Beyonce Copies MJ Waaaaaaay Too Much

Straw Man LOL wow I'll ignore the immature comment because I'm above that. Instead of calling out names why dont you try backing up your posts with facts instead of saying outlandish crap. So please explain to me how "Put a ring on it" or "Freakum Dress" any better? Its the same pathetic crap and its not even worth discussing anymore. Why dont you turn off the radio and exactly find other artists more creative artists to listen to such as Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, India Arie, Donnell Jones, etc and then your realize how dumb you were sounding. LOL Everybody knows what Beyonce does which is nothing. There was an article recently talking about how she write her name on the credits for songwriter credit when she doesnt write any of her music. Because she doesnt. She doesnt have any creative input. She is just a commercial puppet who dances around half naked and sings pop tunes. She is overrated and you agreed. So why are u still trying to debate something we agree with? Regardless if you like her music or not we both agree that she is overrated because she is and thats all the original thread question was asking.

It's clear you have no clue what "Straw Man" is. SMH.

You just showed your true colors here. I can see you're one of those ppl who think those neo-soul artists are underrated and make "real music", as if thee is ANY CONCRETE definition as to what "real music" is. I've learned debating/discussing anything with "you people" has proven to be superfluous, so I wont indulge. I LOL @ your personal attacks calling me dumb. Don't you know that ad hominem attacks in an argument invalidate your argument? It's clear you don't know that. Poor you. And for the record, I don't listen to the radio at all, and I listen to all of the artists you mentioned. Major fail on your behalf. See what happens when you make such uniformed ASSumptions?

Why dont you SLOW down and READ my posts instead of glancing over them. For the SECOND time, I stated that the industry was DIFFERENT for Michael and for Mariah when they were in there peaks. They were up against more competive artists and awards exactly gave out awards for artists that deserved them. During the new years 00's the industry had completely changed so therefore awards and the standards are going to change. Michael was well out of his peak in the new milenimum so I dont know what was the point in bringing him up. She has more grammys because she is popular and the Grammys standards have dropped to the point where they give out awards. Record labels now nominate albums by certain artists. Its not something "earned" The Grammys use to be a award show that was voted by the artists peers but who knows how its done foreal in todays industry. I know for one thing however, its not fair and its full of politics.

And you don't think there's competition now? As if Maxwell, Taylor Swift, Gaga, Kings of Leon, etc didn't have good material nominated. You sound so ignorant it's beyond laughable, and quite disturbing. Again, if the Grammys are based on popularity, why didn't Mike win any music Grammys for Bad or Dangerous? Janet was the biggest artist of 1990. She only won 1 Grammy for Rhythm Nation. The same can be said for Madonna during her Ray of Light days. Again, I predict you'll answer this question irrelevantly as you've done with others.

You saying that Michael, Aretha and Marvin opening the doors for Beyonce to win 6 grammys is ridiculous because they were legends that changed music and her winning has nothing to do with that because she did not earn her awards like they did. They worked hard for there success. She didnt have to because the industry is different. They give out awards.

I see the point sailed clear over your head. Those artists broke barriers so that artists of today, that are mainly Black, can get on the Grammy stage and sweep the awards....hence making it easier for them to get recognized for their work.

Nothing playing on the radio is original. But if you turn off the radio you will find alot of artists that are original some artists that I mentioned already. Hollywood is never going to give its due to the real artists. Only the commercial artists.

Oh girl you are just so lost it's becoming disgusting. Hollywood is never going to give due to the real artists...only commercial artists? It's these kinds of statements that cause insanity. You mean to tell me Madonna, Mike, Janet, Stevie Wonder, Alanis Morrisette, Christina Aguilera, and others aren't REAL artists? :mello: No offense, but you SOUND really stupid right now.

Laurn Hills album is classic COMPARED to Beyonces trash. Its been over a decade since it was released. Her album still inspires alot of hip hop artists and has impacted that genre. She won 5 grammys and she exactly deserved them. WHY DONT YOU LISTEN TO THE ALBUM FOR YOURSELF. Listen to the LYRICS. Look at the song writing credits you will see she wrote the songs herself. She plays an instrument and she produced her music. Beyonce hasnt realeased any classic material. ALL her music garbage.

You keep contradicting yourself and its really not worth discussing with you anymore.

