Authorities: There's Never Been Evidence Michael Jackson Was A Pedophile!

It's tiring to read all this shit.


Tiring or not, its necessary to know it and have the exact facts to defend MJ on the Internet! Not ask for something or wonder why who what when how...
I was worried yesterday... and finally... the impact of the KJs interview ends with this..., thats why its important for The Jacksons to have only reveant info and be factual!!!

Katherine is the only one who has the extraordinary and unique chance to clear the facts up, and only a few interviews can change something...., remember her age (if you know what I mean)

VIDEO: Katherine Jackson Cites Unconfirmed Article Exonerating Michael Jackson's Molestation Charges

Katherine Jackson, the matriarch of the Jackson family, appeared on Wednesday's Today show to discuss her daily attendance of the preliminary hearing for Dr. Conrad Murray's upcoming manslaughter trial over the death of Michael Jackson.
At around the 3:20 mark of the video below, she discusses the molestation allegations her son faced, deeming them "the biggest lie that's ever been told." She claims that the first accuser, Jordan Chandler, eventually confessed that he lied about the molestation for his father's financial gain. She seems to cite an article that circulated a few years ago in the wake of Michael's death, in which Chandler is quoted as having said, "I can't bare [sic] to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn't do anything to me, all was my father's lies to escape from being poor." Because the sole source of this article was a virtually unknown website that no longer exists, it is widely regarded as false.
Her clinging on to a document of questionable veracity, though, is a symbol of her motherly unconditional love. If her talking about the molestation is the newsiest bit of this interview, the most human is what happens directly afterward when Matt Lauer asks what she misses about Michael. "I just miss him period," she explains. "I miss his voice. I miss his singing. Sometimes when we were around, he'd start to sing and he'd end the song and I want to ask him sometimes to sing it again, because I just loved his voice." That is such a mom thing to say. Whatever her mistakes, however wrong she might be at any given moment, Katherine Jackson is a mother who lost her son. Try arguing with that.
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This comment is awesome... (celebritynewsandstyle)

<cite class="fn">Chrissie</cite> says: May 6, 2011 at 1:07 pm

14 acquittals, 2 grand juries throwing it out in 1994, MJ&#8217;s insurance paying out, Jordie emancipating himself, a tape of Evan laying out his plans to destroy MJ, Evan then suing Michael for $60 million in court for 4 years and that whole EVANStory thing, Jordie threatening the prosecution with legal action, Evan and Ray Chandler refusing to testify, Evan trying to kill his son after the acquittal, Evan shooting himself in the head, Gavin saying he was molested when Michael wasn&#8217;t even in Neverland and then changing it to being molested when he was being investigated by everyone including DCFS & FBI & DA & media, the FBI saying they never had anything&#8230;
And it still isn&#8217;t enough&#8230;.
It&#8217;s a shame MJ had to go through such defamation, pain and misery. If these things hadn&#8217;t happened, perhaps his career wouldn&#8217;t have suffered and he wouldn&#8217;t have been forced to do the tour that contributed to his death. Regardless, he&#8217;s probably in a much better place now. The world didn&#8217;t deserve him.
I was worried yesterday... and finally... the impact of the KJs interview ends with this..., thats why its important for The Jacksons to have only reveant info and be factual!!!

Katherine is the only one who has the extraordinary and unique chance to clear the facts up, and only a few interviews can change something...., remember her age (if you know what I mean)

VIDEO: Katherine Jackson Cites Unconfirmed Article Exonerating Michael Jackson's Molestation Charges
This article :doh:

This is why I still say: The family don't know, they just don't know the facts.

This comment is awesome... (celebritynewsandstyle)

Amazing comment :clapping:
you/we/the whole world can see the ridiculous scheme of extortion using the previous allegations, the same lawyers, the same media players, the same doctors, the same prosecutors/prosecution..., the 2003 case was like a copy of 1993!



To say that all of Michael Jackson's enemies have converged in Santa Barbara might be an understatement. Contrary to the flimsy observations of the likes of paperboy Dan Abrams of 'The Dan Abrams Show' as well as those of media ho Diane Dimond, this is a setup, folks. Just take a look at our chart below. One would have to suffer from cataracts not to see the 'pattern' of conspiracy perpetrated against Jackson, not by him.

