AP: Jackson was healthy

I just read this on yahoo and I just broke down and cried!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: This breaks my heart so much!!!!

Me to, That makes it so much more tragic. :cry: I hate the doctor so much with the passion of a million fires, I hope that a second degree murder charge is possible.
Ok, IF this report is authentic, why in God's name hasn't Murray already been arrested? Will someone please explain that to me! Going by this report, no drugs were involved other than the sedatives & propofol that Murray gave him. By Murray's own admission, he left MJ alone after dosing him up. He waited 1/2 hour before dialling 911. What more evidence do they need to arrest him?
its more about building a case i guess then just arresting based on that and once they arrest/charge doesnt discovery start. and what do they arrest under manslaughter or murder. id rather have to wait and insure conviction rather than them running in arresting and ending up with an aquital
Ok, IF this report is authentic, why in God's name hasn't Murray already been arrested? Will someone please explain that to me! Going by this report, no drugs were involved other than the sedatives & propofol that Murray gave him. By Murray's own admission, he left MJ alone after dosing him up. He waited 1/2 hour before dialling 911. What more evidence do they need to arrest him?

i asked myself this many many times :no:
building a case for murder hopefully. hes told so many lies interms of the cover up they need to build a case rather than just arresting him cause he gave him the diprivan.its not as simple as that
Why does everyone keep mentioning the tattoos and trying to defend them? Who gives a shit anyway? If Mj wanted to tattoo his head, lips, eyebrows or hell... even decided to tattoo a giant blue smurf on his ass... that's his business and is completely irrelevant to his death.

I agree 100% Michael could had been completely tatted up and I wouldn't care.
Ok, IF this report is authentic, why in God's name hasn't Murray already been arrested? Will someone please explain that to me! Going by this report, no drugs were involved other than the sedatives & propofol that Murray gave him. By Murray's own admission, he left MJ alone after dosing him up. He waited 1/2 hour before dialling 911. What more evidence do they need to arrest him?

TMZ has said that they are waiting for expert doctor reports. Autopsy reports just list findings, then these findings go to expert doctors with any other medical history available and they write their reports. Remember even in the AP report there's a doctor who looks over the information and speculates about the results saying things like "this might be a cosmetic surgery scar" etc.

So basically now doctors are looking to results in depth to come to conclusions. I think if all the reports state that there was no other cause or contributing factor for his death, they will arrest Murray.
o basically now doctors are looking to results in depth to come to conclusions. I think if all the reports state that there was no other cause or contributing factor for his death, they will arrest Murray.
cause of death and contributing factors has already being given.
i told you so i told you so that's the way i told everybody i noew for years i told you so i told you so i love it when i'm right :D :giggle: :D :jump:

i knew all long :D
cause of death and contributing factors has already being given.

I know, it is my understanding that additional to coroner's reports expert doctors are also asked to write their own reports. I guess they are trying to say that "we asked these independent experts and they all agree that this and that is the cause". Basically they are trying to build a stronger case with all the more detailed examination.
I still can not believe this. Out of all of ills in the world, Mj died like this. I do not make no sense. As for his lungs, Mj has had a condition since the 70's. Even on the set of "the WIz" he had a lung inflammation. He had that for a years.
I still can not believe this. Out of all of ills in the world, Mj died like this. I do not make no sense. As for his lungs, Mj has had a condition since the 70's. Even on the set of "the WIz" he had a lung inflammation. He had that for a years.

Yes, It's sick isn't it?

his life taken at the hands of cowards and thieves who hated him for simply being true to himself, envied him for his wealth, and coveted his power and adulation.

Be strong though, they won't get away with it.
I was just about to post this. Now let those media vultures say he was a drug user. grrr

And his lungs? Yes signs of lupus and 99% of people nowadays suffer from some lung ailment, including myself.

Arthritis? He was 50 and yes even YOUTH can suffer from this...(Just in case anyone wonders, doesnt know or ends up arguing about it)

And the scars? He was a dancer for crying out loud.....and he fell alot and scars can rise on the skin for any reason. Especially on his head where he was burned.

