AP: Jackson was healthy

By the way the autopsy story is going to be on in 5 min on ET for those who live in the east coast.

La Toya is going to talk as well as Diane Dimond. According to La Toya, Paris said "They worked daddy too much, they worked him to death" - something like that. Watch it now.

Ay dio's mio. *roll eyes*

i read this earlier and had to take a time out.:no:
thank you...what channel???

ET which is on CBS.

But the report is done. La Toya talked about what Paris said which was that they worked MJ too much for the tour. Then again, this is La Toya speaking....so take it with a grain of salt.

Also, Diane Dimond spoke, saying the report was leaked by the LAPD and she read through what the autopsy report said.

So it looks like so far it's legit and was leaked by the police. There much more to the autopsy that hasn't been released.
If they were going to finish filming of movies (like Dome Project) or other little projects like that, then I can see why they'd hire an impersonator.

But if they have so much footage then why? Weren't they claiming to have over 100 hours of footage? If its true, I find that very strange.

well, a drug addict would have suffered from some kind of kidney failure and his liver would not look ok or in good shape at all , especially some one who was addcited to the amounts and for the periods some of the media and many of the FANS believed .

I want to know one thing what those two empty bottles of lorazepam and midazolam were doing beside mj's body that night , and why the AP did not talk about the TIME OF DEATH since they have the full report .

Yup. NORMAL kidney and other normal organs (other than inflammation in the lungs which posters say can be explained by lupus) doesn't fit in with the drug addict BS. If his kidney and liver were severely damaged you can be sure they would have mentioned that.
I feel for everyone, and their beliefs as to what happenend, but some of this stuff is borderline ridiculous. Why does it matter if impersonators where filmed?, If infact they were, it's either going to be shots that dont show his face or quick movement type of things, since most MJ impersonators just dont have that resemblance.
mj suffered from Vitiligo , and i always wondered why his eyelashes and his hair were still dark , now i know they were not , also if you look at the thriller period pics mj did lose his lips colour, they looked WHITE . mj started using make-up at that time and maybe earlier and the tattoos is may be "revelation " to many but not to me it does explain ALOT .
Because that gives credibility to Karen Faye's claim that MJ was not up to do 50 shows.

It won't do anything of the sort. An impersonator could have been as part of a routine for the shows, or when he leaves the building, or ANYTHING.
Because that gives credibility to Karen Faye's claim that MJ was not up to do 50 shows.

??? And??? What have the impersonators to do with that??

???????????? What are you saying??
ET which is on CBS.

But the report is done. La Toya talked about what Paris said which was that they worked MJ too much for the tour. Then again, this is La Toya speaking....so take it with a grain of salt.

Also, Diane Dimond spoke, saying the report was leaked by the LAPD and she read through what the autopsy report said.

So it looks like so far it's legit and was leaked by the police. There much more to the autopsy that hasn't been released.

oh my goodness.....yeah this is true about Latoya...however I cannot even imagin what those poor children are thinking....thank you for the update..
Remember on Larry King when the lady chef was interviewed. She said Michael said "They're working me to death, they're working me to death....." The chef said he looked tired. So I believe what Paris said.
mj suffered from Vitiligo , and i always wondered why his eyelashes and his hair were still dark , now i know they were not , also if you look at the thriller period pics mj did lose his lips colour, they looked WHITE . mj started using make-up at that time and maybe earlier and the tattoos is may be "revelation " to many but not to me it does explain ALOT .

His vitiliago was starting up around Thriller. You can tell he was wearing dark makeup in that music video. He also had some red blotches from time to time.

I think had Mike spoke to the press in 85', and said what was going on with his skin, the shock of how white he became by 1988-1990 wouldn't have been so extreme. Not only that, many who suffer from this disease would have had an icon to look up to who was suffering from the same exact disease. But he perferred to keep it quite, which in return created a mass media full of lies (bleaching, wanting to be white, hated to be black ect) and it ended up harming him in some ways. Sometimes it's not always that good to be mysterious.
I WON'T watch Diane Demon. I'll stick to what you guys say & their website.

Thanks for the update!

ET which is on CBS.

But the report is done. La Toya talked about what Paris said which was that they worked MJ too much for the tour. Then again, this is La Toya speaking....so take it with a grain of salt.

Also, Diane Dimond spoke, saying the report was leaked by the LAPD and she read through what the autopsy report said.

So it looks like so far it's legit and was leaked by the police. There much more to the autopsy that hasn't been released.
ET which is on CBS.

But the report is done. La Toya talked about what Paris said which was that they worked MJ too much for the tour. Then again, this is La Toya speaking....so take it with a grain of salt.

Also, Diane Dimond spoke, saying the report was leaked by the LAPD and she read through what the autopsy report said.

