Authorities: There's Never Been Evidence Michael Jackson Was A Pedophile!

actually they were at the trial testifying. The conclusion of their investigation was released prior to the trial and Sneddon's response was "well you know its LA"
sneddon really is a snake. in his head "no proof" is actually proof. so basically everyone was incompetent but him and his team? ye right
If this article is true, then I appreciate that the "authorities" were willing to come out and confirm what Katherine had said before. But seeing as this is quoted as a "source", I doubt anyone on the other side of opinion will be swayed by the article. It will be just us, the fans, who will quote it for truth.
What i hate is people who don't research the allegations, refuse to do it and still talk like they know everything about it
What i hate is people who don't research the allegations, refuse to do it and still talk like they know everything about it

exactly, and we can see them "commenting" the articles on the net like TMZ, radaronline and co.

Thats why some of you can/should copy my comments and additional info (pg.2) and spread this on discussions on the articles...
You know, what is the point?

...that MJ fan boards and fans are far better and well informed about the 1993/2003-2005 cases than all MJ family members including Katherine.
We have discussions threads... we have discussed almost everything... (+ Sony/ATV biz info...)

LaToya, Jermaine, Randy and others ... have accounts on Twitter or FB, why dont we post them "instructions" and info about the cases, links on web pages about the info, YouTube videos....???

MJJC team has a connection to MJ Estate, right? why dont we inform them about it?

I'm not too sure that that family are ill informed... Katherine was there every step of the way in 2005... and I'm sure she was privy to information we will never hear...

It would be nice to hear somebody talk about this in detail though... surely the whole "silence" rule didn't cover the WHOLE family!! I mean, many Chandler family members openly talked about that case!!

And on another note... does anybody know if there is any truth in the fact that Jordy told the truth in the end??
And on another note... does anybody know if there is any truth in the fact that Jordy told the truth in the end

He old the truth privatly to friends but not publically
And on another note... does anybody know if there is any truth in the fact that Jordy told the truth in the end

that did absolutely no good.. May Jordan Chandler rot in the depths of hell for what he did to MJ..

He old the truth privatly to friends but not publically

RIP MJ!!! They can't hurt you any longer, but I pray as they continue to walk this earth that they will suffer for what they did to you
Most of what we knew all along but some things in that article was new. Never knew that he talked to them by themselves, that could have been risky, but it shows his intention to prove his innocence.

The media is a dead horse. Many of them know Michael was innocent but that's not what sells. The only people who don't know the truth are the public generally because they don't want to know the truth. Its easier believing what they've always thought. Many of them are lost causes too.

That worker had to be anonymous because their job could be in jeopardy. God bless them for even being this brave though. I hope they get every promotion, every raise they desire. They stood up as much as they could under the circumstances for an innocent man and I hope they are duly rewarded for it.
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Michael Jackson Was Not a Molester, Authorities Say

May 6th, 2011, 11:28 GMT| By Elena Gorgan

Despite the fact that Michael Jackson was under investigation for more or less 10 years for improper conduct around minors, there was never any truth to the allegations, it has now emerged. Moreover, authorities had zero evidence to support his accusers’ claims.

Starting with 1993, as any Michael Jackson fan must know, the singer’s life was turned upside down by allegations of improper conduct.

He settled the first case outside the court which, his mother Katherine said on Today the other day, he did not want because he knew that would make him appear guilty.

Now, a source familiar with the investigations is telling Radar Online that authorities never had a shred of evidence to back up the claims made by his accusers throughout the years.

In other words, Michael Jackson has been vilified for no reason at all.

“The Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services absolutely agrees with Katherine that her son never molested any child in cases the department investigated,” the source says.

The admission comes one day after Katherine Jackson’s interview with Matt Lauer for Today, in which she said the biggest misconception about her son had been that he was a molester.

It ruined his career and, ultimately, his life, even though he tried his best to work with the authorities to prove that the allegations made against him were false.

“Michael was fully cooperative during all of his interactions with DCFS. Michael was interviewed for hours without his lawyer. He held nothing back. He couldn’t understand why these allegations were being made against him. DCFS cleared him on any wrongdoing in ALL investigations,” the insider explains for Radar.

On the other hand, Michael did put himself in situations that left room for interpretations – but only because he was a child at heart himself, he never meant any harm.

“Did Michael put himself in precarious situations that most normal people wouldn’t? Absolutely... The questioning was very, very hard on Michael, he just couldn’t fathom that anyone could accuse him of being a child molester,” says the tipster.

Moreover, the accuser that stepped forward with his story in 2005 wasn’t even credible, the source adds.
Why oh why do these media outlets continue to make us depressed????..........

