Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much

no MJ wouldnt be considered a copycat, because he knew what he was doing, what he did is use INSPIRATION to evolve himself into something greater than the greats. what beyonce is doing is flat out copying people left and right. watch the videos i posted up on the first page, proof doesnt lie my friend.

You took the words right out of my mouth!!
Some of you are just flat out reaching. :sigh:

Beyonce "copies" Mike, but when Mike "copies" someone it's called "inspiration". FOH. :smilerolleyes: He flat out swagger jacked the backslide. Or as blinded fans call it, "the moonwalk".

That video of her "copying" songs is called sampling. EVERY artist has done it. Clear example of reaching.

She did not "copy" anything from TII. This woman is on tour. Do you think she has 2 hours to sit and watch TII? Again, reaching.

Also the video she is shooting is ALICIA'S VIDEO. NOT HERS you silly fools. Blame Alicia, not Beyonce.
Ur childish LOL but hell you can think what you want to think. I proved a point by bringing some artists in a discussion and you run with it with "her kind"
"neo soul" or watever bullish you were on. Why dont u try backing up ur posts intelligently instead of making accusations that has nothing to do with the discussion and from out of the air.

You showed your true colors in the last post hun. I don't have time to argue with you people. I know how you people operate: "Neo-soul/underground artists are REAL artists who make REAL music". As if "real music" and "real artists" is a black and white concept. Music is music ignoramus. And then you dug yourself into a deeper ditch when you said "real artists" don't get respect in Hollywood. That was the icing on the cake. So Mike is not a real artists? Stevie? Madonna? Janet? Last time I checked media outlets have all called them music royalty. So where is your argument now hun? :blush: Don't get upset with me because your Q-list flop artists who struggle for Helium RIAA certifications don't get any recognition in Hollywood. Until you can put aside your distaste for successful artists who have worked hard for what they have and look at the world through YOUR EYES and not the clouded visions that you clearly see through, then I have nothing to say to you.

There is a clear difference between copying someone and using inspiration..I have seen performances where Beyonce' copies elements of other performances from other artists including Mike..I was very shocked when I saw this because I am a fan of hers..Yes she is inspired by Mike, but she doesn't take that inspiration and make it her own..Mike was inspired by James Brown, Jackie Wilson, and Fred Astaire but took them as inspiration and made it his own..I haven't seen any of Mike's performances stolen from another artist..including his favorites James, Jackie, and Fred..
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There is a clear difference between copying someone and using inspiration..I have seen performances where Beyonce' copies elements of other performances from other artists including Mike..I was very shocked when I saw this because I am a fan of hers..Yes she is inspired by Mike, but she doesn't take that inspiration and make it her own..Mike was inspired by James Brown, Jackie Wilson, and Fred Astaire but took them as inspiration and made it his own..I haven't seen any of Mike's performances stolen from another artist..including his favorites James, Jackie, and Fred..


Look familiar?

I'm not saying Mike 'stole' it but it was as inspired by Fred as much as Mike inspires Beyonce. I'm no huge fan of hers but she's probably the biggest talent the music world has had since Michael/Madonna/Prince.
Micheal has something to address lol

I done told beyonce to cut it out and meet in the hotel room I didn’t say mimic me so now I gotta push her off me
out of neverland you go>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>up up and awwwwwwwwway
You showed your true colors in the last post hun. I don't have time to argue with you people. I know how you people operate: "Neo-soul/underground artists are REAL artists who make REAL music". As if "real music" and "real artists" is a black and white concept. Music is music ignoramus. And then you dug yourself into a deeper ditch when you said "real artists" don't get respect in Hollywood. That was the icing on the cake. So Mike is not a real artists? Stevie? Madonna? Janet? Last time I checked media outlets have all called them music royalty. So where is your argument now hun? :blush: Don't get upset with me because your Q-list flop artists who struggle for Helium RIAA certifications don't get any recognition in Hollywood. Until you can put aside your distaste for successful artists who have worked hard for what they have and look at the world through YOUR EYES and not the clouded visions that you clearly see through, then I have nothing to say to you.


lol What are you rambling about now?
I showed my true colors just because I mentioned India Arie and Donell Jones in an arguement talking about CURRENT artists that make real music? lol The is just a MESSAGE BOARD which is a place for discussion and opinions. Why are you taking it seriously? If people take opinions on message boards seriously enough to label people that they DONT KNOW personally or in real life something seriously needs to be re- evaluated. You are petty as hell the discussion was OVER with.

