple of Eminem threads here where people have just forgotten about Michael and Eminems Just Lose It video, and we all discussed Eminem as an artist without bringing Michael up. It was refreshing to say the least. I dont agree with the things Eminem did, in fact I havent been able to stand him as a person ever since, but it was nice to be able to just discuss Eminem for a while without Michael being a factor.

I dont have a problem with people talking about Michael in this section every now and then, but when he is brought up at the expense of other artists being put down. Then I have a problem with it.
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I have made no personal attacks. I just had a problem with the fact she dug up this thread from deep into the board. Just to take digs at Beyonce and say she looks like a slut. Thats just low in my opinion, but of course you would rather be against me and totally ignore her saying things like that and take her side. Your right, the majority do talk about Michael here and the majority does win, but that doesnt change the fact that I have a problem with it.

Are you disagreeing that more often than not, whenever Michael is brought up in this section when talking about another artist it allways ends up in disaster and with the other artist being put down? I am not saying that is what allways happens, but more often than not it does. Mostly with todays artists.

I want to discuss artists talents and their success without Michael being a factor.

For example, I have seen a couple of Eminem threads here where people have just forgotten about Michael and Eminems Just Lose It video, and we all discussed Eminem as an artist without bringing Michael up. It was refreshing to say the least. I dont agree with the things Eminem did, in fact I havent been able to stand him as a person ever since, but it was nice to be able to just discuss Eminem for a while without Michael being a factor.

I dont have a problem with people talking about Michael in this section every now and then, but when he is brought up at the expense of other artists being put down. Then I have a problem with it.

If you read my post that is a few post above yours, I DID tell Suzan that that was low. I posted : "Suzan? That was low."

And I do see your point and technically this forum SHOULD be non-mj but people do bring him up but it's nothing we can warn them or ban them for so what are we supposed to do?

You're just either going to have to visit another music forum if it annoys you that much or just live with it because it doesn't look like it's gonna change and your complaining just makes the mood bitter.
^^I don't see ANY Michael moves here! :eek:

lol but look how she kept singing and dancing after she falls..good for her.
Well I just watched the Grammy performance and I have to say it was a terrible performance even though I like her, it was just too over the top and very messy. Performances should be slick and not all over the place like hers was, the whole thing smacked of desperation, a lot like Lady Gaga. The more I see artists we have around today the more I think no one can ever even compete with MJ, no one even comes close and never will. MJ didn't have to sink to desperation in his performances as he was good enough the way he was with his singing and talent without making his performances messy, his were always slick.
After seeing part 1 and part 2 i truly think shes been copying someone else there's stuff but i dont think shes the one to blame but more the guy who picks the moves and stuff for her.
Well I just watched the Grammy performance and I have to say it was a terrible performance even though I like her, it was just too over the top and very messy. Performances should be slick and not all over the place like hers was, the whole thing smacked of desperation, a lot like Lady Gaga. The more I see artists we have around today the more I think no one can ever even compete with MJ, no one even comes close and never will. MJ didn't have to sink to desperation in his performances as he was good enough the way he was with his singing and talent without making his performances messy, his were always slick.

Which Grammy performance? Can I have a link ? :)
People are funny. To those accusing Beyonce of coping: Do you even realise how much MJ has "copied" other artist? Dont be so hypocritical.
People are funny. To those accusing Beyonce of coping: Do you even realise how much MJ has "copied" other artist? Dont be so hypocritical.

In Michael's defence, copying is alot different from taking something, making it your own and making it better than what it was.
Originally Posted by Dangerous 1991 HIStory
People are funny. To those accusing Beyonce of coping: Do you even realise how much MJ has "copied" other artist? Dont be so hypocritical.
do you even know the difference between inspiration and copying? :closedeyes:
Originally Posted by mjscarousal
alot of ya'll are missing the point.

Why are people bringing up michael jackson in this thread? Lol it doesnt matter what inspiration michael has gotten or who has inspried him throughout his career. Every artist has inspiration or gets influence by something or someone. However, michael has shown that he can be innovative and original in his works. He has proven that despite minor cases of finding inspirations from previous works, which alot of artists do anyway it doesnt make him less of a innovator. Beyonce has not proven that and her cases of being inspried have been straight up copies of works which are different and she does it all the time. She does not create anything from her own ideas in a performance, dance hell even music but thats a different topic all together.

