AP: Jackson was healthy

After seeing the Autopsy Report that came out tonight (10/01/09) my question is will the PRESS give the entire Jackson Family an apology for all of the speculation they reported as fact after Michael Jackson's death regarding the cause of death they suggested; or as always will rumors and innuendo be left in the wind as truth in reference to inauthentic journalism?
Will this story (four months following his death) from the official autopsy {which is quite placid} get any traction at all or will the media once again report the sensational that they make up, get it wrong deliberately, and leave the family, friends and fans of the deceased to pick up the pieces and rebuild their loved one's reputation?

There won't be any apologies. How many people in the media apologised after the trial? They just went their seperate ways and followed the next hot story.
Joy Bayhar(sp?) does not know anything, that question was none of her damn business, she shouldn't have asked it. HLN is turning to a channel full of shrill harpies, (it's already tabloid as hell) with Joy, Jane Velez Michell and Nancy Disgrace.

And this story is conveniently ignored for the Rabbi coverage. I hate the media! :mat:
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Healthy drug addict???LOL. Wow, these people really dislike MJ. Is there any doubt?? I don't want to hear anyone saying TMZ is spot on; it's like giving a pat on the back to the devil for twisting the truth into a lie.

I have no idea what they said because I refuse to go to that site or the thread on this board, but, what you said, girl, is spot on :yes:

Anyway, if the truth came up and slapped some in the face, they still wouldn't get it. The media definitely doesn't want to know the truth :no:

They can't take the truth, because they are the main cause of the lies being circulated :evil:
yeah it is.... damn, he was HEALTHY! god :( im sad.

well about the tattoes he had... you could see them, at least the ones around his eyes, his mouth and the ones on his eyebrows. i recognized something funny on his head, but never thought it would be a tattoo. looked like it was painted though hehe. well, of course, he was 50, so its normal that he was starting to go bald. its not a shame, but i can understand if he wanted to cover it :)

the one thing what made me feel kinda bad is the inflamation of his loungs... that sounds so painful... and to think that he was going to perform AND sing with reduced loung capacity.... makes me feel kinda bad :(
oh ,lord!!!!!! OH MY GOD
he was healthy that means ,they killed him. who are ,they, i got no idea
oh i'm losing my mind!!!
Can't see how it was a tattoo on his head. He was having skin grafts and they were stretching his scalp if you remember Klein saying that on LKL. Skin discolouration would more like it. Either way it doesn't matter.
he had nothing illegal in his system, but he was certainly pumped full of a lot of crap. The cops have known about the autopsy results for a long time now so no wonder they are going hammer and tongs after the doctor who administered it all.
Wow, this is simply amazing, but no surprise to me. I never believed that Michael was no drug addict. Just because you had an addiction to pain killers in the past does not mean you are a drug addict.

And some or all of those needles marks could have come from the ambulance drive. They had him hooked up too.
Ok..So from reading about the findings and people's comment and my observations here is what i ask mysellf (IF THIS IS TO BE BELIEVED....)Rem we could easily be basing our truths on this and some of it may be as false as a tabloid story...Keep open mind always...

Firstly I feel noone aside from his family deserves to see any human beings autopsy..No matter who they are, There needs to be things that all of us can hold to be purely private and personal...alas 'celebrities' etc seem to be different..umm nooo.

It is so so sad his heart which he referred to in his performing, songs and life was the reason he died..But it WAS STRONG..This is very crucial,

1) Now can your heart be strong and then suddenly be the cause of death unless it was intentional?

Ok, well to say Michael was healthy is fine and true ( From one point of view)..But the idea of all the puncture marks on a human being is not common and does represnt an unhealthy man from another point of view..Those findings on his body are not positive, That much is certain.

But of course we don't know how many puncture marks or when they appeared, those questions and timelines paint the fuller picture..But scars,marks arthiritis,back pain,lungs etc...These are all things that Michael had and suggest on some level, michael was not healthy,e had problems, thats all..As we all do at some point, none of us are invicible but he carried alot all in one..