No you sit down with all the crap you have been saying which really hasnt been much but immature antics.
You have a very misconception of a whole PAST arguement because your holding on to about four artists that I mention which is really really sad and its probably not going to change and my opinion is not going to change which is why there was no point in replying back to me. I listen to a wide range of artists and artists from different genres and different eras. I listen to artists that put out good music from which ever genre. This can be commercial or even non commercial I dont limit myself. However I dont allow myself to be brainwash by the media to tell me what is good music or what is bad music based off of awards or even sells.

The debate that we were talking about primarily focused on artists of TODAY... CURRENT commercial artists that play on the radio. I dont know why you would mention artists like Stevie, Janet or even Michael when they had nothing to do with the argument. There in a whole nother different category from the artists that play on the current rado, why you insist on mixing commercial crap with legends like Stevie Wonder and Michael I dont know The ARGUEMENT was never about them or comparing there talent or success because they exactly worked hard to get where there are during a time when the POPULAR INDUSTRY was different. Unlike alot of artists such as Beyonce and countless others who get awards, praise, recognition for not doing much of anything.

I mentioned artists like Erykah Badu and Jill Scott as an EXAMPLE to show that they are CURRENT and they exactly make better music than artists like Rihanna or Chris Brown that are commercial artists that was the comparision and a concept that was used to challege why awards shows are not relevant because they give awards to crap artists of TODAY that you failed to realize. There is nothing black or white about anything that I stated you are picking out what you choose to comprehend and understand. The original debate was about how the grammys are not relevant ANYMORE because they give out awards to CURRENT artists who do not deserve it that can not apply to a non commercial artist because grammys, mtv awards etc cater to the masses meaning mainstream artists.

So what is your point? What is your definition of success? Because Marvin Gaye only won one grammy in his lifetime but he has made countless classics and music that will last a lifetime longer than any artist playing on the radio today and he was heavily commercial in his prime. Awards, sells, etc is not a reflection of the quality of the music. It only means that ur popular and you are able to sell, this was mostly directed to the MAINSTREAM ARTISTS OF TODAY of this generation for the 80 million time. I have nothing against commercial artists that MAKE REAL MUSIC . Another part of our main discussion was that Beyonce was overrated which YOU AND I AGREED ON so why are you trying to debate with me, it was over and should have been over after that.

How can I possibly be upset with someone I dont know? lol I could care less what you say or what you even think of me which really shouldnt be much because you dont know me to.
And nobody is forcing you to reply back or even talk to me, YOU are doing that on your own if you dont wanna talk to me THEN DONT say a damn thing to me.. SIMPLE as that lol because frankly you are beyond immature and you dont have a clue about what your talking about. Instead of maturely making a point you go on with personal attacks from back to back in circles when your point still isnt across. There is no point in talking about this anymore. The arguement was over when you said you didnt want to talk to "my kind" and frankly I dont want to talk "ur kind", the end.
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Look familiar?

I'm not saying Mike 'stole' it but it was as inspired by Fred as much as Mike inspires Beyonce. I'm no huge fan of hers but she's probably the biggest talent the music world has had since Michael/Madonna/Prince.
Ok I never seen that..but what I'm trying to say is that she copies other artists a lot..I mean I could see her maybe copying someone once or twice like Michael, but she does it a first I though people were just hating on her, but now I see what they are talking about..the YouTube video that someone posted on here explains it all..MJ copied Fred Astaire for only Smooth Criminal, and that was it..I mean I know she is inspired but she shouldn't copy all of the time..I think she's very talented and one of my favorite artists..I just wish that she was more of an innovator..I see why people like Gaga so much..I'm not a fan, but I like the fact that she tries something different!
You showed your true colors in the last post hun. I don't have time to argue with you people. I know how you people operate: "Neo-soul/underground artists are REAL artists who make REAL music". As if "real music" and "real artists" is a black and white concept. Music is music ignoramus. And then you dug yourself into a deeper ditch when you said "real artists" don't get respect in Hollywood. That was the icing on the cake. So Mike is not a real artists? Stevie? Madonna? Janet? Last time I checked media outlets have all called them music royalty. So where is your argument now hun? :blush: Don't get upset with me because your Q-list flop artists who struggle for Helium RIAA certifications don't get any recognition in Hollywood. Until you can put aside your distaste for successful artists who have worked hard for what they have and look at the world through YOUR EYES and not the clouded visions that you clearly see through, then I have nothing to say to you.