When persons involved with this project first resolved to do it, we took it on with the sole purpose of reporting what mainstreaming media appears to be afraid to report. For reasons still not clear (alright we think we know why), few if any news/media outlets have even touched on the subject of the suspicious involvement of virtually the same players from the 1993 allegations in the latest case against Mr. Jackson. It is our hope that persons reading this report will take the time to ponder what we have found, process the information, and decide for themselves. We are particularly hopeful that journalists interested in reporting the story as objectively as possible will consider this modest offering and perhaps decide to investigate both sides of the case for themselves. All we can do is hope.

Sneddon and the Chandlers

(1) District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who attempted to bring charges against Michael Jackson in 1993 and who is now prosecuting the current case against Jackson, is on the faculty at the Santa Barbara College of Law. Ray Chandler, (2-3) the uncle of the boy who accused Jackson of sexual abuse in 1993, studied law at the Santa Barbara College of Law and is currently a real estate lawyer.

(4) Dave Schwartz, the stepfather of Jackson's first accuser, is the founder of Rent-a-Wreck, a car rental agency that is represented by the public relations firm Tellem. After Jackson was arrested in 2003, Tellem offered Tom Sneddon their services - for free.

The Chandlers' Former Attorneys and their Ability to Find 'Victims'

(5) Civil lawyer Larry Feldman represented Jordan Chandler, the boy who accused Michael Jackson of sexual abuse in 1993. (6) Feldman sent Jordan Chandler to see psychiatrist Stan Katz for an evaluation.

(7) In 1993, Jackson's former maid Blanca Francia was deposed by civil lawyer Larry Feldman for the Chandlers' lawsuit. In the deposition, Francia claimed to have seen Jackson act inappropriately with other children, including her own son. She later recanted these statements but members of the District Attorney's office often refer to Francia's son as an alleged victim of Jackson's.

(8.) After getting in contact with Larry Feldman, charlie Arvizo accused Michael Jackson of sexual abuse; the boy was then sent to see Dr. Katz (9). Note that less than four months earlier charlie Arvizo and his family had vehemently defended Jackson on numerous occasions.

Feldman is not the only former attorney for the Chandlers who can't seem to stay away from the Jackson case. (10) The Chandlers' first attorney Gloria Allred has also made it her life mission to seek out other accusers. We're sure her efforts are solely motivated by justice and have nothing to do with the cut of the settlement that she would inevitably receive if one of her clients were to successfully sue Jackson.

(11) In February 2003, after seeing a documentary that put a sinister spin on Jackson's relationship with charlie Arvizo, Gloria Allred contacted Tom Sneddon and demanded that he investigate Jackson. At the same time, 'media psychiatrist' Carole Lieberman also filed a complaint against Jackson. Sneddon responded to Allred and Lieberman's complaints by stating that although he would take the matter seriously, he could not reopen the Jackson case without a cooperative victim.

Months later, charlie Arvizo told Larry Feldman that Michael Jackson sexually abused him. Once again, Allred missed out on the opportunity to represent a Jackson accuser. As for Lieberman, she made sure to advertise on her website that she was the first psychiatrist to demand that Jackson be investigated.

(12) Not to be one upped by Feldman and Katz, Allred and Lieberman teamed up on another collaboration 'an accuser' named Daniel Kapone. After being treated by Dr. Lieberman, Kapone suddenly remembered having been abused by Jackson when he was just three years old. Once Lieberman helped him recover his 'repressed memories', Allred signed on as his attorney. Unfortunately for Allred and Lieberman, it was later determined that Kapone had never even met Michael Jackson.

1993: The Media

(13) During the 1993 case, many of Jackson's former employees cashed in on the allegations by selling salacious stories to the media. The most visible opportunist from the 1993 case was the aforementioned Blanca Francia, Jackson's former maid. She first sold her story to Diane Dimond during an interview on Hard Copy and later collaborated with Chilean journalist Victor Gutierrez on his book Michael Jackson was my Lover.

(14) Aside from providing Blanca Francia with a platform for her sensational stories, Gutierrez and Dimond had something else in common; they were both were sued by Jackson for spreading a false story about him in the mid-90s. During an interview on Hard Copy, Gutierrez claimed to have seen a videotape of Jackson molesting one of his nephews; Dimond later repeated his story on a local radio station. It was eventually proven that no such tape existed and Jackson filed a lawsuit against Gutierrez and Dimond for defamation of character.

