Beijing 2008

Thanks Hanna :flowers:

You can call me: L.J-the-great-one-who-is-also-the-best-mod-ever-and-we-are-all-unworthy-of-the-great-ones-presence


:giggle: I joke :D

dangerous_88, I'm afraid as long as the Olympics has an international audience, there will always be those who abuse that window or oppurtunity. I personally believe that all political parties should not be allowed to speak at the Olympics It should be just pure sport for the 16 days of competition. Maybe with a world summit before or after the event to capitalise on world interest but yeah no politics whatsoever for 16 days... but sadly my views are that of an athlete and not of a political party LOL
In my opinion, Phelps didn't win that one!

But in the video they released, from the underwater image, you can see Phelps touching the wall first.

The thing is, they only released the video four hours after they got out of the water.
It's too much. Why four hours?? It's VERY suspicious to me, since we could all see in the live footage from over the water that the other swimmer was in front of Phelps...

But anyway, I guess the mystery will remain... And Phelps is still the biggest medalist ever.

What other cheats are you referring to, L.J? :unsure:
Hmm.. the weirdest thing happened: I didn't even know until this day that Estonia has the same national anthem than Finland! :eek:
They were just playing Finland's anthem and I thought we had won another gold :)wild:) but then I saw it was some Estonian guy... :mello:
WooooooOooOoOwwww Usain Bolt is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wild: :wild: :wild:
Seems like he can't believe himself either he did a new world record :D

My mum annoys me soooo much she's always so suspicious and ruins my olympic-mood saying that "he can't be clear, that's not possible without doping, i don't believe" blah blah blah blah.

edit: Poor Wallace Spearman :no:
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Hmm.. the weirdest thing happened: I didn't even know until this day that Estonia has the same national anthem than Finland! :eek:
They were just playing Finland's anthem and I thought we had won another gold :)wild:) but then I saw it was some Estonian guy... :mello:

Really??!!! How can that happen???... I don't get it.:mello:

I searched for it on youtube and there is an angry quarrelling... who had it first...

It's really interesting. First I thought that maybe they made a mistake in China and they played Finland's anthem instead of Estonia's... but it turned out that these countries have the same anthem! :eek:
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What other cheats are you referring to, L.J? :unsure:

Well the truth of the matter is we have been watching drug assisted olympics for many years now. Most athletes that I have spoken to over the years are fairly sure that their opponents are on something and most have witnessed first hand evidence of drug cheating.

To me this year's cheats include things like:
A chinese judge on the panel of events where the chinese have a competitor already in the event (the judges should be neutral) I was watching the synchronoised diving and when Japan did their performance the lowest points came from China. And when China competed the highest points came from China.
The fella who beat Grant Hackett in the 1500m freestyle... this guy was banned from swimming after testing positive a few years ago... but he was only banned for 2 years. What is 2 years to elite olympic level athlete? they can just train for 2 years and then still be able to make it into an Olympic event... disgusting in my opinion, if the IOC really want to send a strong message that doping is NOT ok they should start using serious ban times on every athlete as opposed to just handing out these pathetic slaps on the wrists.
But I think the reality is if they were to start being serious about drugs in sport (which they have yet to demonstrate that they are) and if they decided to get real with athletes... then most of this years competitors would not be there, about 80% or more of the entire athletics field currently in would not be competiting if the IOC really cracked down on drugs in sport... and with a percentage that high... that's probably why they're so hesitant on getting off that political fence they sit on.
Whilst it is exciting to watch athletes break world records, it's not so exciting to watch athletes die young from drug related problems, or to become sterile, or to develop other life diminishing effects just for the sake of olympic glory.
Who cares about freakin' Michael Phelps? The star of this games is Usain Bolt. WOW. What this guy just accomplished is WAY more impressive then what Phelps did. He broke the unbreakable record! 19.30. And AGAINST a head wind. DAMN. This guy right here is the greatest sprinter that ever lived and he hasn't reached his potential yet, not nearly. World records in the 100 and 200! By such huge margines. People don't understand what that means. The first since Carl Lewis to double in those two events and the first EVER to get world records in both at an Olympics. Phelps who? Usain Bolt is THE man. Whew!
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^^^yeah, it's impressive what he's achieved... though I'm really sceptic...:unsure:
Don't be. He's one of those athletes who volunteers himself to drug tests. He isn't doping, I'm sure of it, and there's really no point in questioning every acomplishment of extraordinary standing. There ARE athletes that talented and Usain has been showing a lot of promise for a long, long time. PED's wont give you THAT kind of edge. Only a sh*t load of talent will, combined with hard work and dedication.