woaw lets calm down a lil......
In that Fred Astaire video I see Billie Jean and Smooth Criminal elements. There are lots of videos on youtube that show various artists and dancers that MJ has taken some moves and ideas from. Some fans may be surprised, I know I was when I saw some of it. I could post them here but I :heart: Michael too much to be accused of hating on him...especially when he's no longer with us..and I don't really think it matters at all. Artists are influenced by each other, and I take it as a compliment that they want to imitate him, 'Imitation is the greatest form of flattery'. There are way more important things in life to care about.
I only see him being inspired by Fred Astaire in Smooth Criminal..and he took his inspiration and turned it into something great! But it's whatever..
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Some of you are just flat out reaching. :sigh:

Beyonce "copies" Mike, but when Mike "copies" someone it's called "inspiration". FOH. :smilerolleyes: He flat out swagger jacked the backslide. Or as blinded fans call it, "the moonwalk".

That video of her "copying" songs is called sampling. EVERY artist has done it. Clear example of reaching.

She did not "copy" anything from TII. This woman is on tour. Do you think she has 2 hours to sit and watch TII? Again, reaching.

Also the video she is shooting is ALICIA'S VIDEO. NOT HERS you silly fools. Blame Alicia, not Beyonce.

I think they're referring to her Grammy performance with all those men dressed in black army gear. TBH, It reminded me more of Janet's Rhythm Nation then anything else. Also her random pauses was very Janet a la TVR tour. You may be a fan of Beyonce but you got to admit she does "borrow" many ideas from various artists, writers and designers. Beyonce stays in some legal woes for it too :lol:



:hysterical::hysterical: :hysterical:
Michael Jackson always acknowledged everything he copied or we should say used. Because he used what he learned from other artists to create something brilliant.

There are about a million artists (around the world) who copy from Michael or other artists without saying they did. Just look at Justin Timberlake or Chris Brown, they are both known more as MJ wannabes then they are as individual artists!!!!!
Michael Jackson always acknowledged everything he copied or we should say used. Because he used what he learned from other artists to create something brilliant.

There are about a million artists (around the world) who copy from Michael or other artists without saying they did. Just look at Justin Timberlake or Chris Brown, they are both known more as MJ wannabes then they are as individual artists!!!!!

I agree!!
This woman is on tour. Do you think she has 2 hours to sit and watch TII? Again, reaching.

Why is that so hard to believe? If she loved MJ as much as she did, why wouldn't she carve out a good two hours to watch TII. Or at least watch parts of it and come back to watch the rest.
I only see him being inspired by Fred Astaire in Smooth Criminal..but it's whatever..

Of course its going to happen but there is such a thing as innovation and being original. When Michael was young, he watched James Brown and Jackie Wilson on T.V. and picked up there moves, thats how it starts out. It has to start from some where THEN he gradually became a pioneer and did his own thing. I cant stand how people say "well Michael was influenced by alot of artists" to compensate for the reason why alot of artists now copy one another. Being influenced by another artist and copying is two DIFFERENT things completely. Its a difference from being inspired by an artist versus from straight up swagger jacking somebodys material. When I look at Michael dance and his performances I have never in my life said, Wow Michael straight up copied James Brown or Fred Astair but I see how those performers have inspired him and this is something alot of performers need to understand. Having a good performance is one thing. Having a good performance that is original is another. Alot of singers nowadays arent really born "performers" it has become acceptable to dance or have some type of threatrical twist to in a performance while singing which is why performances are so wack.
I think they're referring to her Grammy performance with all those men dressed in black army gear. TBH, It reminded me more of Janet's Rhythm Nation then anything else. Also her random pauses was very Janet a la TVR tour. You may be a fan of Beyonce but you got to admit she does "borrow" many ideas from various artists, writers and designers. Beyonce stays in some legal woes for it too :lol:



:hysterical::hysterical: :hysterical:

I just think some ppl are grasping for straws and falling flat. I'm not denying that she borrows ideas, but some ppl like to make a double standard. For Beyonce it's considered "stealing", but for other artists it's considered "inspiration". :smilerolleyes:
lol What are you rambling about now?
I showed my true colors just because I mentioned India Arie and Donell Jones in an arguement talking about CURRENT artists that make real music? lol The is just a MESSAGE BOARD which is a place for discussion and opinions. Why are you taking it seriously? If people take opinions on message boards seriously enough to label people that they DONT KNOW personally or in real life something seriously needs to be re- evaluated. You are petty as hell the discussion was OVER with.