Michael has no signs of demerol etc in his body..So was he off these addictions or managed to stop taking them for his tour? Was his only concern regarding his obvious insomnia problem..Or was it obvious? Did people around him make him think he was worse that he actually was ? Did the structre and routine push michael into convincing himself that he had a sleeping problem or ad this insomnia been there since say the trial?

2)Michael was healthy in regards to being able to pass a fitness test..So if that is to be believed ,he passed,did aeg know he would pass?Did they think he might not pass and therefore it could jepordise their plans?

3) Where did the idea that Michael hated injections, Did he say this on a show and possibly be twisting the truth or did he act never say this?

3) Looking at Michael beforehand now with hindsight, Can an injections mark etc be obersved or was it good make up or possibly done at another time ?Klein said no needle marks...Lying or telling truth??? A player in this game perhaps?

'Most serious was his lungs, which the autopsy report said were chronically inflamed and had reduced capacity that might have left him short of breath.'
I noticed his voice changing over the years and he seemed to use it in spurts and only when he really needed too and in another way, perhaps not freely as he used to be able too..It required more to sing for long lenghts of time, because of his lungs ( Most serious remember)..
Reminds me of when Will I AM said michael would take ages before he even used his voice, It could be because it required more time to give as he did with his voice and even though his voice was still intact and in tune, He couldn't turn it on a easily and it required more work and time to sing to the level he can.. and this idea of lupus is new to mee too, so it could make sense...He had to savour his voice and use it wisely.
Remember CHRONICALLY INFLAMED AND HAD REDUCED CAPACITY ...Very interesting words that suggest something was v wrong...

4)Did Michael know this extreme condition he had, Did AEG, Did Sony??? It is all relative..Regarless of causing his death, This problem could have caused other things in michael's life and aftermath...Did Murray know about his lung condition, was he informed..By who and why? So many possible avenues to question.Klein said he knew....

Aside from propofol and the sedatives, the only substances found in his system were the local anesthetic, Lidocaine, sometimes used to numb injection sites and ephedrine, a commonly used resuscitation stimulant.

5) Would Michael have wanted this concotion of drugs?, knew he was having them?, , knew what they could do?

6)THEY CAUSED THE RISK OF BREATHING! If Michael knew about his breathing and wanted to be alive, Would he of let Mr.Murray inject him with this combination??Was Michael FULLY aware of the definitions and potentials of these injections of anestetisand sedatives?

7)Will AEG/SONY Cover up the possible pain or strain or hurt in michaels singing or breathing or lung problem in this is it movie??? We need to look out for that and see if they could possibly be hiding the truth at the times when breathing is harder for a human,...IE MOVING AND SINGING AND SINGING INDIVIDUALLY....

Also the word 'addict' can be defined in many ways, To be healthy is one thing.But to say he was not addicted or dependant on certain things is absurd judging by this evaluation of a human beings body..His body was healthy but there were 'scars and damages to his body' ..Figuritavely speaking and literlly speaking..He had problms that needed to always be adressed and in that sense he was addicted, ie to sleeping pills at this point..Uppers and downers.

'The coroner found depigmentation of his skin around his chest, abdomen, face and arms.'THIS SHOULD BE PROOF TO MICHAEL'S SKIN COLOUR AND THAT HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE WHITE OR BLEACHHIS SKIN...CASE CLOSED

'The coroner also found Jackson was actively producing sperm. '...So just because he used other peoples..DID NOT MEAN HE WAS INFERTILE..ETC..CASE CLOSED

9) look closely at the tii film..Will any of these findings of been visible? Rem film was made after findings but how much did aeg/sony alredy knoww? Technology can hide things...very easily...Did they know possible things autposy might find???

10)Ok clearly murray has a responsibility..But is he the only one, is he a scapegoat? If he is caught, would it be intentional ...Would it be part of the plan? Who actually made he meet michael..AEG payed for him..So they were certainly aware of him...AEG/SONY are HEAVILY INVOLVED IMO.

