AP: Jackson was healthy

guys some of you want mj to be a drug addict because that was the only way to proVe this stupid conspiracy theories claims , stop ruining each and every thread with this nonsense . now you want other fans to believe this report is fake , God when will you ever stop this madness . go to the inestigation unit and spread as much "truths" as you want , but please refrain from DESTROYING each thread with these FICTIONAL CLAIMS
Stop causing confusion. The report is real. The AP obtained it and they are the most legit news organization.

well, i've read UFO stories obtained by the AP(which were written to sound legitimate), and they are just like any other press, which consists of individual persons, who believe what they wanna, and some people believe in UFO's and some don't, so, i say, whatever to that....
Is this news factual? I'm confused

Who the hell KNOWS, at this point. The autopsy report either is or is not real. Don't know yet. (I suspect it isn't, for reasons I've already given.) Impersonators either were or were not used for TII. And if they were, for how much of the film, and WHEN were they filmed? If BEFORE, then that's terribly fishy.

You know what? People KNOW. The AEG employees signed confidentiality agreements. It would just take ONE person to have the nuts (sorry for sexist remark) to come forward and tell the TRUTH! Someone? Anyone?
Actually, there will be rapid edits (as in the clips we've already seen), stunt-doubles from a distance (sliding down a stair railing, with face not visible?), some shots from the back, and so on.

Did you know he used impersonators for parts of some of his videos? Did you notice? E'Cass was in portions of the video for "Who Is It," as one example.

actually in all honesty I didnt notice the sliding down the stair rail one..my son did...I was like that is so Michael..lol.....and no I didn't know he used E'Cass.......ok..ok....Michael is very smooth then ..he fooled me..:lmao:.....now if I seen from the front and ok the butt..:blush:...I would definitely know the difference.
guys some of you want mj to be a drug addict because that was the only way to proVe this stupid conspiracy theories claims, stop ruining each and every thread with this nonsense . now you want other fans to believe this report is fake , God when will you ever stop this madness . go to the inestigation unit and spread as much "truths" as you want , but please refrain from DESTROYING each thread with these FICTIONAL CLAIMS

I think the MJ drug addict claim is not what people who think MJ was murdered intentionally (and over a period of time) are saying. From what I've read those people don't believe he was a drug addict.
About that ' This is not it' exactly what is it? I looked around on the news section here but didn't find anything about it. And people say it's very shady that this news is happening right after the This is not it thing....i wanna know wtf that's about.
well, i've read UFO stories obtained by the AP(which were written to sound legitimate), and they are just like any other press, which consists of people who believe what they wanna, and some people believe in UFO's and some don't, so, i say, whatever to that....

Of COURSE. The A.P. used to be a reliable source, but there's been a lot of slippage in quality, in general, with news media. During the trial, for example, the A.P. put out the most outrageous rumors about Michael, obtained from tabloid sources. It's really, really hard to know ANYTHING for certain anymore. (Just a sec. Space-ship just landed in my yard. Need to check it out, and then call CNN. Believe me?)
i'm glad the truth is slowly coming out about michael, which the media/tabliods dont want us to know. they continue to insist on portraying him as a monster, a sick and twisted man... we all know the media is full of crap and the lies they have printed about him for over 20 years... even in death, they refuse to man up and print the truth, because it will show the lying hypocrites they have been while he was alive. they made billions of dollars on the lies they printed and reported about him. he was an easy target, was too trusting, too honest, too gentle and too forgiving, so they knew he would be an easy mark, to make billions of dollars off of, and his former employees selling crap about him also. this latest info. from his autopsy is great news, and proves that the tabloids and media are stupid liars, and how they manipulate information to suit their interests. we knew that long ago, we saw it for our own eyes. will this same media ever admit they used michael jackson to make billions of dollars off of, by ridiculing him, judging him, slandering him, printing disgusting lies, in life and death? i would roll off my chair, should they ever fess up and admit he was their one and only cash cow and they are hurting now that he is dead, because they no longer have an easy target to slander on their front pages! rest in peace mj, the truth will slowly come out for the world to see, learn and know. your fans have known the truth all along, but soon the world will know the truth, and the media and tabloids who dragged you and your name through the dirt will be the ones with mud on their faces.

Great post. Agree 100%
Of COURSE. The A.P. used to be a reliable source, but there's been a lot of slippage in quality, in general, with news media. During the trial, for example, the A.P. put out the most outrageous rumors about Michael, obtained from tabloid sources. It's really, really hard to know ANYTHING for certain anymore. (Just a sec. Space-ship just landed in my yard. Need to check it out, and then call CNN. Believe me?)

sure..i'd believe you, if you used your mind, enough to convince me. Just like Hitler made a lot of very smart people believe in him. the mind can be a powerful thing.
Who the hell KNOWS, at this point. The autopsy report either is or is not real. Don't know yet. (I suspect it isn't, for reasons I've already given.) Impersonators either were or were not used for TII. And if they were, for how much of the film, and WHEN were they filmed? If BEFORE, then that's terribly fishy.

You know what? People KNOW. The AEG employees signed confidentiality agreements. It would just take ONE person to have the nuts (sorry for sexist remark) to come forward and tell the TRUTH! Someone? Anyone?