No you sit down with all the crap you have been saying which really hasnt been much but immature antics.
You have a very misconception of a whole PAST arguement because your holding on to about four artists that I mention which is really really sad and its probably not going to change and my opinion is not going to change which is why there was no point in replying back to me. I listen to a wide range of artists and artists from different genres and different eras. I listen to artists that put out good music from which ever genre. This can be commercial or even non commercial I dont limit myself. However I dont allow myself to be brainwash by the media to tell me what is good music or what is bad music based off of awards or even sells.

The debate that we were talking about primarily focused on artists of TODAY... CURRENT commercial artists that play on the radio. I dont know why you would mention artists like Stevie, Janet or even Michael when they had nothing to do with the argument. There in a whole nother different category from the artists that play on the current rado, why you insist on mixing commercial crap with legends like Stevie Wonder and Michael I dont know The ARGUEMENT was never about them or comparing there talent or success because they exactly worked hard to get where there are during a time when the POPULAR INDUSTRY was different. Unlike alot of artists such as Beyonce and countless others who get awards, praise, recognition for not doing much of anything.

I mentioned artists like Erykah Badu and Jill Scott as an EXAMPLE to show that they are CURRENT and they exactly make better music than artists like Rihanna or Chris Brown that are commercial artists that was the comparision and a concept that was used to challege why awards shows are not relevant because they give awards to crap artists of TODAY that you failed to realize. There is nothing black or white about anything that I stated you are picking out what you choose to comprehend and understand. The original debate was about how the grammys are not relevant ANYMORE because they give out awards to CURRENT artists who do not deserve it that can not apply to a non commercial artist because grammys, mtv awards etc cater to the masses meaning mainstream artists.

So what is your point? What is your definition of success? Because Marvin Gaye only won one grammy in his lifetime but he has made countless classics and music that will last a lifetime longer than any artist playing on the radio today and he was heavily commercial in his prime. Awards, sells, etc is not a reflection of the quality of the music. It only means that ur popular and you are able to sell, this was mostly directed to the MAINSTREAM ARTISTS OF TODAY of this generation for the 80 million time. I have nothing against commercial artists that MAKE REAL MUSIC . Another part of our main discussion was that Beyonce was overrated which YOU AND I AGREED ON so why are you trying to debate with me, it was over and should have been over after that.

How can I possibly be upset with someone I dont know? lol I could care less what you say or what you even think of me which really shouldnt be much because you dont know me to.
And nobody is forcing you to reply back or even talk to me, YOU are doing that on your own if you dont wanna talk to me THEN DONT say a damn thing to me.. SIMPLE as that lol because frankly you are beyond immature and you dont have a clue about what your talking about. Instead of maturely making a point you go on with personal attacks from back to back in circles when your point still isnt across. There is no point in talking about this anymore. The arguement was over when you said you didnt want to talk to "my kind" and frankly I dont want to talk "ur kind", the end.

I'm gonna need you to shorten this up because I am NOT reading any of this.
You know what I like that Beyonce gives MJ credit 4 his influence on her, however I do not like how she is overated too much. maybe if she can be a little humble I will be able to tolerate her.
She always give him credit, she always does Halo in tribute to Michael, ALWAYS at her concerts...

i think she is not overrated, she was not at my country.... she was here on last friday and was waaaaaaaaayyy underrated here:bugeyed, i was like hello?? this is Beyoncé you people!!! anyway...., unlike madonna, who was waaaaaaaaaaaaay overrated ridiculously overrated:bugeyed, we all know madonna has no talent, she has good PR but she is old anyway.... ugh...
1) That video of her "copying" songs is called sampling. EVERY artist has done it. Clear example of reaching.

2)She did not "copy" anything from TII. This woman is on tour. Do you think she has 2 hours to sit and watch TII? Again, reaching.

Also the video she is shooting is ALICIA'S VIDEO. NOT HERS you silly fools. Blame Alicia, not Beyonce.
1) That is true, sampling is very common today, i think is not very original you can sample some things but melodies, i wouldnt sample that much, a melody is too much (THIS IS MY OPINION ANYWAY) many artist use samples today sadly.