Usain is the perfect sprinter, essentially. People don't understand. He combines huge stride length with super fast foot turnover, taking about 4 strides fewer then his next closet opponent in the 100. That equals a far more effecient running machine. He's incredible. Big strides plus fast foot turnover equals the world record holder, plain and simple. Very few sprinters have both, especially as perfectly balanced as him. In fact, no one has it as perfectly balanced as Usain Bolt.
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Don't be. He's one of those athletes who volunteers himself to drug tests. He isn't doping, I'm sure of it, and there's really no point in questioning every acomplishment of extraordinary standing. There ARE athletes that talented and Usain has been showing a lot of promise for a long, long time. PED's wont give you THAT kind of edge. Only a sh*t load of talent will, combined with hard work and dedication.

Usain is the perfect sprinter, essentially. People don't understand. He combines huge stride length with super fast foot turnover, taking about 4 strides fewer then his next closet opponent in the 100. That equals a far more effecient running machine. He's incredible. Big strides plus fast foot turnover equals the world record holder, plain and simple. Very few sprinters have both, especially as perfectly balanced as him. In fact, no one has it as perfectly balanced as Usain Bolt.

Great post. I try to believe in him and in you.:) It seemed to me that he could have been even better at the 100 m. Don't you think?
Bolt was fantastic, but I can't agree with saying Phelps who? Michael Phelps has done an amazing feat and he's just a fantastic swimmer all round he deserves the recognition he's getting.

I loved how Bolt came out to do the sprint and the commentator is all "I'd imagine he's quite nervous right now with this being his first Olympic event" and then the camera goes back on him and he's all pumped and making poses and stuff :rofl:

Nic, you're right he is a running machine :yes:

It's terrible that we all have that moment these days where we go "gee I hope he isn't on anything" But that is the state we're in and until the drug scandals are cleaned up it's going to stay that way for a bit. Though I do think any athlete who always volunteers to be tested is probably well and truly clean.
The last 4 gold medal sprint winners have all tested positive...... so if Bolt is the first one in 4 years to break a record and win a gold without drugs, then that's the ultimate arguement against drugs :kickass2:
Great post. I try to believe in him and in you.:) It seemed to me that he could have been even better at the 100 m. Don't you think?

I'm positive he can run in the 9.5s. He let up with 20 meters to go and since this is his first year running the 100, he doesn't even have proper technique down yet. He can go MUCH faster. He's freakish.

L.J., I don't mean to put Phelp's down, he's incredible and does deserve the recognition. But Bolt's feats are more impressive, imo and he deserves just as much recognition if not more.

Again, I'm positive Usain isn't doping. He's just raw talent. PED's won't give you that much of an edge. That's talent right there. And if everyone's doping, it negates any advantage it might give in the first place. I just don't think it's right to question every great athletic achievement. Michael Johnson wasn't using and he ran 19.32, something most considered 20 years ahead of it's time when he did it. This isn't impossible what Bolt's done, it's just extraordinary and remarkable.
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Really??!!! How can that happen???... I don't get it.:mello:

I searched for it on youtube and there is an angry quarrelling... who had it first...

It's really interesting. First I thought that maybe they made a mistake in China and they played Finland's anthem instead of Estonia's... but it turned out that these countries have the same anthem! :eek:
It's true, and Finland had it first! I don't know why Estonia didn't get their own when they became Independent... it's questionable situation, seems almost like Estonia wants to be part of Finland..

Yay our ALL 3 javelin throwers made it to the final! So I'm pretty sure we'll have at least 1 medal there.
Also our kayaking pair Rikala/Mikkonen made it to the final... :clapping:
It's getting clearer and clearer that Hungarian athletes are damned....:sad:

I just can't believe what I could see during this Olympic Games....:sad:

In every game we were about to succeed... then we failed... :sad:

They said we would get at least 4-5 medals in fencing (one of them gold) - nothing

They said we would get some medals in wrestling, boxing, judo... - nothing

They said we would get a medal in waterpolo women - nothing
(L.J. I saw your coach's hand where he wrote: "we can't be beaten". The difference between your team and our team is that your players believed in it, while ours didn't.)

They said we would get a medal in penthatlon - all our two competitors fell off the horses....

Today there will be the match for our handball women team. They will fighting against Russia to be in the semifinal... I don't have any hopes...:sad:

I don't have faith in our waterpolo men team though they are the reigning Olympic Champion in waterpolo (both in 2000 and in 2004). Something would happen there, too.

It's true, and Finland had it first! I don't know why Estonia didn't get their own when they became Independent... it's questionable situation, seems almost like Estonia wants to be part of Finland..