So it looks like so far it's legit and was leaked by the police. There much more to the autopsy that hasn't been released.

Thanks, 'cause I really don't want to give ET my ratings. We may hear that they are investigating the source of the leak soon like with the Rihanna photo. :smilerolleyes:

Another thing to think about is if the information in the autopsy is false, I assume we'll see some kind of statement from the LAPD.

It won't do anything of the sort. An impersonator could have been as part of a routine for the shows, or when he leaves the building, or ANYTHING.

Hmm...to fool zealous paparazzi perhaps.

I don´t get it -Where is the connection between MJs health and the impersonators???

The thinking goes like this: real MJ too weak to perform, AEG hires fake MJ to fool people.
why? cause of their been nothing else in his system

because no PILLS were found in his stomach . you do remember that chernoff was screaming for the AMOUNTS to be released once the cause of death was made public . the two empty PILL bottles were Murray's only defence when the drugs found in mj's system were ALL prescribed by murray .

the other doctors prescribing drugs that murray did not know about was nolonger a defence , but he was left with the possibility that mj overdosed himself using the benzo PILL drugs . NOW even this is out of the window . I'll SAY IT AGAIN this is a second degree SLAM DUNK case NOW .
Thanks. We may hear that they are investigating the source of the leak soon like with the Rihanna photo. :smilerolleyes:

Another thing to think about is if the information in the autopsy is false, I assume we'll see some kind of statement from the LAPD.

Hmm...to fool zealous paparazzi perhaps.

The thinking goes like this: real MJ too weak to perform, AEG hires fake MJ to fool people.

Well, they would have done it hours ago if it was false. This was first reported early today.
The thinking goes like this: real MJ too weak to perform, AEG hires fake MJ to fool people.

This is not thinking this is just crazy. Are you joking?? Fake MJ ??? LOLLLL
Some people here definatley read to much fantasy stories.


because no PILLS were found in his stomach . you do remember that chernoff was screaming for the AMOUNTS to be released once the cause of death was made public . the two empty PILL bottles were Murray's only defence when the drugs found in mj's system were ALL prescribed by murray .

the other doctors prescribing drugs that murray did not know about was nolonger a defence , but he was left with the possibility that mj overdosed himself using the benzo PILL drugs . NOW even this is out of the window . I'll SAY IT AGAIN this is a second degree SLAM DUNK case NOW .

Totally agree with you. There is no possible defence for Murray now. Especially coz the hospital was so f***ing close by.
I highly doubt they were using MJ impersonators for TII before Michael died. In most of the clips Kenny Ortega was standing right next to him, he's worked with Michael for years I'm pretty sure he'd know the real thing from an impersonator, and I don't think he would have gone a long with it if it was someone pretending to be MJ for whatever reason.

Using a Michael Jackson impersonator after he died (so they could finish of the dome projects etc) is more plausable but really disgusting and disrespectful. The fans will not go for that at all and we would notice if it wasn't Michael, so I doubt the story is true to be honest.

I don't think Michael was a drug addict and I think that Dr Murray was a complete idiot who didn't stop to think about what he was doing, but I have a hard time believing (as some fans have stated in this thread) that he was slowly poisoning Michael to kill him off. What reason would he have to do that? I think it was 100% his fault that Michael died and he should go to jail for being a ridiculous excuse for a Doctor but I don't think he intentionally murdered him.

I also think some fans have to realize that Michael wasn't perfect and sometimes bent the truth in order to try and keep parts of his life private (and rightly so, the man was hounded by the paparazzi every day of his life) so by saying things like "obiously he had scars, it's not from plastic surgery -he was a dancer, he probably fell over!" is being a bit naive. Of course he had more plastic surgery than he let on, but so what? It was his face he could do what he liked with it. He was under the spotlight since the age of 5, his family teased him about the way he looked, that left deep emotional damage, it's understandable he wanted to change the way he looked. He never needed any of the plastic surgery, he was always absolutely gorgeous, but when the emotional scars are that deep there's nothing anyone could say to make him feel differently about himself.

I believe the claims that he was reasonably healthy when he died. I think he was stressed for sure, and had every right to be. He was obviously going to be nervous for TII he hadn't toured properly since HIStory and hadn't really performed properly since 2001, plus he was nearing 51, he was going to be nervous - no wonder he couldn't sleep! He's always been skinny so I don't really know what to make of people commenting on how 'frail' he looked because really, he's always been very thin.

Wow, sorry for the huge rant lol I just read through most of this thread and there was so much being discussed!
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They used a fake MJ for some part of the MOVIE.

(like the MJ jumping out of the window or gtting down the stair rope
The problem with that theory is, the best MJ impersonators still dont look like him, and you can still tell the difference, unless he wore surgical masks for the whole rehearsals, I dont see how filming impersonators matter.