The tattoos? Hm....the scalp I see but the eyes, lip and eyebrows? I dont know what to say about that just yet.

He had to do that because of losing pigmentation in his skin. I'm assuming. Or maybe he just liked it, I don't know. It doesn't really matter, I guess.
I'm so sad though that he had arthritis and esp. lung problems, and he was pushing himself so hard. I feel so bad that he was in pain, and it was so he could do those concerts. I just wish the a-holes hadn't gone after him years ago, and he could have still lived at Neverland (still a happy place for him), could have continued touring then, and then when he got older, he could have just done a few simple projects here and there. Instead, they took everything away from him and finally his life. :cry: This is all so depressing. :(
Ok, IF this report is authentic, why in God's name hasn't Murray already been arrested? Will someone please explain that to me! Going by this report, no drugs were involved other than the sedatives & propofol that Murray gave him. By Murray's own admission, he left MJ alone after dosing him up. He waited 1/2 hour before dialling 911. What more evidence do they need to arrest him?
It is my opininon, that Dr. Conrad Murray continues
to be protected and paid by the powerful people
who employed him to murder Michael Jackson.

To quote Dick Gregory:
"Doctors make the best assassins."

I just wish the a-holes hadn't gone after him years ago, and he could have still lived at Neverland (still a happy place for him), could have continued touring then, and then when he got older, he could have just done a few simple projects here and there. Instead, they took everything away from him and finally his life. :cry: This is all so depressing. :(
i was thinking the same :( that terrible trial which broke Michael's heart. and Neverland don't exist anymore the way it was before that nightmare.
i keep thinking about ''what if''......
what if that trials never happened.. Michael still would enjoy life in his lovely land which he created. his children would grew there. ( instead of renting a houses and still couldn't find a proper peace. )
he would create and would share with the world more. that nightmare took away years of his life, sucked out from him the joy and peace, and health.
if he would share with us more of his wonderful gifts, we would hear his songs/albums exactly the way He wanted it to be/sound, etc. and what will be now only God know...

and if God still would want to take Michael from us this year, at least we would know Michael lived in peace & joy all these years and enjoyed the life ( insted of fighting for it and justice, and trying later to recover from all wounds! ) his children would have Neverland, the way it looked when their daddy was alive, it would be such a special place for them with all those sweet memories of the happy times they spent together there, the things their daddy collected, touched, the trees and places he likes and where they walked together, the carousels on which they're enjoyed to spend time together looking at night sky.. all that lovely and magical daddy's land would be with them now with his spirit.

but the devil actively worked to intervene to Michael's life and to turn it into hell.
special ''thanks'' to all those who helped in devil's work: chandler, arvizo, sneddon, bashir,
all those two-faced so called friends/co-workes, etc who had seen in Michael only the way to be in spotlight :bugeyed or got insane just thinking about the money :bugeyed they can gain from it,
special ''thanks'' to fake friends, to everyone who wanted to use Michael for their own greedy needs, to sell him, ''thanks'' to fake rabbi and another one with the curved spoon, ''thanks'' to media-whores and moles, ''thanks'' to all doctors, ''thanks'' to those who gave an idea about 50 shows instead of 10, ''thanks'' to those who were blinded by great greed pressing on Michael till he gave his last breath. what more he can give?! he gave everything already!
you gave hell times to Michael here. but he is in God's hands now, in Peace. God know how much he suffered here and who ''helped'' in it all.
if you're in peace now here, enjoying your ugly lives and thinking God is dead and don't see your dirty deeds, you're mistaken very much. your time will come to answer for everything you did to Michael here and yours hell times are waiting on you.
building a case for murder hopefully. hes told so many lies interms of the cover up they need to build a case rather than just arresting him cause he gave him the diprivan.its not as simple as that

