AP: Jackson was healthy

I want to know the truth.
No matter how good, bad, or ugly it might be.

It hurts to read something so personal about someone I love so much.
I would never want someone to read a report detailing my body like this.
At least MJ's autopsy pictures didn't wind up on the net like Lisa Lopes & Tupac.
well, i've read UFO stories obtained by the AP(which were written to sound legitimate), and they are just like any other press, which consists of individual persons, who believe what they wanna, and some people believe in UFO's and some don't, so, i say, whatever to that....
Yeah, well, the world of UFOs is a lot like the world of celebrity news -- the general public doesn't really know jack sh*t because they never actually read the facts or the real stories behind the sensational "ha ha, what a nutter" tidbits that we get spoonfed by the media. It's easy for the average person to laugh and scoff when they don't know the entire story. That's certainly one thing being an MJ fan should teach us all about ANY topic out there. When the media talks smack, don't necessarily believe it. But anyway...

As for AP, they and Reuters really are as credible as you get in mainstream media. They're generally very good at fact-checking. Generally (no one is perfect). Given that, I highly doubt this report is fake.

And for the conspiracy theory that AEG and Sony have something to do with the real report not telling the truth... umm, remember that the family had a second independent autopsy done as well. If the coroner's results are way different from the family's, then obviously that would look suspicious. Given that, how and why would the coroner's office falsify info on the report, all the time knowing a second one was done by an outside source and would call their bluff??? In the end I think it comes down to this: if this leaked (not released, but leaked) report through AP is for real, then it's for real.
Nobody ever snitched about John & Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jam Master Jay, Tupac, Malcolm X, etc. If MJ's death really is a conspiracy, then obviously there is some well planned coverup. If this is the case, then there is no such thing as "justice".

there is always such a thing as Justice..whether you, yourself, see it, or not.
and Murray is gonna be convictecd of second degree murder very soon . because what is not made public yet is even more ABSURD than what is known .
The media coverage of this news was way too short! But, when it comes to B.S they have days on the subject! ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
If the things the ' This is not it' people are saying are true.....it would mean the report IS made up. Cause the things they say completely go against what this report says, about his health, about the number of shows he was agreeing to, etc.

Goddamnit...when is this ever going to stop..when will we ever really get to know the truth and nothing but the truth"? Jesus christ.
and Murray is gonna be convictecd of second degree murder very soon . because what is not made public yet is even more ABSURD than what is known .

They have to convict Murray on 2nd degree murder - all the evidence points there!
I was here when the allegations in 2003 were made public, i was here when mj was arrested and i know this board DID help mj alot back then and is still a big help to spread the TRUTH not the fiction stories many here believes .

We are NOT going to argue these same things again, in yet another thread. You have a right to your opinion. That opinion is noted.

The investigations, ongoing, are very similar to those that did so much good during the trial. You can't possibly know what is "fiction," because not all of the research is posted here! We have open minds, and weigh each thing very carefully. We have come to NO conclusions yet, as we are still researching. So there is no "fiction" here. There is no conclusive "theory." Some people want to look at every piece of it, and for some it's too upsetting. Either approach is perfectly fine.
Yeah, well, the world of UFOs is a lot like the world of celebrity news -- the general public doesn't really know jack sh*t because they never actually read the facts or the real stories behind the sensational "ha ha, what a nutter" tidbits that we get spoonfed by the media. It's easy to laugh and scoff when you don't know the entire story. But then, that's a whole other topic...

And for the conspiracy theory that AEG and Sony have something to do with the real report not telling the truth... umm, remember that the family had a second independent autopsy done as well. If the coroner's results are way different from the family's, then obviously that would look suspicious. Given that, how and why would the coroner's office falsify info on the report, all the time knowing a second one was done by an outside source and would call their bluff??? In the end I think it comes down to this: if this leaked (not released, but leaked) report through AP is for real, then it's for real.

