AP: Jackson was healthy

These needdle marks could have been made either to 'give the whole "addict" defense' or when the doctors were trying to revive him. If I'm not mistaken, Murray injected in Michael a drug to reverse Propofol effect.

Well, let's just wait and see until next week if this goes to Grand Jury or not.

murray told the investigators during his second interview with them 27th of june that he injected MJ with flumazenil to reverse lorazepam effect .

but no such drug was detected in mj's system according to the coroner's cause of death .

by the way flumazenil is a drug used to reverse the effect of lorazepam and indeed it was found in murray's bag , the one he hid from the police first , but it was not found in MJ's body . an indication murray did not try to help mj at all
terrel, murray admitted he gave mj propofol on 27th of june , Lee talked about propofol 29th of june .

ofcourse Lee was a great help because she did tests that proved mj was very clean before murray came into the picture and provided them to the LA police department .
terrel, murray admitted he gave mj propofol on 27th of june , Lee talked about propofol 29th of june .

ofcourse Lee was a great help because she did tests that proved mj was very clean before murray came into the picture and provided them to the LA police department .
Even if she spoke out on the 29th, she gave more insight to this drug and I am glad she was one who did the right thing.
I still don't understand how Dr. Murder could have accidently injected Michael with that much propofol and sedatives. Enough to cause acute toxicity. Unless he is a complete idiot which he obviously isn't if he is a medical doctor. Something isn't right about that. It is very difficult to accidently inject someone with way too much sedative. I don't know. Something just isn't right. If only Michael had been able to find some other way to overcome his intense insomnia.

Maybe somebody else was in the house? After Murray left the room for 15 minutes, somebody maybe just came in and did another injection to increase a level of sedative? Keep in mind that security tapes were missing. I still think that Murray is the “last guy”.
if Michael had it, well he defenetly had a problem nobody saw, may be phisically, may be mentally, who knows?? how hard must his insomnia be to have to use an anesthesiac
maybe any of us on Michael's place would have this insomnia, after all he went through in his life :(
after has been so terribly treated and wounded, and memories from the past would haunt you and how you could sleep if you can't find a peace,
wondering about human nature and people around wearing masks pretending to be your friends, just trying to get close and to use you, back stab you later, thinking about your future while the whole world closely watching every of your steps...
all the ton of lies in the media all the time. and the pressure.... pressure... pressure.

i wondering, for example, about mother of arvizo. how she is sleeping at nights?
she stick her butt to the pillow and having a sweet dreams after everything she has done? and all of others?
people from the media, such a cold hearts, so perverted, how you all sleep? why you sold your souls to the devil?

after Michael was taken from us to a better place, i don't expect anything good anymore from this world..
i have some pessimistic feelings about the future.
through Michael and his messages, God gave us the last chance to wake up.

as for Murray, i don't understand how he could give so much sedative and propofol. and to leave?!
something just isn't right. cardiologist helping to fix sleep problems with anesthesia at home. wt? helped to heart to stop?
or he is an idiot, or someone are behind him.
well , what you are saying may end up Murray's only defense . and I can tell you , noody is gonna believe such a story.
i wondering, for example, about mother of arvizo. how she is sleeping at nights?
she stick her butt to the pillow and having a sweet dreams after everything she has done? and all of others?
people from the media, such a cold hearts, so perverted, how you all sleep? why you sold your souls to the devil?

I'm asking myself the same questions.
And the only answer is… those people have no conscious, emotions, empathy…
They are no humans at all. :no:
in the search warrant , they said the camera showed Murray entering the house at 1.00 am , clearly they had some tapes but i don't know if all of them were found .
yeah the national enquirer mentioned it but i ment no evidence interms of no real evidence not just tabloid reports
also if we were to believe murray's story, someone after 11.00 am went and killed mj and not during the night . i'm telling you murray might now say someone killed mj and it is a conspiracy against him
The propoful was administered though an IV tube ..
the smallest amount can cause a person to stop breathing
usually a lager amount is administered and done safeley if
monitored becuase any amount can cause a person to stop
breating while under it .. The doctor didnt monitor it .. he
left the room _ had he been in the room he would have been able
to resusitate MJ ... his gross neglegent actions cause Mjs death

There need not be any consiracy theories beyond that
the facts given above already prove what killed MJ
we need no other supects or conspiracy Theories

Why cant we just except the fact the DRs negelegence killed
Michael ???? why all the drama beyond that ??
They have all the evidence they need to charge him.
the amount he gave makes NO difference .. any amount
can stop you from breathing .. becuase you are knocked out
it does to prove that Murray had no intention in trying to revive him and that he indeed left him to die and I have a feeling he did not even "leave" him to die like that , he "helped" him die by injecting one LAST LETHAL shot.
if the missing tape story is true and if its about tape from say the stairs going to the upper floor the defence could possibly use this.

according to the search warrant murray only admitted to a small amount of propofol. if this was not a mistake in the warrent but indeed what murray had told police and if a bigger amount was found in mj's body, the defence could use the missing tapes to say someone else went up and gave a lethal injection.

