AP: Jackson was healthy

This autopsy report does not "prove" Jackson wasn't a drug addict. I'm in no way saying that he was, but how does this disprove anything? It said pills weren't in his stomach and no illegal drugs were found. Prescription meds aren't illegal drugs. Nor do all drugs stay in the system for ages on end, which was an initial concern when testing for propofol.
This makes me mad. That son of a bitch doctor administering those drugs outside a hospital setting.
I do believe this is FAKE autopsy!

Only coroner can officially confirm any details via a press conference!

That hasnt happened yet!!!
well this isn't shocking to me. i knew mj was no fucking drug addict. michael was fucking murdered and its painted to look like murray was retarded and made a fatal mistake. he'll get a slap on the wrist and the general stupid fucking public will accept it as they always do. fuck this shit i'm so fucking pissed the fuck off
i'm glad the truth is slowly coming out about michael, which the media/tabliods dont want us to know. they continue to insist on portraying him as a monster, a sick and twisted man... we all know the media is full of crap and the lies they have printed about him for over 20 years... even in death, they refuse to man up and print the truth, because it will show the lying hypocrites they have been while he was alive. they made billions of dollars on the lies they printed and reported about him. he was an easy target, was too trusting, too honest, too gentle and too forgiving, so they knew he would be an easy mark, to make billions of dollars off of, and his former employees selling crap about him also. this latest info. from his autopsy is great news, and proves that the tabloids and media are stupid liars, and how they manipulate information to suit their interests. we knew that long ago, we saw it for our own eyes. will this same media ever admit they used michael jackson to make billions of dollars off of, by ridiculing him, judging him, slandering him, printing disgusting lies, in life and death? i would roll off my chair, should they ever fess up and admit he was their one and only cash cow and they are hurting now that he is dead, because they no longer have an easy target to slander on their front pages! rest in peace mj, the truth will slowly come out for the world to see, learn and know. your fans have known the truth all along, but soon the world will know the truth, and the media and tabloids who dragged you and your name through the dirt will be the ones with mud on their faces.
Why didn't the autopsy tell the exact time Michael died...

Maybe it was one of the things that wasn't released. The time is very important.
This autopsy report does not "prove" Jackson wasn't a drug addict. I'm in no way saying that he was, but how does this disprove anything? It said pills weren't in his stomach and no illegal drugs were found. Prescription meds aren't illegal drugs. Nor do all drugs stay in the system for ages on end, which was an initial concern when testing for propofol.

oh please common how long have you been a MJ fan???......you know good and well that Michael was no drug addict.....why do you insist on giving the media..something to talk about???......Thats really cool..I gotta say.....MJ's own fans think he was and addict.....no..not ..cool.....
What other indication do you have that its not accurate other than the claims of fans? When exactly did they see Michael? I don't believe they would have a good reason to lie; but that's their perception of what Michael looks like. Did they get to see Michael up close? I've only heard people saying that fans said MJ was too thin, but I haven't seen a fan's report/testimony with more details regarding that.

There was an email exchange between follower fans and Karen Faye that was posted on MJJC, but then taken down at Karen's request. The emails indicated that the fans were concerned for Michael's LIFE, he was so thin.

They saw him daily, and went to some rehearsals. In the email exchange was a detailed account of his physical condition. At one rehearsal, they saw him wearing white pants and a white shirt. He looked skeletal, to them! The fans were so alarmed that they gave him letters of concern, on the night before he died. They also wanted to make a statement to him, but a body-guard prevented it. (Some of us here are in contact with these fans, and believe them.) The reports of these fans are completely consistent. They tried HARD, to save him!
Please quit with ANY TMZ news...that site is CRAP, always been, always will be.
Anything they say is just as reliable as a foxnews or any of that bullshit. Please.....
There was an email exchange between follower fans and Karen Faye that was posted on MJJC, but then taken down at Karen's request. The emails indicated that the fans were concerned for Michael's LIFE, he was so thin.

They saw him daily, and went to some rehearsals. In the email exchange was a detailed account of his physical condition. At one rehearsal, they saw him wearing white pants and a white shirt. He looked skeletal, to them! The fans were so alarmed that they gave him letters of concern, on the night before he died. They also wanted to make a statement to him, but a body-guard prevented it. (Some of us here are in contact with these fans, and believe them.) The reports of these fans are completely consistent. They tried HARD, to save him!

Not hard enough. Besides I don't believe heresay. Unless there's photographic proof from these fans...

Going by the trailer alone - yes Michael was thin, but this was a man who was always thin. They made it sound like he was 5 steps close to his grave.