Honestly, all these stories about an autopsy cover up and how they forged the autopsy report started at Karen Faye's facebook page by her fans postings over there. Then it trickled over the This is NOT it facebook campaign page. My opinion is the one's who post over there @ the facebook pages , trickled those conspiracy theories over here. Now many have doubts. Why would the LA Coroner lie? They don't. That's the point. Wait til the 2nd autopsy report is released by the family. Then we'll see if something fishy is going on.
Or Selena's, Monroe's, Sharon Tate, and River Pheonix. But....this is MJ....you never know. This autopsy report was leaked. Who's to say autopsy photos won't be too.
Oh God. That would be so awful. I've worried about this myself. That horrid ambulance pic that every tabloid and celebrity mag had to slap onto their covers was bad enough. :cry:
This makes me so sad... MJ only had minor health issues like arthritis in the spine. I have that too but its nothing to worry about. Im so sad right now and angry!!... This should NOT have happened!!!!!!
It might just be me, but this was like seeing him naked. No make-up, wigs, nothing just him and me.
Just weird. Not good not bad. Just odd. Like bearing his soul. Showing everything.

I'm not sure I trust this report. It's seems, too clean cut and what about his leg being broken from 2001? What about a scar from the 2004/2005 spider bite?
Or Selena's, Monroe's, Sharon Tate, and River Pheonix. But....this is MJ....you never know. This autopsy report was leaked. Who's to say autopsy photos won't be too.

Oh dear God .....lets hope not...Michael doesn't deserve that.....not to say the others you listed did....they didn't either.
It might just be me, but this was like seeing him naked. No make-up, wigs, nothing just him and me.
Just weird. Not good not bad. Just odd. Like bearing his soul. Showing everything.

I'm not sure I trust this report. It's seems, too clean cut and what about his leg being broken from 2001? What about a scar from the 2004/2005 spider bite?

There are many parts of the autopsy still not released yet.
I am heartbroken.
Part of me kinda wished that he had been a mess. In a way it would have been easier to accept that he died.

But there was just need or reason for him to die. He could have lived, performed, had more children. His body and health wasnt holding him back.

I feel just the opposite. I never believed that he was a mess. I would be heartbroken if he had died because he lost the will to live or was a drug addict or so frail and weak that he died. That would break my heart because that is not the M that I knew. I am glad that he hadn't become that and that he will not be remembered as that. It makes me incredibly angry that he was murdered and Dr. Murder and anyone else involved need to be brought to justice (and then rot in hell for all eternity). It is a horrible unspeakable trajedy. But more of a trajedy if M had lost the hope and spark and joy that made him an inspiration to the world.
DON'T GOOGLE IT under images. I heard on another board they already are.

I heard there were pictures too, but that they were fakes. I hope none ever will be leaked.

It might just be me, but this was like seeing him naked. No make-up, wigs, nothing just him and me.
Just weird. Not good not bad. Just odd. Like bearing his soul. Showing everything.

I'm not sure I trust this report. It's seems, too clean cut and what about his leg being broken from 2001? What about a scar from the 2004/2005 spider bite?

Good questions. But the article isn't the entire report, remember it was leaked. The media only shared with us what they felt like sharing.
It might just be me, but this was like seeing him naked. No make-up, wigs, nothing just him and me.
Just weird. Not good not bad. Just odd. Like bearing his soul. Showing everything.

I'm not sure I trust this report. It's seems, too clean cut and what about his leg being broken from 2001? What about a scar from the 2004/2005 spider bite?

Yes, this was very upsetting!

About the "conspiracy theories?" I want to make it clear that there are no THEORIES, definitively, yet. We just don't KNOW, but look at everything carefully, where it comes from, from whom, and so on. And try to see what fits and what doesn't. I just think it's important to keep an open mind, about pretty much everything?