that word tore my heart to pieces "murder"! out of all the ways he could've died oh Michael you didn't deserve this. I know it's not actual murder but MJ was killed either way
I was just thinking about this yesterday when I read the full report, all my suspicions became true that he was healthy and he was taking care of himself and his death was unnecessary he was killed by accident, I can't believe it
today I found some articles from July where the media was talking about his catalogue, and everyone was on it Sony, businessmen, I even found Colony Capital's name, and they were saying that because MJ is dead they are in an "extremely favorable position" to buy the catalogue and at a fairly cheap price too. I was so irritated by the tone they were using do they even realize they're talking about a human being?
his death was so tragic but money hungry leeches could care less, it hurts me so much :no: why are money so important? do they take the money with them in their graves? are money all that matters in this life?
Why does everyone keep mentioning the tattoos and trying to defend them? Who gives a shit anyway? If Mj wanted to tattoo his head, lips, eyebrows or hell... even decided to tattoo a giant blue smurf on his ass... that's his business and is completely irrelevant to his death.

I agree. He has had the tattoo eyeliner for years. I always thought it was kind of sexy.....
i was thinking the same :( that terrible trial which broke Michael's heart. and Neverland don't exist anymore the way it was before that nightmare.
i keep thinking about ''what if''......
what if that trials never happened.. Michael still would enjoy life in his lovely land which he created. his children would grew there. ( instead of renting a houses and still couldn't find a proper peace. )
he would create and would share with the world more. that nightmare took away years of his life, sucked out from him the joy and peace, and health.
if he would share with us more of his wonderful gifts, we would hear his songs/albums exactly the way He wanted it to be/sound, etc. and what will be now only God know...

and if God still would want to take Michael from us this year, at least we would know Michael lived in peace & joy all these years and enjoyed the life ( insted of fighting for it and justice, and trying later to recover from all wounds! ) his children would have Neverland, the way it looked when their daddy was alive, it would be such a special place for them with all those sweet memories of the happy times they spent together there, the things their daddy collected, touched, the trees and places he likes and where they walked together, the carousels on which they're enjoyed to spend time together looking at night sky.. all that lovely and magical daddy's land would be with them now with his spirit.

but the devil actively worked to intervene to Michael's life and to turn it into hell.
special ''thanks'' to all those who helped in devil's work: chandler, arvizo, sneddon, bashir,
all those two-faced so called friends/co-workes, etc who had seen in Michael only the way to be in spotlight :bugeyed or got insane just thinking about the money :bugeyed they can gain from it,
special ''thanks'' to fake friends, to everyone who wanted to use Michael for their own greedy needs, to sell him, ''thanks'' to fake rabbi and another one with the curved spoon, ''thanks'' to media-whores and moles, ''thanks'' to all doctors, ''thanks'' to those who gave an idea about 50 shows instead of 10, ''thanks'' to those who were blinded by great greed pressing on Michael till he gave his last breath. what more he can give?! he gave everything already!
you gave hell times to Michael here. but he is in God's hands now, in Peace. God know how much he suffered here and who ''helped'' in it all.
if you're in peace now here, enjoying your ugly lives and thinking God is dead and don't see your dirty deeds, you're mistaken very much. your time will come to answer for everything you did to Michael here and yours hell times are waiting on you.
Beautiful said. This is how I feel.
that word tore my heart to pieces "murder"! out of all the ways he could've died oh Michael you didn't deserve this. I know it's not actual murder but MJ was killed either way
I was just thinking about this yesterday when I read the full report, all my suspicions became true that he was healthy and he was taking care of himself and his death was unnecessary he was killed by accident, I can't believe it ------------------Exactly. It hurts. It even hurts that it was said he had skin cancer and he died in APril and he had to put that rumor to rest. Now look, he dead. This man was meant to have a great comeback. This should have been the BEST year for a Jackson fan. We all should be talking about shows, who went, how we enjoyed it, how well Michael did, what he is doing, what new songs are coming out, etc. That is what WE should have been doing at this moment and NOT talking about Michael in the past tense. MURRAY TOOK ALL OF OUT JOY.
i was thinking the same :( that terrible trial which broke Michael's heart. and Neverland don't exist anymore the way it was before that nightmare.
i keep thinking about ''what if''......
what if that trials never happened.. Michael still would enjoy life in his lovely land which he created. his children would grew there. ( instead of renting a houses and still couldn't find a proper peace. )
he would create and would share with the world more. that nightmare took away years of his life, sucked out from him the joy and peace, and health.
if he would share with us more of his wonderful gifts, we would hear his songs/albums exactly the way He wanted it to be/sound, etc. and what will be now only God know...

