Authorities: There's Never Been Evidence Michael Jackson Was A Pedophile!

It's very unfair. They don't know the fact and they don't want to know the true.
I don't understand that.
And on another note... does anybody know if there is any truth in the fact that Jordy told the truth in the end He old the truth privatly to friends but not publically

Yeah, it was done only privately. .. Cowardice 'rules'. .. Not sure about Arvizo.. Those fam members are too venomous and brainwashed to be true. ..

I agree that b@$^@#& should rot in hell like his father already has. But the those Arivo's b@$^@#%s should rot severely in hell. I wish they're dead right now.

But you know what, media killed Michael Jackson and now THEY REGRET IT, Michael Jackson was a person that secured sells of magazines, now they only have little celebrities who love to be on tabloids and do aeverything to be on them..., and let me tell you this, they will never sell like Michael Jackson,

if they (Media)would have treated Michael OK, they would
be NOW COVERING Michael's life or next album, or anything, Michael shopping for books because Michael was SO magnetic, and when they would talk good stuff about him they would sell the most, but it was like for some reason they decided to BELIEVE that bad news on Michael would sell more, when in fact it was NOT TRUE

And now they lost Michael Jackson... thats what i call STUPIDITY.... and of course they are and were the ones who destroyed him....i fcking hate them.

It's no wonder all these retards believe ever word the media said that they hurt Michael and keep at it, it's no wonder Michael's gone. They destroyed his life.

I think at the time of 1993 michael may have felt there was no choice but to settle. With all the false crap that was going round within the media at that time it seemed like ppl had already made up their minds bout michael and didnt care bout the truth.

It's no wonder people who used to love Michael then turned their backs on him. They're nothing but freakin' TRAITORS!

Wow I wish I could say the same. I hear comments at work or just out and about saying Michael was a p****** (I hate seeing that word in the same sentence as Michael). It breaks my heart, I wish I could live somewhere like you.

Nothing pisses me off more when people make p******** jokes about Michael. I always defend Michael, and I tell them straight facts. I've only ever had 3 people tell me that he was a p-word and fortunately I've convinced those 3 otherwise. But you know what? I find that the people who bring this up do it to aggravate us, not because they actually think it's true. My friend's boyfriend (one of the above 3) used to always send me stupid pictures of MJ with disgusting one liners just to piss me off. At first it did, but the minute I stopped outwardly getting mad about it he stopped sending me those photos and told me he did it just to see how I'd react.

We have to beat them at their own game!

You finally use the censor thing, I've been telling you guys that, like I censored m*********n, everytime I hear that on the news, they tried to mess with my head think about Michael this way. I still wish those god forbidden words haven't been invented.

People who makes jokes about all this crap are just retards anyways.
I wish Jordan would tell the truth publicly. It would be such an important step towards vindicating Michael.
It would be.. but people will always think that they want regardless of the truth. They'd say he was bought off or something

There would always be haters, that's true. Hell, some of them are saying Michael molested Brett Barnes, Macaulay, Wade Robson, when they were on the stand testifying he didn't. So yeah, these type of delusional psychopaths would always come up with some excuse to hate him and accuse him. However I truly believe if Jordan confessed these groups would become marginalized very much. I think for most people a confession from Jordan would be an important turning point. I don't think many believe Gavin anyway, so Jordan is the more important one to confess in my opinion.
I think that if I knew as little as some people and only saw the outside, I'd believe it too. My problem is with those people who have had the truth explained to them, shown all the documents, the videos, the articles, etc who still insist he was guilty. My big problem is with those people
Very sad situation here, but we can only do the best we can to bring the truth about. Sometimes I wish I could hire a detective to track down Jordan, but I think he changed his name.
I think that if I knew as little as some people and only saw the outside, I'd believe it too. My problem is with those people who have had the truth explained to them, shown all the documents, the videos, the articles, etc who still insist he was guilty. My big problem is with those people

My problem is with all of them!