I don't need to listen to the album toots, I HAVE IT ON CD. And I love how you ducked and dodged my point. NO ALBUM IS CONSIDERED CLASSIC THE MOMENT IT COMES OUT!.
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Great voice, but i agree she copies others. Any singer that is hot at the moment she copies. I think she assumes it will keep her career 'still in the game' to copy whatever is hot right now. If it looks like obvious copying, why bother, B? Everyone does a Michael move/whatever it seems, but she even takes whatever a new artist has that makes THAT artist unique and puts it in her routine! Get some creativity Beyonce! it was already obvious with her Tina Turner moves and Diana Ross complex in the group where it seemed the other girls had to speak a certain fake way so not to ruffle her OR her fathers feathers. (atleast thats what i saw.) Wheres Beyonces creativity on stage? hmm. i thought she was getting better as of lately, but then she does it again. ATTENTION grabber.
It's clear you have no clue what "Straw Man" is. SMH.

You just showed your true colors here. I can see you're one of those ppl who think those neo-soul artists are underrated and make "real music", as if thee is ANY CONCRETE definition as to what "real music" is. I've learned debating/discussing anything with "you people" has proven to be superfluous, so I wont indulge. I LOL @ your personal attacks calling me dumb. Don't you know that ad hominem attacks in an argument invalidate your argument? It's clear you don't know that. Poor you. And for the record, I don't listen to the radio at all, and I listen to all of the artists you mentioned. Major fail on your behalf. See what happens when you make such uniformed ASSumptions?

I can see that your arrogant and you dont want to face the facts and your beyond ridiculous. And how in the world can you say what kind of person I am? You dont know me. Me mentioning certain artists doesnt define me as a certain type of person. Your ridiculous and making stereotypes for no reason. Who brought Neo Soul up? YOU DID. I said underrated artists AND I mentioned some artists. Its up to you how you want to classify them as but that really wasnt the point. You started with the personal attacks and it doesnt matter what you intended the Straw Man comment to be I took how I thought it was presented to me and instead of saying you didnt mean it that way you go on with this other bullish that has nothing to do with the original question. And if you dont listen to the radio why are you making silly comments about the awards and the Grammys. I'm going by YOUR COMMMENTS thats all I can go by because I dont know you. Your making comments that makes it seems like you listen to mainstream music and that you have no idea thats it is just commercial crap. I still dont know why your trying to debate with me. We BOTH agree Beyonce is overrated. What is your point?

And you don't think there's competition now? As if Maxwell, Taylor Swift, Gaga, Kings of Leon, etc didn't have good material nominated. You sound so ignorant it's beyond laughable, and quite disturbing. Again, if the Grammys are based on popularity, why didn't Mike win any music Grammys for Bad or Dangerous? Janet was the biggest artist of 1990. She only won 1 Grammy for Rhythm Nation. The same can be said for Madonna during her Ray of Light days. Again, I predict you'll answer this question irrelevantly as you've done with others.

No there is no competition because if there were Beyonce would not win everything. You keep saying the same damn thing. Talk to me intelligently and not immaturely. You keep asking the same questions when they have already been answered.
No YOUR ignorant. We were not talking about NOMINATIONS. We were talking about winners and who won. Maxwell is a great artist and he exactly deserve to win alot of the categories that he was up for because he puts out good music. So now you want to say Beyonce is better than Mawxell, O you need help, turn off the radio. Beyonce is MORE popular than him and since the academy is based on that and since RECORD LABELS NOMINATED ALBUMS TO BE PUT ON THE PANEL , and its since its about politics he did not win.

For the 100 million time, Why do you keep bringing up Michael Jackson, Janet, Madonna etc. you bring them up as if there the ONLY great artists or legends in the world or to be nominated for a Grammy. During their music peaks they had other great competitors as well and OTHER great albums to compete with. The industry was DIFFERENT. So since Janet and Michael were great artists it doesnt mean EVERY single thing they came out with was going to win a Grammy or that the Grammys were going to give it to them. The Grammys have always slightly been biased because its based off the academy even when the industry was good.

I see the point sailed clear over your head. Those artists broke barriers so that artists of today, that are mainly Black, can get on the Grammy stage and sweep the awards....hence making it easier for them to get recognized for their work.

Nope the Point sailed over yours because thats rhetorical and did not have to be said.
Why bring that up? EVERYONE knows that... but you bring it up to compensate for Beyonce winning her awards just because Michael Jackson, Aretha, Marvin broke down barriers doesnt mean she can win everything she is nominated for? Thats dumb thinking. Her material has to be worthy of winning anything. Regardless of what color her skin is.

