AP: Jackson was healthy

This is not thinking this is just crazy. Are you joking?? Fake MJ ??? LOLLLL
Some people here definatley read to much fantasy stories.



Or perhaps, more clearly; for the purpose of the documentary, fool people into thinking MJ was healthy. Hey...that's the opinion of some. We don't even know if the impersonator story is true now. TMZ is working to confirm it.

Well, they would have done it hours ago if it was false. This was first reported early today.

True. Just trying to look at it from both sides. I think the report is real and was leaked by the LAPD.

because no PILLS were found in his stomach . you do remember that chernoff was screaming for the AMOUNTS to be released once the cause of death was made public . the two empty PILL bottles were Murray's only defence when the drugs found in mj's system were ALL prescribed by murray .

the other doctors prescribing drugs that murray did not know about was nolonger a defence , but he was left with the possibility that mj overdosed himself using the benzo PILL drugs . NOW even this is out of the window . I'll SAY IT AGAIN this is a second degree SLAM DUNK case NOW .

Very, very good point.
Well, the idea of Michael impersonators in the movie really pisses me off!! I want to see Michael, the real Michael! I also think if he weren't feeling well he would break to rest and return later. I don't think Michael would agree to an impersonator for his performance, paparazzi yes, but not his performance!
Dear God I can't even explain everything I'm feeling right now. My heart is like pounding out of my chest and my stomach is doing backflops...It's been a few months since I've felt this...
Oh god, now they'll be rumours that MJ is nowhere near in that movie. That it's all impersonator's. Come on...is that how low we are going to go here?
They used a fake MJ for some part of the MOVIE.

(like the MJ jumping out of the window or gtting down the stair rope

That's another possibility. But you can't even see MJ's face in those two clips, they are super quick. We'll see better in the movie perhaps. It wouldn't be an impersonator then but a stunt double. The impersonator claim is unconfirmed.

Again, weren't they claiming they had tons of footage of MJ? Like 100 hours?
This just proves one thing...if we can't even be sure about a autopsy report anymore....what can we be sure about? Well...that we'll never hear the full truth about this all.
so like most of us have been saying, michael's health did not contribute to his death.murray killed michael.period
Very true - I remember the SHOCK of seeing the BAD album cover when it came out. I was like "OMG, he looks soooo different! Is this a drawing?"

But it wasn't - then there were the rumors, he wants to be white, yada yada. Then the Oprah interview came out in 1989, (edit: 1993, oops!) 2 years later, and he explained it and I completely believed him.

Maybe he should've had that sit down interview like he did with Oprah in 1987 when Bad came out.

His vitiliago was starting up around Thriller. You can tell he was wearing dark makeup in that music video. He also had some red blotches from time to time.

I think had Mike spoke to the press in 85', and said what was going on with his skin, the shock of how white he became by 1988-1990 wouldn't have been so extreme. Not only that, many who suffer from this disease would have had an icon to look up to who was suffering from the same exact disease. But he perferred to keep it quite, which in return created a mass media full of lies (bleaching, wanting to be white, hated to be black ect) and it ended up harming him in some ways. Sometimes it's not always that good to be mysterious.
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this AP report comes out AFTER the THIS IS NOT IT statement... sthg is fishy... VERY!!
Hi, remember TMZ is the site that reported the "stomach full of pills" story... So no, I don't trust Harvey and his team one bit. Not after seeing the photos, and the fans reports, not after reading Michael's comments about touring ("I won't tour anymore, ever, I will die if I do, I can't eat, I can't sleep...")

About the impersonator, I'm so sorry I can't recall where I read (might be a tabloid, so if this is not ok, I'll remove my post), that Michael's total contribution to the two hour show would of consisted in a total of 14 minutes, that the rest would have been special effects, dancers, and, yes, impresonator(s?).

I really can't recall who or where it was said, because I read it a long time ago, must of been someone from the "he was not healty and able to do the shows" camp. But if he indeed was not healthy, makes sense, right?

I'm also reading Latoya's book, the old one, and she says he had problems with his lungs back when he was really young, they thought he was having panick attacks, but there was a real problem. I'll look up the info, and I'll post it here.
That's another possibility. But you can't even see MJ's face in those two clips, they are super quick. We'll see better in the movie perhaps. It wouldn't be an impersonator then but a stunt double. The impersonator claim is unconfirmed.

Again, weren't they claiming they had tons of footage of MJ? Like 100 hours?

They may have had hundreds of hours of footage, but that doesn't mean that there weren't still reasons for hiring an impersonator or stunt double or whatever you want to call it. Maybe they had some routines that were close to finished that hiring a double could allow them to finish it up. Who knows. And, it could all be incorrect anyways.

This just proves one thing...if we can't even be sure about a autopsy report anymore....what can we be sure about? Well...that we'll never hear the full truth about this all.

For real.
Very true - I remember the SHOCK of seeing the BAD album cover when it came out. I was like "OMG, he looks soooo different! Is this a drawing?"