First the people who know he is not guilty and just don't care and keep spreading the lies because they get a kick out of it, like the media! Those kinds in my opinion work for the Devil! Cause u don't play with something like that and act like u care for the children! :mello:

And the people who don't know much or nothing at all really tick me off just as much! Because if ya don't know then u really shouldn't talk! Who is so stupid to talk negative about something they don't have a clue about? o_O I know...only an @$$! lol

Those are the ones I like to embarrass...sorry but, I do and have! :D Serves them right!:innocent:
I find that the people who bring this up do it to aggravate us, not because they actually think it's true.
There are this kind of people yes. Some of them just do it for the sake of the "joke" and to piss us off but don't want to get a serious conversation about it.
I think you guys are fortunate. It is a quite common assessment of MJ. At work, when speaking about him, the concensus is that he was a very talented pedophile. There are many who are not just out to bash him and recognize his talent and will stay say they think he is guilty. The fact that fans have to constantly fight against this notion shows how prevalent this thinking is.

Saying he is talented is not like saying the sky is blue. Believe it or not, there are many people who don't even give him credit for that. Also, there are people who are not haters who think he did it. In my family for instance, there are members who think he is guilty. But they also think he is the stuff. They would be there front and center if he came on TV. There is a friend of mine who is a huge MJ fan. She defends him against peiople at work. But when I talk to her one on one, she infers that we really don't know what happened and he could be guilty. I was like, "What the heck is that?"

I think people's feelings towards MJ were complicated. You do find the straight haters who just want to hate. And, for them no matter what he does, they will always hate and he will always be guilty. Then you have thismiddle ground of people who think, "Where there's smoke there's fire". These have also been conditioned by the media who tells them he is guilty. There are a lot of those. Plus, pedophilia is very sensitive. You have people who were die hard fans, who have children, and they felt personally betrayed by MJ when he was accused. Some of think think that even if he was not guilty, he bought this upon himself by questionable behavior.

My co workers will often site his behavior. Or, just state how wierd he was. Or, state how he settled with the boy for so much money. Or, say he was mental and a child himself. That is why it is important to be didligent about this and let people know the facts. Many of the things these middle of the road people pit against MJ can be readily refuted if we know the facts ourselves.

We have the Internet, we are the MJ community and we have the power to defend MJ on the Internet, thats our power, what else we can use against medialoid???
They were powerful when the Internet was new, with undiscovered possibilities and chances to change something, its simply works now.

But if MJ fans are passive, inactive and only satisfying their passions only on MJ boards among themselves... denying the Internet hype about allegations and claiming that the morons/haters can say whatever but MJ was/is still innocent... it is pointless.

have you read this?|head
The same duality was evident on NBC's "Today" show, where one moment Matt Lauer and Meredith Vieira were describing how Jackson was the most compelling entertainer they had ever seen.
Later, writer Maureen Orth, a guest on the show, told Lauer that Jackson had ruined the lives of families and children, and she cast doubt on the justice of his acquittal.
"But I did love his music," Orth added.

Id call it "intellectual masturbation"

We have to be active...

I don't know anybody in real life who thinks Michael is guilty of child molestation but I've had plenty of debates about it on the internet. Usually I can tell pretty soon whether someone is a plain hater or if this person just doesn't know all the facts. In the first case, I don't even bother arguing because it's a waste of my time and the chances of convincing a hater to change his/her mind are close to 0. But if someone believes MJ could be guilty just because of misinformation, I try to state the facts and in some cases, I've managed to change their mind. My experience tells me that in order to convince people of your argument, it's very important to remember the following things:

