AP: Jackson was healthy

why wait two months to say this stuff? what does face scarring and neck scarring and lip tattoos have to do with cause of death?

since when does an autopsy report sound like a tabloid?

Why now? AP giving all these unnecessary details?
no it's not a usual proceedure..i heard about the report of DJ Am...nothing tabloidy was said on that one. it stayed specifically on topic, about cause of death..nothing more. same with Anna Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger.

I think they just preferred not to give any other details about all those celebs. But when it comes to Michael, everything changes. Why focus on the fact that there were no illegal drugs in his system, when you can point out a much more interesting thing - that he was balding. That's how press works.
Oh my gosh...I don't even know what to say. This is just devastating. :cry:
no it's not a usual proceedure..i heard about the report of DJ Am...nothing tabloidy was said on that one. it stayed specifically on topic, about cause of death..nothing more. same with Anna Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger.

i watched the vid to this MJ article..the anchors seemed insecure, and were comparing the listed weight to what a normal man should be, and the male reporter was acting like he was trying to come up with more reasons why one should be baffled about someone being loved and adored. it was a totally tabloid video, senseless, and was far from what i'd expect from non yellow journalism.

The observations of all parts and conditions of the body is normal procedure. Reporting every aspect of it for sensationalistic effect is NOT. But it's MJ we're talking about, so they feel the need to point out every little think. I mean, seriously, active sperm production? Does the world really need to know that?
no it's not a usual proceedure..i heard about the report of DJ Am...nothing tabloidy was said on that one. it stayed specifically on topic, about cause of death..nothing more. same with Anna Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger. .............

Yes, it is usual procedure in an official autopsy report to list everything found, whether it is related to the cause of death or not. Apparently in your examples of DJ Am, Anna Nicole and Heath, you didn't see the official full report.
I'd love to spend ten minutes in a room with Murray...

..oh if you look at the video where MJ is rehearsing TDCAU for TII, he claps his hands and then shakes them like it hurt... :(

Long Live The King

that's part of the routine.
Yes, it is usual procedure in an official autopsy report to list everything found, whether it is related to the cause of death or not. Apparently in your examples of DJ Am, Anna Nicole and Heath, you didn't see the official full report.

no..i heard all the reports on all the celebs. this one is totally different. and besides, they're saying they didn't get the full official report at the bottom of the page, here, either, while saying they did get it at the top of the article page. nobody in the audience gets to 'read' any full official report on anybody, let alone any celeb.
They finally got their wish and they sent a hit man who's suppose to be a doctor with ethics to look after him.He was anassin for them because Michael was probably coming to his senses in disagreement.He kept shortening the show to make it 90mins because he knew he couldn't do what a younger performer could do but they tricked him by knowing his weaknesses and as far as I'm concerned, he was probably beat up with his ribs being cracked and chest being bruised,This was forced on him and yes other than the needlemarks that was on the body previously.That Dirty punk put more on to make it look like Michael was a overblown addict.
Things were going to good for Michael.THIS CONCERT WAS GOING TO KICK ASS and they wanted to stop him all they know how so Bruce and Britney can shine. I hope they're happy when they get paid heavily for killing a healthy innocent loving kind man that was just beginning to comeback from his hell.
Now somebody sue the SHIT out of Ian Needs-Helperin with this ridiculous stories about how he was frail,couldn't sing,couldn't dance, etc....not that i had any doubts but this completely confirms it !!!!!! goddamn.
But how possible is the chance ...that this wasn't murder but simply completely ONE STUPID ASS doctor who didn't know what the hell to do? It is possible.

I actually think that's the case, However knowing that he was a Cardiologist, it makes the case a little bit tricky. You see the delay is inexcusable, medical doctors are under scrutiny because of these type of mistakes...therefore government/universities/hospitals make sure that they know their stuff before letting them work as specialists. A normal CPR could be done by an average Joe, and what happened in MJ's case is totally NOT acceptable. Also combining the drugs is another question mark!! first off he knew that Propofol is used only in theatres by anaesthesiologists, yet he used them on mike, seems Murray was more interested in MJ's cash than health. second mixing BDZs and Propofol is another questionable thing done by a medic. I wouldn't simply put it on him being stupid. He was stupid and greedy at the same time and he has to pay for his doings. MJ was murdered by this guy.
I actually think that's the case, However knowing that he was a Cardiologist, it makes the case a little bit tricky. You see the delay is inexcusable, medical doctors are under scrutiny because of these type of mistakes...therefore government/universities/hospitals make sure that they know their stuff before letting them work as specialists. A normal CPR could be done by an average Joe, and what happened in MJ's case is totally NOT acceptable. Also combining the drugs is another question mark!! first off he knew that Propofol is used only in theatres by anaesthesiologists, yet he used them on mike, seems Murray was more interested in MJ's cash than health. second mixing BDZs and Propofol is another questionable thing done by a medic. I wouldn't simply put it on him being stupid. He was stupid and greedy at the same time and he has to pay for his doings. MJ was murdered by this guy.

anything for money. he sold his soul to the devil [Sony].
i actually think that's the case, however knowing that he was a cardiologist, it makes the case a little bit tricky. You see the delay is inexcusable, medical doctors are under scrutiny because of these type of mistakes...therefore government/universities/hospitals make sure that they know their stuff before letting them work as specialists. A normal cpr could be done by an average joe, and what happened in mj's case is totally not acceptable. Also combining the drugs is another question mark!! First off he knew that propofol is used only in theatres by anaesthesiologists, yet he used them on mike, seems murray was more interested in mj's cash than health. Second mixing bdzs and propofol is another questionable thing done by a medic. I wouldn't simply put it on him being stupid. He was stupid and greedy at the same time and he has to pay for his doings. Mj was murdered by this guy.

i can't stop crying. it's unbearable. the only thing i can think about is IT WAS NOT HIS TIME TO GO. It was not his time to go.