i hope they've checked out everyone who was in the house that morning -- was there someone with basic medical training, did someone have previous criminal records and so on. the security guards should be the focus bc they would be most likely to have taken the tape.

if this other story is true that money and jewelry was missing they need to check on that as well. bc this could be a reason why the security tape was removed.

they should find out why everyone was let go after the ambulance left and who had given this order.

and it would be interesting to find out if it's true what murray had said in an interiew that he was protected by mj's own guards after his death. why did they protect him and were they paid for it and by whom.

anyway, all these stories on missing tapes and missing money may not be true. could be just tabloid rumor.
this is just hypothetically speaking but if Murray did leave him alone at night for hours then someone could've easily entered Michael's room...but I'm still sure Murray is lying he lied so much until now and the fact that he found MJ dead or dying and didn't call for help right away makes me not trust him at all
I swear if Murray blams it on someone "big" some fans here would defend him and claim he is innocent . anything and everything to prove the conspiracy theory .
1)maybe any of us on Michael's place would have this insomnia, after all he went through in his life :(
after has been so terribly treated and wounded, and memories from the past would haunt you and how you could sleep if you can't find a peace,
wondering about human nature and people around wearing masks pretending to be your friends, just trying to get close and to use you, back stab you later, thinking about your future while the whole world closely watching every of your steps...
all the ton of lies in the media all the time. and the pressure.... pressure... pressure.

2)i wondering, for example, about mother of arvizo. how she is sleeping at nights?
she stick her butt to the pillow and having a sweet dreams after everything she has done? and all of others?
people from the media, such a cold hearts, so perverted, how you all sleep? why you sold your souls to the devil?

3)after Michael was taken from us to a better place, i don't expect anything good anymore from this world..
i have some pessimistic feelings about the future.
through Michael and his messages, God gave us the last chance to wake up.

4)as for Murray, i don't understand how he could give so much sedative and propofol. and to leave?!
something just isn't right. cardiologist helping to fix sleep problems with anesthesia at home. wt? helped to heart to stop?
or he is an idiot, or someone are behind him.

1) Defenetly, i myself defenetly, sensitive decent people, (but we are minority in todays world, cause is all f*cked up, u know i use to not use that expression before but now is like F*ck them all, i just cant have anymore mercy, just cant

2)The Arvizo mother does not give a damn about Michael's death, she's a human WASTE, TRASH LOW WOMAN, so is her son, they HAVE NO MORALS, so yes, she is going everynight to sleep like nothing, that kind of people are LIKE THAT, and the SAME EXPLANATION GOES FOR THE MEDIA, SAME, THEY ARE ALL THE SAME

3) i feel just like you, exactly like you, im pessimist now, i cant have hope in the world, i was losing my faith before michaels' death for all thats happening in the world, Michael's death just was the final glass to be broken, for me to that was it, i finally woke up to the reality of this world, and man, i just dont see the world the same way, i just cant

4) same as the Arvizos and media, same f*ckin sh*t
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i hope they've checked out everyone who was in the house that morning -- was there someone with basic medical training, did someone have previous criminal records and so on. the security guards should be the focus bc they would be most likely to have taken the tape.


There was an interview with MJ ex-body guard right after MJ was driven to the hospital. He said that as soon the information was on news, him and MJ ex-friend Uri Geller (he is BTW on MJ enemy list) went to Michaels’ house. Ex-body guard said that Uri Geller found in garbage container an empty bottle of anesthetic. Why he did it? It has to be questioned. However after that Uri Geller gave a number of interviews to tabloids that MJ was an addict.
Did Uri Geller come to MJ house to cover some evidences? Maybe this bottle had some fingerprints and they didn’t belong to Dr. Murray? Why nobody cared who was getting in and out?
yeah the national enquirer mentioned it but i ment no evidence interms of no real evidence not just tabloid reports

CNN is not a tabloid. When the news was fresh, on June 26, it was reported on CNN that the tapes WERE missing. I heard it. Later, it was picked up by tabloids, but that is not what I'm going on. Much was suppressed. . .after that date. No, I did not tape it, but I'm CERTAIN of what I heard on CNN. I just wonder why this has not been reported on (by a credible news outlet) again?
The propoful was administered though an IV tube ..
the smallest amount can cause a person to stop breathing
usually a lager amount is administered and done safeley if
monitored becuase any amount can cause a person to stop
breating while under it .. The doctor didnt monitor it .. he
left the room _ had he been in the room he would have been able
to resusitate MJ ... his gross neglegent actions cause Mjs death

There need not be any consiracy theories beyond that
the facts given above already prove what killed MJ
we need no other supects or conspiracy Theories

Why cant we just except the fact the DR's neglegence killed
Michael ???? why all the drama beyond that ??
They have all the evidence they need to charge him.
the amount he gave makes NO difference .. any amount
can stop you from breathing .. because you are knocked out

Murray can say aliens from the planet Zebulon came down and told him to give MJ that drug well drugs and in the end it was still his decision to do it... he was money hungry and all he thought about was the $150k AEG was going to be paying him each month... He didn't know what he was doing and it cost MJ his life.

