Aug.10th Court Hearing...This is It Film Approved (Merged)

K guys, stop concentrating on the drama regarding the fake mothers. There are some important updates like:

I would like to know why Katherine and her attorneys may be stripped of this?

That is common in large estates
that the children have seperate reresentation for thier trust.
and estate matters - to protect the assets of the children
from being squandered .. and to address the seperate needs
of the children _ they dont have guardianship over the children
but just a role to represent them in court for matters of the estate

Its for the protection of the children .. to make sure thier interests
and assets are taken care of ..meaning no one can just take out of
thier part of the trust - without approval ..

I hope I explained this so it can be understood
It doesnt effect katherine as thier gaurdian or
her 40% part of the trust_ its just a safeguard
for the childrens 40% portion of the trust ..
To protect the interest of the children

I hope I explained that clear ..
UPDATE: This is really important. The judge just appointed a guardian ad litem for the 3 Jackson kids. That means they will have independent representation in court proceedings. The notion -- that the interests of the kids may not completely square with the interests of Katherine Jackson or the estate. It's not unusual this happened, but it's significant.

Can someone explain why this is so significant, why arent the interests of the kids completelysquare with the interests of katherine jackson?

ah yes i see now
That is common in large estates
that the children have seperate reresentation for thier trust.
and estate matters - to protect the assets of the children
from being squandered .. and to address the seperate needs
of the children _ they dont have guardianship over the children
but just a role to represent them in court for matters of the estate

Its for the protection of the children .. to make sure thier interests
and assets are taken care of ..meaning no one can just take out of
thier part of the trust - without approval ..

I hope I explained this so it can be understood
It doesnt effect katherine as thier gaurdian or
her 40% part of the trust_ its just a safeguard
for the childrens 40% portion of the trust ..
To protect the interest of the children

I hope I explained that clear ..
That is common in large estates
that the children have seperate reresentation for thier trust.
and estate matters - to protect the assets of the children
from being squandered .. and to address the seperate needs
of the children _ they dont have guardianship over the children
but just a role to represent them in court for matters of the estate

Its for the protection of the children .. to make sure thier interests
and assets are taken care of ..meaning no one can just take out of
thier part of the trust - without approval ..

I hope I explained this so it can be understood
It doesnt effect katherine as thier gaurdian or
her 40% part of the trust_ its just a safeguard
for the childrens 40% portion of the trust ..
To protect the interest of the children

I hope I explained that clear ..

Maybe so.

But Katherine will be in charge of their how their share of the estate is spent.
UPDATE: This is really important. The judge just appointed a guardian ad litem for the 3 Jackson kids. That means they will have independent representation in court proceedings. The notion -- that the interests of the kids may not completely square with the interests of Katherine Jackson or the estate. It's not unusual this happened, but it's significant.

Can someone explain why this is so significant, why arent the interests of the kids completelysquare with the interests of katherine jackson?

I wrote about an ad litem earlier and have been really surprised that this wasn't done last week. An Attorney ad litem is someone who represents the children, the judge usually picks the lawyer, someone who has no ties to anyone else. Nothing to gain or lose in other words. If you can look back at the Anna Nicole Smith case, her daughter who is a minor was give an attorney ad litem because she was the only heir to her mothers money. They just make sure the kids don't get screwed. It's good they have one.
A little crazy... just a little crazy, psshh... I know this is a sad time but lolz. It can't get any crazier... can it? :mello:
Oh right ok, so their money will be kept somewhere where it will remain untouched and protected until they are old enough and Katherine will recieve an allowance to take care of them?

I wrote about an ad litem earlier and have been really surprised that this wasn't done last week. An Attorney ad litem is someone who represents the children, the judge usually picks the lawyer, someone who has no ties to anyone else. Nothing to gain or lose in other words. If you can look back at the Anna Nicole Smith case, her daughter who is a minor was give an attorney ad litem because she was the only heir to her mothers money. They just make sure the kids don't get screwed. It's good they have one.
Re: August 10th Michael Jackson Court Hearing

They need to get one from the crazy women claiming they are the kids mother. The Claire lady is front row in court right now. TMZ said she filed a petition for the children.

