AP: Jackson was healthy

Gosh, this report has me torn. It's so invasive but it clears up alot. He wasn't emaciated, he did have Vitiligo, he wasn't a drug abuser. I haven't watched the news yet today. Will the media report that he wasn't the druggie they made him out to be or will they focus on the scars, balding, tatoos? As horrible as I feel for him to have his private business out there like this I was hoping the full report would be released. I never believed in the story that he was abusing prescription drugs and needed a daily shot of Demerol just to function. No Demerol. No pills. He just wanted to sleep.
That doctor will pay for this! I knew this whole time he killed Michael! And why did Michael have tattooed eyebrows and lips? :( I don't get that part and they sure did use a poor choice of words chronic insomniac grr i am so upset. I just hope Michael didn't feel any pain while he was dying I heard that he fell down and collapsed :cry:

Michael was in the bed when he died, so he didn't collapse, he was trying to get to sleep and that "thing" loaded him with propofol to make him sleep. Michael sadly did suffer chronic insomnia, from the trial in 05 to his new rehearsals, MJ must have been very stressed. Michael had tattooed eyebrows since around the BAD era, you can notice the change somewhere along there. His lips were tattooed to retain color I'd say, after all his vitiligo was so severe it probably affected his lip pigment too. The papers always assumed he was lying about his skin... God it's so satisfying yet heartbreaking to see Michael's beautiful soul in the open, above the scrutiny and the lies that tried to kill it for so long... he never lied, he told the truth, and they did everything in their power to make that untrue, ugly and painful.
Just reading this and I have just one thing to say. Why isn't Murray in the back of a police car right now?
this report is a FAKE!!! Don't get lurred... Mcihael couldn't be healthy!!! he was frailed, weak, and skeletic...

they send fake reports to support their FUKIN MOVIE
this report is a FAKE!!! Don't get lurred... Mcihael couldn't be healthy!!! he was frailed, weak, and skeletic...

they send fake reports to support their FUKIN MOVIE

This will no doubt not be a popular opinion, but I agree with you. The follower fans would have had NO reason to lie. They saw what they saw, and I believe them. The HN clips (especially if you look in slow-motion) show a Michael who could not have POSSIBLY weighed 136 pounds.

Not wanting to get too "investigative" here, but doesn't it strike anyone as too convenient that this "report" gets leaked just at the time the "This is NOT it" group is staging a campaign? They are serious. They want justice for Michael. Among that group are people who knew him/saw him daily. They know what they know, I believe.

And hey! If any journalists are trolling here, please go check out the "This is NOT it" site immediately. Just sayin'. . . . .

You have a damn good point.

This will no doubt not be a popular opinion, but I agree with you. The follower fans would have had NO reason to lie. They saw what they saw, and I believe them. The HN clips (especially if you look in slow-motion) show a Michael who could not have POSSIBLY weighed 136 pounds.

Not wanting to get too "investigative" here, but doesn't it strike anyone as too convenient that this "report" gets leaked just at the time the "This is NOT it" group is staging a campaign? They are serious. They want justice for Michael. Among that group are people who knew him/saw him daily. They know what they know, I believe.

And hey! If any journalists are trolling here, please go check out the "This is NOT it" site immediately. Just sayin'. . . . .
some fans said that et confirmed this Autopsy was fake. ???????????? I am so confused now. which one is reliable? I am so confused.
^ Agreed!

Thank you. Now, among the members at MJJC, at any given time we have about 5000 "guests." Some percentage of those are journalists. I challenge you! Read our Investigative Unit, here. Go to the "This is NOT it" site. Look carefully at the TII clips that have been released, and photos of Michael in thte last weeks of his life. And THEN do the best investigative journalism of your LIVES! Doesn't Michael Jackson deserve justice? DOESN'T he??????? He gave so much, so selflessly. Someone, somewhere, must stand up and tell the truth?

For those of you who disagree with me, well, I expect it, and carry on.