1. Always stay calm and polite. Avoid sarcasm and condescension, as that leads to defensiveness from your opponent. Thus, do not say things like "you are brainwashed" or "you'll believe anything the tabloids write". Nobody likes to hear that. Rather, point out that the mainstream media has not reported truthfully on the cases and compare official court documents with the media's accounts. Make sure you are well-informed yourself and have all the necessary information ready to counter any opposing arguments. Again, do not use sarcasm like "Hahaha" no matter how ridiculous an argument is, that tends to get on people's nerves.
2. Do not praise Michael too much, this makes you appear fanatic and damages your credibility. Try to stay factual rather than emotional and especially avoid statements like "Michael was an angel on earth" or "Michael was a genius", which are irrelevant to the argument. If somebody insults Michael, do not respond angrily or upset, just ignore this person (when it is obvious he/she is a hater or a troll) and try to spend your energy on people who are worth it.
3. Limit yourself to sources that are verified and authoritive. Do not claim Chandler publicly admitted that he lied as this can easily disproven by your opponents and that damages your credibility. Also do not use statements by people who have previously said bad things about Michael because this will most likely be brought up and you will be accused of being selective (i.e. "why do you believe Jermaine when he says MJ is not a pedo but you don't believe him when he said MJ didn't want to be white?").

Good luck :)

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Micheal Jackson Accuser Jordan Chandler in Court Against Dad

Written by queenw on <noscript>2009-06-28T04:34:28


A strange turn of events among the peripheral people in Michael Jackson&#8217;s odd world has taken place.
According to court papers obtained by this column, the young man who, in 1994, settled with Michael Jackson for $20 million was allegedly physically assaulted last year by his own father.
Jordan Chandler, now 26, filed a request for a restraining order against his father on August 5, 2005. The reason for the order was that Evan Chandler, formerly a dentist and an aspiring screenwriter, had allegedly hit Jordan over the head from behind with a twelve and a half pound weight. He&#8217;d also allegedly sprayed him in the face with mace and tried to choke him.
The two men, according to court papers, were living together in a luxury apartment in New Jersey.
The bizarre case was remanded to trial by a pair of appellate judges on June 8th of this year. This followed a reversal of the restraining order by another judge who felt that Evan Chandler&#8217;s actions did not represent a pattern of abuse and didn&#8217;t qualify as domestic abuse. The appellate judges disagreed, reinstated the restraining order, and sent the case to trial.
These last judges sounded a little surprised in their ruling that the restraining order had been lifted in the first place. &#8220;The judge also found that the weight could cause serious bodily injury or death,&#8221; they wrote, indicating that they felt Evan Chandler meant to harm his son.
This means that soon enough Evan and Jordan Chandler will be in a public dispute in a New Jersey courtroom. For Jackson watchers, this is nothing short of shocking: the Chandlers have done everything possible to remain out of the public eye since settling with Jackson in 1994 for a little over $20 million.
In what has now been a much-reported story, Jordy Chandler, then 12 years old, alleged that Jackson molested him on numerous occasions between 1991 and 1994. His uncle, Ray Chandler, published a book about the case in 2005, as did Jackson&#8217;s longtime PR man, Bob Jones. Both books detailed Jackson&#8217;s inappropriate relationship with the boy; Ray Chandler&#8217;s book also recounted the negotiations with Jackson&#8217;s attorney, Bert Fields, and his investigator, Anthony Pellicano, by which his brother and nephew got the $20 million.
At the time of this episode, Evan Chandler was divorced from Jordy&#8217;s mother, June, who had custody of their son and conceded that she&#8217;d let Jackson sleep in the boy&#8217;s room in her house for months without supervision. Jackson was then about 35 years old. Subsequently, June Chandler was cut off from her son and as of last year had not seen or spoken to him in a dozen years. She testified to all of this in Jackson&#8217;s 2005 child molestation trial.
A falling out between Jordy and Evan Chandler of this serious a nature immediately reveals a couple of things: that at the age of 25 Jordy was still living with his father, and that they had settled into a luxury apartment in New Jersey with panoramic views of Manhattan.
Prior to this they had owned a beach house in Westhampton, New York, and had had an apartment in New York. Public records show, however, that Jordy sold the beach house for $2.9 million in 2003. He bought a condo for $775,000 in West Harlem in June 2005 one week after Jackson was acquitted of child molestation and about six weeks before he accused his father of attacking him. At the time he purchased the coop, Jordy gave a PO Box in Jersey City as his address. It&#8217;s only conjecture, but it&#8217;s likely that Evan Chandler&#8212;whom his brother Raymond had said in interviews was seriously ill in 2005&#8212;didn&#8217;t want his son to leave him.
News of the Chandlers&#8217; domestic dispute comes as Jackson remains on the down-low somewhere in Europe, either in London or Dublin, as his lawyers try to work out what will become of his languishing career. Having beaten the child molestation charge, Jackson turned himself into a self-exiled celebrity. His Neverland Ranch was shuttered after California officials fined him for not paying his employees for four months and letting their insurance lapse. A $25 million lien was placed against Neverland in June in order to pay off one of Jackson&#8217;s attorneys. And a group of investors in Rancho Palos Verdes, California is currently holding a $2.2 mortgage on Jackson&#8217;s parent&#8217;s home in Encino, California.
It would be.. but people will always think that they want regardless of the truth. They'd say he was bought off or something

