Aug.10th Court Hearing...This is It Film Approved (Merged)

i want to see this on youtube one more time! This was so funny and crazy, I can't believe what I saw!!
IKR?! That is what I was thinking! I would watch it again on Youtube! XD I bet the Nona Jackson lady is the same way if she were to do a press conference.

GAH. That is one of the weirdest things I just witnessed. o___o And reporters ARE STILL talking to her? Can't they see it's all BULLISH?!
What? Did anyone else just hear what she said about the trial? And "I'm going to get my children" ahhh go away lady faaaar away off to lala land where you came from.
Ok so wher was the ambulance?... she needs to be sectioned
:hysterical:I am at my desk at work crying with laughter
This is some of the craziest sh*t I've ever seen and being an MJ fan I've seen some crazy sh*t but this takes the cake right here.
THat woman is bonafied and so is the press for giving her a platform to speak. They can clearly see she's mentally ill

Even though its funny, its also disturbing....
I'm sure there must be a long list somewhere of people claiming to be the Billie Jeans, the mother or father of his kids and whatnot... :bugeyed
She is so crazy,She said so much bull shit, why the media gave her so much attention?Cant see that she is mad .
She is so crazy,She said so much bull shit, why the media gave her so much attention?Cant see that she is mad .

You answered your own question lol, the media LOVES crazy and THAT was crazy at it's best...or worst?
The live feed is off, so if you want to see her little crazy press conference you will have to wait until someone uploads it as a video. :bugeyed Which I'm sure they recorded...
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Ehmagawd... this is on her Myspace... O____O

"Introducing PRESIDENT CLAIRE CRUISE, otherwise known as: Queen Claire Elisabeth, Pope Claire Elisabeth I, High Priestess Claire Daishonin, Her Holiness The Dalai Lama, The Prophet, The Messiah, Christ, God(dess), Allah, Savior and Leader of the Free World"

... OMG. Yeah, I think I have stepped into the Twilight zone.
If the papers print her name as a credible claim tomorrow, il go crazy

OMG - the things she says on her myspace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
omg can u all focus? trish raised an important point. y would they appoint someone else guardian for the estate for the kids? jut another body to throw in there and to take soemthing away from katherine

something is up w/ the aeg contract....wrongful death perhaps?
Yeah and she's friends with Paris Hilton, and she has a picture of Tom Cruise, but he's disguised as her transexual room mate...California has the 51/50 law, someone REALLY needs to do something with this lady!
omg can u all focus? trish raised an important point. y would they appoint someone else guardian for the estate for the kids? jut another body to throw in there and to take soemthing away from katherine

something is up w/ the aeg contract....wrongful death perhaps?

It's normal! It's an attorney ad litem, someone who has nothing to gain or lose and has the best interest for the children. Go back and look at the Anna Nicole Smith case, her daughter was appointed an attorney ad litem because her minor child was the heir to a BIG estate, just like the Jackson children are.
omg can u all focus? trish raised an important point. y would they appoint someone else guardian for the estate for the kids? jut another body to throw in there and to take soemthing away from katherine

something is up w/ the aeg contract....wrongful death perhaps?

you are so right, I was puzzled when I read this and then came that bubbling phycho and I just lost it :D:D

Did they tell who it could be? Some lawer?
Oh my word why are there so many seriously crazy people in this world???? These women who think that they're the kids' mothers need their heads examined ;)

Back on topic, i'm looking forward to seeing how they organise the footage actually! Assuming that there's only a select amount of it, will they make it a bit like 'Moonwalker' - a feature-length film with video footage added?!? Interesting! :)