Oh girl you are just so lost it's becoming disgusting. Hollywood is never going to give due to the real artists...only commercial artists? It's these kinds of statements that cause insanity. You mean to tell me Madonna, Mike, Janet, Stevie Wonder, Alanis Morrisette, Christina Aguilera, and others aren't REAL artists? :mello: No offense, but you SOUND really stupid right now.

LOL I have to laugh because its funny. Because your ridiculous and your not reading any of my posts. THE GRAMMYS WILL NEVER GIVE ARTISTS THAT ARE OUT TODAY THERE DUE. Ive been saying this whole entire time the industry is different or did you miss that?Slow the hell down and read I was speaking on the INDUSTRY TODAY not the WHOLE entire music industry and past winners over the years. You keep bring up artists of the past and comparing why I dont know its irrelevant. We were only speaking on todays industry OR at least I was I dont know where your mind was... oh dear God...

I don't need to listen to the album toots, I HAVE IT ON CD. And I love how you ducked and dodged my point. NO ALBUM IS CONSIDERED CLASSIC THE MOMENT IT COMES OUT!.

LOL You writing in larger letters doesnt prove anything or mean anything hun
I didnt duck your point, you didnt read my post once again. I stated that it was over 10 years ago since the album was realeased, meaning Lauryn Hills album was NOT recently released Like the sasha firece album BUT I also said that Beyonce has yet to released any classic material that means that she released more albums besides sasha fierce. That means years has past and none of her previous albums are still being praised or influencing anything because she has yet to release quality classic material. Just "HITS" of today. I have to slow down because you seem to miss cruicial points.

ALL of that doesnt matter POINT BLANK... BEYONCE IS OVERRATED. She did not deserve those 6 Grammies that won. THE END. Dont debate with me because there is nothing to debate about. YOU already said that you thought she was overrated. Thats it period I AGREE with it. That was my whole point to begin with . I dont know what was the point of the other mess you were talking about.
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o wow!! I did not know this topic was gonna start a fight up in here!! but i do like wat u guys are saying very interesting view points!! keep em coming! but hey we're all on the same side lets be nice ;)
Beyonce won those awards because those awards were given to her, she didnt earned them. The Grammys are a joke and RECORDS dont mean ISH if there isnt anything to back them up with. Her music is garbage and she is very overrated and oveexposed.

She always copies from people and always gets credit for it. This isnt anything new.


That Single Lady song is the most repetitive lyrical song I have ever heard and to win an award for it not mater who it comes from, is ridiculous. She also covers many artists songs during shows and on albums. Her cover of Alanis' "You Oughta Know" was horrible to say the least.
wow i saw the 3 parts on beyonce copying on youtube damn how disappointing! I understand inspiration which on some clips she clearly is inspired but there are some that was straight up copying like Kylie, britney and shakira parts damn! O__O
I think some of the comparisons i dont really get, like comparing Aaliyah's more than a woman with check on it ? I think im being stupid and missing something?

I CANT BELIEVE that they didnt show Beyonce's "If I were a boy" being a complete rip of Ciara's "Like a Boy" even the whole black and white theme!
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Oh daaaamn i never knew she straight out copied the angel form from Michael's Will You Be There peformances.

There is a difference between being inspired and taking an aspect and making it your own by placing your own stamp on it. But Beyonce lacks that creativity and orginality and takes other peoples ideas and just uses them.

The girl needs to take a few years off! She releases an album after every 2 years because she wants to keep on remaining relevant because her music alone is not doing that for her. She also needs to start writing her OWN songs - instead of using 4/5 writers per song and sticking her name on at the end as a co-writer. How did she get co-writing credit for the song Halo when exactly the same song was given to Leona Lewis by Ryan Tedder who turned down the song which was then given to Beyonce?
If anything she reminds me more of Janet. The whole performance was very Rhythm Nation.
I watched this video then watched the Grammys where she came out with all the soldiers like the ones from This is It haha

OMG :\
She didn't copy Britney Spears did she? All I can say is why? Isn't it illegal to say you co-wrote something and you didn't. I do think she needs to take a break.
Holy, you guys are writing essays up in here... xD

I was through when she made that comment about Erykah, Jill, etc. Clearly she's one of those ppl who think neo-soul artists make "real music" and are "real artists" (as if there's any concrete definition as to what "real music" is). I don't have time to argue with her kind. :sleep:
Oh daaaamn i never knew she straight out copied the angel form from Michael's Will You Be There peformances.

There is a difference between being inspired and taking an aspect and making it your own by placing your own stamp on it. But Beyonce lacks that creativity and orginality and takes other peoples ideas and just uses them.