If they printed the truth from the beginning then sneddon would be in prison and Michael would be still alive!!!
I remember when that stupid assh*@#*( Jenny Simons made those falce claims about Mike (Simons doens't like MJ too much i guess) , it was copy pasted in almost every blog and website on internet. Now that a website is actually writting something that is based on facts and it is true, no one is interested in picking it up and reproduce it. The media and people working on them have made up their minds about Mike and the allegations. They want to believe that MJ was guilty so their strategy will always be to print the negative things concerning him and regect everything else. Personally i am not very optimistic about the media attitude towards the allegations against MJ.
I don't think the article will have much effect unless it spreads. I hope it does, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Now it's too late, Michael is gone. It's so sad.
They hurt him so much. God bless Michael
Correct me if I'm wrong, is it a total BS Michael paid 20million to Jordan?

If that investigation really occured Idk why it's so freaking hard for the media believing Michael is innocent! That his love for children is genuine! :girl_sigh: :cry:
The insurance company paid the settlement on the claim of negligence
It's the media's responsibility to print the truth. I don't know why people have to print lies and negativity about people to sell magazines etc. Your dealing with people's lives. Michael was a person too and there was nothing on him. I am glad Katherine said what she did and opened the door to small steps like this. That's what his family needs to do. If it was me I would make it clear how innocent Michael was and how people should be ashamed at their treatment towards him. The only person that was ever hurt was Michael.
It's the media's responsibility to print the truth. I don't know why people have to print lies and negativity about people to sell magazines etc. Your dealing with people's lives. Michael was a person too and there was nothing on him. I am glad Katherine said what she did and opened the door to small steps like this. That's what his family needs to do. If it was me I would make it clear how innocent Michael was and how people should be ashamed at their treatment towards him. The only person that was ever hurt was Michael.
But you know what, media killed Michael Jackson and now THEY REGRET IT, Michael Jackson was a person that secured sells of magazines, now they only have little celebrities who love to be on tabloids and do aeverything to be on them..., and let me tell you this, they will never sell like Michael Jackson,

if they (Media)would have treated Michael OK, they would
be NOW COVERING Michael's life or next album, or anything, Michael shopping for books because Michael was SO magnetic, and when they would talk good stuff about him they would sell the most, but it was like for some reason they decided to BELIEVE that bad news on Michael would sell more, when in fact it was NOT TRUE

And now they lost Michael Jackson... thats what i call STUPIDITY.... and of course they are and were the ones who destroyed him....i fcking hate them.
But you know what, media killed Michael Jackson and now THEY REGRET IT, Michael Jackson was a person that secured sells of magazines, now they only have little celebrities who love to be on tabloids and do aeverything to be on them..., and let me tell you this, they will never sell like Michael Jackson,

if they (Media)would have treated Michael OK, they would
be NOW COVERING Michael's life or next album, or anything, Michael shopping for books because Michael was SO magnetic, and when they would talk good stuff about him they would sell the most, but it was like for some reason they decided to BELIEVE that bad news on Michael would sell more, when in fact it was NOT TRUE

And now they lost Michael Jackson... thats what i call STUPIDITY.... and of course they are and were the ones who destroyed him....i fcking hate them.

Good post!

They regret it.. Mike brought entertainment and excitement. Music is gone downhill and entertainment is downhill. Now MJ is gone and I know they regret it terribly, although they won't admit it
I'm not too sure that that family are ill informed... Katherine was there every step of the way in 2005... and I'm sure she was privy to information we will never hear...

It would be nice to hear somebody talk about this in detail though... surely the whole "silence" rule didn't cover the WHOLE family!! I mean, many Chandler family members openly talked about that case!!

And on another note... does anybody know if there is any truth in the fact that Jordy told the truth in the end??

Thomas Mesereau told judge during trial that he had witnesses and they could tell that Jordy told them something about the case and that MJ didnt molest him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, is it a total BS Michael paid 20million to Jordan?

If that investigation really occured Idk why it's so freaking hard for the media believing Michael is innocent! That his love for children is genuine! :girl_sigh: :cry:

The insurance company paid the settlement on the claim of negligence

READ THIS, you can clearly read that everything was paid off by the insuarance company

Damn right bitches! The information is out there, for anybody who cares to look for it. Anybody saying anything other than this is ignorant, small minded and a fool.

Forever heartbroken about what Michael had to endure during his life...that is the biggest injustice.
Damn right bitches! The information is out there, for anybody who cares to look for it. Anybody saying anything other than this is ignorant, small minded and a fool.

Forever heartbroken about what Michael had to endure during his life...that is the biggest injustice.


RIP Michael!!
Guys, do it like me, simply copy every relevant info, pics, court docs into your presonal MJ files in your PC, and then, if its necessary like here in this thread, use it for everybody to know the truth!

Then use this as confrontation on discussions on articles on the news servers...

Be factual, not drama queens or like fanatic MJ fans defending MJ as a holy angel, use just relevant court info, and be active on discussions boards!!!
About the settlement: the aforementioned court document states that "the insurance carrier negotiated and paid the settlement, over the protests of Mr. Jackson and his personal legal counsel". But didn't Michael sign the settlement and thereby expressed his approval? :unsure: