Aug.10th Court Hearing...This is It Film Approved (Merged)

UPDATE: Claire Elisabeth Fields Cruise is now at the podium in our live stream (below). She's the "other" one.

Now for our Maury Povich moment of the day. Billy Jean just stood up and said "I am Blanket's mother and I am concerned about what's going on." She added, "I would like for all probate proceedings to be halted." The judge was polite and told her she could submit papers. She's walking downstairs so we're firing up our live stream for your entertainment.

Omg I'm watching the live stream now... wth is she doing! :mello:
Shit, We was so close to the tour. And I hate when they said it was his comeback tour, makes me feel even more sad. I wish this never had happen.
The so-called Claire Elisabeth Fields Cruise makes my headphone broken down
. It's 1:31 AM in my country and she scares the crap out of me
Oh Gosh... this is so hard to watch but I can't stop. :bugeyed She is effin' crazy, especially saying to she had a relationship with Cruise?! Is this a joke or something, omg.

EDIT: LMAO "I married Michael Jackson on October 21st, 1983."

Right then and there my mom and Iaughed so hard.
Wait a minute,did she just say she married Mike when she was 18. My ears ears

And now Prince is not Mike's child
Oh Gosh... this is so hard to watch but I can't stop. :bugeyed She is effin' crazy, especially saying to she had a relationship with Cruise?! Is this a joke or something, omg.

EDIT: LMAO "I married Michael JAckson on October 21st, 1983."

Right then and there my mom and Iaughed so hard.

Yeah I'm just in awe she is giving a press conference, well that anyone is letting this happen. It's a train wreck! I'm confused, she claims she is the biological mother, she has never given birth, and she didn't know she was married to michael jackson? huh? Lady lost her mind!
^ I know right?! NOW SHES CLAIMING SHE WROTE SONGS. o____O And that she's still legally married to him!?

And UH Prince was born in 1997.

Not 1996... LADY. :mello: Wooooow. This is crazy... but I feel this is only the beginning.
OMG this woman is MAD!! Just out to try to claim her piece of Michael and moment of fame :(
People like this should be locked up!
So so sad :cry:
I can't help thinking back to Bonnie Vent (the medium) who Michael is supposed to of spoken to.No wonder why Mike was so concerned of what was to come :(
hahahahahahahahahahahaha...she blocked out that she gave michael her embryo's until he died. I'm sorry, this is just sad.
This woman needs a padded room and a straight jacket STAT :lol:

I can feel the brain cells dying and my iq dropping by the second.... :mello:
All of Toms kids are hers even suri. Oh and wait - conner is MJs biological son. This woman needs psychological help
Its shockingly funny, how such psycho can do a press statement...

The jourmalists believe her...?
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I can feel the brain cells dying and my iq dropping by the second....

same here

What is she saying right now,she says too small,I can't hear anything
I feel so sorry for Michael.. my goodness... this kind of crap and craziness is still going even when he was alive and he is passed. :bugeyed