AP: Jackson was healthy

there is always such a thing as Justice..whether you, yourself, see it, or not.
"Justice" can and has always been bought off. Why do you think the mafia used to control a lot of what went on in the USA?
That's what I'm saying. Imagine AEG and Sony paying off the coroner :smilerolleyes: to claim everything was ok. Duh, the family had one done too so they'd kind of get caught :doh:. I'm actually glad the family got the second one, for instances just like this. I really don't know what's going on with stories from the follower-fans and KF. If they say he was doing horribly, was he really? Why would they make things up? I mean, if it's just one person then it could possibly be discounted, but it was from several. God, I just want the truth, you know, whatever that truth is. It's really driving me halfway to insanity.

A Fan by the name of "Ana" on Karen's facebook is claiming Lisa Marie Presley said MJ never weighed more then 120 lb's when she was married to him. According to "Ana", that was what Lisa said to Karen on the phone.

This is what I meant about theories being spread. None of these people post facts. They post heresay stories with no back up source or even a damn link.
shmuley on HLN....saying he is not surprised Michael was basically healthy....he said I think some of Michaels fans wanted him to be portrayed as much more perfect.
Jesus he is just really bad mouthing Michael....I just cannot stand him.....
showing clip from Latoya from the view latoya saying,....Michael had a wonderful relationship with my father.......He is saying is that hat killded him more than anything else is that he never reconciled with joseph
I told my friend a month ago. They were not going to find the drugs everyone said he will have in his system. THE TRUTH WILL WIN. HE WILL BE VINDICATED ON ALL FRONTS. I TRULY BELIEVE IT. THESE LIES CANNOT AND WILL NOT CONTINUE. Remember when the truth does come out, you will still have some idiots that will not believe. That's okay as long as the truth comes out.


A Fan by the name of "Ana" on Karen's facebook is claiming Lisa Marie Presley said MJ never weighed more then 120 lb's when she was married to him. According to "Ana", that was what Lisa said to Karen on the phone.

This is what I meant about theories being spread. None of these people post facts. They post heresay stories with no back up source or even a damn link.

Around the Thriller Days, MJ was 125lbs.
I told my friend a month ago. They were not going to find the drugs everyone said he will have in his system. THE TRUTH WILL WIN. HE WILL BE VINDICATED ON ALL FRONTS. I TRULY BELIEVE IT. THESE LIES CANNOT AND WILL NOT CONTINUE. Remember when the truth does come out, you will still have some idiots that will not believe. That's okay as long as the truth comes out.

I don't know what the "truth" is, because some people here think the Dr. is a murderer, some people think he was incompetent, and some people think other things. So my question is that if something other than what you believe to be the truth comes out, then what?
now see schmuley as far as i am concerned is an that list of haters we talked about earlier...no tox report no matter what it says will ever shut his mouth....schmuly better watch himself too...he is not going to be very well liked person if he keeps running his mouth...his only interest is to sell books... Little does schmuly know......Michael was perfect in my eyes.....so he can say what ever he wants about fans...guaranteed not as many fans will buy his trash as he thinks
shmuley on HLN....saying he is not surprised Michael was basically healthy....he said I think some of Michaels fans wanted him to be portrayed as much more perfect.


Not even 2 days ago, the Rabid Rabbi Schmuck-ley was saying Michael was sick & an addict.

Michael's message to us:


Not even 2 days ago, the Rabid Rabbi Schmuck-ley was saying Michael was sick & an addict.

Michael's message to us:

you are right he was saying that......I love that pci of Michael with the jacket....:lmao:.....Go Michael..
joy just asked if shmuley believes mike ever had sex with a woman?

Are you f-ing kidding me?! It's none of their damn business and if they really want to know they can ask LMP.

shmuley on HLN....saying he is not surprised Michael was basically healthy....he said I think some of Michaels fans wanted him to be portrayed as much more perfect.

$humley needs to kick rocks with no socks. Remember after Michael died, he was going around telling people that he was a drug addict. He was just telling us that Michael had lost the will to live. The nerve! After he hadn't seen him in years. Please media, ask $humley about the 'missing' money from his 'charities'.
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Are you f-ing kidding me?! It's none of there damn business and if they really want to know they can ask LMP.

$humley needs to kick rocks with no socks. Remember after Michael died, He was going around telling people that he was a drug addict. He was just telling us that Michael had lost the will to live. The nerve! After he hadn't seen him in years. Please media, ask $humley about the 'missing' money from his 'charities'.

sorry bud not kidding:bugeyed joy bayhar (sp)... ended the show by asking....

" do you think michael ever had sex with a woman? " I was so stunned by the question i totally missed shmuley's answer.

W T F is WRONG WITH PEOPLE?????????????????????????????????????
sorry bud not kidding:bugeyed joy bayhar (sp)... ended the show by asking....

" do you think michael ever had sex with a woman? " I was so stunned by the question i totally missed shmuley's answer.

W T F is WRONG WITH PEOPLE?????????????????????????????????????

Was he on The View or the Joy Behar show? I missed it.
sorry bud not kidding:bugeyed joy bayhar (sp)... ended the show by asking....

" do you think michael ever had sex with a woman? " I was so stunned by the question i totally missed shmuley's answer.

W T F is WRONG WITH PEOPLE?????????????????????????????????????

Michael's message to us:


awwwwwwwww I love him so much.. this is just one of the reasons why :wub:

I wish I could buy all the fans Jackets like that. :)