This chic is crazy just like all the rest of the people claiming to be mother/father of these children. No wonder poor Michael kept these children protected the way he did. He knew the kind of weirdo freaks that were out there in the world. I miss him so much and stuff like this only makes me miss him more. I am still very weepy from yesterday;s news about Michael being laid to rest.. I am happy about the movie, I think it might be sad to see it n 3D, I might try to reach out and touch Michael only to realize it is not really him. I hope you get a box of tisues with the purchase of every ticket..
An Attorney ad litem is someone who represents the children, the judge usually picks the lawyer, someone who has no ties to anyone else. Nothing to gain or lose in other words.

I'm sorry but this it not going to happen. Watch him appoint someone who knows Branca and McClains lawyer.
Oh right ok, so their money will be kept somewhere where it will remain untouched and protected until they are old enough and Katherine will recieve an allowance to take care of them?

More than likely it will be put into a trust until their legal, or whatever age they agree on.
UPDATE: This is really important. The judge just appointed a guardian ad litem for the 3 Jackson kids. That means they will have independent representation in court proceedings. The notion -- that the interests of the kids may not completely square with the interests of Katherine Jackson or the estate. It's not unusual this happened, but it's significant.

Can someone explain why this is so significant, why arent the interests of the kids completelysquare with the interests of katherine jackson?

It's not unusual and the children should have their own independent representative.

Not saying anything against Katherine because she is their guardian and will take good care of them, but Michael is not her only child and they are not her only grandchildren. Of course she loves all her children and grandchildren. She may see some things for the good of the entire Jackson family and not the good of Michael's children alone which is where the representative of the children would not have those other ties has only their benefit to look out for.
I'm sorry but this it not going to happen. Watch him appoint someone who knows Branca and McClains lawyer.
A lot of the cases I have seen it's been someone who they all agree on, but someone who has nothing to gain from it.
Did we hear something about DVD releases? I mean must the judge approve DVD releases for example Concert DVDs?
The problem with the judge appointing a lawyer for the kids at this moment is that it undermines Katherine's position in challenging AEG and Branca.

Basically, what happens now when the lawyer for the kids comes in and keeps siding with Branca and McLain? Katherine is at a disadvantage

At teh same time, the judge has done this before addressing Katherine's role as a trustee/executor

That means if Katherine objects and the other two do not, the judge can easily overide her by 2 to 1, saying it's her own interests.

You see, the new lawyer will only care about money being made for the children

It's like have Michael without a heart. Take Katherine out of the picture and all you have is Michael marketed as an object, without the soul and heart of a family.

One thing that endeared Michael to me and i believe to many, was Michael the person.
However, i don't want music execs using him as an object simply to rake in profits, locking his family out, especially his mother from making decisions she knew Michael would approve of.
I mean, the thing that put me off commercialised artists like idol, xfactor, is what they are trying to turn Michael into, just a milking machine.

As Londell said, why keep his mother away? It's just because they want to merchandise and commercailize Michael as much as possible to get as much money as possible
Don't forget that Michael used to turn down lots of endorsements so as to avoid being "overcommercialised" and that's what happens when there is no loving family member involved in the estate.

Elvis estate had his exwife who atleast loved him and had that connection

But look at Michael's estate, no exwife, no mother, no one but non-related people seeking to cash in.
The problem with teh judge appointing a lawyer for the kids at this moment is that it undermines Katherin's position in challenging AEG and Branca.

Basically, what happens now when the lawyer for teh kids comes in and keeps siding with Branca and McLain? Katherine is at a disadvantage

At teh same time, the judge has done this before addressing Katherine's role as a trustee/executor

That means if Katherine objects and the other two do not, the judge can easily overide her by 2 to 1, saying it's her own interests.

You see, the new lawyer will only care about money being made for the children

It's like have Michael without a heart. Take Katherine out of the picture and all you have is Michael marketed as an object, without the soul and heart of a family.

One thing that endeared Michael to me and i believe to many, was Michael the person.
However, i don't want music execs using him as an object simply to rake in profits, locking his family out, especially his mother from making decisions she knew Michael would approve of.
I mean, the thing that put me off commercialised artists like idol, xfactor, is what they are trying to turn Michael into, just a milking machine.

As Londell said, why keep his mother away? It's just because they want to merchandise and commercailize Michael as much as possible to get as much money as possible
Don't forget that Michael used to turn down lots of endorsements so as to avoid being "overcommercialised" and that's what happens when there is no loving family member involved in the estate.

Elvis estate had his exwife who atleast loved him and had that connection

But look at Michael's estate, no exwife, no mother, no one but non-related people seeking to cash in.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but didn't Katherine get left 40%? I'm sure she will be taken care will the children.
WTF did this Billie Jean woman come from? Am I missing something?

My head hurts with the the cashing in circus, it's unbelievable
billie jeans been stalking him forever if its the same one.
Don't forget that Michael used to turn down lots of endorsements so as to avoid being "overcommercialised" and that's what happens when there is no loving family member involved in the estate.

Elvis estate had his exwife who atleast loved him and had that connection

But look at Michael's estate, no exwife, no mother, no one but non-related people seeking to cash in.

?? But Elvis is overcommercialised! You can get everything with elvis on it really everthing Elvis is the most overcommercialised artist ever despite the family in control√
UPDATE: The lawyers just said Bravado has a number of buyers interested in merchandising Jackson memorabilia but if they don't get the green light quickly the buyer's could lose interest within a week.

Aren't Bravado selling through AEG? Thats the official merchandise right?
The problem with the judge appointing a lawyer for the kids at this moment is that it undermines Katherine's position in challenging AEG and Branca.

Basically, what happens now when the lawyer for the kids comes in and keeps siding with Branca and McLain? Katherine is at a disadvantage

However, i don't want music execs using him as an object simply to rake in profits, locking his family out, especially his mother from making decisions she knew Michael would approve of.
I mean, the thing that put me off commercialised artists like idol, xfactor, is what they are trying to turn Michael into, just a milking machine.

As Londell said, why keep his mother away? It's just because they want to merchandise and commercailize Michael as much as possible to get as much money as possible
Don't forget that Michael used to turn down lots of endorsements so as to avoid being "overcommercialised" and that's what happens when there is no loving family member involved in the estate.

Elvis estate had his exwife who atleast loved him and had that connection

But look at Michael's estate, no exwife, no mother, no one but non-related people seeking to cash in.

Why not? I have no problem with that.
The last commercializing of the name of MJ was HIStory tour.

This Is It has been planning with merchandise, so why not...

Its better to sell something right now, than let the bootleg sellers keep cashing in... their own pockets....
It's still f*ckin sad that she has to appear at a time like this, rediculous. there's gonna be more issues, more drama when they want to buy things.

ok,does katherine have to deal w/ a fiduciary now? ask this 'guardian' for the kids what seh can and can't do w/ them? like travel, money for fun, etc...?

anyone know more about that? b/c that's just one more person who is takingmoney from the kids cuz everything they do,they will charge them for it. lick an envelope, mail a letter, putting on a stamp. great
Today a judge approved a deal giving Columbia Pictures the rights to make a movie out of Michael's rehearsal footage for the London concerts.

Lawyers for Michael Jackson's estate are expected to hold a press conference any minute about today's hearing.
k,does katherine have to deal w/ a fiduciary now? ask this 'guardian' for the kids what seh can and can't do w/ them? like travel, money for fun, etc...?

anyone know more about that? b/c that's just one more person who is takingmoney from the kids cuz everything they do,they will charge them for it. lick an envelope, mail a letter, putting on a stamp. great

the guardian is a lawyer to oversee the kids rights when discussing deals
Correct me if I'm wrong...but didn't Katherine get left 40%? I'm sure she will be taken care will the children.

It's not about Katherine being taken care of.

Okay, here is teh picture. Assume you have a son who is famous and is sorrounded by many opportunists some of who he fires and then they later come back.

Assume you have been a trustee for your son's business and have seen how people have tried to use him and rob his estate

Then your son goes through it all, and is about to launch a major tour and suddenly dies.

These same people he fired who return a week before he dies, then present a will saying they are in charge of his estate and want to keep you away from having any say in the estate or access to information.

What do you do?

Sit back and say, oh well, i have a share of 40% i will let them run it how they want

Or do you challenge and seek to be involved to know what is going on and to see that your son's interests are upheld?

Do you step back from the trustee that you were to your son and let people that have been circling your son run the show without a say?

Well, that is what you want Katherine to do,