AP: Jackson was healthy

Media sucks, they killed Michael as much as Conrad Murray, they are the worst desease in the planet, and Hollywood is another big piece of sh*t, defending a real pedophile ROMAN POLANSKY, and have you all noticed how they do not convict him like they did it to Michael who faced the allegations(two one in 1993 and the second ten years later) the first one he wanted to fight them but his always "good advisers" told him not to do it, but we all know he wanted to fight them but some lawyers convinced Michael not to go to trial, Michael insurance pay the mf boy and his parents but never under the the name of admiting sexual wrongdoing and he let the boy the right to accuse him whenever he wanted, the media ignored that OF COURSE, in the 2005 trial the 1993 accuser didnt wanted to testify and flew to anoher country, the second (10 years later, weird for a real ped, isnt it' well media IGNORE THAT FACT ALSO) he of course fight them and he WON, Michael was acquited but media decided it was not good for them, so they crusified Michael with all kind of programs and polls and just anything to belittle him and make it look like he was guilty when he was found innocent, then with Polansky who after admiting to RAPE a little girl after HE DRUGGED her and then run for 30 years, (he even won an oscar for that crappy overrated movie and all this with Hollywood knowing what he did cause he admitted to, Media and Hollywood seem are so kind to him, defending him all the time, yet Michael who was always innocent still got all the bad news for more than what 15 years? Media killed Michael they made his life a hell, all the comedians making fun for years after he was acquited, the always doubt, with no proof what so ever, i mean they were after Michael till they KILL HIM, Michael went inmsoniac cause all of that which lead him to get all those doctors and lived in hell for the last times of his life, and when he was recovering he suddenly dies??? and he was healthy, no illegal drugs, no alcohol no marijuana, i mean they all killed Michael, im tired i feel like my energy is gone with this news, he was PERFECT, just a few health problems no one even notice, nothing like Halperin said, HALPERIN YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR!!! too, i hate all MEDIA and Murray and HOLLYWOOD specially, defending a real pedophile like Polansky
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they're taking the Propofol to be the "drug" MJ was addicted to. you can't say that they're completely wrong. but he was only looking for sleep :(
Poor Mike...
Media sucks!!!! Those tablo-trash!!!!
ugh... I`m so angry about that...

We can be sure now, that Michael was in good health and it is obwious,that isnt`t natural death...

You know... I`m sure that I will be devastated after "This Is It".....
You know, if I didn't have to work, I would find the police station in the correct district, try to organize a bunch of people and loudly picket/demonstate to arrest Murray for murder NOW!!
No surprise to me. This saddens me though but it is good to finally see in writing that MJ did suffer from vitiligo and lupus. All the ailments they noted are consistent with both diseases.

It makes me sad that media dragged his name through the mud but I stay resolute in my affirmation that I will never ever stop defending his good name. He deserves that much from his fans.

I pray that Murray gets arrested soon and justice is served. Please dear God I pray so hard for this.

Rest MJ....I love you so much.
You personally don't believe the other possible stories? hear me out...and i bet it has been said here several times already. I was on MSN just now, tlaking to a MJ fan and she said she's starting to believe it's murder. MJ is worth much more dead than alive. I said ' but what about the 50 shows? that would have meant lots of money' but she said it was weird of AEG to record 100 hours of footage, only for film and then to put it in theathers. He is much more worth dead than alive she said......do you believe in that story too? I don't know it anymore........

No.. I believe MJ wanted to record everything...for a possible extra for a future DVD release of his shows!! I think the film has nothing to do with MJ's death, however it's true that sony and AEG are cashing on MJ's death BIG TIME!!! nobody is denying that. I mean look at it:

1- A Movie (Remember AEG SOLD the FOOTAGE to Sony)
2- An Album
3- A possible Single
4-Further Future Releases
5-Merchandise and etc.

This is NOT what MJ would've wanted obviously, judging from his previous speeches on Sony, but business world is dirty and AEG is also interested to make money out of this, so they sold the footage to sony. Sony is just cashing in on MJ's death and we are giving them the money (although most go to MJ's estate, however Sony's profit would also be really high as there is huge interest in this rehearsal footage).

In a nutshell MJ gets murdered by an incompetent doctor and everybody starts cashing on his EVERYTHING!! Where it was all about L.O.V.E for MJ, its all about M.O.N.E.Y for others involved.
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I hate how Michael suffered. I need the culprits to pay, and now!

I love you forever Michael. :cry:
Media sucks, they killed Michael as much as Conrad Murray, they are the worst desease in the planet, and Hollywood is another big piece of sh*t, defending a real pedophile ROMAN POLANSKY, and have you all noticed how they do not convict him like they did it to Michael who faced the allegations(two one in 1993 and the second ten years later) the first one he wanted to fight them but his always "good advisers" told him not to do it, but we all know he wanted to fight them but some lawyers convinced Michael not to go to trial, Michael insurance pay the mf boy and his parents but never under the the name of admiting sexual wrongdoing and he let the boy the right to accuse him whenever he wanted, the media ignored that OF COURSE, in the 2005 trial the 1993 accuser didnt wanted to testify and flew to anoher country, the second (10 years later, weird for a real ped, isnt it' well media IGNORE THAT FACT ALSO) he of course fight them and he WON, Michael was acquited but media decided it was not good for them, so they crusified Michael with all kind of programs and polls and just anything to belittle him and make it look like he was guilty when he was found innocent, then with Polansky who after admiting to RAPE a little girl after HE DRUGGED her and then run for 30 years, (he even won an oscar for that crappy overrated movie and all this with Hollywood knowing what he did cause he admitted to, Media and Hollywood seem are so kind to him, defending him all the time, yet Michael who was always innocent still got all the bad news for more than what 15 years? Media killed Michael they made his life a hell, all the comedians making fun for years after he was acquited, the always doubt, with no proof what so ever, i mean they were after Michael till they KILL HIM, Michael went inmsoniac cause all of that which lead him to get all those doctors and lived in hell for the last times of his life, and when he was recovering he suddenly dies??? and he was healthy, no illegal drugs, no alcohol no marijuana, i mean they all killed Michael, im tired i feel like my energy is gone with this news, he was PERFECT, just a few health problems no one even notice, nothing like Halperin said, HALPERIN YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR!!! too, i hate all MEDIA and Murray and HOLLYWOOD specially, defending a real pedophile like Polansky

I whole wholeheartedly agree with every word you typed.
Guys! I'm so angry right now! Damn it! I'm so angry!!!!!

I wonder if the tabloids ever realized that every time they write slanderous articles, they are hurting so many people. They are hurting me and they are hurting you. Why cant they stick with the facts? Why do they always twist and sensationalize everything concerning Mike. No wonder people are confused.

I swear, I better not see those people. I dont know what
No, please... please... :boohoo:
I'm just feeling horrible now, I just want to be right now with him, to care for him! To help him! 'Cause it seems that nobody ever did that!
Michael... I really, really hope that now you're at peace finally. You were such a brave person...
This statements break my heart..:(
I love you, Michael, from the bottom of my heart.
You know, if I didn't have to work, I would find the police station in the correct district, try to organize a bunch of people and loudly picket/demonstate to arrest Murray for murder NOW!!

This is a great idea! I was thinking about a long time ago, but I am in Canada. If I was in LA I would be there.
He has to be classified as a drug addict; no matter how clear it is that he was taking sleeping pills so to speak, but they have to classify MJ as a drug addict or else it doesn't work. So sick!!
Guys! I'm so angry right now! Damn it! I'm so angry!!!!!

I wonder if the tabloids ever realized that every time they write slanderous articles, they are hurting so many people. They are hurting me and they are hurting you. Why cant they stick with the facts? Why do they always twist and sensationalize everything concerning Mike. No wonder people are confused.

I swear, I better not see those people. I dont know what

We have to ignore them. TMZ is the biggest liar. Thy even cannot find a good picture of Michael, always use the worst ones.
come on...the LAPD must have all they need now. make the F-ing arrest already.
Arthritis don't kill you
Lupus don't kill you
vitiligo don't kill you
going bald don't kill you
being tired don't kill you
being in an acceptible weight range don't kill you
having tattoss don't kill you.............what does kill you is a inept fecking so called DR.
i wanna see Murrey in a jump suit
To the media who've f-ed with Michael saying he was an anorexic drug addict,

you've just been.....

but she said it was weird of AEG to record 100 hours of footage, only for film and then to put it in theathers.
they announced from the get go they were going to make a dvd documentry of the whole process so its not something they just came up with
come on...the LAPD must have all they need now. make the F-ing arrest already.
Arthritis don't kill you
Lupus don't kill you
vitiligo don't kill you
going bald don't kill you
being tired don't kill you
being in an acceptible weight range don't kill you
having tattoss don't kill you.............what does kill you is a inept fecking so called DR.
i wanna see Murrey in a jump suit

Lupus does kill you, just not suddenly in this way.

Arrest Murray NOW!!!
come on...the LAPD must have all they need now. make the F-ing arrest already.
Arthritis don't kill you
Lupus don't kill you
vitiligo don't kill you
going bald don't kill you
being tired don't kill you
being in an acceptible weight range don't kill you
having tattoss don't kill you.............what does kill you is a inept fecking so called DR.
i wanna see Murrey in a jump suit

just one correction: Lupus can kill you. just this week, a 46-year old woman in the UK died from it. it's a systemic, progressive, autoimmune disease. and it has no cure.

however, in Michael's case, it was in remission. safe to say he did not and probably would not have died from it. at least, at 50.

he was killed.
Lupus does kill you, just not suddenly in this way.

Arrest Murray NOW!!!

If I have the power, I'll arrest all the tabloid team responsible for slandering Michael's name all for the sake of money.

Too bad, there's way too many of them.
already retracted that one indranee babe.. my ignorance showing there.
but they got to get Murray now..ffs
just one correction: Lupus can kill you. just this week, a 46-year old woman in the UK died from it.

A friend of mine died from complications of Lupus, she was on dialysis for 3 years and eventually her internal organs gave in as well.

MJs lung inflammation can be from Lupus, but it also could be due to the respiratory inhibition produced by Murry's mixing propofol and ativan.

Either way, Michael was MURDERED.
TMZ are fools. Unless Michael was walking around and dancing with a cannula in his arm, the multiple injection marks would be more than likely to come from recannulating him everytime he had propofol administered. TMZ are insinuating that the injection marks were from taking other sorts of addictive drugs for recreational purposes. Propofol isn't addictive.
@#$%^&* I am so angry overall the f-ing media all these years want to destroy him drag his name though the mud profit from his death by doing it some more but any exculpatory evidence comes forward let's see how much is covered in the media. this madness has to stop. ARGH!!!!!!F8ck

(like you all this is not much of a surprise but still angering)
If I have the power, I'll arrest all the tabloid team responsible for slandering Michael's name all for the sake of money.

Too bad, there's way too many of them.

i already posted that i have emailed THE SUN...(shit UK tabloid)
said i want them to retract all the drug addict statements they made and to print an apology then to print the truth. bombard them with this.
let them know we demand them to print the truth.