11..MURRAY SAID AT 12.12PM HE CALLED ' A JACKSON CONFIDANTE OR ASSOCIATE'.........WAS IT TO CONFIRM THE KILLING....WHAT DID HAD BEEN DONE..1 MIN IS V SHORTS....VERY suspcious..This phone call and what was said could be CRUCIAL in finding out who the other players were in this...Why one min and why the need to call ths person

I personally believe this was always to do with conrad murray..But it goes deeper, much deeper and is all rearding the atv catalogue and therefore ALOT OF MONEY...I believe aeg, sony are the main cluprits who have been against michael since THEY BOTH bought the catalogue..They have set him up twice, bren waiting for a law to change in order to get him in court..One he survived there was no other option..Kill Him..

12)Was there was a clause in the atv catalogue contract that stated if michael died or went to jail, sony would get the catalogue...Is this right?Because if not..there is NO way sony can get the catalogue...But aeg/son relationhsip is v odd..Being involved in the estate, John Branca,The contracts to michae for the shows ( how many did he sign?)..The contract for the dancers..Out of all the bidders..SONY GETS THE DEAL...Sony/aeg saying they saw nothing wrong with mj at concerts...what a bluff..

This is all about money imo, stating the obvious as money dictates everything pretty much..The atv catalogue is worth more than we can fathom and always will...Michael had to be put out of the picture in order to get to the next step...So so so many more q's but this is all deeper than we might ever know...r.i.p mj, yours soul ad body did NOT deserve these last few months n years
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I havent read all of the posts because there are simply too many to go through. But ive been waiting to get online ever since i went to work this morning to post here.

My take on a few things....

The needle marks on his arms - clearly from the nightly propofol and prob Dr Murray may not have been great at finding a vein....

The tattoo on his head and balding... well the man suffered burns once upon a time. He prob couldnt grow hair in the affected area and chose to have it coloured darker so it would disguise the missing section, even if he WAS wearing wigs

The discolouration on his body - why the hell wont they say VITILIGO - im sure the true autopsy report would have confirmed it by its true name. They just dont want to print something that will put an end to the endless speculation and sensationalist lies and opportunities.

The scars including the one on his shoulder etc... skin grafts for burns generally and of course the cosmetic surgery.

Lung inflammation = lupus and or quite possibly from the daily bouts of propofol and being under anaesthetic with tubes etc down your throat

The reaction from the morning shows in australia this morning? "This doesnt look good for the doctor".... NO IT DOESNT - thank god for that!

Hearing he was healthy was both the BEST and the most heartbreaking news we could have had. A double edge sword. I hope and pray that they get his killer.
who cares about the fake rabbi don even give him attention or the stupid shows he goes on. hes jsut showed what a fool he is being changing his opinion within hours of thisstory coming out. just cause someone talks about mj doesnt mean it has to be repeated on here.weigh up it value. media whores have no value

but ppl need to forget about irrelevent info like that and concentrate on what this means for the case. murray is in deep crap.he has no defence now the report is as good as it could have been for the prosecution.and i really hope the police got the timeline right when murray said he found him around 11am and not 12 because that could be one peice of evidence that changes it to a murder charge rather than just manslaughter imo. u could still get murder by negligence even if it were 12pm but if its 11 u have all the xtras of him being on the phone for an hour. if that doesnt show malice i dont know what does
ung inflammation = lupus and or quite possibly from the daily bouts of propofol and being under anaesthetic with tubes etc down your throat
mj mentioned in moonwalker about having lung issues and being caught out at jerms house once when he had an attack of sortness of breath. these sorts of epsiodes were reported a few times during the 80' early 90. mj mentioned pleurisy in the book i believe. that can be caused by lupus. so its prob something he suffered from for many years

The tattoo on his head and balding... well the man suffered burns once upon a time. He prob couldnt grow hair in the affected area and chose to have it coloured darker so it would disguise the missing section, even if he WAS wearing wigs
the blading was at the front nothing to do with the burns. his hair has always been thin there if u look at old pics.especially on the side
You are right about Murray being in deep doo doo@EM...
What kills me is how everytime something is proven in MJ's favor the media comes right back around and give a lil nudge to the "defense" aka Murray's legal team.. This time is was, even though MJ was healthy, the jury wld still have a hard time coming back with a guilty verdict due to the fact MJ had tons of needle marks on his body and he took several types of medication.. (not an exact quote, but this basically what they are saying)....
IMO, there isn't a person in this world that wld vote not guilty bcuz of some crap like that... HEALTHY= MJ didn't have no reason to leave this world unless it was by the hands of someone else.
oh and the tattoo makeup

well makes sense on more than one level.