But it wasn't - then there were the rumors, he wants to be white, yada yada. Then the Oprah interview came out in 1989, 2 years later, and he explained it and I completely believed him.

Maybe he should've had that sit down interview like he did with Oprah in 1987 when Bad came out.
the oprah interview was in 1993
Very true - I remember the SHOCK of seeing the BAD album cover when it came out. I was like "OMG, he looks soooo different! Is this a drawing?"

But it wasn't - then there were the rumors, he wants to be white, yada yada. Then the Oprah interview came out in 1989, 2 years later, and he explained it and I completely believed him.

Maybe he should've had that sit down interview like he did with Oprah in 1987 when Bad came out.

oprah interview was in 93 right?
That's another possibility. But you can't even see MJ's face in those two clips, they are super quick. We'll see better in the movie perhaps. It wouldn't be an impersonator then but a stunt double. The impersonator claim is unconfirmed.

Again, weren't they claiming they had tons of footage of MJ? Like 100 hours?

Stunt double is very plausible, for those 3D clips.

Yeah 100hrs and they sold it to Sony, so think they would have checked the footage before they bought it!
About the impersonator, I'm so sorry I can't recall where I read (might be a tabloid, so if this is not ok, I'll remove my post), that Michael's total contribution to the two hour show would of consisted in a total of 14 minutes, that the rest would have been special effects, dancers, and, yes, impresonator(s?).

I really can't recall who or where it was said, because I read it a long time ago, must of been someone from the "he was not healty and able to do the shows" camp. But if he indeed was not healthy, makes sense, right?

Come on. You don't think that out of the million tickets sold that there wouldn't be fans who couldn't spot a look alike?

Seriously, let's not even humor this notion.
^ you're right about the changes though.. i can understand why he stopped doing interviews for a long time. that is until he did oprah. he probably knew people would pry into stuff that was none of their business.

and sure enough ... oprah did pry... i remember when mike was talking about Vitiligo. his voice totally changed to a feeling of "helplessness and sadness" when he was talking about it.

the next person i hear say that "mike wanted to be white"-I swear I will b**** slap them.

sorry... i hate using bad language.
Come on. You don't think that out of the million tickets sold that there wouldn't be fans who couldn't spot a look alike?

Seriously, let's not even humor this notion.

agree...any real MJ fan would definitely spot a look alike.
Remember Murray said he was giving Michael a "cocktail" of sedatives, anti-anxiety pills, etc. to wean him off the IV meds (supposedly!). Pills taken the eve before would have been totally digested (nothing in the stomach), but the chemicals might still have been in the bloodstream. They weren't illegal, but by prescription.

Even if Murray had been at Michael's bedside when he stopped breathing, he still didn't know proper CPR!!! He was an incompetant, idiot ! If 911 would have been called instantly when the respiratory arrest happened, (the paramedics arrived in 3 min after they were eventually called), our Michael might still be alive today!!!! God this makes me soooo upset! Murray is for sure a murderer!
NO that is incorrect _That was never stated ..
Dr Murray was giving additional sedatives that day to wean him off the propoful he was using to sleep not any other drugs _ _It worked the night before _but this time the sedatives didnt work so he gave him additional propoful on top of them which was a dangerous cocktail _ He was not trying to wean MJ off other drugs that was NEVER stated .. He was trying to wean him off from propoful period_Plus he wanst given pills all the meds were administered Intraveniously through his IV
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There was an email exchange between follower fans and Karen Faye that was posted on MJJC, but then taken down at Karen's request. The emails indicated that the fans were concerned for Michael's LIFE, he was so thin.

They saw him daily, and went to some rehearsals. In the email exchange was a detailed account of his physical condition. At one rehearsal, they saw him wearing white pants and a white shirt. He looked skeletal, to them! The fans were so alarmed that they gave him letters of concern, on the night before he died. They also wanted to make a statement to him, but a body-guard prevented it. (Some of us here are in contact with these fans, and believe them.) The reports of these fans are completely consistent. They tried HARD, to save him!

Interesting...so it was multiple fans, not just 1 or 2 people.Thank you for the information Vic.
Yeah, I know, I said IV meds -- the Propoful. That's what he was trying to wean. I didn't say he was trying to get him off other meds. At the time of my post I couldn't remember how to spell Propoful so I said "IV meds". I said correctly. I thought the sedatives were given as a pill -- Xanax?
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They used a fake MJ for some part of the MOVIE.

(like the MJ jumping out of the window or gtting down the stair rope

If they did use a "fake" MJ for those scenes. It would just be called a stunt double, nothing fake, nothing sinister, just a stunt double, as used in action shots for any other movie ever made. There is enough drama surrounding MJs death without creating "fake" drama.
agree...any real MJ fan would definitely spot a look alike.

Actually, there will be rapid edits (as in the clips we've already seen), stunt-doubles from a distance (sliding down a stair railing, with face not visible?), some shots from the back, and so on.

Did you know he used impersonators for parts of some of his videos? Did you notice? E'Cass was in portions of the video for "Who Is It," as one example.