So true...when Paris was on Oprah and said her father cooked for them, some said she was a liar, that no way did Michael Jackson cook his own food. It's really unbelievable how warped and unmovable people can be, and how they form opinions, and nothing and no one can change their mind, even if they could go back in time and witness the event, they'd hang on to what they WANT to believe.
did jordan changed his name? is there any word from him after michael died?
Good articel though
did jordan changed his name? is there any word from him after michael died?
Good articel though

He didn't change his name.

He is writing songs (using his real name). He co-wrote this one

Sonnet Simmons is a good friend of his, or his girlfriend.
writing songs? that mf is writing songs.. Did he ever apologize to Michael for lying?
such a shame that he and his father intentionally ruined a good man's life and neither has suffered for it.
such a shame that he and his father intentionally ruined a good man's life and neither has suffered for it.

They may have suffered and are still suffering more then we know Stacy. I hope so anyway. I have a strong feeling Jordie is haunted by the lies his parents forced him into. He is not a happy man or at peace with himself. He will never be free of the guilt until he comes forward and clears MJ's name.
Maybe in the past Jordan was to scared to come forward because he was afraid of what his dad would do to him (I'm just guessing here) but now Jordan's dad is dead so now there should be nothing stopping Jordan from coming forward and telling the truth.

Will he lose all of his undeserved money if he does tell the truth?
If Jordan had any shame in his life he came forward and told the truth.

He could talk with The Estate and The Jackson family sp they agreed that if he came forward and told the truth they would not sue him or demand to have the money back.

They must be much more interested in the truth coming forward!
If Jordan had any shame in his life he came forward and told the truth.

He could talk with The Estate and The Jackson family sp they agreed that if he came forward and told the truth they would not sue him or demand to have the money back.

They must be much more interested in the truth coming forward!

Yes, I'm sure he's afraid he would have to give back the money plus his mother could face jail for perjury I think.
I don't think Jordan Chandler is man enough to ever come forward with the truth. I would think it might be wise of him not to go by his real name. Jordan Chandler and Conrad Murray are similar....they both kill, but in a different way. (the song is too repetitive and elementary)
Pfft! I don't care if he changed his name, we know what he looks like now and Sonnet Simmons should know about what he did to Michael and to us.
It's annoying that gossip sites are psoting this but not legit news sources. Anyone who folloewd the case knew that Michael was innocent, this was ll nothing but a big scam. So many years of his life was wasted because this, just imagine what would have happened id the 1993 allegations never took place, his year was going so well he was on a massive tour and had so much he wanted to do but that got shelved. Then in 2003 once again he had plans to do bg things and again he has to put everything off. I never undersand why people like to bring others down, Michael didn't derserve any of this.

If Jordan had any shame in his life he came forward and told the truth.

He could talk with The Estate and The Jackson family sp they agreed that if he came forward and told the truth they would not sue him or demand to have the money back.

They must be much more interested in the truth coming forward!
I agree but I doubt he would ever do that, the last thing he wants is attention on this. He and his family got their money and rode into the sunset. I don't even know how he could sleep at night knowing how much good Michael did for him and his family then they just put a black cloud over his head. It's all such a shame.
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