In modern day socirty it rude to snitch
Who the hell KNOWS, at this point. The autopsy report either is or is not real. Don't know yet. (I suspect it isn't, for reasons I've already given.) Impersonators either were or were not used for TII. And if they were, for how much of the film, and WHEN were they filmed? If BEFORE, then that's terribly fishy.

You know what? People KNOW. The AEG employees signed confidentiality agreements. It would just take ONE person to have the nuts (sorry for sexist remark) to come forward and tell the TRUTH! Someone? Anyone?

What's so fishy about it? Perhaps they were going to do some stunts/magic tricks on the show where a double or lookalike was needed. There are literally numerous reasons why a stunt double or look-alike would be utilized. And when it comes to conspiracies, would it matter if said person/people were hired before or after his death? People with theories can say doubles were hired when he was alive to replace him on tours because they knew he was dying, and if a person was hired afterwards they'll claim AEG hired doubles after MJ died to get money because that's all they ever cared about, and then use that to further fuel claims they killed MJ or were negligent.

When it comes to some of these theories, nothing that is proven, disproven said or not said can ever combat them.
In modern day socirty it rude to snitch

Yeah, it IS. But this goes far beyond rudeness. A much-loved man has died, and somebody knows the truth! Better to snitch on who was responsible, who knew what, and when, and what condition Michael really was in, than to remain silent about such an important thing! So I'd say in this case, snitching is NECESSARY, for justice for Michael's children.
Yeah, it IS. But this goes far beyond rudeness. A much-loved man has died, and somebody knows the truth! Better to snitch on who was responsible, who knew what, and when, and what condition Michael really was in, than to remain silent about such an important thing! So I'd say in this case, snitching is NECESSARY, for justice for Michael's children.

Yeah, I agree! I really want to know the TRUTH!!
guys some of you want mj to be a drug addict because that was the only way to proVe this stupid conspiracy theories claims , stop ruining each and every thread with this nonsense . now you want other fans to believe this report is fake , God when will you ever stop this madness . go to the inestigation unit and spread as much "truths" as you want , but please refrain from DESTROYING each thread with these FICTIONAL CLAIMS

I'm sure I remember reading in late May/early June that there was going to be a dance sequence in TII that used MJ impersonators as the back up dancers.

Who knows if that's true (it was a tabloid after all) but that's the only reasonable explaintion to why they hired impersonators. Fans would not have been fooled by it, we're not idiots - most of us have loved Michael all our lives, we know what he looks like lol.

I still think the whole story is a bunch of crap though.
I know this is off topic butt...I love the banner...is beautiful..:)
Michael's being a drug-addict, or not being a drug-addict (I think he was NOT), have very little to do with the investigations that are ongoing.

It is not "fans" reporting that the autopsy report is fake. They are reacting to statements made on ET, and trying to discover the truth, if possible. Michael was a beautiful human-being, and when he left the earth, he took a lot of joy along with him (he didn't mean to. . but. . .). His children are left without a parent. There is no closure, yet. People on this board (MJJF, back then), were extremely effective in uncovering the truth. Journalists read here. I think the investigations then made a DIFFERENCE, and some of us really DO want to know what happened, whatever that turns out to be. We try to be as open-minded as possible, and look at "facts" and possibilities as they come in.

WHY no arrests yet? WHY is there even a question about the autopsy report, at all? WHY is it now being said that impersonators were used in the movie? WHY are the executors of the estate also the executive producers of the movie? WHY such conflicting reports about Michael's physical condition, depending on whether a person is an AEG employee, or not? Some of us will not REST until these questions are answered. We feel that we OWE it to Michael, for all the joy he's given us. People have a RIGHT to try to find the truth.
Yeah, it IS. But this goes far beyond rudeness. A much-loved man has died, and somebody knows the truth! Better to snitch on who was responsible, who knew what, and when, and what condition Michael really was in, than to remain silent about such an important thing! So I'd say in this case, snitching is NECESSARY, for justice for Michael's children.
Nobody ever snitched about John & Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jam Master Jay, Tupac, Malcolm X, etc. If MJ's death really is a conspiracy, then obviously there is some well planned coverup. If this is the case, then there is no such thing as "justice".
The executors of the estate are the executive producers of the movie because they want the best footage that paints Jackson in a positive light in the movie.
ET did not say it was fake , ET is saying the coroner gave the report to LAPD and the DA'office only and did not release anything to the press, VIC sorry but YOU ARE INDEED ruining everythread with the conspiracy theories claims . it is you and others on this board who said ET said it was fake because you want it to be fake. when it suits you ET are not reliable and now since it suits you it becomes reliable . please stop this madness . you have no evidense to back up your claims but LIES from LIARS like Rowe, Joe the abuser the CRIMINAL , and Latoya .
I don't see this info getting reported like the first 2 months of garbage! why isn't this breaking news? Where's CNN now?
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I was here when the allegations in 2003 were made public, i was here when mj was arrested and i know this board DID help mj alot back then and is still a big help to spread the TRUTH not the fiction stories many here believes .