Yay our ALL 3 javelin throwers made it to the final! So I'm pretty sure we'll have at least 1 medal there.
Also our kayaking pair Rikala/Mikkonen made it to the final... :clapping:


All our kayaking (K-1 men, K-1 women, K-2 men, K-2 women, K4-men, K4-women - in 500 m) and canoe (1000 m and 500 m - C-1, C-2) teams and individuals (except one) are in the final!!!
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Oh Kinga don't lose the faith yet! :better:

Your waterpolo team has a very good chance in winning since it's reigning champion, right?

And who knows, anything can happend so maybe your handball team makes it also to the semifinals and even to the finals - you just have to believe :clapping: :clapping:
^^^Thanks Hanna for the words of cheer. You are too kind.:)

I believed in them but now I just can't take it that nothing succeed. Slowly all our hopes are vanished. It's so nerve-racking.:(
No problem :)
I know, that sucks when you have expected medals and then you got nothing :mello:

Did you see the first lots in men's 4x100m?? :bugeyed USA is OUT, Poland is OUT (weren't they pretty big candidate for medalists?) :no:
I felt so sorry for Gay when he dropped the stave :( These olympics haven't gone so well for him...

And in men's triple jump, Igor Spasovkhodskiy's (what a name :bugeyed ) third try and his coach's face after the jump :lol:
LOL it was so funny :D
Of course our handball team lost the match against Russia, so we couldn't make it to the final. We have to fight for the bronze medal....

I think the biggest problem is that our players are weaker mentally and physically than the Russian handball or the Australian waterpolo team. That sucks...:no::(
Oh.. sorry Kinga :(
But there's still the waterpolo team! ;)

Thanks!!! Hopefully, yes. :yes:

... and there are our kayak and canoe teams!!!! I hope we will get the gold medals (and other medals) tomorrow! There will be 6 finals tomorrow and there are at least 3 where Hungarians are favorites for gold! (but better if I don't say anything... let's wait and see...) At other finals it's possible to collect some other medals also! Gooooo Hungarians!!!!

Hanna, when will be the javelin final?
Javelin final is on Saturday!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Our time it starts at 2.00pm but I don't know what's it in your time..? :unsure:
OMG Kinga, i can not believe, Attila Vajda just won our first gold in canoe-1 1000 meter. :D:clapping::wild::clapping::wild::clapping:
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OMG Kinga, i can not believe, Attila Vajda just won our first gold in canoe-1 1000 meter. :D:clapping::wild::clapping::wild::clapping:

Yeah!!!! I'm almost in tears!!!!! It was amazing!!!! Go Hungarians!!!!

Edit: we have a silver medal in kayak-4 - women - 500 m. Congrats to Katalin Kovács, Gabriella Szabó, Danuta Kozák and Natasa Janics!!!


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Yeah!!!! I'm almost in tears!!!!! It was amazing!!!! Go Hungarians!!!!

Edit: we have a silver medal in kayak-4 - women - 500 m. Congrats to Katalin Kovács, Gabriella Szabó, Danuta Kozák and Natasa Janics!!!


See? It's not over 'til it's over! :yes:

Did you guys see who won women's diving (10m I think?) She was like 15 years old!!! It's crazy how that young can be so good! I have to admit if I was that girl who came 2nd I would have felt a bit bitter after losing for a 15-year-old... :mello:
Yeah!!!! I'm almost in tears!!!!! It was amazing!!!! Go Hungarians!!!!

Edit: we have a silver medal in kayak-4 - women - 500 m. Congrats to Katalin Kovács, Gabriella Szabó, Danuta Kozák and Natasa Janics!!!



so exciting! and the day has not even ended yet:wild:
i have just checked we jumped from like 41 to 29 place on the medal list :D
(well comparing that on previous Olympics we were also among the first 5...not that good, but still at this one in Beijing cool :yes:)

The One: i did not see the diving, was it just right now? in our Hungarian channel they are just airing the canoe and kayak, but i will check it online. Was it a Chinese girl who won it? And do you know something about the 14 year old boy Thomas Daley? I think he has one more diving today
The One: i did not see the diving, was it just right now? in our Hungarian channel they are just airing the canoe and kayak, but i will check it online. Was it a Chinese girl who won it? And do you know something about the 14 year old boy Thomas Daley? I think he has one more diving today
Oh sorry I forgot to add, yes she was Chinese girl and this happened yesterday :)

I think I know Thomas Dailey, if he's the American? I don't rememebr his name but someone young boy I've heard of too..