The first - vitiligo takes the pigment from the skin and hair. MJ had it on his face, therefore he could have had white eyebrows, no lip colour or whatever as a result and chose the tattoo makeup.

the other valid reason is he is a PERFORMER who can get sweaty on stage. You dont wanna have stage makeup run. Why not have your eyeliner, etc tattooed on. One less thing to have to worry about and it always looks perfect. No bad makeup days. As a woman who wears makeup, believe me, I REALLY UNDERSTAND this. Wish I could afford to do it!
I'll repeat myself a million times...


We don't have to be einstein to think on sthg LOGICAL..

IF this was real, then explain to me why WOULD THE POLICE EMBARGO IT?

well who do u think gave him the needle marks? murray was the one giving him those drugs for months through an IV and the report shows there were no other drugs in his system so that defence stratergy is a non starter.his only defence is mj aked/bullied me into giving it to. felt he couldnt say no. which isnt a defence either
IF this was real, then explain to me why WOULD THE POLICE EMBARGO IT?
they embargo it cause they dont want murray seeing whats in the report. u keep as much info away from the accused as possible so they cant build a story,sorry a defence around it.
Why does everyone keep mentioning the tattoos and trying to defend them? Who gives a shit anyway? If Mj wanted to tattoo his head, lips, eyebrows or hell... even decided to tattoo a giant blue smurf on his ass... that's his business and is completely irrelevant to his death.
very true. look at the real issues of this report instead of pointless crap reported on by the media in order to do that exact thing.ie take u away from talking about the real issues
Lou mj's caoch and Klien both said they were in a position to see any needles marks on his arms and there were never anything like that to be seen .

lou left mj a month before his death, klien on the other hand saw him three days before his death . yes klien is an asshole but I do believe him .
I believe Klein said he didnt actually see Mjs arms as his work didnt call for that.
but if Dr Murry was injecting him for weks with propoful to sleep as he claimed
then of course there would be injection marks and also from the EMTs trying to revive him
there could have been old injection sites from when MJ claimed he was on pain meds before ..

But the point is _ he was drug free according to this report
no illegal or legal drugs other than the meds the Dr adminisisterd
to help Mj sleep and the propoful that Murry administered -
He gave MJ a dangerous cocktail and did not monitor him while he
was on the IV ...
Why does everyone keep mentioning the tattoos and trying to defend them? Who gives a shit anyway? If Mj wanted to tattoo his head, lips, eyebrows or hell... even decided to tattoo a giant blue smurf on his ass... that's his business and is completely irrelevant to his death.

not defending, simply discussing. I couldnt care less if he tattooed his entire body. WE dont need to defend, we know our Mike. Im just hoping the general public will stop to think about maybe WHY he had them instead of just thinking its odd.
Oh I forgot to add....there is No way he was weak, under-weight and not ready for the concerts. He was healthy except for the vitiligo, signs of lupus, and all other ailments that can affect someone of his age (even though he was healthy!)

he was strong, capable and ready for a comeback. This should not have happened PERIOD

And that bastard better recieve his just desserts because he KILLED michael. A cardioologist who didnt know cpr and apparently didnt know how to use a damn phone needs to be thrown into jail and left to rot

I agreed with everything you just said there 100 %
he had the tattoos because of vitiligo what's so hard so understand people?! :bugeyed
and I'll say it again - he was healthy but he was weak and I think he couldn't eat well and he obviously couldn't sleep either. the 50 shows were AEG's idea of milking money from MJ, he wanted a world tour with a few dates here and there, he didn't need to kill himself with 50 shows in London and THEN a tour around the world, please that's ridiculous
I just read this on yahoo and I just broke down and cried!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: This breaks my heart so much!!!!