For example, thriller is the biggest selling video ever lol which we all know. Why? Because it was something that had not been done during the time, it was innovative it was different and it still is even today. Michael has brought so much innovation in music videos and in dance and in music which is why i find it crazy that people would even dare to compare him with beyonce. Beyonce has not and the only reason why alot of people are quick to bring this to alot of peoples attention is because the media is brainwashing the public into thinking everything that she does is innovative when it has been done countless of times. It wouldnt be a issue if she wasnt so overrated but since media and even critics are giving her to much credit, the truth has to be said.

There is no singer or artist now that is doing anything that has not been done that is commercial.

There are plenty of artists who have done things and have never copied off of anybody so people saying well "everyone recyles" is not a good arguement.
fans who accused MJ of copying just like Beyonce did should take a look at this post. :)
do you even know the difference between inspiration and copying? :closedeyes:

Some of Michaels most famous dance moves came from other artists.

I wouldnt exactly call it copying, but he didnt come up with a lot of them himself.

Some of Michaels most famous dance moves came from other artists.

I wouldnt exactly call it copying, but he didnt come up with a lot of them himself.


Oh so now it IS ok to bring up Michael in non Michael sections of the forum?

Seriously, that just discredits Michael. We already have the world calling Michael every single name under the sun, the last thing we need is for them and fans alike to call him unoriginal or overrated.
Michael's always been very open about where he gets his influences from. Even in his self produced The Legend Continues video, Michael shows split screens of himself and his influences like James Brown etc dancing. Showing where Michael got the ideas for his dance moves from. Michael also said he never invented the Moonwalk, when even to day many people think he did.

What makes Michael a genius is that he was able to take idea from both the past and present and amalgamate them in to a completely new and improved form. Look at Beat It, a basic rock song but he added new unexpected dance element to it. Also the Moonwalk, then known as the Backslide (Backwalk in the UK) which people had been doing for about 3-4yrs when Michael did the Moonwalk during his Billie Jean performance in 1983. The difference was everyone like Jeffery Danial, and the Electric Boogaloos were just doing it withing a Robot/Popping dance routine. Michael took the Moonwalk out of it's known context and did it in a dance routine that contained, Jazz, Tap, robot, James Brown etc dance all in one fluid and seemless form where a move like the Moonwalk wasn't expected. Michael takes a cool dance move from someone, and changes in to something unique to him which makes it magic.

There is no such thing in any art form that is 100% original. All great artists and geniuses get their ideas from someone or somewhere. And true creative people like Michael know how to use other peoples ideas as an influence as opposed to taking someone elses idea and just copying it and keeping it the same. The likes of Beyonce have no idea how to be creative, and just take ideas from other artists and pass them off as there own. That makes the likes of Beyonce an act not an artist.

Some of Michaels most famous dance moves came from other artists.

I wouldnt exactly call it copying, but he didnt come up with a lot of them himself.



Jeffery Daniel would even agree that Michael doesn't copy dance moves. He's said Michael takes a move and ingrains it in to his own body and makes it in to something completely original. Also Jeffery Daniel didn't influence Michael's robot dancing. Michael had been doing the robot since 1974, a good few years before Jeffery Daniel came on the the scene. And that is a fact that is often forgotten.
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This thread end of from "Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much" to "MJ Copies (or been inspired by) other artist Waaaaaay Too Much" :lol:
Beyonce was hugely inspired by Michael. That's a fact not hidden by her. If she feels she wants to pay tribute to him all the time that's fine also. Aren't we as fans on this board also paying tribute to Michael on regular occasions?
Jeffery Daniel would even agree that Michael doesn't copy dance moves. He's said Michael takes a move and ingrains it in to his own body and makes it in to something completely original. Also Jeffery Daniel didn't influence Michael's robot dancing. Michael had been doing the robot since 1974, a good few years before Jeffery Daniel came on the the scene. And that is a fact that is often forgotten.

I said in the post I know that its not copying. I also realise that some parts of the video arent accurate and at some points in the video it shows MJ doing the move in a clip before Jeffery Daniel did it.

Oh so now it IS ok to bring up Michael in non Michael sections of the forum?