and if God still would want to take Michael from us this year, at least we would know Michael lived in peace & joy all these years and enjoyed the life ( insted of fighting for it and justice, and trying later to recover from all wounds! ) his children would have Neverland, the way it looked when their daddy was alive, it would be such a special place for them with all those sweet memories of the happy times they spent together there, the things their daddy collected, touched, the trees and places he likes and where they walked together, the carousels on which they're enjoyed to spend time together looking at night sky.. all that lovely and magical daddy's land would be with them now with his spirit.

but the devil actively worked to intervene to Michael's life and to turn it into hell.
special ''thanks'' to all those who helped in devil's work: chandler, arvizo, sneddon, bashir,
all those two-faced so called friends/co-workes, etc who had seen in Michael only the way to be in spotlight :bugeyed or got insane just thinking about the money :bugeyed they can gain from it,
special ''thanks'' to fake friends, to everyone who wanted to use Michael for their own greedy needs, to sell him, ''thanks'' to fake rabbi and another one with the curved spoon, ''thanks'' to media-whores and moles, ''thanks'' to all doctors, ''thanks'' to those who gave an idea about 50 shows instead of 10, ''thanks'' to those who were blinded by great greed pressing on Michael till he gave his last breath. what more he can give?! he gave everything already!
you gave hell times to Michael here. but he is in God's hands now, in Peace. God know how much he suffered here and who ''helped'' in it all.
if you're in peace now here, enjoying your ugly lives and thinking God is dead and don't see your dirty deeds, you're mistaken very much. your time will come to answer for everything you did to Michael here and yours hell times are waiting on you.

That's the way I see it too... And it hurts, a lot. Over the past six years Michael was robbed of everything, from his home to his life. :(
that word tore my heart to pieces "murder"! out of all the ways he could've died oh Michael you didn't deserve this. I know it's not actual murder but MJ was killed either way
I was just thinking about this yesterday when I read the full report, all my suspicions became true that he was healthy and he was taking care of himself and his death was unnecessary he was killed by accident, I can't believe it ------------------Exactly. It hurts. It even hurts that it was said he had skin cancer and he died in APril and he had to put that rumor to rest. Now look, he dead. This man was meant to have a great comeback. This should have been the BEST year for a Jackson fan. We all should be talking about shows, who went, how we enjoyed it, how well Michael did, what he is doing, what new songs are coming out, etc. That is what WE should have been doing at this moment and NOT talking about Michael in the past tense. MURRAY TOOK ALL OF OUT JOY.

I know people are gonna get angry at me saying this but :

Michael could have died from a brutal, physical murder or could have had cancer etc. I miss him terribly and it all hurts but the way that he died could have been much worse given it's Michael Jackson.

I'm glad it didn't happen like John Lennon or Princess Diana.
I know people are gonna get angry at me saying this but :

Michael could have died from a brutal, physical murder or could have had cancer etc. I miss him terribly and it all hurts but the way that he died could have been much worse given it's Michael Jackson.