Dr Murray gave him the med that killed him.
i'm glad the truth is slowly coming out about michael, which the media/tabliods dont want us to know. they continue to insist on portraying him as a monster, a sick and twisted man... we all know the media is full of crap and the lies they have printed about him for over 20 years... even in death, they refuse to man up and print the truth, because it will show the lying hypocrites they have been while he was alive. they made billions of dollars on the lies they printed and reported about him. he was an easy target, was too trusting, too honest, too gentle and too forgiving, so they knew he would be an easy mark, to make billions of dollars off of, and his former employees selling crap about him also. this latest info. from his autopsy is great news, and proves that the tabloids and media are stupid liars, and how they manipulate information to suit their interests. we knew that long ago, we saw it for our own eyes. will this same media ever admit they used michael jackson to make billions of dollars off of, by ridiculing him, judging him, slandering him, printing disgusting lies, in life and death? i would roll off my chair, should they ever fess up and admit he was their one and only cash cow and they are hurting now that he is dead, because they no longer have an easy target to slander on their front pages! rest in peace mj, the truth will slowly come out for the world to see, learn and know. your fans have known the truth all along, but soon the world will know the truth, and the media and tabloids who dragged you and your name through the dirt will be the ones with mud on their faces.


TMZ Live just said that AEG may have filmed MJ impersonators for the TII movie.

They are working on the story to confirm.

This is very important news. Did Harvey say that AEG hired the impersonators before or after Michael's death?
Correct me if i'm wrong...but before this report report...there hadn't yet been
any real info about the autopsy, right? Only that it was about Propofol...but no full
details at all, right? So apart from stupid The Sun articles....this is the first one
that seems credible and real. Right?
Why didn't the autopsy tell the exact time Michael died...

Maybe it was one of the things that wasn't released. The time is very important.

i agree, but the "official" autopsy won't be released until the LAPD wraps up their investigations and proceed with charges or not. it was great to get the little bit of info. that we did get, about him being HEALTHY, and not the sick, emaciated, drug addict that the media was reporting him to be, lol. truth and justice will prevail. the time of death is vital in the invesitgation,which they are guarding very carefully i think, due to the people and players involved, who is saying what, like murray lying, hiding, getting rid of evidence... except he forgot there would be his cell phone records, lol. it bothers me that the security footage had been erased from the system, for that entire morning, which would be all the evidence of what really happened in mj's home that morning. the time of death will be super vital as well, in the prosecution..... mj's death, and anna nocole smiths are primary cases right now, and everyone in the world is watching. knowing that mj was in fact overall healthy, is good supporting evidence for the prosecution, as the drugs that killed mj were the ONLY drugs found in his system. again, prrof that he was not the pathetic drug addict the media painted him to be.
oh please common how long have you been a MJ fan???......you know good and well that Michael was no drug addict.....why do you insist on giving the media..something to talk about???......Thats really cool..I gotta say.....MJ's own fans think he was and addict.....no..not ..cool.....

I don't give the media anything to talk about. I'm a fan with my own opinions, I don't feed off or give the media anything.

Second, I never said he was an addict, just that the autopsy doesn't prove or disprove a dependency on drugs.
By the way the autopsy story is going to be on in 5 min on ET for those who live in the east coast.

La Toya is going to talk as well as Diane Dimond. According to La Toya, Paris said "They worked daddy too much, they worked him to death" - something like that. Watch it now.

Ay dio's mio. *roll eyes*
the coroner's office did say they released it to the LAPD and the DA's office . so the coroner's office did not leak anything but you can bet the LAPD did leak the report .
This is very important news. Did Harvey say that AEG hired the impersonators before or after Michael's death?

They said it was DURING the filming - that could be either BEFORE OR AFTER MJ DIED - but they are working on the story - Mike from TMZ (husky guy with goatee) said that they called AEG to confirm it but they have not called back, but they are working with other sources.

Now, in all fairness, MJ did hire impersonators to fool the paparazzi, but if this is true - THEN DAMN.

He has to be classified as a drug addict; no matter how clear it is that he was taking sleeping pills so to speak, but they have to classify MJ as a drug addict or else it doesn't work. So sick!!

Yeah, and no surprises which parts of this leaked report the tabloids are focusing on. Why don't they all just focus on Murray now? I really wish that Michael's estate would take more stern actions on the tabloids, why don't they?

It's so clear and has been for a long time that had Murray not been there that night or any other night then Michael would still be with us. So heartbreaking :( It's all down to his actions. It's time for justice to prevail now.

Apart from the fact that this report has not officially been leaked, I can't see any signs of it being fake.

Not sure about the whole weight thing tho? If he was 136 lbs as the report suggests then his BMI was 20. A 'normal' adult BMI is between 20 and 25, so this seems ok to me. Not sure if this correlates with the TII footage and fan reports? A BMI of 18.5 or less is considered underweight. For Michael this would equate to being 125 lbs.