The girl needs to take a few years off! She releases an album after every 2 years because she wants to keep on remaining relevant because her music alone is not doing that for her. She also needs to start writing her OWN songs - instead of using 4/5 writers per song and sticking her name on at the end as a co-writer. How did she get co-writing credit for the song Halo when exactly the same song was given to Leona Lewis by Ryan Tedder who turned down the song which was then given to Beyonce?
LOL I forgot that song was first given to Leona...lmao, how the f**k does she get away with ish like that?
I watched this video then watched the Grammys where she came out with all the soldiers like the ones from This is It haha

OMG :\

That was on purpose. They were the outfits.

mjscarousal - its obvious you don't like beyonce, you don't need to trash her in every thread. It gets tiring.
Been a fan of Beyonce for a while. I always known she copied off of others. I'm wondering when she's going to rip off that cirque de soleleil move that Pink did in the Grammy's. LOL
I've been a Beyoncé since I was 8 :D ... I fell in love with her music whan I first saw "Crazy In Love" on TV...

first of all, I'm not mad if someone doesn't like her or her music and posts his/her thoughts... I'm not that kind of fan that if someone only talks his/her opinion on somethin' (and it ain't quite a pleasant one) I won't listen or start fighting... I think everyone has the right to say what he/she thinks without beinh judged for his/her belief ;) ...

I think she's a great artist and a great entertainer... Michael is the King of Music for me, and Beyoncé is the Queen (that's only my personal opinion :) ) ... what I love about both is that they don't sing music, they live it, they feel it... they give 110% on stage :D ... and she always sings LIVE and her voice is so powerful, so beautiful :wub: ...

I've seen she does copy a lot of things, like the robotic glove - Kylie Minogue, some of the songs, the clothing, Ring the Alarm video, the Destiny's Child stage jump & how thay take off the sunglasses -Michael Jam, the VMA 2006 performance - Michael Jam, the Grammy 2010 performance - TDCAU, the angel and crying in Flaws & All - Michael Will You Be There, etc... she even does the Michael Jackson kick in Sweet Dreams :lol: ... she says she loves it :D ...

she has always been a Michael fan :) ... I know he does copy him a lot but in my opinion it's her way to show us her love for Michael... and she sang some very touching tributes to him :cry: ... like Halo or I Can't Help It... they got me cryin' :cry: ...

here's a 5 year old Beyoncé who can't wait to see Michael in a Bad Tor '88 Houston concert and dancin' on TWYMMF :lol: ...

and here she says some funny stories with Michael :lmao: :
Im fine with Beyonce, she can do it, is the only woman who can do it... she has always pay him tribute, always (since Michael was alive, Michael for sure noticed :lol: and im sure he loved it) its not a hidden thing or anything and she does it perfect in a femenine way.

Michael admired her a lot, its well known, and she has never denied her admiration over Michael, so i persoanlly have no problem

Its amazing cause im not easy to impress, not at all, but she does it, not like Michael, but Michael is unique and even she knows that, everybody knows that, every wise person knows it...

They are simmilar, hard perfectionist workers, talented, and they just want to be better.

One more little detail, she is a virgo, just like Michael...
Beyonce is here in Brazil. She has closed every show singing "Halo" in homage to Michael.
She can't help it if she copies and I don't blame her. MJ's impact on music is so profound that an entertainer such as Beyonce can't help but imitate :)
Oh my goodness! I just saw the videos posted on page 1. WOW. I had no idea. That woman has absolutely no substance in her work. See? That's why I said earlier, I just don't feel any of these new mainstream acts. Something never clicked right. Like energy wise. It always felt insincere.
And I just can't seem to debate the videos I saw. They're quite shocking and revealing. And she always claimed that everything she did came from within her and not anyone else. Clearly thats a false statement.
She even did the Kylie "Metropolis" act. Thats just wow.
Get your own material girl and show some respect. Doing tributes is one thing. But those weren't tributes. Those were straight rips. lol. damn... You don't deserve those grammys. Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh but it really loses meaning when you just hand out grammys to anyone for anything. Back in the days, those things were EARNED.
Pity how times changed everything. :-(

Oh well. Welcome to the 2000's folks.
She can't help it if she copies and I don't blame her. MJ's impact on music is so profound that an entertainer such as Beyonce can't help but imitate :)

No no hun... look at the videos. She didnt just copy MJ. This woman went on a crusade! LOL
She's got stuff from just about every popular artist and even some from waaaaay back. Check out all 3 videos from the first page. Its pretty crazy. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought it was just hate talk. But those videos don't lie. lol. :doh: