Aug.10th Court Hearing...This is It Film Approved (Merged)

The problem with the judge appointing a lawyer for the kids at this moment is that it undermines Katherine's position in challenging AEG and Branca.

Basically, what happens now when the lawyer for the kids comes in and keeps siding with Branca and McLain? Katherine is at a disadvantage

At teh same time, the judge has done this before addressing Katherine's role as a trustee/executor

That means if Katherine objects and the other two do not, the judge can easily overide her by 2 to 1, saying it's her own interests.

You see, the new lawyer will only care about money being made for the children.

I don't see what is wrong with a representative caring that money will be made for Michael's children. After all, I would assume that's what he wanted in setting up the trust/estate that way.

The way things are set up now, the trust is 40% Katherine, 40% MJ's children, 20% charity. When Katherine passes, then the trust will be 80% MJ's children, 20% charity. Therefore, it makes perfect sense for the children to have an independent advocate because the bulk of the estate will eventually belong only to them. We don't know what the details of the trust are, but it is likely that at certain ages each child will be given more control. Of course, that is years from now, but that's how it should be - that eventually the children will be making their own decisions on estate/trust matters.
And where is Dirty Diana? :dont_mention_it:
And Susie? XD
Like today I said to my mom which made her laugh. XD I was like "Before you know it, someone's gonna come up & say they are SUSIE, & that she has his number or somethin."
And Susie? XD
Like today I said to my mom which made her laugh. XD I was like "Before you know it, someone's gonna come up & say they are SUSIE, & that she has his number or somethin."

Susie was - little, these are f*cking bitches...
im hoping billie jean is gonna make an annoucement haha im watching the end of court on tmz
im hoping billie jean is gonna make an annoucement haha im watching the end of court on tmz

Yeah well she has "documents" and with her raising her hand in court (hahaha) she wants to say SOMETHING. Can't let Claire steal the spotlight!
It's not about Katherine being taken care of.

Okay, here is teh picture. Assume you have a son who is famous and is sorrounded by many opportunists some of who he fires and then they later come back.

Assume you have been a trustee for your son's business and have seen how people have tried to use him and rob his estate

Then your son goes through it all, and is about to launch a major tour and suddenly dies.

These same people he fired who return a week before he dies, then present a will saying they are in charge of his estate and want to keep you away from having any say in the estate or access to information.

What do you do?

Sit back and say, oh well, i have a share of 40% i will let them run it how they want

Or do you challenge and seek to be involved to know what is going on and to see that your son's interests are upheld?

Do you step back from the trustee that you were to your son and let people that have been circling your son run the show without a say?

Well, that is what you want Katherine to do,

Michael didnt fire the people, he wanted them back, he chose these people..., we have to be objective..., not one sided and see the devils in Branca and McClain, I fully trust them...
OMG! Michael would laugh his ass off at this women!

She said prince's biological father is a man she dated in 60's
Paris's father was her high school unofficial boyfriend!


I think we should make a donation to raise money to give her an oscar
best billie jean ever exist!
UPDATE: Court is adjourned for the day. They'll be back again on August 24.
MF ur missing the point. these were the peoplemj did NOT trust and then suddenly they'r eback and then suddenly mj dies. katherine is just making sure they have everyone's best interests in mind.
ok so it's official the movie will be in cinemas?omg.
And that billie jean lady,I think she is not the now billie jean ,she is the old one,from 80's that bitch is crazy..:hysterical:
ok so it's official the movie will be in cinemas?omg.
And that billie jean lady,I think she is not the now billie jean ,she is the old one,from 80's that bitch is crazy..:hysterical:

It's the same from last year (or was it 07?) that claims Blanket is her son and sued Michael for like a billion and demanded visitation. She was also mad because every time she went to visit her husband (Michael) she kept getting arrested HA!
Oh thanks God the film release is worldwide. I hope it comes to Finland!