I found that odd, too. The spider bite took months to heal, and must have left an obvious scar. He also had a scar on his head that wasn't mentioned. Not the burn scar, but in addition to that, there was a long scar (about eight-inches long, or more), that angled from his hair-line in a curve toward the back of his head, on the right side. In some photos it looks like just where he parted his hair, but it's not. There are some "breezy" videos where his hair blows back, and you can see the scar. (Don't want to take the time right now to hunt them up, but it IS there.) Just wondering, why that wasn't mentioned? Not sure if it's significant, though.
Honestly, all these stories about an autopsy cover up and how they forged the autopsy report started at Karen Faye's facebook page by her fans postings over there. Then it trickled over the This is NOT it facebook campaign page. My opinion is the one's who post over there @ the facebook pages , trickled those conspiracy theories over here. Now many have doubts. Why would the LA Coroner lie? They don't. That's the point. Wait til the 2nd autopsy report is released by the family. Then we'll see if something fishy is going on.
That's what I'm saying. Imagine AEG and Sony paying off the coroner :smilerolleyes: to claim everything was ok. Duh, the family had one done too so they'd kind of get caught :doh:. I'm actually glad the family got the second one, for instances just like this. I really don't know what's going on with stories from the follower-fans and KF. If they say he was doing horribly, was he really? Why would they make things up? I mean, if it's just one person then it could possibly be discounted, but it was from several. God, I just want the truth, you know, whatever that truth is. It's really driving me halfway to insanity.
we are all true Michael Jackson fans here.....so why are we all so suprised at the results of this report???....And as fans we already KNEW the truth about Michael....we KNEW he was NOT a drug addict....I do understand that people think.... well now maybe the tabloids and the haters will shut up....but guess what ...they wont they will only find something else to pick on him for....so to them tabloids..I say ..Kiss Michael's ass.....I for one am not too moved by this report...for this reason.....I already knew what kind of person was...I already knew he was not drug addict...the only thing that I didnt know was how much he weighed...I call Karen and Frank both liars...their 108-160 pound differences are just to wide of a margin for me..both just trying to cover their guilt in this whole event..IMHO......I just feel sorry that all of Micheal's private business has been dragged through the media for all to see.....I am waiting for Murray to be handcuffed and carted of to jail...my instincts tell me he wont last to long in there....
I told my friend a month ago. They were not going to find the drugs everyone said he will have in his system. THE TRUTH WILL WIN. HE WILL BE VINDICATED ON ALL FRONTS. I TRULY BELIEVE IT. THESE LIES CANNOT AND WILL NOT CONTINUE. Remember when the truth does come out, you will still have some idiots that will not believe. That's okay as long as the truth comes out.
Are you kidding??? I don't remember this. Wow I can't believe people stoop so low. Disgusting.
I've never seen them, but I used to work with messy people who would look up stuff like that and the Pam & Tommy Lee and R. Kelly tapes. So I take their word the pictures are in cyberspace.
Victoria, they must note everything.
They would have done a full body x-ray.
Even something even from his childhood must be marked.
This way the defense can't say *Oh well, if they didn't mark the spider bite, what else did they leave out?*
EVERYTHING no matter how small, must be marked.
No matter how long ago it happened, it must be marked.
I feel just the opposite. I never believed that he was a mess. I would be heartbroken if he had died because he lost the will to live or was a drug addict or so frail and weak that he died. That would break my heart because that is not the M that I knew. I am glad that he hadn't become that and that he will not be remembered as that. It makes me incredibly angry that he was murdered and Dr. Murder and anyone else involved need to be brought to justice (and then rot in hell for all eternity). It is a horrible unspeakable trajedy. But more of a trajedy if M had lost the hope and spark and joy that made him an inspiration to the world.

I agree with your post...It would be terrible to except the fact that Michael was an addict...Thank God we know the truth about him....He wasn't and people who have loved Micheal for decades know this.....It is just so heartbreaking that he DID die at the hands of Murray.....He wasn't finished here yet...he still had so much more to do here.....I HATE MURRAY.