^^^..i know there is falseness to this report.i don't give a fuck if i am the only one who believes this...but the scarred face shit and the tattooed lips shit is false..and pure sensationalism. i'm not an idiot..i saw the video. i know sensationalism when i see it. it's copied right out of a tabloid and supports nothing more than the shit that's been said about him for ages.
This will no doubt not be a popular opinion, but I agree with you. The follower fans would have had NO reason to lie. They saw what they saw, and I believe them. The HN clips (especially if you look in slow-motion) show a Michael who could not have POSSIBLY weighed 136 pounds.

Not wanting to get too "investigative" here, but doesn't it strike anyone as too convenient that this "report" gets leaked just at the time the "This is NOT it" group is staging a campaign? They are serious. They want justice for Michael. Among that group are people who knew him/saw him daily. They know what they know, I believe.

And hey! If any journalists are trolling here, please go check out the "This is NOT it" site immediately. Just sayin'. . . . .

Well, are you saying then, that the autopsy results told here are fake?
This will no doubt not be a popular opinion, but I agree with you. The follower fans would have had NO reason to lie. They saw what they saw, and I believe them. The HN clips (especially if you look in slow-motion) show a Michael who could not have POSSIBLY weighed 136 pounds.

Not wanting to get too "investigative" here, but doesn't it strike anyone as too convenient that this "report" gets leaked just at the time the "This is NOT it" group is staging a campaign? They are serious. They want justice for Michael. Among that group are people who knew him/saw him daily. They know what they know, I believe.

And hey! If any journalists are trolling here, please go check out the "This is NOT it" site immediately. Just sayin'. . . . .

But why would they fake this? What does Sony and AEG have to gain by lying about this? This can only bring Murray closer to jail....or am i wrong now? And these fans, with all due respect..exactly which fans are we talking about now?
no pills in mj's stomach?????????????????????????????????????? murray what those two empty PILL bottles of lorazepam and midasolam were doring beside MJ's bed ???

if this information is true (which i do believe it is) then a second degree murder is really a slam dunk case against murray now .

as for the marks on mj's arms , LOU and Klien both said there were never any marks on his arms , lou left a month before mj's death but klien saw mj three days before he passed out and yes klien is a complete asshole, but I DO BELIEVE HIM .
some fans said that et confirmed this Autopsy was fake. ???????????? I am so confused now. which one is reliable? I am so confused.

This would not surprise me, at all. Anyone see ET and can confirm what was said? I seriously doubt that the autopsy report was accurate. Can't prove it definitively, but there is a lot of indication that it was not accurate.

Michael weighed 120 at the beginning of the trial. Compare photographs. . . that should do it?
Ok, I'm getting seriously confused here... and don't know what to believe! It's being reported everywhere... but I don't get it, how can they pull such a thing off, i.e. officially publish fake reports?? Isn't that against the law?? :blink:
Well, dam! They should know better than to try to pull this shit amongst
people who truly care for Michael....his family, real friends and his devoted fans.

Thanks Vic for making me see this in a whole other way.
if this information is true (which i do believe it is) then a second degree murder is really a slam dunk case against murray now .
why? cause of their been nothing else in his system
This will no doubt not be a popular opinion, but I agree with you. The follower fans would have had NO reason to lie. They saw what they saw, and I believe them. The HN clips (especially if you look in slow-motion) show a Michael who could not have POSSIBLY weighed 136 pounds.

Not wanting to get too "investigative" here, but doesn't it strike anyone as too convenient that this "report" gets leaked just at the time the "This is NOT it" group is staging a campaign? They are serious. They want justice for Michael. Among that group are people who knew him/saw him daily. They know what they know, I believe.

And hey! If any journalists are trolling here, please go check out the "This is NOT it" site immediately. Just sayin'. . . . .

What other indication do you have that its not accurate other than the claims of fans? When exactly did they see Michael? I don't believe they would have a good reason to lie; but that's their perception of what Michael looks like. Did they get to see Michael up close? I've only heard people saying that fans said MJ was too thin, but I haven't seen a fan's report/testimony with more details regarding that.

^^^..i know there is falsness to this report.i don't give a fuck if i am the only one who believes this...but the scarred face shit and the tattooed lips shit is false..and pure sensationalism. i'm not an idiot..i saw the video. i know sensationalism when i see it. it's copied right out of a tabloid and supports nothing more than the shit that's been said about him for ages.

The normal kidneys and other organs don't. If they are trying to push drug addict Michael BS on us that definitely doesn't help.

But why would they fake this? What does Sony and AEG have to gain by lying about this? This can only bring Murray closer to jail....or am i wrong now? And these fans, with all due respect..exactly which fans are we talking about now?

Good question. To me it only puts Murray closer towards jail. But this autopsy report (real or fake) doesn't put Sony and AEG in the clear to me anyway. There are certain things that need to be answered...
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Im sorry but I find it hard to believe AEG would stage a autopsy report and send it to the associated press. Because at the end of the day, no matter how many "fans" protest the release of this movie, the majority of MJ fans around the world, and just curious people, are going to see it, AEG knows this, Sony knows this, Theatres know this. They know that no matter what group disagrees and voice their views, "This Is It" will still most likely be a record shattering film and is going to earn them alot of money. Therefore, I doubt they'd care enough to send out a fake autopsy report to sway the masses.

I'd buy that idea, if this was coming from the National Enquirer, The Mirror, Or The Sun. But its not, and like wendy stated before, perception is a crazy thing. Whereas, he looked thin or frail to some, to others he looked fine and ready. Just because YOUR eyes see something, that doesnt necessarily mean thats the case. Those who continue to feel that Michael was doing great for his age and prime for a comeback, now have a little more to back up their belief, instead of chatter and hear say.
Michael was able to produce sperm. Which means Paris, Prince and, Blanket are his!!!
ET contacted the Coroner's office, and they released the following statement, "No copies of the Coroner report have been released to anyone other than LAPD and the DA per their request."

next fake story please.
:smilerolleyes: I wish the media would mention that these people haven't seen Michael in years.

Its strange that KF is pissed about the autopsy report contradicting her. Perhaps she should have never shared that "information" in the first place.

I didn't know this. Was this posted in the TII subforum? (Perhaps in the article about AEG saying the film would vindicate them?)

I know, I agree with you...

I have a question though. I don't remember what time Michael died...In the east coast we heard the news on ABC around 5:00PM.

I ask because Karen posted in the This Is NOT It FB Campaign site something about Michael being dead at 2:00 AM.

Source: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/...hare_id=144613678743&comments=1#s144613678743

Now, I thought he has passed away like 1:00 PM - 2:00PM on the 25th. There are some who said he died at 9:30 AM or even 10:00 AM. So I am confused here....:p

And off topic: Michael's kids (Prince, blanket and Paris) were shown on TMZ just now hanging out with cousin's and family member's. Grace was with them. So she is back in their lives (and never left) despite what people have said.
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This is so sick! First of all, dont they know that they dont have to go
to these measures to get people to see the movie,
people wanna see it anyway. But on the other hand if they feel the need
to insure it's success,
then I can surely see them doing this. Its such a contradiction really.
This will no doubt not be a popular opinion, but I agree with you. The follower fans would have had NO reason to lie. They saw what they saw, and I believe them. The HN clips (especially if you look in slow-motion) show a Michael who could not have POSSIBLY weighed 136 pounds.

Not wanting to get too "investigative" here, but doesn't it strike anyone as too convenient that this "report" gets leaked just at the time the "This is NOT it" group is staging a campaign? They are serious. They want justice for Michael. Among that group are people who knew him/saw him daily. They know what they know, I believe.

And hey! If any journalists are trolling here, please go check out the "This is NOT it" site immediately. Just sayin'. . . . .

I do agree with you by the pics I have seen...I believe the fans that I personally have spoken to and seen Michael in such light weight condition....I stated this in my previous post..#199....I find it hard to believe that Michael weighed 108 but at the same time he certainly didn't weigh 160 either.....so I agree....the journalists lurking should do the honest thing and look into this report further..... sure they will be amazed at what a little detective work will do for them..after all it is right in front of their faces.