Authorities: There's Never Been Evidence Michael Jackson Was A Pedophile!

I would give him the money out of my own pocket if he were to come forward and tell the truth!!!!

Although I agree that what he has done is disgusting.... And I have so much anger towards this guy, I would be willing for him to speak the truth as an adult.... and use the whole age/child/pressure card....
What would happen if you met Jordan Chandler?

I honestly think I would hit him if I was drunk at a club and saw him dancing and smiling to a MJ song. - That would be too much for me.

(I might should add that I have never been in a fight before and I despice violence, but seing JC dancing to a MJ song and having fun - it would be so wrong!)
It's because the source is anonymous. No serious news site will take something with an anyonymous source seriously.
I really didn't expect the mainstream media to run this story. IMO the anonymous source isn't the only reason, I believe that if the article said that the authorities had found evidence the MSM would have found a way around that pesky source issue.
I really didn't expect the mainstream media to run this story. IMO the anonymous source isn't the only reason, I believe that if the article said that the authorities had found evidence the MSM would have found a way around that pesky source issue.

Yeah, that's true. If it's something negative said about MJ they run the story no matter if the sources anonymous or not. How many time we have heard Diane Dimond on TV saying "my sources tell me...." without naming that source.
Do any of you think that racism has alot to do with the way the media treats Michael?
Do any of you think that racism has alot to do with the way the media treats Michael?

I'm not to sure that racism plays a part... IMO race seems not to be so much of an issue in the media any more (forgive me if i'm wrong) I just think that in the 80's team MJ made a lot of PR decisions that were ill advised... and that to some degree Michael had created an image for himself that was difficult to escape....

The media in turn created Michael to be some kind of a loony tunes character... a character rather than a person. And as we know, the media portrayal of Michael was wrong... far from the person we know and love!

The general public believed this hype... and therefore, anything was possible... I will always remember this quote from a famous person who's name escapes me....

"You read something about yourself in a magazine, and it shocks you how far from the truth the story is. Then you turn the page and it's like... OMG, Michael Jackson sleeps in an oxygen tent".

I think in a world were it is so easy to believe something you read in the media, anything is possible... And the media play on the negative selling rather than the positive!

"Just because you read it in the magazine or see it on the TV screen don't make it factual... but everybody wants to read all about it"

"In the past month I've gone from Where is he, to here he is again... and I must confess it feels good to be thought of as a person, not as a personality" x x
yes, he's absolutely innocent , but these things is annouced too late. It's not fair for Mike
Do any of you think that racism has alot to do with the way the media treats Michael?
Yes I think that racism played and still plays a part in the media's treatment of Michael. Michael thought this, and I happen to agree.
Originally Posted by analogue
Do any of you think that racism has alot to do with the way the media treats Michael?

YES, Definitely! No doubt in my mind.
The creator of the THE amazing Reflections on the Dance website about the truth on who Michael really is as a person said this today :)

Okay...I just finished an AMAZING interview that I can't wait to share with you all. I was going to hold off on telling you, but I want to share :) I spoke with someone who went to school with and befriended, initially Gavin Arvizo, in the 7th grade, right before and after the Bashir docu and allegations broke...You NEED to hear this ? (Debbie)

This interview covers statements Gavin made, his state of mind and other things that point fully at Michael's innocence and why Gavin did what he did. I will try to get this up soon for all of you :)
Maybe someday somebody will have the courage to tell the truth. Those people know what they did to Michael.
The creator of the THE amazing Reflections on the Dance website about the truth on who Michael really is as a person said this today :)

Yes, I seen this too on FB. Can't wait to read what she found out?! I also wish she could get hold of those who went to school with Jordan too. The ones who told T-Mez they would testify that Jordan confess MJ did nothing to him.
Yes, they know what they did to him and I pray some day the truth will come out.

Oh I pray the truth will come out and I pray they reap what they've sewn.. May they all rot in hell for destroying an innocent man
Yes, I seen this too on FB. Can't wait to read what she found out?! I also wish she could get hold of those who went to school with Jordan too. The ones who told T-Mez they would testify that Jordan confess MJ did nothing to him.

You know maybe that might be the way to go--a massive campaign bringing those who went to school with those two and disclosing what they said about the cases. Maybe "outing" them in that way would force them to come forward and say "yes we lied." Right now I want to hear from everyone who spoke to those two while the different cases were going on. We have to find a way to squeeze them.
This was posted on the Reflections On the Dance blog today.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Los Angeles County worker vouches for Michael's innocence...A MUST READ

The following is shared by April Smith, who works for the County of Los Angeles:

"To make it clear once and for all....since I work for the County of Los Angeles I have privy to certain information....Michael Jackson was and IS INNOCENT OF CHILD MOLESTATION.

There was a case opened and closed (the) same day...

NO evidence to further investigate
NO proof
NO prior history
NO basis for an investigation to even be started for DCFS, child endangerment or inappropriate behavior with any child including his own.
Michael Jackson was/is, in EVERY sense of the word...INNOCENT...PERIOD!" ~ April Smith, Los Angeles County worker

The allegations were made by Tom Sneddon, who, according to Smith and many other article sources, would stop at nothing to destroy Michael Jackson and much of it was thought to be racially provoked.

"Michael was SET UP!" added Smith
good from for April Smith.. It is obvious the Arvizo's was a set up.. The whole thing was put into motion right after Bashir aired. Sneddon and Diane Dimond planned it. They sought out the Arvizo's right after that documentary went down. The media knows it they just don't care. Anyway that was very nice of April to do that and also real cool of her to point out Sneddon's racist tactics..

Sneddon will rot in hell for what he did to Mike.. God sees and knows all and he knows what that racist bastard and his cohorts did to Mike
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The truth is right there, everyone did their research knew Michael was 100% innocent. I am very sick to see Michael's name linked to those awful allegations. I don't need those liars's confessions because I had already known the truth. However, I agree the public need their f confession, I don't think they will, because no human could do such things to a good man in the first place.
I wish these people who hurt Michael could be sued or something. The emotional and physical damage it caused him and now he is gone. How can people not see the conspiracy against Michael?
I wish these people who hurt Michael could be sued or something. The emotional and physical damage it caused him and now he is gone. How can people not see the conspiracy against Michael?

They see it.. the sad part is I wished MJ would've sued them. I said right after the trial, MJ should've sued Gavin and his mother for defamation of character and emotional distress. MJ never defended himself and that's why folks did what they wanted to do to him. It's sad, I just hope since he didn't defend himself, that maybe God will do it for him since he's no longer here. I can't rely on MJ's family doing anything because they're terrible and untrustworthy. They did nothing for him when he was here, I don't trust them to do anything for him in death either. MJ also should've sued Sneddon. He could've gathered Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakahan and filed a civil right's lawsuit against that racist bastard. He did nothing.
I think Michael just wanted it to be over and felt the truth would come out eventually. He could have sued a lot of people in his life but he chose not to. He was too good for this world.