2003: The Media

While the mainstream media has been collectively irresponsible in their coverage of the Jackson case, NBC seems particularly intent on ruining Jackson's reputation by hiring several well-known Jackson detractors to cover the case. The following people either have an axe to grind with Jackson, have spread false rumours about him in the past or have connections to the Santa Barbara District Attorney's office. Take a look:

(15) Despite the fact that Jackson sued her for spreading an irrefutably false story about him, NBC hired Diane Dimond to cover the Jackson case in 2003. (16) Dimond also admittedly receives information from the District Attorney's office and there has been much speculation regarding the nature of her relationship with Tom Sneddon.

(17) Tim Russert, the senior vice president of NBC News, is married to Maureen Orth, a journalist who has written three slanderous articles about Jackson for Vanity Fair magazine. Two of these articles were written about the case and were full of half-truths and rumours.

(18.) NBC hired Jim Thomas as a special analyst; Jim Thomas is admittedly good friends with Tom Sneddon.

(19) NBC produced two salacious Dateline NBC specials about the Jackson case. The most recent one featured interviews with Jim Thomas and Ray Chandler and was heavily slanted in favour of the prosecution's version of events. (20) The special was produced by none other than Victor Gutierrez, who was hired by NBC to cover the Jackson case even though he still owes Jackson $2.7 million dollars from a defamation of character lawsuit that Jackson filed and won against him. Conflict of interest anyone?

Gutierrez and the Chandlers

(21) Many have speculated that Victor Gutierrez collaborated with Evan Chandler, the father of Jackson's first accuser, to write Michael Jackson was my Lover. The book contains personal photographs of Jordan Chandler and court documents that only somebody directly involved in the case could possibly have access to.

(15) Victor Gutierrez and Ray Chandler recently worked together on the Dateline NBC special, which Gutierrez produced.


Is it merely a coincidence that all of the people who have accused Michael Jackson of acting inappropriately with a child are connected to one another? Every accuser, every professional who has worked with each accuser, every tabloid hack who has reported negative stories about Jackson - literally all of the players involved in both the 1993 case and the 2003 case are related to one another.

Is it a conspiracy?

^^it's just amazing how the whole thing was planed. and the sad thing is even now only fans will accept the truth. it is a bit too late but at least the new generation (of general public) might not be brainwashed
Some of you are getting a bit carried away.
Despite the media's promotion of that negative idea,
I have never met a single person who thought Michael Jackson was a child molester. :better:
Some of you are getting a bit carried away.
Despite the media's promotion of that negative idea,
I have never met a single person who thought Michael Jackson was a child molester. :better:

Where do you live? :eek:

I have never met a single person who thought Michael Jackson was a child molester. :better:

i'm glad you haven't. but sadly i HAVE. starting with my mom, her sister and few friends i have met on the net. basically people who are not well informed. when i get mad hearing lies even my sister tells me "you don't know he wasn't." when i became a fan back in 09 my care giver asked me about "the secret room" and when i said there was NO such thing she responded "it was in the news".
Some of you are getting a bit carried away.
Despite the media's promotion of that negative idea,
I have never met a single person who thought Michael Jackson was a child molester. :better:

your very lucky then.try standing outside his hotel back in the day or hear ppl at work
your very lucky then.try standing outside his hotel back in the day or hear ppl at work
I agree is very difficult to hear...but as always ..I do my best to tell them the facts and set them straight and somtimes it works sometimes not..some people are just mean and vicious.
Well like Cherubim I have never met anyone who truly believed Michael was a molestor either and the people who do claimn to believe it do not like him and love to hold on to that false claim to bash him. Those people would bash him regardless and I've only come across those type of people on the internet.
I think you guys are fortunate. It is a quite common assessment of MJ. At work, when speaking about him, the concensus is that he was a very talented pedophile. There are many who are not just out to bash him and recognize his talent and will stay say they think he is guilty. The fact that fans have to constantly fight against this notion shows how prevalent this thinking is.
I think you guys are fortunate. It is a quite common assessment of MJ. At work, when speaking about him, the concensus is that he was a very talented pedophile. There are many who are not just out to bash him and recognize his talent and will stay say they think he is guilty. The fact that fans have to constantly fight against this notion shows how prevalent this thinking is.
that is very unfortunate. I have worked in entertainment mental health and child welfare and I have not come across co workers saying any such thing about Michael.
Ginvid I hear many people on the internet who dislike Michael who will say he was very talented so to me sayibg that doesn't mean much it is like calling the sky blue but do your co workers state why theyy believe that or are they happy to just have sonmething negative to latch onto him?
I had a very surprising and positive experience a couple of months ago. We had a work discussion at my workplace and my boss just randomly brought up Michael (he doesn't know I'm a fan) and said - as an example of someone being unfairly treated - "you know, this is what happened to Michael Jackson and this is what killed him". He was brought up by him as the victim of an unfair smear campaign. So that was good to hear and I was very surprised. He didn't say it to appease me or something since he didn't know I was a fan. And I don't think he's a fan either, he's more a rock'n'roll type of guy (he's 61). But judging from this he obviously thinks he was innocent.

Maybe it also depends on what part of the world you are in. I think in the US and UK the tabloid "culture" is very strong (ie. a lot of people read tabloids) and as a result the general opinion on Michael is worse, because people tend to believe those tabloids.
Some of you are getting a bit carried away.
Despite the media's promotion of that negative idea,
I have never met a single person who thought Michael Jackson was a child molester. :better:

Wow I wish I could say the same. I hear comments at work or just out and about saying Michael was a p****** (I hate seeing that word in the same sentence as Michael). It breaks my heart, I wish I could live somewhere like you.
Ginvid I hear many people on the internet who dislike Michael who will say he was very talented so to me sayibg that doesn't mean much it is like calling the sky blue but do your co workers state why theyy believe that or are they happy to just have sonmething negative to latch onto him?

Saying he is talented is not like saying the sky is blue. Believe it or not, there are many people who don't even give him credit for that. Also, there are people who are not haters who think he did it. In my family for instance, there are members who think he is guilty. But they also think he is the stuff. They would be there front and center if he came on TV. There is a friend of mine who is a huge MJ fan. She defends him against peiople at work. But when I talk to her one on one, she infers that we really don't know what happened and he could be guilty. I was like, "What the heck is that?"

I think people's feelings towards MJ were complicated. You do find the straight haters who just want to hate. And, for them no matter what he does, they will always hate and he will always be guilty. Then you have thismiddle ground of people who think, "Where there's smoke there's fire". These have also been conditioned by the media who tells them he is guilty. There are a lot of those. Plus, pedophilia is very sensitive. You have people who were die hard fans, who have children, and they felt personally betrayed by MJ when he was accused. Some of think think that even if he was not guilty, he bought this upon himself by questionable behavior.

My co workers will often site his behavior. Or, just state how wierd he was. Or, state how he settled with the boy for so much money. Or, say he was mental and a child himself. That is why it is important to be didligent about this and let people know the facts. Many of the things these middle of the road people pit against MJ can be readily refuted if we know the facts ourselves.
I have had people say to me " He was talented but....." and different things were said. Only once someone said something nasty to me about Michael and that took me by surprise. It was shocking because no one said anything to my face like that. It is important to keep speaking the truth because his kids are going have to deal with this as they get older. We have to support them.
I don't know anybody in real life who thinks Michael is guilty of child molestation but I've had plenty of debates about it on the internet. Usually I can tell pretty soon whether someone is a plain hater or if this person just doesn't know all the facts. In the first case, I don't even bother arguing because it's a waste of my time and the chances of convincing a hater to change his/her mind are close to 0. But if someone believes MJ could be guilty just because of misinformation, I try to state the facts and in some cases, I've managed to change their mind. My experience tells me that in order to convince people of your argument, it's very important to remember the following things:

1. Always stay calm and polite. Avoid sarcasm and condescension, as that leads to defensiveness from your opponent. Thus, do not say things like "you are brainwashed" or "you'll believe anything the tabloids write". Nobody likes to hear that. Rather, point out that the mainstream media has not reported truthfully on the cases and compare official court documents with the media's accounts. Make sure you are well-informed yourself and have all the necessary information ready to counter any opposing arguments. Again, do not use sarcasm like "Hahaha" no matter how ridiculous an argument is, that tends to get on people's nerves.
2. Do not praise Michael too much, this makes you appear fanatic and damages your credibility. Try to stay factual rather than emotional and especially avoid statements like "Michael was an angel on earth" or "Michael was a genius", which are irrelevant to the argument. If somebody insults Michael, do not respond angrily or upset, just ignore this person (when it is obvious he/she is a hater or a troll) and try to spend your energy on people who are worth it.
3. Limit yourself to sources that are verified and authoritive. Do not claim Chandler publicly admitted that he lied as this can easily disproven by your opponents and that damages your credibility. Also do not use statements by people who have previously said bad things about Michael because this will most likely be brought up and you will be accused of being selective (i.e. "why do you believe Jermaine when he says MJ is not a pedo but you don't believe him when he said MJ didn't want to be white?").

Good luck :)
Some of you are getting a bit carried away.
Despite the media's promotion of that negative idea,
I have never met a single person who thought Michael Jackson was a child molester. :better:

I have ppl in my life who do think mj was guilty and say it to my face and they dont care how i feel. It hurts when they say it, all they say to me is " get over it its not like u knew the man!"
Well, what I say to people that tell me he is guilty in my face like some family members or whomever I just simply tell them to prove it to me! I say I can find u documentation where it proves he wasn't guilty!

Then I say what can u show me that he is? And of course they can't! :D ;) That always works because all they ever say is "well, I heard this and that from the news and Blah Blah Blah or read it on some tabloid crap! lol

Edit: This is a great video so I thought I'd share it. Some facts most fans know and shouldn't forget! But, if ya don't know some of them yet, then get to know them. lol :D

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I don't know anybody in real life who thinks Michael is guilty of child molestation but I've had plenty of debates about it on the internet. Usually I can tell pretty soon whether someone is a plain hater or if this person just doesn't know all the facts. In the first case, I don't even bother arguing because it's a waste of my time and the chances of convincing a hater to change his/her mind are close to 0. But if someone believes MJ could be guilty just because of misinformation, I try to state the facts and in some cases, I've managed to change their mind. My experience tells me that in order to convince people of your argument, it's very important to remember the following things:

1. Always stay calm and polite. Avoid sarcasm and condescension, as that leads to defensiveness from your opponent. Thus, do not say things like "you are brainwashed" or "you'll believe anything the tabloids write". Nobody likes to hear that. Rather, point out that the mainstream media has not reported truthfully on the cases and compare official court documents with the media's accounts. Make sure you are well-informed yourself and have all the necessary information ready to counter any opposing arguments. Again, do not use sarcasm like "Hahaha" no matter how ridiculous an argument is, that tends to get on people's nerves.
2. Do not praise Michael too much, this makes you appear fanatic and damages your credibility. Try to stay factual rather than emotional and especially avoid statements like "Michael was an angel on earth" or "Michael was a genius", which are irrelevant to the argument. If somebody insults Michael, do not respond angrily or upset, just ignore this person (when it is obvious he/she is a hater or a troll) and try to spend your energy on people who are worth it.
3. Limit yourself to sources that are verified and authoritive. Do not claim Chandler publicly admitted that he lied as this can easily disproven by your opponents and that damages your credibility. Also do not use statements by people who have previously said bad things about Michael because this will most likely be brought up and you will be accused of being selective (i.e. "why do you believe Jermaine when he says MJ is not a pedo but you don't believe him when he said MJ didn't want to be white?").

Good luck :)

Good advises!
Yeah, too many people have said something like this to me:
"It doesn't matter what you think he did, Michael Jackson was an amazing entertainer."

Why can't they accept the truth? Why must they believe he was a pedophile who molested children who bleached his skin because he didn't want to be black, and he had surgery hundreds of times on his face.
Nothing pisses me off more when people make p******** jokes about Michael. I always defend Michael, and I tell them straight facts. I've only ever had 3 people tell me that he was a p-word and fortunately I've convinced those 3 otherwise. But you know what? I find that the people who bring this up do it to aggravate us, not because they actually think it's true. My friend's boyfriend (one of the above 3) used to always send me stupid pictures of MJ with disgusting one liners just to piss me off. At first it did, but the minute I stopped outwardly getting mad about it he stopped sending me those photos and told me he did it just to see how I'd react.

We have to beat them at their own game!