Seriously, that just discredits Michael. We already have the world calling Michael every single name under the sun, the last thing we need is for them and fans alike to call him unoriginal or overrated.

The whole thread is already to do with Michael -_- My point was that I wish there werent threads like this at all. But since its here I may as well put out my point of view. Michael being influenced by other artists was already the topic of discussion before I posted, I was merely adding to it.

I never called him unoriginal or overrated, I also dont think its right to ignore certain things just because people think it might make Michael look worse. Hes already incredible, we dont need to ignore certain things to maintain that. Thats called living in a fantasy world where everything is perfect. Its hardly likely to discredit him by posting it on a Michael Jackson forum either, neither of us would love him any less by watching it. If it were posted somewhere none MJ-related then I would understand.
Michael's always been very open about where he gets his influences from. Even in his self produced The Legend Continues video, Michael shows split screens of himself and his influences like James Brown etc dancing. Showing where Michael got the ideas for his dance moves from. Michael also said he never invented the Moonwalk, when even to day many people think he did.

What makes Michael a genius is that he was able to take idea from both the past and present and amalgamate them in to a completely new and improved form. Look at Beat It, a basic rock song but he added new unexpected dance element to it. Also the Moonwalk, then known as the Backslide (Backwalk in the UK) which people had been doing for about 3-4yrs when Michael did the Moonwalk during his Billie Jean performance in 1983. The difference was everyone like Jeffery Danial, and the Electric Boogaloos were just doing it withing a Robot/Popping dance routine. Michael took the Moonwalk out of it's known context and did it in a dance routine that contained, Jazz, Tap, robot, James Brown etc dance all in one fluid and seemless form where a move like the Moonwalk wasn't expected. Michael takes a cool dance move from someone, and changes in to something unique to him which makes it magic.

There is no such thing in any art form that is 100% original. All great artists and geniuses get their ideas from someone or somewhere. And true creative people like Michael know how to use other peoples ideas as an influence as opposed to taking someone elses idea and just copying it and keeping it the same. The likes of Beyonce have no idea how to be creative, and just take ideas from other artists and pass them off as there own. That makes the likes of Beyonce an act not an artist.

Jeffery Daniel would even agree that Michael doesn't copy dance moves. He's said Michael takes a move and ingrains it in to his own body and makes it in to something completely original. Also Jeffery Daniel didn't influence Michael's robot dancing. Michael had been doing the robot since 1974, a good few years before Jeffery Daniel came on the the scene. And that is a fact that is often forgotten.

SPOT ON :agree:
The difference between Michael and Beyonce is that MJ admitted he took inspiration from these people/eras (Fred Astaire, Jame Brown, etc), and these people loved Michael for taking what they had learned and always said he took it further. MJ also admired Mr. David Winters very much. Mr. Winters was in West Side Story. MJ loved this movie, Beat It and Bad were inspired from this movie. We should be happy that MJ tried to incorporate the classics into his performances instead of slandering them like this generation is doing. Just sayin.....
I agree beyonce has put a lot of Michael in her performances, but I don't think she should be discredited so much. I don't think anyone would call her a dancer. She does have an amazing voice though (IMO) and she's had a great career thus far.

What would be ideal as far as a performer? I typically hate on the copycats (like JT when he came on the scene), but some Michael copycat stuff is fun and a form of honor. Like when Destiny's Child added a little Beat It to the Bootylicious video. I also loved Chris Brown's tribute this year. What gets to me is when moves are taken without it being obvious who it originated from. Like watching Neyo...he takes SO Much from MJ (i.e. his performance on So You Think You Can Dance recently) but he does it in a way that I doubt many of his audience have a clue...I don't like when that happens.

When it comes to Beyonce, I guess I give her a little more leeway because she's always been a fan, spoke well about Michael, presented him awards, etc. She's also a woman, which adds a unique style to her MJ moves. We know Beyonce is not MJ and she's not trying to be. She's got her own persona and has been successful with it.

Other performers seem like they just want to be exactly like Michael, and that's when I get irritated.
In Michael's defence, copying is alot different from taking something, making it your own and making it better than what it was.