I hate this. I want to wake up and find out that it was just a crazy nightmare.

I so totally with you. I just can't stop crying over this now. When I think about that horrible nightmare that I had back in early July. I had actually predicted what Michael's final minutes on Earth might have been like. I still can't believe that horrible nightmare that I had about Michael came true. It is no wonder I had knew right from the very beginning that my sweet beloved Michael was murdered. Michael actually came to me in that nightmare and told me that he was. I just know that he did.
I miss Michael so much....

Why did this have to happen? Why do they always portray him like he's not human or something. I'm so angry!!!! He didn't have to die.
I wonder did Michael's pleurisy ever come back. Does it damage the lungs at all? I don't know much about it. Michael was 50. It's perfectly normal for a performer on his level to have had arthritis. Kirk Hammet from Metallica has pretty bad arthritis from playing guitar and he's younger than Michael.

Besides this being sad to read, is the unfortunate inevitability of how it's going to be twisted by the press. Who cares about Michael's tattoos? We don't, but unfortunately that's the first thing that will be talked about. If that's what gave Michael confidence to be able to leave the house, then so be it! All the women who would never dream of leaving the house without make up. It's because he was a man. May I add the most beautiful man :)
Considering all of the Jackson males seem to be affected by male pattern baldness, I always knew Michael wore the hair pieces because of that reason.
For one to suffer so much. My heart craves for him to be here.
TMZ has just posted another article: 'Michael Jackson - Healthy Drug Addict'

i don't know how to share the article here, but the header and the article has got me all worked up - already speculating on the needle marks in his arms that were probably put there by that incompentent moron of a doctor.

I actually think that's the case, However knowing that he was a Cardiologist, it makes the case a little bit tricky. You see the delay is inexcusable, medical doctors are under scrutiny because of these type of mistakes...therefore government/universities/hospitals make sure that they know their stuff before letting them work as specialists. A normal CPR could be done by an average Joe, and what happened in MJ's case is totally NOT acceptable. Also combining the drugs is another question mark!! first off he knew that Propofol is used only in theatres by anaesthesiologists, yet he used them on mike, seems Murray was more interested in MJ's cash than health. second mixing BDZs and Propofol is another questionable thing done by a medic. I wouldn't simply put it on him being stupid. He was stupid and greedy at the same time and he has to pay for his doings. MJ was murdered by this guy.

You personally don't believe the other possible stories? hear me out...and i bet it has been said here several times already. I was on MSN just now, tlaking to a MJ fan and she said she's starting to believe it's murder. MJ is worth much more dead than alive. I said ' but what about the 50 shows? that would have meant lots of money' but she said it was weird of AEG to record 100 hours of footage, only for film and then to put it in theathers. He is much more worth dead than alive she said......do you believe in that story too? I don't know it anymore........
Just a note. AP says they 'obtained' the report, which means somebody just gave them the report about now - which fits well with the AEG claiming the TII will clear their name. And makes publicity for the movie.
Personally, I still doubt the AEG/Sony's honesty. This publication pulls the attention from them and makes Murray the only one to blame. Which, to me, is still debatable.

TMZ are pieces of s@#! @$#@#$!@$ #$@#$@!!&%$

Bastards! Elvis was a drug addict, Hendrix was a drug addict, heck even the Beatles played around with drugs.

I swear, the double standard for Michael and other stars pissed the hell outta me!

Michael will never used it if those bastards didn't make his life a living hell.
Damn it, he was healthier than me and i'm younger than him.
this is making me feel sick.
i doubt this wil do any good but i have emailed THE SUN to retract their previous reports stating Michael was a drug addict etc and to print an apology. and then print the TRUTH.
this is all to sad and meaningless.
The bottom line is, Michael sure as hell didnt look 108 pounds to me in any of those clips. Only thing this new finding does, is back up what some around him and Michael himself, had been saying prior to June 25th.
Healthy drug addict???LOL. Wow, these people really dislike MJ. Is there any doubt?? I don't want to hear anyone saying TMZ is spot on; it's like giving a pat on the back to the devil for twisting the truth into a lie.
TMZ has just posted another article: 'Michael Jackson - Healthy Drug Addict'

i don't know how to share the article here, but the header and the article has got me all worked up - already speculating on the needle marks in his arms that were probably put there by that incompentent moron of a doctor.


See? And that's why i hate TMZ...people here actually believed TMZ for a long time after MJ's passing. And articles were posted here...but i never got that. They are SCUM! This just shows how pathetic they are.
I cannot imagine that this beautiful person is gone. I do not care about all his scars and tattoos. I love him even if he had his tattoos all over his body, 100 scars on his skin, vitiligo, 100% hair loss.. I knew it before that he had tattoos on his face including lips. So what? What a big deal!
He had arthritis and lupus. Lupus gave him some lung disorder. So what? Yes, lupus it is immune system disease, ppl suffer a lot but, nobody dies from cardiac arrest because of lupus! Michael was killed, definitely. I knew it before. They have to find out why he had that many needle marks. What was the reason for that?
Why f*king tabloids were laying about many drugs in his stomach? Who is responsible for this kind of disinformation?
Why f*king rabbi called MJ “stupid man” in LK show ,making a point of MJ killing himself! They are all connected: rabbi, the media, doctors, Sony all of them. God, I am so angry!
They killed this beautiful soul. I want justice for Michael, so then I can sleep at night and continue with my life.

Hugs to everybody…