Also for the AEG ppl if they are behind some other shady things then it will catch up with them... Like my grandmother use to say "What you do in the dark will come to the light".-_-
Oh I forgot to add....there is No way he was weak, under-weight and not ready for the concerts. He was healthy except for the vitiligo, signs of lupus, and all other ailments that can affect someone of his age (even though he was healthy!)

he was strong, capable and ready for a comeback. This should not have happened PERIOD

And that bastard better recieve his just desserts because he KILLED michael. A cardioologist who didnt know cpr and apparently didnt know how to use a damn phone needs to be thrown into jail and left to rot

No, You are wrong~!~!!!

MJ wasn't healthy during his last days!

Do all of you remember the first autopsy reports?? They one that come out just a few days after he passed and then the family asked for a private autopsy as well?
The earlier autopsy stated that MJ was 5 foot 11 inches, 51 kg in weight and there in nothing found in his stomach except for a few undigested pills! They reported that MJ was very thin!

Now, this autopsy says that MJ is 5 foot 9 inches and 62 kg and was healthy.

MJ was always, 5 foot 11, everyones knows that! They got the height wrong!

Looking at these two reports you should know that one of them is fake!! And my deductions are the second one is fake and it's made up!

First, why do we need to hear another autopsy report when there is already one that is official?

Why do AEG have over 100 hours of rehearsal footage? Don't it look like they are planning to released it?

Why do AEG only took insurance to cover for death on drug overdose? Why so specific?


Dr. Murray is the one to blame now and Dr. Klein is joining him but the real culprit is not in the picture!

It's easier to believe that MJ was happy and healthy before he past away, rather than he was suffering, stress and have eating disorder because it really hurts to know that MJ was suffering and being torture to work long hours until after midnight!

It's easier to put the blame on one person, rather than a large organisation.

Do you remember who was the one always saying that MJ was healthy and happy during his final days? Randy Philips and Kenny Ortega from AEG.

Many fans are starting to believe that MJ's death is not cause by Dr. Murray fault alone, but it's was a carefully planned murder! This is the truth.
yes he was healthy but I think he was tired and I think AEG pushed him too hard,like I said they used him for money after the concerts sold out Phillips was so ecstatic he said he doesn't care he's gonna "drag MJ to London" if he needs to...they didn't MURDER him but they certainly drove him nuts, god knows what else was going on behind the scenes, remember these men along with Barrack "helped" MJ arrange his finances and legal troubles and AEG had been pursuing MJ for a long time

There was an interview with MJ ex-body guard right after MJ was driven to the hospital. He said that as soon the information was on news, him and MJ ex-friend Uri Geller (he is BTW on MJ enemy list) went to Michaels’ house. Ex-body guard said that Uri Geller found in garbage container an empty bottle of anesthetic. Why he did it? It has to be questioned. However after that Uri Geller gave a number of interviews to tabloids that MJ was an addict.
Did Uri Geller come to MJ house to cover some evidences? Maybe this bottle had some fingerprints and they didn’t belong to Dr. Murray? Why nobody cared who was getting in and out?

what? Uri Geller? what? please tell me this is tabloid crap

oh I found it I thought I missed something but it has nothing to do with the day MJ died you're talking about Matt Fides let's not even start with that guy
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matt fidas the bodyguard and uri , they wre both in London , they did not recover anything from the house, they are both liars .even the police did not find the bottles till murray told them where to look for .
what? Uri Geller? what? please tell me this is tabloid crap
never heard about that. sure u are getting the story mixed. mj has had no contact with geler since 03 and that bodyguard worked for him for a couple of days in 2002 and had lived off it ever since

nevermind i see it was a mix up

ccording to the search warrant murray only admitted to a small amount of propofol. if this was not a mistake in the warrent but indeed what murray had told police and if a bigger amount was found in mj's body, the defence could use the missing tapes to say someone else went up and gave a lethal injection

question is what level was found. its the little details we need to know that will connect everything and either show murray did give him a small amount because of all the benzos he had already given him and things still went wrong or theres something else
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There was an interview with MJ ex-body guard right after MJ was driven to the hospital. He said that as soon the information was on news, him and MJ ex-friend Uri Geller (he is BTW on MJ enemy list) went to Michaels’ house. Ex-body guard said that Uri Geller found in garbage container an empty bottle of anesthetic. Why he did it? It has to be questioned. However after that Uri Geller gave a number of interviews to tabloids that MJ was an addict.
Did Uri Geller come to MJ house to cover some evidences? Maybe this bottle had some fingerprints and they didn’t belong to Dr. Murray? Why nobody cared who was getting in and out?

they should have secured the death scene, that they didnt could be a problem and jeopardize the da's case against murray in the worst case. -- what was geller's a$$ doing at mj's house after his death or why did he make it his business to sniff around his garbage container? i've no clue, but murray could try and use such stories in his defence.

i really hope that missing tape story is not true. it could be a major problem for the da's case against murray.

Edit: ok, just saw the geller story is not true
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