You could say the same for Beyonce. I mean it all depends on how you look on it, doesn't it? Many MJ moves were not changed.
And BTW, I'm not a fan of Beyonce. The only 2 songs I like are Halo and Deja Vu. Just to make that clear. :)

do you even know the difference between inspiration and copying? :closedeyes:


But there is a thine line between, isn't there. Some will say this video is copinng (same moves, same clothers), the others will say it's just inspiration.

Oh so now it IS ok to bring up Michael in non Michael sections of the forum?

Seriously, that just discredits Michael. We already have the world calling Michael every single name under the sun, the last thing we need is for them and fans alike to call him unoriginal or overrated.

Nobody in this thread called MJ unoriginal or overrated. Reread it again.

The difference between Michael and Beyonce is that MJ admitted he took inspiration from these people/eras (Fred Astaire, Jame Brown, etc), and these people loved Michael for taking what they had learned and always said he took it further. MJ also admired Mr. David Winters very much. Mr. Winters was in West Side Story. MJ loved this movie, Beat It and Bad were inspired from this movie. We should be happy that MJ tried to incorporate the classics into his performances instead of slandering them like this generation is doing. Just sayin.....

Beyonce also said many times how MJ inspiered her. Beside, admitting you were inspired by someone doesnt really change things much.

I agree beyonce has put a lot of Michael in her performances, but I don't think she should be discredited so much. I don't think anyone would call her a dancer. She does have an amazing voice though (IMO) and she's had a great career thus far.

What would be ideal as far as a performer? I typically hate on the copycats (like JT when he came on the scene), but some Michael copycat stuff is fun and a form of honor. Like when Destiny's Child added a little Beat It to the Bootylicious video. I also loved Chris Brown's tribute this year. What gets to me is when moves are taken without it being obvious who it originated from. Like watching Neyo...he takes SO Much from MJ (i.e. his performance on So You Think You Can Dance recently) but he does it in a way that I doubt many of his audience have a clue...I don't like when that happens.

When it comes to Beyonce, I guess I give her a little more leeway because she's always been a fan, spoke well about Michael, presented him awards, etc. She's also a woman, which adds a unique style to her MJ moves. We know Beyonce is not MJ and she's not trying to be. She's got her own persona and has been successful with it.

Other performers seem like they just want to be exactly like Michael, and that's when I get irritated.

From your standpoint, you could say that MJ wanted to be exactly like JB, Fred Astaire etc... Which we all know isn't true. It is impossible to be a dancer without being inspired by others. Some copy others more, some less. Some intetionally, some not.
At the end, it's really funny how MJ fans are oftenly saying how others copy MJ, but when MJ does, they say it's different, that it's not same...

EDIT: Nobody can't deny that MJ has come up with many original ideas and that he is the best dancer. All i'm trying to say is that he was, just like so many other artist, was inspired by many. And every MJ move you know is not necesarry his idead. Trying to fight about how other copy MJ is really pointless imo.
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From your standpoint, you could say that MJ wanted to be exactly like JB, Fred Astaire etc... Which we all know isn't true. It is impossible to be a dancer without being inspired by others. Some copy others more, some less. Some intetionally, some not.
At the end, it's really funny how MJ fans are oftenly saying how others copy MJ, but when MJ does, they say it's different, that it's not same...

I don't know how you came to that conclusion, because I was talking about Beyonce - not Michael. I never said Michael didn't copy. He was definitely influenced by those previous greats and incorporated their styles into his dance. But he put his own stamp on dance. He took dance to another level.

When people copy others without adding their own flavor into it, it doesn't advance the art. There are many singer/dancers out there today who fall into that category, where the outfits, moves, etc are unoriginal.

But I was discussing Beyonce, who I don't have an issue with.
Hold the phone Jeffery Daniel's may had showed the moonwalk and other moves to MJ but the moonwalk was around even before that! Y'all need to check you tube! And do it right! LOL I seen others on you tube do the moonwalk and other moves in black in white footage meaning before the 80's and MJ!

So that means that Jeffery Daniels was influenced/copied (whatever y'all want to call it) too! lol MJ just popularized these moves to more people WAY MORE PEOPLE! Added his own touch to them and other innovative moves of his own! Give the boy credit this is a good thing cause MJ was giving credit and mad respect to them and his appreciation too! OKAY?!

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