2) yes she does, she requires a DVD-blu-ray disc wherever she goes, and i think good artist look out great artist.



1) That is true, sampling is very common today, i think is not very original you can sample some things but melodies, i wouldnt sample that much, a melody is too much (THIS IS MY OPINION ANYWAY) many artist use samples today sadly.

2) yes she does, she requires a DVD-blu-ray disc wherever she goes, and i think good artist look out great artist.



1. Whenever you use a sample heavily, more than likely the melodies will mimic each other. And it should be obvious why.

2. And you know this how?
I betcha if we were talking about Beyonce copying Janet in here, then some of the people in here (some of the big Janet Fans) would take up for Janet instead..but when it's Michael, they take up for know who you are..If we say that Beyonce stole some things from Michael then we're (some of the Michael Fans) called crazy..smh!
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<------ Don't believe any artists "steals".
<------ Doesn't do double standards for the sake of "winning" an argument
<------ Doesn't give a damn.
<------ Believes you'll build a bridge and get over it.
1. Whenever you use a sample heavily, more than likely the melodies will mimic each other. And it should be obvious why.

2. And you know this how?

Because it was on her list of requisitions. :2cents:
God it takes 2 hours to watch a movie....:scratch:
I only see him being inspired by Fred Astaire in Smooth Criminal..and he took his inspiration and turned it into something great! But it's whatever..

I didn't watch the whole video but it the part I did I noticed the whole detective thing and leopard print on the floor thing and the models etc. like Billie Jean?

As I said there are videos on youtube which show where Michael took some of his moves and ideas from. I didn't know about it until someone from this site posted some of them in a thread months ago. I was surprised at some things, but I don't care. Michael is more than that.

If you want to see them you can ask me to post them but I'm not going to post them without being asked because that makes it seem like I'm trying to put Michael down on his own damn forum, and I would never want to do that, I'm just being honest about what I've seen. I wasn't receptive at first when someone showed me.


Beyoncé has been using military outfits since the days with Destiny's Child. TII has nothing to do with her use of military outfits.

Michael wasn't the first artist to wear military outfits, he wore it that stuff a lot and became assosiated with it (and looked damn hot), but he wasn't the first.

Michael Jackson always acknowledged everything he copied or we should say used. Because he used what he learned from other artists to create something brilliant.

There are about a million artists (around the world) who copy from Michael or other artists without saying they did.

Michael said many times the names of those who influenced him, I didn't hear him say 'I took this particular move from here, I took that idea from here' etc. Its the same way Beyonce says many times she admires and is influenced by Michael. She grew up watching him as a child, she watched him perform live, like Michael did with his idols. She acknowledges it, like Michael did.

If we say that Beyonce stole some things from Michael
I don't think people are denying some of the things she took from Michael, just some people aren't seeing it as a big negative deal.

Beyonce loved Michael and Michael loved Beyonce. People in this thread need to calm down a bit, especially with the personal attacks.
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Alot of ya'll are missing the point.

Why are people bringing up Michael Jackson in this thread? LOL It doesnt matter what inspiration Michael has gotten or who has inspried him throughout his career. EVERY artist has inspiration or gets influence by something or someone. However, Michael has shown that he can be innovative and ORIGINAL in his works. He has PROVEN that despite minor cases of finding inspirations from previous works, WHICH alot of artists do anyway it doesnt make him LESS of a innovator. Beyonce has NOT proven that and her cases of being inspried have been straight up copies of works which are different and she does it ALL the time. She does not create anything from her own ideas in a performance, dance hell even music but thats a different topic all together.

For example, Thriller is the biggest selling video ever lol which we all know. Why? because it was something that had not been done during the time, it was INNOVATIVE it was different and it still IS even today. Michael has brought so much innovation in music videos and in dance and in music which is why I find it crazy that people would even dare to compare him with Beyonce. Beyonce has not and the only reason why alot of people are quick to bring this to alot of peoples attention is because the media is brainwashing the public into thinking everything that she does is innovative when it has been done countless of times. It wouldnt be a issue if she wasnt so overrated but since media and even critics are giving her to much credit, the truth has to be said.

There is no singer or artist now that is doing anything that has not been done that is commercial.

There are plenty of artists who have done things and have never copied off of anybody so people saying well "everyone recyles" is not a good arguement.