I'm glad it didn't happen like John Lennon or Princess Diana.
No, I would have prefer cancer or any other "natural cause". brutal or any physical murder (including what Dr Murray did) goes beyond one belief. We all are going to go one day but it is better to be old and dying of natural causes. It hurts but not as bad. I look at Walter Cronkite. When he passed, it was a celebration to me to live to be in your 90's. And what hurts me even more about MJ, MJ comes from a family who has long life lines when it comes to natural deaths. MJ should have lived to be an old man.
At least Michael didn't feel pain like Lennon or Diana. He just went to sleep. But I still hate Murray for what he did
we actually don't know how MJ really felt , but we do know how his kids felt and how WE DID FEEL that day .Murray should pay for taking MJ from everyone who loved him and that man was loved by MANY MANY people .
All have to say is that if he needed anesthesia to sleep, he was suffering a hell lot, more than we can all imaging, i suffered from insomnia when i was 12 it was aweful, more cause i didnt say it to anyone, and at the other day i had to go to school, i mean the worst part is when you try to sleep no matter what and you just cant, its unbearable, i dint took anything to sleep, but if i knew about something to make it desappear, i would defenetly use it, cause its aweful, and if Michael had it, well he defenetly had a problem nobody saw, may be phisically, may be mentally, who knows?? how hard must his insomnia be to have to use an anesthesiac, you know the magnitude of it???, i dont wanna imagine it, all i know is that he was not protected
that word tore my heart to pieces "murder"! out of all the ways he could've died oh Michael you didn't deserve this. I know it's not actual murder but MJ was killed either way
I was just thinking about this yesterday when I read the full report, all my suspicions became true that he was healthy and he was taking care of himself and his death was unnecessary he was killed by accident, I can't believe it ------------------Exactly. It hurts. It even hurts that it was said he had skin cancer and he died in APril and he had to put that rumor to rest. Now look, he dead. This man was meant to have a great comeback. This should have been the BEST year for a Jackson fan. We all should be talking about shows, who went, how we enjoyed it, how well Michael did, what he is doing, what new songs are coming out, etc. That is what WE should have been doing at this moment and NOT talking about Michael in the past tense. MURRAY TOOK ALL OF OUT JOY.

I still don't understand how Dr. Murder could have accidently injected Michael with that much propofol and sedatives. Enough to cause acute toxicity. Unless he is a complete idiot which he obviously isn't if he is a medical doctor. Something isn't right about that. It is very difficult to accidently inject someone with way too much sedative. I don't know. Something just isn't right. If only Michael had been able to find some other way to overcome his intense insomnia.
And I am 1000% positive that Dr. Murray punctured Michael with needle marks after he died to give the whole "addict" defense.

MJ was HEALTHY. And he was KILLED.

klien said it many times that he saw no needles mark on mj's arms .

These needdle marks could have been made either to 'give the whole "addict" defense' or when the doctors were trying to revive him. If I'm not mistaken, Murray injected in Michael a drug to reverse Propofol effect.

Well, let's just wait and see until next week if this goes to Grand Jury or not.
I still don't understand how Dr. Murder could have accidently injected Michael with that much propofol and sedatives. Enough to cause acute toxicity. Unless he is a complete idiot which he obviously isn't if he is a medical doctor. Something isn't right about that. It is very difficult to accidently inject someone with way too much sedative. I don't know. Something just isn't right. If only Michael had been able to find some other way to overcome his intense insomnia.
This doctor did NOT even know how to give CPR (unless MJ was already dead and he knew it and let the guard call to 911). As for MJ sleep problem, I had this problem as well. There are PLENTY of treatments to get help for this and it doe NOt require to use this stuff. NO DOCTOR should have been giving MJ this stuff NO MATTER WHAT. I thank that nurse for speaking out because that is what help the police and everyone to know what to look for. SHE SAID NO TO MICHAEL, why couldn't MURRAY. HE IS A DOCTOR and should know these things. He did it for money and now look, MURRAY HAS NO MONEY, HE IS GOING TO JAIL, and HE STILL HAVE DEBT, AND most sadly, MICHAEL IS GONE. So what was the point in Murray not doing the right thing by Michael? Nothing. Michael gave this man a lifetime dream job but Murray should have been a doctor and do what is right even if Michael did not like it or fired him.