No surprise about the osteoarthritis, all those years of dancing are bound to have affected his joints.

Chronic lung inflammation-being chronic I doubt this is related to anything Murray gave MJ. More likely an underlying condition eg lupus or maybe something else, who knows.

If this report is true then wonder what this means for AEG's insurance policy....Any ideas anyone?

Does anyone have any medical proof that ephedrine is commonly used in resus as suggested? I really have never heard of it being comminly used like this......epinephrine (adrenaline) is most common.
Not hard enough. Besides I don't believe heresay. Unless there's photographic proof from these fans...

Going by the trailer alone - yes Michael was thin, but this was a man who was always thin. They made it sound like he was 5 steps close to his grave.

Dr Murray gave him the med that killed him.

i agree. he was always thin, but did have lean muscle mass. don't forget, that he hadn't performed or been on stage for quite a few years, so in preparing for the O2 concerts, he was very serious about his diet, his body, and his heath. he was super hyper, stayed up many hours creating, preparing, and many other things that would add to him being lean and mean. don't forget, he was 50 years old too, lol. when you age, your skin thins out and bones stick out more, especially when you are older and thin. doesn't mean he was near death, or "sickly". he was healthy overall. murray gave him what killed him, for sure. there were no other drugs or alcohol in his system when he died, only what murray gave him. proof. it bothers me, that mj would still be here today if it werent for this idiot, murray, who is an incompetant moron. i'd like to know what he really did that morning, who he was on his cell phone with, while micheal lay dying, or in medical distress after pumping him full of drugs all night.
If they were going to finish filming of movies (like Dome Project) or other little projects like that, then I can see why they'd hire an impersonator.
They said it was DURING the filming - that could be either BEFORE OR AFTER MJ DIED - but they are working on the story - Mike from TMZ (husky guy with goatee) said that they called AEG to confirm it but they have not called back, but they are working with other sources.

Now, in all fairness, MJ did hire impersonators to fool the paparazzi, but if this is true - THEN DAMN.


Soo?? Why is it important???
I don't give the media anything to talk about. I'm a fan with my own opinions, I don't feed off or give the media anything.

Second, I never said he was an addict, just that the autopsy doesn't prove or disprove a dependency on drugs.

well, a drug addict would have suffered from some kind of kidney failure and his liver would not look ok or in good shape at all , especially some one who was addcited to the amounts and for the periods some of the media and many of the FANS believed .

I want to know one thing what those two empty bottles of lorazepam and midazolam were doing beside mj's body that night , and why the AP did not talk about the TIME OF DEATH since they have the full report .
I don't give the media anything to talk about. I'm a fan with my own opinions, I don't feed off or give the media anything.

Second, I never said he was an addict, just that the autopsy doesn't prove or disprove a dependency on drugs.

i have read your posts in the past and you always say this say comment though....it doesn't prove or or disprove...you say......If you need it written down in black and white from an autopsy report to settle your own mind then...hey what can I say.....
The autopsy findings cut off a potential defense for Murray — that Jackson hid serious pre-existing conditions that increased the risk of death from the drugs he willingly took. Even if he did hide a condition such as his weakened lungs, a prosecutor could argue Murray should have detected the condition before administering drugs, said Michael Brennan, a clinical law professor at the University of Southern California who specializes in criminal defense. "A doctor has some obligation to know what his patient's physical condition is," Brennan said. "The doctor is going to try to substantiate whatever the patient told him ... and not simply rely on a patient's descriptions of his physical condition."
Thats all thats important right now.

By the way the autopsy story is going to be on in 5 min on ET for those who live in the east coast.

La Toya is going to talk as well as Diane Dimond. According to La Toya, Paris said "They worked daddy too much, they worked him to death" - something like that. Watch it now.

Ay dio's mio. *roll eyes*

No puedo. No puedo. :no:

the coroner's office did say they released it to the LAPD and the DA's office . so the coroner's office did not leak anything but you can bet the LAPD did leak the report .

1st page article says the report was obtained by the AP but doesn't say how.

They said it was DURING the filming - that could be either BEFORE OR AFTER MJ DIED - but they are working on the story - Mike from TMZ (husky guy with goatee) said that they called AEG to confirm it but they have not called back, but they are working with other sources.

Now, in all fairness, MJ did hire impersonators to fool the paparazzi, but if this is true - THEN DAMN.


IF true, this is really disturbing.
By the way the autopsy story is going to be on in 5 min on ET for those who live in the east coast.

La Toya is going to talk as well as Diane Dimond. According to La Toya, Paris said "They worked daddy too much, they worked him to death" - something like that. Watch it now.

Ay dio's mio. *roll eyes*

thank you...what channel???