AP: Jackson was healthy

It's the puncture marks that are putting me off? What is that about and how could they have gotten there because it implies (i'm not saying he was) but it implies he may have been an addict right? It's the FIRST thing I hear being reported when they say the story... mj was found with puncture marks!...oh and btw his vital organs are perfectly fine and dr. death's drugs killed him...
Are you f-ing kidding me?! It's none of their damn business and if they really want to know they can ask LMP.

$humley needs to kick rocks with no socks. Remember after Michael died, he was going around telling people that he was a drug addict. He was just telling us that Michael had lost the will to live. The nerve! After he hadn't seen him in years. Please media, ask $humley about the 'missing' money from his 'charities'.

yeah ya know all the talk shows this guy has been on not ONE reporter has asked him about that charity money.....just tells ya how crooked the media is.....is they wanted to ask him the hard questions this would be one of them
By THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press Writer Thomas Watkins, Associated Press Writer – 6 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's arms were covered with punctures, his face and neck were scarred and he had tattooed eyebrows and lips, but he wasn't the sickly skeleton of a man portrayed by tabloids, according to his autopsy report obtained by The Associated Press.

In fact, the Los Angeles County coroner's report shows Jackson was a fairly healthy 50-year-old before he died of an overdose.

His 136 pounds were in the acceptable range for a 5-foot-9 man. His heart was strong with no sign of plaque buildup. And his kidneys and most other major organs were normal.

Still, Jackson had health issues: arthritis in the lower spine and some fingers, and mild plaque buildup in his leg arteries. Most serious was his lungs, which the autopsy report said were chronically inflamed and had reduced capacity that might have left him short of breath.

However, according to the document, the lung condition was not serious enough to be a direct or contributing cause of death.

"His overall health was fine," said Dr. Zeev Kain, chairman of the anesthesiology department at the University of California, Irvine, who reviewed a copy of the autopsy report for the AP. "The results are within normal limits."

Jackson died at his rented Los Angeles mansion June 25 after his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, administered the anesthetic propofol and two other sedatives to get the chronic insomniac to sleep, court documents state. Propofol, normally a surgical anesthetic used in operating rooms, acts as a respiratory depressant and requires constant monitoring.

When Murray realized Jackson was unresponsive, he began frantic efforts to revive him but Jackson never regained consciousness and was declared dead at the University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center.

Though the full autopsy report has not been publicly released, the coroner's office announced last month that Jackson's death was a homicide caused by "acute propofol intoxication," with the other sedatives listed as a contributing factor. They said the standard of care for administering propofol was not met and the recommended equipment for patient monitoring, precision dosing and resuscitation was missing


This is too much for me....:cry: :cry:
Lou mj's caoch and Klien both said they were in a position to see any needles marks on his arms and there were never anything like that to be seen .

lou left mj a month before his death, klien on the other hand saw him three days before his death . yes klien is an asshole but I do believe him .
yeah ya know all the talk shows this guy has been on not ONE reporter has asked him about that charity money.....just tells ya how crooked the media is.....is they wanted to ask him the hard questions this would be one of them



yoo hoo you fuckin' reporters who're reading this thread on the sly.

well, eff you, wusses.

EFF YOU. :angry:

*is really, really angry tonight. again*
UMM hello u stupid media ppl..lmp & mike confirmed on their interview!
And i doubt lisa would lie bout somethin like that!


I can't believe they will even asked that question... Do they know how many girls and women in history would jump to the chance to sleeping with F!#&%* Bootylicious his sexiness Mr. Jackson? LOLS! XD
It's the puncture marks that are putting me off? What is that about and how could they have gotten there because it implies (i'm not saying he was) but it implies he may have been an addict right? It's the FIRST thing I hear being reported when they say the story... mj was found with puncture marks!...oh and btw his vital organs are perfectly fine and dr. death's drugs killed him...

correct me if I am wrong

- yes they imply that the puncture marks show that he was an addict


- today at TMZ they were saying that Dr. Murray was giving him profol for the last 2 months so if this is true, isn't it normal and expected that he'll have some good number of puncture marks on his body.

btw the report says there are puncture marks but it does not say how many so at this point everybody is speculating imo. there is a huge difference let say between 5 marks and 500 marks.


I can't believe they will even asked that question... Do they know how many girls and women in history would jump to the chance to sleeping with F!#&%* Bootylicious his sexiness Mr. Jackson? LOLS! XD

Tell me bout it!..would i have jumped on mj...HELL YEH!!! but out of love!


I can't believe they will even asked that question... Do they know how many girls and women in history would jump to the chance to sleeping with F!#&%* Bootylicious his sexiness Mr. Jackson? LOLS! XD


Even Madonna lost her cool over F!#&%* Bootylicious his sexiness Mr. Jackson!
like i said, just because you don't see justice with your own eyes, doesn't mean it ain't happening.
What's your point? You can use that logic to "prove" anything such as Santa Claus, lol. I don't see Santa flying with Rudolph, but that doesn't mean he isn't there. If judges can be bought off, or criminals can get off on loopholes, means justice doesn't really happen with everybody. It's a joke. Some police will give out jaywalking tickets, yet ignore gang activity, especially if it's not in a "well to do" area. Or they'll stop certain people who drive certain cars.
sorry bud not kidding:bugeyed joy bayhar (sp)... ended the show by asking....

" do you think michael ever had sex with a woman? " I was so stunned by the question i totally missed shmuley's answer.

W T F is WRONG WITH PEOPLE?????????????????????????????????????

Ugh. . I hate Joy Behar!

She believes Michael was a child molester. I uploaded this video where Whoopi Goldberg is defending Michael against Joy on The View.


What the hell is wrong with her?!?! How would she like people asking invasive questions about her life? Some people still do not treat Michael like a human being and it's quite disgusting.

I wish that $chumley's mouth would be permanently sewn shut. It's so frustrating that this guy is still getting air time and people aren't reporting that no pills were found in Michael's system and that his organs were all healthy!
After seeing the Autopsy Report that came out tonight (10/01/09) my question is will the PRESS give the entire Jackson Family an apology for all of the speculation they reported as fact after Michael Jackson's death regarding the cause of death they suggested; or as always will rumors and innuendo be left in the wind as truth in reference to inauthentic journalism?
Will this story (four months following his death) from the official autopsy {which is quite placid} get any traction at all or will the media once again report the sensational that they make up, get it wrong deliberately, and leave the family, friends and fans of the deceased to pick up the pieces and rebuild their loved one's reputation?

Joy always had to take the cheep shot, it's too bad b/c years ago before her antics I did find her to be a quick-humoured commediane. Yet, some of the things she says...come on...why is it that people feel that others have to talk about their sex lives out in the open...in order for them to be valid...

Didn't she know about Mike and Lisa Marie spending like two weeks at Donald Trumps resort...and how they spent hours a day alone in a bedroom together....they sure as hell weren't eating cookies and milk.

That woman is an embarresment to the entertainment industry.
what i am sure of is the fact that nothing can bring mike back,which overwhelmingly sadden me,he is healthy and would live a long life .so why did this have to happen?the real killers behind the scenes need to pay for the most unforgivable sin and should be cursed till death and beyond